Frank Guocongmit@gmail

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Name: Cong Guo

Address: 3/45 Houston rd Kingsford

Telephone: 0425570704

Seeking an internship or part-time job in IT related company.

I am currently studying at UNSW in the second semester of a master degree
(4 in total)
I am majoring in software engineering and mainly focus on database
management , programming , web application design and e - commerce .


C++ /C#/JAVA programming | .NET platform development

|Windows /Linux sever management |Network management |

Windows software programming |Photoshop|Web page UI

design (HTML/JS/CSS)|Shell script|Perl script |all windows


Courses I have learned in first semester

 Principles of Programming | my score 75
It provides an introduction to programming in an procedural language (C in particular) and covers the
following fundamentals.
Algorithmic constructs: selection, iteration and recursion, expression evaluation and assignment; library
modules and I/O streams.
Data modelling: primitive types, arrays, strings, abstract data types. Sequential ADTs, trees, hashing.
 Foundations of Computer Science |my score 76
* Mathematical methods for designing correct and efficient programs.
* Mathematics for algorithm analysis.
* Logic for proving and verification.
* Introduction to set and relation theory
* Propositional logic and boolean algebras
* Induction, recursion and recurrence relations
* Order of growth of functions.
* Structured counting (combinatorics)
* Discrete probability
* Graph theory
* Trees for algorithmic applications

 Database Systems |my score 91i

A course on database management systems. Data modelling; principles of database design; data
manipulation languages; database application techniques; introduction to DBMS internals; introduction to
advanced databases. How to design and implementation of a database application using SQL and stored
 Engineering Project Management |my score 78
Overview of project management, nature of several projects and maturity levels, life cycle analysis,
project biding, initiation, planning, scheduling, controlling and monitoring process, managing
technical and non-technical risks, concurrent relationships and overlaps between project activities,
global issues in project management, technology transfer, joint ventures, negotiation and diversity
in teams, standards, tools and techniques used in project management, applications.


CTO of print Bar Online E-commerce System test addr:

Developer of Bizcard Online CRM system test addr:

Previous Qualification

Bachlor degree of Computer Science in Shenyang university of

technology(transcript see the attachments)

Previous Jobs
Developer in Automotive Research Company:
Developing online CRM and Data Analysis Report System, Providing Electronic
Direct Marking for car dealers .
About me

Programmer need to be logical so I will introduce myself logically.

1. First of all, As you see I am a normal Chinese ,even more ugly than other
Chinese. But I am enthusiastic on programming and music may that be a
compensation for my face ?
2. Secondly , except programmer and musician I am a professional Chinese chief
and have some experience in restaurants ,simply because my delicious dishes I
am quite successful in pursuing my girl friend.
3. Thirdly, I do not think programming is my whole life. Sometime it is really
boring and annoying for bugs .But, what I believe is I have to perform well on
the thing that is really boring .If you do that success will knock your door.
4. If keep reading until the end. May I ask you to pick up your phone and simply
call 0425570704.That is the one who will not let you down.

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