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Social Media Has Taken Control Over Our Lives

Our day starts and ends with social media.Social media entered the
chat in 1997 and hasn’t left eversince. It connects us to the people
who are oceans away but also builds bridges between the people
staying in the same house. In the beginning, it was us handling our
social media. But it doesn't seem so now.

Our food gets shared on snapchat before reaching our mouth.We no

longer get dressed to feel good, but to upload a good profile picture.
Social media is teaching us how to pretend and how to live fake just to
get 100 likes from other profiles, not even the people. We need likes
and comments to know that we are valued and to prove our identities.
Influencers of social media have made so many of us believe that
everyone's life is perfect, indeed it is all filtered and altered. This
increased the insecurities and self-doubts of people. Children of 6 to 8
years have started “influencing” on instagram. This does not imply that
they shouldn't use social media. However, they should be taught life
lessons and good habits instead of how to make trending videos. It is
crazy how obsessed every age group is with this virtual reality.
Everyone of us has felt the inevitable urge to check the notifications
and how it can make our eyes glued to the screen for hours.

Social media was supposed to be the virtual side of life, but

unfortunately we have made it the reality, while ignoring our real lives.
That's why it wouldn’t be wrong to say that social media has taken
over our world, and not just our lives. It's time we take control and
start living in the moment and not in the “media”.

(Word count- 299 words)

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