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3Days KSA CrossFit: ON-RAMP/Foundations

- Introduce yourself: who you are, your experience, why you are here…
- Introduction of CrossFit: the definition of CrossFit (Constantly Varied, Functional
movements, High Intensity);
- Rules of the Gym (respect coaches, each other, equipment, say hello, create
- Purpose of CrossFit: Healthy; Generally, Physically Prepare (GPP); Train for
the Unknown / Prepare for the Unknowable; Virtuosity - performing the common
uncommonly well;
Sickness – Wellness – Fitness Curve
Figure 1 – “Sickness” “Welness” “Fitness” Curve, CrossFit
- 10 Domains of FITNESS:
Cardiovascular/ Respiratory Endurance The ability of body systems to
gather process and deliver oxygen;
Stamina The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store and utilize
Strength The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units,
to apply force;
Flexibility The ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint;
Power The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular unit, to
apply maximum force in minimum time;
Speed The ability to maximize the time cycle of a repeated movement;
Coordination The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated
Agility The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern
to another;
Balance The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity
in relation to its support base;
Accuracy The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given
- Pyramid of Fitness: Nutrition / Cardio / Gymnastic / OLY-Power Lifting / Sport
Figure 2 – Pyramid of Fitness, CrossFit
3 Fundamental Movements (Squats):
- Air Squat: shoulder width stance, hips decent back & down, hips decent lower
that knees, maintain a straight back, heels down, knees in line with toes, complete
at full hip and knee extension
- Front Squat: shoulder width stance, hands just outside shoulders, loose
fingertip grip on the bar, elbows high, hips decent back & down, hips decent lower
than knees, maintain a straight back, heels down, knees in line with toes,
complete at full hip and knee extension
- Overhead Squat: shoulder width stance, wide grip on the bar, shoulder push
up and into the bar, armpits face forward, hips decent back & down, hips decent
lower than knees, maintain a straight back, heels down, bar moves over the
middle of the foot, knees in line with toes, complete at full hip and knee extension
(Optional) Analyze your class, if they absorb information well, they move well.
Give them a workout to apply the movements they just learn in a WOD…
5 min AMRAP
10 Air Squats
5 Burpees
- Review day one;
- How CrossFit classes are running: structures/expectations;
- Be on time, be respectful and know the rules of the gym;
- Rx VS Scaling (how to scale with the help of your coach) Give an example
of 3 different athletes: Rx, Experienced but scaled, new/beginner;
- Explain what an AMRAP, RFT, EMOM, % work, etc, is;
- Tracking your progress: lifts and times during workouts: measurable,
observable, repeatable: evidence-based fitness. Explain what
BeyondTheWhiteBoard and how can be useful to track their progress.
- Technique: Mastering the basics, before adding intensity to any
movement, will lead to better performance in the long run.
3 Fundamental Movements (Presses):
- Shoulder/Strict Press: hip width stance, hands just outside shoulders,
elbows slightly in front of the shoulders, full grip on bar, bar moves over
the middle of the foot, torso and legs static (do not move), heels down,
shoulders push up and into the bar, complete at full arm extension.
- Push Press: hip width stance, hands just outside shoulders, elbows
slightly in front of the shoulders, full grip on the bar, bar rests on torso,
torso dips straight down, hips and legs extend, then press, heels down
until hips and legs extend, bar moves over the middle of the foot, complete
at full hip, knee, and arm extension.
- Push Jerk: hip width stance, hands just outside shoulders, elbows slightly
in front of the shoulders, full grip on the bar, torso dips straight down, hips
and legs press rapidly then press under the bar, receive the bar in a partial
overhead, heels down until hips and legs extend, bar moves over the
middle of the foot, complete at full hip, knee, and arm extension.
(Optional) Analyze your class, if they absorb information well, they move well.
Give them a workout to apply the movements they just learn in a WOD…
21-15-9 (5 min cap)
Push Press (PVC or Empty BB)
Pull Ups (Jumping, not banded)
- Review day one and two;
- Injuries: DOMS and Rhabdo;
- Nutrition & Supplements: Zone Diet, go over briefly, we will email or print
out a copy for them. Paleo, eat to support exercise but not body fat.
AS NUTRITIOANL ADVICE. We can guide them but not prescribe. Diet
is very individualized and personalized, for prescription they should visit a
nutritionist or dietitian.
- Supplements: Omega - 3
3 Fundamental Movements (Deadlifts):
- Deadlift:
Hip width stance, hand just outside of hips, full grip on the bar, shoulder
slightly in front of the bar, straight back maintained, hips and shoulder rise
at the time rate, bar moves over the middle of the foot, heels down,
complete at full hip and knee extension
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull:
Slightly wider than shoulder width stance, hands inside legs with a full grip
on the bar, knees in line with toes, shoulders slightly in front of the bar at
set up, straight back maintained, hips and shoulder rise at the same rate,
hips then extend, heels down until hips and lets extend, shoulder then
shrug, followed by a pull of the arms, elbow move high and outside, bar
moves over the milled of the foot, complete at full hip and knee extension
with the bar pulled under the chin
- Med ball clean:
Shoulder with stance, ball between the feel with palms on the ball, knees
in line with toes, shoulder over the ball at set up, straight back maintained,
hips extend rapidly, then shoulder shrug, then arms pull under to the
bottom of the squat, heels down until hips and legs extend, ball moves
over the middle of the foot, complete at full hip and knee extension with
the ball in the rack position.
Introduction to Olympic Weightlifting
- Clean:
Hip width stance. Hands about one thumbs distance from hips. Hook grip
on the bar until rack position. Shoulders slightly in front of the bar at set
up. Lumbar curve maintained. Hips and shoulder rise at the same rate.
Hips extend rapidly. Heels down until hips and legs extend. Shoulders
shrug, followed by a pull under with the arms. Bar is received at the bottom
of the front squat. Complete at full hip and knee extension with the bar in
front rack position.
- Snatch:
Hip width stance. Hands wide enough that the bar rest in crest of hips
when legs and hips are extended. Hook grip the bar. Shoulder slightly in
front of the bar at set up. Lumbar curve maintained. Hips and shoulders
rise at same time. Hips extend rapidly. Heels down until hips and legs
extend. Shoulder shrug, followed by pull under with the arm. Bar is
received at the bottom of an overhead squat. Squat complete at full hip
knee and arm extension with the bar over the middle of the foot.
(Optional) Analyze your class, if they absorb information well, they move well.
Give them a workout to apply the movements they just learn in a WOD…
3 Rounds (5 min cap)
10 Medball Clean (Light)
20 Lunges
“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar.
Keep intake to levels that will support exercise, but not body fat. Practice and
train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly,
master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups,
and presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim,
row, etc., hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many
combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep
workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.”
– Coach Greg Glassman, CrossFit Founder and CEO

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