Materials and Design: H.S. Da Costa-Mattos, J.M.L. Reis, R.F. Sampaio, V.A. Perrut

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Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591

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An alternative methodology to repair localized corrosion damage

in metallic pipelines with epoxy resins
H.S. da Costa-Mattos a,*, J.M.L. Reis a, R.F. Sampaio a, V.A. Perrut b
Laboratory of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Passo da Patria 156, 24210-240 Niterói, RJ, Brazil
Research and Development Center – CENPES, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – PETROBRAS, Quadra 7 – Cidade Universitária – Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present work is concerned with the analysis of epoxy repair systems for metallic pipelines undergo-
Received 12 December 2008 ing elastic or inelastic deformations with localized corrosion damage that impair the serviceability. In the
Accepted 26 February 2009 case of trough-thickness damage, the main focus is to assure an adequate application of the epoxy filler in
Available online 5 March 2009
such a way the pipe wont leak after repair. Such a procedure can be used or not associated with a com-
posite sleeve that assures a satisfactory level of structural integrity. Examples concerning the use of
Keywords: repair systems in different damage situations are presented and analyzed showing the possibilities of
Corroded pipelines
practical use of the proposed methodology.
Epoxy repair systems
Polymer matrix composites
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is to assure that the pipe wont leak after repair. The main motiva-
tion for the study presented on this paper is the rehabilitation of
Corroded pipelines with part-wall metal loss defects can be re- corroded pipelines conveying produced water in offshore oil plat-
paired or reinforced with a composite sleeve system. In these sys- forms. Since these platforms are hydrocarbon atmospheres, any re-
tems, a piping or vessel segment is reinforced by wrapping it with pair method using equipment that may produce heat and/or
concentric coils of composite material after the application of sparkling is forbidden.
epoxy filler in the corrosion defect. Nevertheless, so far, composite The damage derived from corrosion process in produced water
repair systems are not effective for through-thickness corrosion pipelines in platforms cause very important economical losses be-
defects because generally they cannot avoid leaking. Information cause the operation must be stopped while the repair is being per-
about requirements and recommendations for the qualification, formed. The rehabilitation of this kind of corroded pipeline may
design, installation, testing and inspection for the external applica- eventually require an industrial climber and hence the application
tion of composite repairs to corroded or damaged pipeline in of the repair system must be as simple as possible (Fig. 1).
petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries can be found Although the operation pressure of these pipelines is not very high,
in [1,2]. the water temperature is between 60 °C and 90 °C, which can be a
Composite repair systems (patches) are also used in aircraft major shortcoming for the use of polymeric material as repair
industry to repair cracks in order to extend the service life of systems.
metallic components ([3,4]). In this case, the size of the patch Initially, it is presented in this paper the thin-walled elastic
and bonding properties are very important. In the case of corroded orthotropic and thin-walled elasto-plastic cylinders under pres-
pipelines conveying liquids, the geometry of the composite repair sure – closed-form expressions for stress, strain and displace-
is simpler (a sleeve), but the main difficulties are the definition ments. Then, is presented a simple methodology to define the
of the adequate composite thickness to assure a satisfactory level necessary thickness of the composite sleeve to assure the safe
of structural integrity and to avoid leaking in the case of operation of corroded pipelines with part-wall metal loss defects.
through-thickness defects. Most of the studies about these systems are concerned with the
The present paper is concerned with the analysis of epoxy re- materials (matrix, fibers, adhesive) and application procedures.
pair systems for metallic pipelines undergoing elastic or inelastic Only a few studies are concerned with the mechanical analysis of
deformations with localized corrosion damage that impair the ser- the repair system (see [5–9], for instance). It is summarized a
viceability. In the case of through-wall corrosion damage, the focus new methodology to define the minimum thickness of composite
material to assure: (a) the safety of repairs under operation condi-
tions and/or (b) the lifetime extension under operation conditions.
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +55 21 2629 5585. Such methodology, although simple, is able to account for different
E-mail address: (H.S. da Costa-Mattos). failure mechanisms (plasticity, corrosion, etc.).

0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3582 H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591

Fig. 1. Corrosion damage in produced water pipelines.

It is also presented a complementary procedure to repair

through-thickness corrosion defects in pipelines using epoxy resins.
The objective is to assure the pipeline wont leak under the operation
pressure and temperature. Composite sleeves can assure a satisfac-
tory level of structural integrity for part-through corrosion defects
but are not necessarily effective to avoid leakage for localized
through-thickness corrosion defects. The repair methodology pro-
posed can be used or not associated with a composite sleeve in order
to improve the effectiveness of the epoxy repair system. Hydrostatic
tests were carried out with water at room temperature and at 80 °C
to validate epoxy repair systems applied in offshore produced water
pipelines. Examples concerning the use of repair systems in differ-
ent damage situations are presented and analyzed showing the pos- Fig. 2. Pipe under external and internal pressure.
sibilities of practical use of the proposed methodology.

2. Thick-walled elastic orthotropic and thin-walled elasto-

@ rr 1 @ rrh rr  rh 1 @ rh @ rrh 2rrh
þ þ ¼ 0; þ þ ¼0 ð1Þ
plastic cylinders under pressure – closed-form expressions for @r r @h r r @h @r r
stress, strain and displacements where rr and rh are, respectively, the radial and tangential compo-
nents of the stress tensor.
2.1. Thick- walled elastic orthotropic cylinder under pressure
2.1.2. Constitutive equations
In the present study it is considered an elastic cylinder with inner Assuming a linear orthotropic elastic behavior, the constitutive
radius ri and external radius re submitted, respectively, to an inter- equations can be expressed as follows:
nal pressure P0 and to an external pressure P1 as shown in Fig. 2.
1 m mrh 1 1
The model equations for this problem, using a cylindrical coor- er ¼ rr  rh rh ; eh ¼  rr þ rh ; erh ¼ rrh ð2Þ
Er Er Er Eh 2Grh
dinates system are:
where er is the radial strain and eh the tangential strain. Eh is the
2.1.1. Balance of linear momentum extensional modulus in the tangential direction and Er the exten-
Under the hypothesis of a plane state of stress and neglecting sional modulus in the radial direction. mrh is the coefficient relating
body forces, the balance of linear momentum for a pipe in static contraction in the circumferential direction to extension in the ra-
equilibrium can be expressed as dial direction. Grh is the shear modulus.
H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591 3583

2.1.3. Geometric relations 1 du

rr ðrÞ ¼ ¼ BrðKþ1Þ þ Cr ðK1Þ ;
  r dr
ur 1 @uh @ur 1 1 @ur @uh uh 2
eh ¼ þ ; er ¼ ; erh ¼ þ  ð3Þ d u
r r @h @r 2 r @h @r r rh ðrÞ ¼ 2 ¼ BKrðKþ1Þ þ CKrðK1Þ ð12Þ
where ur is the radial displacement and uh the tangencial Eh
K¼ ; B ¼ ð1  KÞ B; b
b C ¼ ð1  KÞ C ð13Þ
displacement. Er
In order to adequately model the problem, besides Eqs. (1)–(3),
it is necessary to provide the adequate set of boundary conditions: And, from the boundary conditions, it comes that
ðK1Þ ðK1Þ
rr jr¼ri ¼ P0 ; rr jr¼re ¼ P1 ð4Þ P1 ri  P0 re
B¼h i;
ðKþ1Þ ðK1Þ ðK1Þ ðKþ1Þ
ri re  ri re
Eqs. (1)–(4) govern the behavior of an elastic orthotropic pipe. Such ðKþ1Þ ðKþ1Þ
problem can be solved using the Airy stress function method. In this P1 ri  P0 re
C¼h i ð14Þ
method, it is supposed to exist a differentiable function u(r,h), called ðK1Þ ðKþ1Þ ðKþ1Þ ðK1Þ
ri re  ri re
Airy function, such that
  The radial displacement ur is obtained from the second constitutive
1 @/ 1 @ 2 / @2/ @ 1 @/ relation in (2)
rr ¼ þ ; rh ¼ 2; rrh ¼ ð5Þ    
r @r r 2 @h2 @r @r r @h 1 mrh 1 mrh
ur ðrÞ ¼ BKrK þ þ CKrK  ð15Þ
It is easy to verify that, if all relations in (5) are valid, then Eq. (1) are Ehh Err Ehh Err
automatically satisfied. Assuming radial symmetry (u(r, h) = /(r)),
Eq. (5) can be reduced to: 2.2. Thin-walled elasto-plastic cylinder under pressure
1 du d u In the present section it is considered an elasto-plastic cylinder
rr ¼ ; rh ¼ 2
; rrh ¼ 0 ð6Þ
r dr dr with inner radius ri and external radius re submitted, respectively,
to an internal pressure P0 and to an external pressure P1 as shown
Introducing (6) in the constitutive equations (2), it is possible to
in Fig. 2. It is possible to show that, if the wall thickness t of the
metallic pipe is less than about 1/10 of the internal radius (t < ri/
2 2 10), the simplifying hypothesis of thin-walled structures can be
1 1 du mrh d u mrh 1 du 1 d u
er ¼  ; eh ¼  þ ; erh ¼ 0 ð7Þ adopted, since the computed contact pressure between pipe and
Er r dr Er dr 2 Er r dr Eh dr 2
sleeve are the same. In this case, it is considered only the tangential
The choice of a function /(r) that satisfies the boundary conditions (hoop) stress component rh, which has a very simple expression
(4) is not enough to assure the existence of strain fields (ur, uh) that P0 ri  P1 re
rh ¼ ð16Þ
satisfy geometric relations (3). Assuming that, due to the symmetry re  ri
of the problem, the tangential displacement is zero (uh = 0), the geo- The advantage of using the thin-wall theory is that an inelastic
metric relations can be reduced to behavior of the pipe can be easily included in the analysis. For a
ur @ur thin-walled metallic pipe undergoing inelastic deformations at
eh ¼ ; er ¼ ð8Þ room temperature, the elastic stress–strain relation is given by
r @r
rh ¼ Eðeh  eph Þ ð17Þ
Once eh is obtained from the second equation in (7), it is possible to
determine ur from the first geometric relation in (8). Using geomet- With e being the tangential component of the plastic deformation.
ric relations (8) it is simple to verify that the strain components er Besides this classic relation, it is necessary to give additional infor-
and eh must satisfy the following relation, called the compatibility mation about the relation between the stress the plastic deforma-
equation of the problem tion and. The following relation is adequate to model monotonic
loading histories in metallic materials:
@ eh 1
¼ ðer  eh Þ ð9Þ rh ¼ ry þ Kðeph ÞN ; if rh > ry ð18Þ
@r r
Hence, to make an adequate choice of / and to satisfy the geometric Hence,
relations, it is necessary to verify the compatibility Eq. (9). Introduc- Dr  r EN1
ing (7) in (9), it is possible to obtain eph ¼ h
" # With hxi ¼ maxf0; xg. ry is the yielding stress. K and n are positive
3 2
1 d u 1d u 1 1 du constants that characterize the plastic behavior of the material.
þ  ¼0 ð10Þ
Eh dr 3 r dr 2 Er r 2 dr From (19) it is easy to verify that eph ¼ 0 if rh < ry. It also follows that
eh ¼ rEh þ eph . Assuming that eh  urir , it is possible to obtain the follow-
The function / that corresponds to the solution of the problem (1)– ing expression for the radial displacement:
(4) must be a solution of the ordinary differential Eq. (10). After a  Dr  r EN1 
few manipulations, the following general solution can be obtained: rh h y
ur ¼ ri þ ; 8r ð20Þ
 qffiffiffi  pffiffiffi E K
Eh E h
1 1þ
u ¼ Ab þ Br
b Er b
þ Cr Er
3. Mechanical analysis of composite sleeve reinforcement
b B
where A, b are constants to be obtained from the boundary
b and C systems
Using (6) and (11), it is easy to verify that the stress components The present section is concerned with the analysis of composite
corresponding to that Airy function are sleeve reinforcement systems for metallic pipelines undergoing
3584 H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591

elastic or inelastic deformations with localized part-wall metal loss ^ is the radial displacement of the external surface of the pipe due
that impair the serviceability. Different commercial repair systems to the internal pressure Papl the pipe was submitted to when the
based in fiber reinforced composite materials can be found: (a) dry reinforcement was applied
fiberglass fabric to be wrapped with impregnation of liquid resin, "
N1 #
(b) ready pre-cured layers ready to wrap around the pipe, (c) flex- r^ h r^ h  ry Papl r i
^ ¼ r0
u þ with r
^h ¼ ð24Þ
ible resin pre-impregnated bandage to be wrapped with water. No E K r0  ri
matter the application procedure, the basic idea of the reinforce-
Compatibility condition (23) assures that the radial displacement of
ment technique is to transfer the hoop stress in the pipe wall
outer surface of the pipe and the inner surface of the sleeve must be
due to the internal pressure to the composite sleeve.
the same (contact surface). The minimum external radius (re)min of
the sleeve in order to verify (21) can be obtained introducing the
3.1. Basic model – pipe without localized damage
analytical expressions for (Pc)min, [ur(r = r0)]sleeve, [ur(r = r0)]pipe,
and u ^ in (23). The analytic expression for the radial displacement
In a first step towards a simplified mechanical analysis of com-
[ur(r = r0)]sleeve is obtained from Eqs. (14) and (15) and taking the
posite sleeve reinforcement systems, no localized imperfections or
adequate values for ri, re, P0 and P1 (see Fig. 3)
damage are considered. The pipe-composite sleeve system is mod-
eled as two concentric cylinders, open at the ends, under internal sleeve : ri ) r 0 ; r e ) ðr e Þmin ; P0 ) ðP c Þmin ; P1 ¼ 0 ð25Þ
pressure – an internal thin-walled cylinder with elastic–plastic
The analytic expression for the radial displacement [ur(r = r0)]pipe is
behavior and a sleeve with orthotropic elastic behavior. The inter-
obtained from Eq. (20) and taking the adequate values for ri, re, P0
nal cylinder has an inner radius ri and external radius r0. The sleeve
and P1 (see Fig. 3)
has an internal radius r0 and external radius re. The system is sub-
jected to an internal pressure Pi as shown in Fig. 3. pipe : ri ) r i ; re ) r0 ; P0 ) Pi ; P1 ) ðP c Þmin ð26Þ
The contact pressure between the pipe and the sleeve is noted
Hence, it comes that the minimum external radius (re)min to assure
Pc. Assuming that the radial displacement in the contact surface
condition (21) is the root of the function U given by
is the same for both cylinders, it is possible to obtain analytical
expressions for the stress, strain and displacement fields. With this ½ur ðr¼r 0 Þpipe
expressions, it can be obtained the minimum composite sleeve
rmax Drmax  ry EN1 ^
thickness in order to verify a given safety criterion. Uðr e Þ ¼ r 0 þ u
Generally unidirectional glass reinforced epoxy is used for the
½ur ðr¼r 0 Þsleeve
sleeve (epoxy resin is the matrix and the reinforcement is glass fi- zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{
ber). Neglecting a decrease in time of the polymer composite
2 sffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffi Eh   sffiffiffiffiffi qEffiffiffi  

strength due to the environment, a closed-form of the radial dis- 4 E h

 Er 1 m rh Eh Er 1 mrh 5
 Bðre Þ r þ þ Cðr e Þ r 
placement ur in the sleeve is obtained from Eq. (15). Nevetheless, Er 0 Eh Er Er 0 Eh Er
the radial displacement in the sleeve is a function of the contact
pressure Pc which is not known ‘‘a priori”.
From the practical point of view, it is important to define an The internal pressure Papl the pipe is submitted to when the sleeve is
adequate sleeve in order to assure a given maximum hoop stress applied is one of the most important variables in the application of
criterion in the pipe reinforcement systems. The wrong choice of this pressure may result
in ineffective reinforcements as it can be seen in Fig. 4 (Pi = 5 MPa,
rh < rmax in the pipe ð21Þ ri = 240 mm, re = 250 mm, ry = 133 MPa, E = 200,000 MPa, K =
435 MPa, N = 0.22, Eh = 34400 MPa, Er = 9600 MPa, mrh = 0.3 and
In this case, since the minimum contact (external) pressure (Pc)min
rmax = 146.3 MPa). If Papl is closer to Pi, the reinforcement must be
acting on the pipe necessary to assure (21) can be obtained analyt-
very thick and will only share hoop stresses with the sleeve when
ically as follows:
a pressure surge above the value Pi occurs. Most of commercial repair
Pi r i  ðPc Þmin r 0 P i r i  rmax ðr 0  r i Þ systems recognize that reducing pressure during repair is a good
rh ¼ ¼ rmax ) ðPc Þmin ¼ ð22Þ practice but this pressure reduction is not quantified and is not a
r0  ri r0
and the minimum sleeve thickness to assure that (21) is verified
may be obtained from the following compatibility condition, using
the contact pressure obtained in Eq. (22)

^ ¼ ½ur ðr ¼ r 0 Þsleeve
½ur ðr ¼ r 0 Þpipe  u ð23Þ

Fig. 4. Influence of the internal pressure Papl in the sleeve thickness to assure a
Fig. 3. Pipe and sleeve with internal pressure. maximum hoop stress rmax = 146.3 MPa in the pipe. Pi = 5 MPa.
H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591 3585

Fig. 6. Metal loss in the pipe.

Fig. 5. Influence of rmax in the limit sleeve thickness for Papl = 5 MPa and
P0 = 7.2 MPa.
gas transmission lines. The basic empirical assumption is that the
strength loss due to corrosion is proportional to the amount of me-
mandatory requirement. Fig. 5 shows the influence of rmax in the tal loss measured axially along the pipe.
sleeve thickness considering the same material properties than the Other approaches can be considered (damage mechanics, to as-
case depicted in Fig. 4) for Papl = 5 MPa and P0 = 7.2 MPa. sume that corrosion defects are blunt and hence they all fail by
The choice of rmax is very important in order to define the role plastic collapse, etc.) but will not be discussed in the present paper.
of the sleeve reinforcement. The most obvious choice is the von Other studies can be found in literature, but in all of then the
Mises criterion. The pipe would not be submitted to permanent resulting metal loss is treated as a part-through defect in the pipe
deformation provided the hoop stress is smaller than the yield [13]. The effective area methods assume that the maximum depth
stress profile lies in one plane along the axis of the pipe. To accommodate
the irregular nature of most corrosion defects, a profile of the de-
rh < ry ) rmax ¼ ry ð28Þ
fect is measured and the deepest points are translated to a single
axial plane for analysis, as illustrated in Fig. 6. These criteria may
3.2. Accounting for a localized corrosion damage be expressed in the following form:
" # " #
The expressions presented up to now are valid only if there are 1  ðA=A0 Þ 1  ðA=A0 Þ
rh <r
 ) rmax ¼r
no localized imperfections or damage in the pipe section. In this 1  ðA=A0 ÞðMT Þ1 1  ðA=A0 ÞðM T Þ1
section, a simple procedure to account for a localized damage is
proposed. The basic idea is to suppose the maximum hoop stress A is the area of defect in the longitudinal plane through the wall
close to a localized imperfection can be approximated considering thickness, A0 = Lt is the original cross-sectional area, MT is the Folias
the tangential stress for an undamaged cylinder corrected by a fac- factor for a through-wall defect, r ^ max ¼ r
 in this case is the ‘‘flow
tor g which is a function of the geometry stress”, which is a computed parameter that is between the mate-
rial’s yield stress and ultimate strength. The B31G criterion assumes
Pi ri  Pc r0
rh ¼ gðrh Þundamaged ¼ g ð29Þ conservatively that r  ¼ 1:1ry and also that the corrosion defect has
r0  ri
a parabolic shape (this approximation results in the expression
Most ‘‘engineering safety criteria” for thin-walled pipelines con- A = (2/3)Ld). Lastly, the B31G criterion uses a simplified two-term
sider expressions similar to (29) and the only basic difference is form of the Folias bulging factor that is applicable to
the definition of how the ‘‘correction factor” g depends on the ðL= 2ri t Þ2  20:0 and (d/t) < 0.175. Hence, from (32), it comes that
geometry. Generally these criteria have the following form: " #
1  ð2=3Þðd=tÞ
Pi ri  Pc r0 rh < 1:1ry ;
rh ¼g <r
^ max ð30Þ 1  ð2=3Þðd=tÞðM T1 Þ1
r0  ri
where r ^ max is a material constant. If a criterion like (30) is consid- T L
M1 ¼ 1 þ 0:8
ered, the same equations proposed in the last section can be used 2r i t
taking rmax ¼ r^ max " #
g 1  ð2=3Þðd=tÞ
Pi ri  Pc r0 r^ max ) rmax ¼ 1:1ry ð33Þ
rh ¼ < ¼ rmax ð31Þ 1  ð2=3Þðd=tÞðM T1 Þ1
r0  ri g
The modified B31G criterion may be expressed in the following
The adequate choice of the sleeve thickness assures that the maxi-
mum hoop stress verifies safety condition (30). The most widely
used criteria for assessment of corrosion defects under internal " # " #
1  0:85ðd=tÞ 1  0:85ðd=tÞ
pressure loading is a family of criteria described in [10] as the effec- rh <r
 ) rmax ¼r

tive area methods. These include the ASME B31G criterion [11], the 1  0:85ðd=tÞðMT2 Þ1 1  0:85ðd=tÞðMT2 Þ1
RSTENG 0.85 criterion (also Known as the modified B31G criterion ð34Þ
[12]). These criteria were developed in the beginning of the late
1960s and early 1970s to evaluate the serviceability of corroded with
3586 H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591

r ¼ ry þ 68:94 MPa ð35Þ

8 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 2  4
> 1 þ 0:06275 pLffiffiffiffiffiffi  0:003375 pLffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
> 2r i t 2ri t
<  2
M T2 ¼ for pLffiffiffiffiffiffi  50 ð36Þ
> 2r i t
>  2  2
: 0:032 pLffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 3:3; for pLffiffiffiffiffiffi > 50
2r i t 2ri t

In this criterion the flow stress r  is given by the less conservative

expression (35). In addition, rather than the parabolic shape result-
ing in the ‘‘2/3” area factor, this criterion utilizes the more accurate
expression (36) for the Folias bulging factor. These changes result in
less conservative and more reliable estimates of failure pressure
than the B31G criterion.
As an illustrative example, it can be considered a corrosion de-
fect with maximum depth d = 2.24 mm and length L = 374.77 mm
in a metallic pipe with an internal radius ri = 685.8 mm and wall
thickness t = 6,4 mm submitted to an internal pressure Pi = 3 MPa. Fig. 7. Defect sizing.

Considering the following material properties:

Pipe : ry ¼ 300 MPa; E ¼ 200 GPa: cedures, which improve adhesion by increasing mechanical inter-
Sleeve : Eh ¼ 34; 400 MPa; Er ¼ 9600 MPa; mrh ¼ 0:3: locking of the adhesive to the adherend. By this way, the primary
objective of a surface treatment is to increase the surface energy
and using the proposed methodology, the minimum necessary rein- of the adherend as much as possible and/or improve the contact
forcement thickness tr to assure that the modified B31G criterion is between the adhesive/adherend by increasing the contact area.
satisfied is (in this case, d/t = 0.35, ðL= 2ri t Þ2 ¼ 16 and Roughness or an increase in the surface area has been shown good
rmax = 270.6 MPa) results in improving adhesion. Subsequently, a relationship exists
t r > 20 mm if P apl ¼ Pi =2; t r > 11:5 mm if Papl ¼ Pi =4; between good adhesion and bond durability.
t r > 8:0 mm if Papl ¼ 0: In order to obtain the previous properties, sanding with
sand paper 120 or 150 is used to achieve a white metal appear-
ance and to remove some of the existing oxide layer. A final rinse
4. Epoxy repair systems for localized trough-thickness with solvent was made to provide a free of oil, grease and dirt
corrosion damage surface. After that the adhesive was mixed according to manufac-
ture procedure and then the pipe was repaired. It is important to
The experimental set up at the laboratory was conceived to remark that, in a real situation, eventually the pipe is so corroded
approximate a real repair operation, where the resin has to be ap- that sand paper should be used with extreme care (see Fig. 8).
plied in field conditions (which affect the quality of the resulting Besides, since offshore platforms are hydrocarbon atmospheres,
epoxy repair). any method to mechanically rough up the surface (sandblasting,
cutting, grinding) that may produce heat and sparkling is inad-
4.1. Defect sizing equate.

The defect sizing is important to define limits to an effective 4.2.2. Introduction of a plastic cap inside the pipeline to avoid spilling
use of the repair procedure. The dimension of the defect should of epoxy resin and application of the epoxy adhesive
be determined by the smaller ellipse with one axis parallel to A plastic cap with elliptical shape must be used to avoid
the axis of the pipe that fully contains the area of the flaw (see resin to spill inside the pipe. Since the plastic material is very
Fig. 7). deformable, it is easy to introduce the cap inside the pipe. The
The maximum allowable defect size for the proposed repair cap is maintained in position using a simple system of nylon
procedure is defined by the semi major axis a of the ellipse which strings (Fig. 9).
is given by: The cap should ensure internal layer of adhesive with approx-
imately the same thickness of the pipe wall and with average
amax  max ;t ð37Þ dimension twice the size of the defect. The epoxy adhesive
layer applied externally should have about five times the ellipse
where R is the inner radius of the pipe and t the wall thickness. That size. The thickness of this first layer must be at least equal
means the maximum allowable dimension for the semi major axis a to the thickness of the pipe. The epoxy layer should have a
is the biggest value between the wall thickness t and 1/10 of the in- smooth boundary for improved performance and thickness
ner radius R. higher than the pipe wall (see Fig. 10). After application of the
first layer, wait, according to manufacturer, the epoxy polymeri-
4.2. Proposed repair procedure zation (maximum desirable 20 min), cut the nylon strings at the
surface and apply a second layer of adhesive without sanding
The repair methodology can be described as follows: the first one.
For through-thickness defects with a 6 5 mm, it may be difficult
4.2.1. Surface preparation to introduce the rubber cap and a metallic wedge should be used
Surface treatments often involve chemicals reactions, which instead (Fig. 11). The following steps of the repair procedure are
produce surfaces modifications on adherends, or mechanical pro- exactly the same if the wedge or caps are used.
H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591 3587

Fig. 8. Surface preparation.

4.2.3. Application of a composite sleeve

The repair procedure is considered safe, even without a com-
posite sleeve when
a P i r i
1þ2  ry ð38Þ
b t
where a and b are, respectively, the semi major and the semi minor
axis of the ellipse (see Section 3.1). ri is the inner radius of the pipe, t
the wall thickness and ry the yielding stress of the pipe material.
If constraint (38) is not verified, the suggestion is to apply the
epoxy resin as described on this paper and then apply a composite
material sleeve to restrain the plastic strain and to assure a satis-
factory level of structural integrity. The adequate thickness of the
Fig. 9. Plastic cap to avoid adhesive spilling.
sleeve is the biggest value between the thickness recommended
by ISO/TS 24817 and the one obtained using the procedure pre-
sented in Section 2 with
rmax ¼ ð39Þ
ð1 þ 2 abÞ
The stress distribution in a general through-thickness corrosion
defect is very complex, but, if the size of the defect is limited, a
rough estimative of the magnitude of the permanent deformations
close to the defect can be performed. The term in the left side of
Eq. (38) is the maximum stress in a thin-walled infinite plate with

Fig. 10. External epoxy adhesive layer. Fig. 11. Metallic wedge for smaller defects.
3588 H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591

pipes using the methodology proposed in the previous section. Both

are two-component systems consisting of a base and solidifier. The
first one (System I) is conceived for leak repair on tanks and pipes as
well as for other emergency applications. The product is based on a
silicon steel alloy blended within high molecular weight polymers
and oligomers and it is partly cured (machining and/or light
loading) after 35 min at 25 °C and it is fully cured after 1 h at this
temperature. Further technical data for System I is presented in
Table 1.
The second one (System II) is also a polymer-based system
especially developed for repair consisting of a mixture of epoxy re-
Fig. 12. Equivalent system.
sin and aluminum powder and it is partly cured (machining and/or
light loading) after 18 min at 25 °C and it is fully cured after 40 min
at this temperature. Further technical data for System II is pre-
sented in Table 2.
The hydrostatic tests were performed at two different temper-
atures – room temperature and 80 °C. An experimental set up
was conceived to check the effectiveness of the methodology, try-
ing to approximate a real repair operation. API 5L grade B steel
pipes, normally used in offshore platform for produced water, were
used to build the specimens for hydrostatic tests. Five different
specimens were used:

(1) 2” diameter schedule 80 pipe with a circular hole of 3 mm;

(2) 2” diameter schedule 80 pipe with a circular hole of 10 mm;
(3) 12” diameter, schedule 20, 1300 mm length pipe with a cir-
cular hole of 10 mm;
(4) 12” diameter, schedule 20, 1300 mm length pipe with a cir-
Fig. 13. Complete repair system. cular hole of 30 mm;
(5) 3,5” diameter, schedule 20, 1000 mm length pipes taken
an elliptical defect with semi axis a and b subjected to traction of a from the field with real corrosion defects (see Fig. 8).
uniform force per unit area S ¼ ðPitri Þ (see Fig. 12). The stress concen-
tration factor in this case is K t ¼ ð1 þ 2 baÞ. Criterion (38) states that Initially all the repaired specimens (no composites sleeves were
the permanent deformation close to the defect in the pipe can be used) with the two systems were submitted to a classical hydro-
neglected when KtS is smaller than the yielding stress ry. static test at room temperature to evaluate its strength and effec-
If (38) is verified, immediately after the application of the sec- tiveness. The maximum allowable time for each repair was 1 h and
ond epoxy layer, a rubber sheet should be applied over the repair all tests began exactly 1 h and 15 min after the beginning of the
around the perimeter and a simple metallic clamp, similar to those procedure. In such tests, the pipe pressure is raised up to 30 kg/
used for garden hoses, is attached (Fig. 13). The clamp is not used cm2 and held at this level for an hour. After five cycles, if the repair
to improve the level of structural integrity of the pipe, but to avoid did not fail brutally, the specimen is unloaded and inspected to
the two major failure mechanisms of the adhesive repair shown in check eventual small leaks or reinforcement rebounding.
Fig. 14, mainly at the beginning of operation when the resin may As a second step, the repaired specimens (no sleeves were used,
not be fully cured. only the clamp) were submitted to five pressure cycles (1 h at
In the following sections it is presented an analysis of the per- 30 kg/cm2) but the water temperature inside the specimen was
formance of two different commercial epoxy resins using the re- 80 °C. This temperature level was chosen in order to simulate aver-
pair procedure defined in the previous sections. age offshore fluid condition. The fluid temperature of 80 °C is
reached at atmospheric pressure. Only after temperature stabiliza-
5. Materials and methods tion, the internal pressure is increased. After each pressure cycle
the specimen is cooled to room temperature. Hence, each speci-
Two different commercial fast curing epoxy resins were consid- men is also submitted to five temperature cycles during testing.
ered to perform the repair of through-thickness damages in metallic Once again the maximum allowable time for each repair was 1 h

Fig. 14. Types of brutal failures of the adhesive layer.

H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591 3589

Table 1 temperature – five different tests/repairs for each specimen (1),

Technical data – System I. (2), (3), (4), and (5). The repairs resisted a so high pressure level
Flexural strength 59 MPa that it was not possible to obtain the failure pressure – the pipe
Tensile shear on steel 17 MPa caps were not conceived to burst tests and they deform plastically
Compressive strength 56 MPa and fail before the repairs as it can be seen in Fig. 16.
Heat distortion temperature (HDT) 51 °C
Fig. 17 shows a type 5 specimen before and after the repair pro-
cedure (internal pressure of 30 kg/cm2).
If the proposed procedure is not adopted (mainly the use of the
Table 2 plastic cap), the repair may not be able to resist the loading. Table 3
Technical data – System II.
shows the failure pressure obtained for specimen (2) – 2” diameter
Flexural strength 67 MPa schedule 80 pipe with a circular hole of 10 mm – repaired using
Tensile shear on steel 19 MPa System I if no cap and clamp are used.
Compressive strength 104 MPa
Heat distortion temperature (HDT) 120 °C
All repaired pipes with System II at 80 °C resisted to five cycles.
In order to decide whether a given epoxy system can be used at
higher temperatures we suggest to use the same conditions
and all tests began exactly 1 h and 15 min after the beginning of adopted in [2] for composite sleeves – for a design temperature
the repair. greater than 40 °C the repair system shall not be used at a temper-
The system to control water temperature inside the specimens ature higher than the glass transition (Tg) less 30 °C. For repair sys-
was especially designed for this procedure and the whole system tems where a Tg cannot be measured, the repair system shall not
(including the electrical resistance) is threaded at one extremity be used above a heat distortion temperature (HDT) less 20 °C. For
of the specimen as it can be seem on Fig. 15 (number 1 is the pres- repair systems, which do not exhibit a clear transition point, i.e.
sure water machine connection, 2 is the temperature control ther- a significant reduction in mechanical properties at elevated tem-
mostat and 3 is the electrical resistance). peratures, then an upper temperature limit, Tm, shall be defined
(or quoted) by the repair supplier.
6. Results and discussion It is interesting to remark that the adhesive System A behaves
surprisingly well if the proposed repair procedure is adopted,
All repairs performed with Systems I and II using the proposed even at temperatures above the heat distortion temperature. All re-
methodology resisted the five pressure cycles with water at room pairs resisted to five cycles at 80 °C in tests performed with the

Fig. 15. Test set-up apparatus and detailed temperature control system.
3590 H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591

Fig. 16. Deformed caps after testing at 60 kg/cm2 and 80 °C.

Table 3
Failure pressure for specimen type (2) without the plastic cap.

Test Failure pressure (kg/cm2)

1 8.92
2 17.64
3 16.17
4 18.35
5 14.27
Average 15.07

7. Concluding remarks

The present work is a first step toward the definition of safer

and more reliable procedures to apply epoxy repair systems in
metallic pipelines with localized corrosion damage.
In the case of part-through corrosion damage, it is proposed a
simplified methodology that can be used as an auxiliary tool in
the design of epoxy repair systems. This methodology can be help-
ful to define the pressure of application and sleeve thickness nec-
essary to assure safer and more reliable repair systems.
In the case of through-thickness damage, the idea is to perform
an adequate application of the epoxy filler in a way the pipe would
not leak and to use eventually the composite sleeve as a comple-
Fig. 17. 3,5” diameter, schedule 20, 1000 mm length pipe with real corrosion defect
before and after repair. mentary procedure that will assure a satisfactory level of structural
integrity. The internal pressure of the fluid acting in the bottom of
the repair and the external pressure applied by the clamp (or the
sleeve) dilate the epoxy system in the interior of the hole enhanc-
specimens (1), (2), and (3). Nevertheless, all repairs performed in ing sealing. The suggestion is to apply the epoxy resin as described
pipes taken from the field with real corrosion defects (specimen on this paper and then apply a composite material sleeve, with the
type 5) failed. normalized thickness, to restrain the plastic strain and to assure a
H.S. da Costa-Mattos et al. / Materials and Design 30 (2009) 3581–3591 3591

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