Demand Management, Order Management, and Customer Service

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Demand Management, Order Management, and Customer Service

Demand Management

The creation across the supply chain and its markets of a coordinated flow of demand.

Order management and customer service begin where demand management ends.

Understanding the importance of demand and supply is vital for an enterprise. It is a must to

develop a critical customer service for the purchasing concept. Providing positive experiences

to consumers will bring us customer loyalty and with it higher profits. Focusing on customers

will make the relationship better and more lasting. Always keep in mind the just in time

philosophy (avoiding waste, delays and lead time due to high consumption). Effective and

efficient supply chains have learned to match both supply and demand. It is important not to

drop into these supplies.

- Under supply (more supply than demand).

- Oversupply (less supply than demand).

It is essential to identify the type of industry and/or core business of the company in

order to administer better purchase orders and demand.

● Move to stock: Products are manufactured based on demand forecast (policy

in the continuous review inventory, some companies only allow a maximum of

one month).

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