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Simon Simple is at the station. He is going on a train.

There are policemen at the station. There are
policemen on the trains. They are all working very hard.
"Why are the police hete?" Simon asks a man. "Look,"
the man says. Simon looks at the man's newspaper.
'Do you know this man?'he reads. 'He's a spy! Find
him! Stop him! Catch him!'

The old woman's bag hits Simon's foot. Simon falls.

Simon looks at the people in the station. He can see His bag opens. His things fall to the ground. The old
students in jeans, and men in suits. He can see families woman's bag is open, too. A letter falls out.
and children. He cannot see any spies. Simon puts his things into his bag. The old woman's
Simon's train goes at 1,1.00, and it is 1.0.57 now. letter is with Simon's things. Simon does not see it. He
Simon runs to the train. There is an old woman with an puts the old woman's letter in his bag. He closes his
umbrella near Simon. She is walking very fast. Simon bag, and runs to the train.
does not see her. He does not see her bag.


Simon sits down in the train. There is a beautiful girl Simon likes the girl. She likes him. "There's a

beside him. "He11o," Simon says. "Hello," the girl says. restaurant on the ffain," Simon says. "Do you want a

The old woman is on th e train, too. She is lookin g at cup of coffee?" "Yes, please," the girl says. "OK, wait
Simon's bag. She wants her letter. There are policemen here," Simon says.
on the train. They cannot find the spy. The old woman Simon takes his bag and goes to the restaurant The old
sees the policemen. She turns and walks quickly down woman is waiting for him. Simon does not see her. He
the train. does not see her foot.

4 5



The train is going fast. Simon falls. The old woman The train stops. Simon and the girl are going on a boat
falls, too. She sits down on the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry," Irow. They walk from the train to the boat.
Simon says. He helps the old woman. There are policemen here, too. ".W'hat do they want?"
Simon sees the old woman's shoes. He looks at her the girl asks. "There's a spy," Simon says. "A spy?" the
shoes , and he looks at her face. "They're not women's girl says . 'oI san't see any spies." Simon looks too. He
shoes," Simon thinks. sees families and students. He sees the old woman.
Simon buys the coffee, and goes back to the girl. "No," Simon says. "I can't see any spies."

6 7

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It is a beautiful day. The sun is shining and the water is "Look out!" a man shouts. "There's a lorry!" Simon
blue. Simon and the girl sit near the water and wait. and Samantha look. A lorry is coming down the road
The boat is coming. "What's your name?" Simon asks. very fast. They jump back.
"Samantha," the girl says. "Oh," Simon says. "My The old woman jumps back too. Simon sees her
name's Simon. Simon and Samantha. That's nic e." trousers. "They're not women's trousers," Simon
Simon and Samantha are talking. They do not see the thinks. "Come on, Simon, the boat's here," Samantha
old woman. They do not see her umbrella. says. Simon and Samantha get on the boat.
8 9




Simon opens his bag and takes his lunch out. He takes The boat is going fast now. The wind is strong.
the old woman's letter out, too, but he does not see it. Samantha's hair goes in her eyes. The wind takes the
"Do you want a sandwich?" Simon asks Samantha. old woman's letter. The letter flies along the boat.
"Yes, please," Samantha says. She takes her lunch out "What's that paper?" Samantha says. "Is it your boat
of her ba$ "Do you want an apple?" she says. The old ticket?" "I don't know," Simon says.
woman is behind them. Simon and Samantha do not Simon runs. He wants his ticket. The old woman runs,
see her. They do not see her hand. too. She wants her letter.
10 11
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Simon and the old woman run fast. They are near the The dog is happy. He can run fast. He is playing a

paper rlow. game with Simon and the old woman. He does not see

"Wbof!" What is that? It is a dog! He is running very Samantha. Samantha jumps up and catches him.
fast. He runs to the paper and catches it in his mouth. "I'ye got him, Simon," Samantha says. Simon and the
"My ticket!" Simon says. "My letter!" the old woman oId woman run to Samantha. The paper is in the dog's
says. The dog runs along the boat. "Catch the dog!" mouth. Simon looks at it. "That's not my ticket i' he
Simon says. "Stop him!" says the old woman. says. the old woman says. "It's my letteL"

t2 1,3
The police are very happy. "Thank you, Simon," they
The dog likes simon and samantha, but he does not
say. "Now we have the spy. But the spy has a letter.
like the old woman. He takes her coat in his mouth and
The letter has names and addresses on it. We want the
pulls it. The coat falls to the ground. The wind takes
letter but we can't find it. Where is it? Do you know?"
the old woman's hat. It falls into the water. Her hair
Simon looks at the dog. The dog looks at Simon.
falls with the hat. Simon and Samantha look at the old
"There's the letter," Simon says. "Where?" says the
woman. It is not an old woman! It is a man!
"The spy!" Simon says. "Police! Come here!" policeman. "It's in the dog," Simon says.



ACTIVITIES e Simon takes his lunch and tht: . out of his bag
f He gives a ... ... to Samantha.
Before you read
6 Read pages 1 1-1 5. Who or what says ... ?
1 Talk to a friend. Do you know the names of some spy films? a "ls it your boat ticket?"
2 Look at the Word List at the back of the book. b "Woof !"
a What are the words in your language? c "l've got him."
b Find words for ... d "Police! Come here!"
. an animal . food
e "The letter has names and addresses on it."
. a place . th¡ngs for your legs
f "lt's in the dog."
. a thing for rain
After you read
3 Look at the pictures in the book. Answer the questions.
7 Answer the questions.
a How many policemen can you see on pages 1
a Why does Simon run into the old woman?
b Why is Simon running ? (page 2)
b Who does Simon meet on the train?
c ls the spy a man or a woman?
c Why does he say "OK. Wait here"?
While you read
d Simon and Samantha don't see the old woman, her umbrella or
4 Read pages 1-5. Are the sentences righr (/) or wrong (x)? the lorry. Why?
a The Spy's picture is in the newspaper.
e How does the letter get out of Simon's bag?
b Simon Simple can't see the policemen.
f Why does the dog pull the spy's coat off?
c He runs into the person in black.
I Do you like the pictures in this book? Write about one picture. What
d Simon wants the letter.
can you see? What are the people doing?
e He meets a girl on the train and he likes her.
I Write about the letter in the story. What is in the letter? How does
t The "old woman" wants the letter.
Simon get it? What does the spy want? How does the dog get it?
g The girl wants some coffee.
5 Read pages 6-1 0. Finish the sentences.

a The old woman has men's ... ... on her feet.

b Simon and the girl can't see any
c Simon and Samantha wait for the .

d The old woman can't get Simon's ... Answers for the Activities in this book are available from the Penguin Readers website.
A free Activity Worksheet is also available from the website. Activity Worksheets are
part of the Penguin Teacher Support Programme, which also includes Progress Tests
and Graded Reader Guidelines. For more information, please visit:
t6 www. penguinreaders com.

WORD LIST with example sentences

along (prep) Walk along the little road and stop at the big road.
dog (n) Dogs make a 'Woof! Woof'! ' noisc.
fast (adv) I can run, but I c¿rr't
'Lr) .litst.
ground (n) Wrat's tlrat oll thc grr ¡ttttrl unclcr tlre car?
help (v) I can't do this. C¿rt yo' lrcl¡t,ro?
iump (v) Quick ! luru¡t or.r tlre bus !
lorry (n) There are a lot of cars and big siow lorries on the road
lunch (n) we usually eat lunch at about I o,clock.
out (prep/adv) Let's go out of the house into the garden.
paper (n) I've got a pen but I haven't got any paper. *"j

pull (v) He's very strong. He can pult a big car behind him.
restaurant (n) We don't often eat in an expensive restaurant.
sandwich (n) I usually buy ¿t suttr{n,ic:h ¿rt thc st¿rtion and eat it on
the train.
shout (v) why are you shouting? Talk quietly.
spy (n) Iames Bond is a famous spy. Do you like spy films?
suit (n) The women are in dresses and the men are in suits.
trousers (n) He's in a white shirt and black trousers.
turn (v) This is the wrong road. Let's turn and go back.
umbrella (n) It's raining. put up your umbrella.
wind (n) Thewind is very strong. Put your hand on your hat!


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