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How the Conference Works

There are a number of ways to participate in the conference weekend.

1) Watch Recorded On-Demand Presentations

We have more than 50 recorded on-demand presentations available for you to view
at your own liesure, on your own schedule, any time during the conference weekend.
Simply log in to the conference site when it opens, select the talk that you wish to
watch, and click play.

2) Pick a Peace Track or a Curated Track by Partner Dioceses

Not sure which talks are best for you? To help you grow in a targeted area of your
choosing, we have included 13 curated peace tracks. Simply select a video and watch
the talks under that track. Each partnered diocese has also created a curated list of

3) Attend a Free Live Q&A or Prayer Room

We offer free live Q&A and guided virtual prayer rooms throughout the weekend. You
can find these under the Live Events tab in the conference menu. There will be a join
button beneath each live event. Simply click it at the start of the event, and enter into
the virtual session. Our schedule is listed in this program.

4) Attend a Featured Premium Live Event

Premium Live Events host some of our featured conference presenters and are
available to NCWC Premium Pass Holders. If you have a Premium Pass, you will be
able to find the registration pages for these events in the conference. Our schedule is
listed in this program.
We have more than 50 on-demand presentations that are available all weekend
long. Simply log in to the conference, find the talk you want, and press play.

These will be recorded and available on-demand throughout the free conference
weekend (March 12-14), and available throughout 2021 for Premium Pass holders.
Simply log in to your account, navigate to the presentation, and start watching! Click
here to upgrade to the Premium Pass.

In alphabetical order by presenter last name, here are our on-demand presentations.

Danielle Bean: You Are Enough

Danielle Bean shares 5 different questions that can help you discern ways in which God
might be calling you to recognize that "You Are Enough." How might you to draw closer
to him through your identity as his precious daughter?1. Do you pray? 2. Where do you
seek your self worth? 3. What obstacles do you place between you and God?4. What do
you trust instead of God?5. Where do you seek comfort?In the end, we can find out that
we re enough only because Jesus is, and it is inside of our relationship with him that
everything else falls into proper perspective.

Kathleen Beckman: God's Healing Mercy: Finding Your Path to

Forgiveness, Peace and Joy
Covering some topics in her best-selling book, God's Healing Mercy: Finding Your Path
to Forgiveness, Peace, and Joy Kathleen invites you to seek peace and joy; to receive
these God-given gifts through divine intimacy. She gives practical points on how the
enemies of peace (the world, flesh and devil) tempt us to lose peace of soul. Then she
gives 8 keys on the art of abiding in peace, joy and hope. She offers a prayer for healing
Sr. Bethany: Welcoming Peace Into Life
Jesus wants us to know "what makes for peace" and to be able to recognize His time of
visitation. Using story and scripture, Sr. Bethany shares from the heart a few simple,
practical ways to welcome the peace Christ freely gives into your life every day.

Lisa Brenninkmeyer: Hallelujah Anyway: Finding Peace Despite

Recent research shows that almost 40% of Americans are more anxious now than they
were at this time last year. Anxiety affects 1 in 8 children in the US and 18% of adults. If
you don't personally struggle with it, then someone close to you does. Is it possible to
find good in this current state of reality without sticking your head in the sand? Join us
as we delve into this important topic. You'll leave feeling better equipped to discuss it,
face it, and move forward. When God promised His people a peace that passes
understanding, He didn't say, unless you live in 21st Century America. This is a profound
issue and the questions surrounding it aren't easily answered. But together, we can
move forward to a place of emotional rest and spiritual security.

Rachel Bulman: Finding Peace Through Becoming

Rachel will talk about how we find peace by becoming who we are...through our
identities as daughters, spouse, and motherhood. We simultaneously exist as the image
of God and grow in that likeness. How do we find peace through being (the static
existence of who we are) and then becoming (the constant flowering of the human
person) who we are called to be through these patterns of the human person? Hint:
Whether you are a physical mother or not, whether you are married or single, every
single one of these identities are yours to be had today and you are called to find peace
within each one.

Kimberly Cook: Motherhood Redeemed: How Radical Feminism

Betrayed Maternal Love
Author and podcast host, Kimberly Cook, entwines wisdom from her book about radical
feminism and true womanhood, with the message of peace that Jesus offers to us in
Scripture and through the Church.
Devanie Marie Cooper: Finding Spiritual Peace Amid the Storms of
Life: Lessons from the life of St. Edith Stein
Overwhelmed by the chaos and storms of life? Be at peace, "There is only one thing
necessary" (Luke 10:42). The Prince of Peace desires to be present to you and reign in
your heart. Pope John Paul II canonized a modern woman, Edith Stein, saying she would
be an example for those of us who live in "radically challenging times." She persevered
through storms such as the the death of family and friends, obstacles professionally
and academically, deep depression, converting to a faith her family did not understand,
keeping up with a challenging work and personal life where tasks existed more than
time, two world wars, waiting for ten years joyfully for the desire of her heart, entering
and living in one of the most austere religious communities within the Church, and
finally persecution and martyrdom by the state. For eight years before her eventual
martyrdom she travelled to women's conferences (even giving radio appearances) in
her day sharing a truth about finding peace amidst the storms of life. Come to know her
instruction to women on this matter and receive two lessons from the example of her

Sonja Corbitt: Fearless: Conquer Your Demons and Love with

Learn to recognize the methods the devil uses to keep you enslaved to fear, anxiety,
woundedness, unforgiveness, and depression. Assemble scriptural tools that help you
understand and conquer the enemy's attacks on your thoughts and emotions. Immerse
yourself in a profound contemplation of love, which is the only possible weapon against
the spirit of fear.

Carrie Daunt: Finding Peace in the Mysteries of Motherhood

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. Everyday, moms encounter situations and
circumstances that induce anxiety and create stress. Often we are tempted to believe
that we are the only one that struggles with the many demands of our vocation. The
truth is we are not alone. Through the mysteries of Mary's maternity each one of us is
invited to journey with her to a place of deeper peace in our motherhood.
January Donovan: Changing a Woman's Worth, One Woman at at
Our self worth determines how we make decisions now, and in the future. It shapes
how we choose who we allow in our life and the boundaries we create. It determines
how we dream, how we look at our failures and how we get back up. The goal is to see
where you placed conditions on your self worth and how it is impacting your
relationships, your dreams and how you show up to the world. I will show you how your
self worth has been shaped and what you can do to begin the journey of healing
through rewiring your brain. The goal is for you to no longer live by the external
opinions and false expectations, rather to live from a place of freedom, knowing you are
intimately loved by God.

Hilary Draftz: Why Do I Need the Church?

Can't I just be spiritual without organized religion? Come learn about God's plan to
establish the Church and how He saves us through our membership in His family. The
human heart was created for the communion of the Church, and it's precisely what we
need in 2021!

Colleen Duggan: How To Hear God's Voice in Four Easy Steps (And
Teach Your Kids To Hear Him Too!)
In this talk, Colleen Duggan shares her powerful testimony of profound spiritual
breakthrough both she and her children experienced when she discovered and applied
an easy four step method to hear God's voice.

Laura Fanucci: Finding Peace in the Messy Grace of Parenting

Do you struggle to find God's peace and presence in the chaos of life with kids? Drawing
from her book Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting, Laura Kelly Fanucci
will share fresh perspectives and practical tips for finding and making peace at home
with your family.

John Finch: The Father Effect: Hope and Healing from a Dad's Absence
In The Father Effect: Hope and Healing from a Dad's Absence, John Finch shares some of
his own story about the struggles growing up fatherless and he talks about the father
wound, how it impacts women and families, and most importantly, the life-changing
power of forgiveness.
Charles Finck: Living with Forgiving: The Prayer- Six Steps to Forgiving
"If we really want to LOVE we must learn how to FORGIVE" Mother Teresa Recognize
what you might be doing instead of forgiving...and why...-Discover your role in God's
work of healing in your life. Learn to practice daily the sacrifice of forgiving through a
simple but powerful prayer. It is freeing to become aware that we do not have to be
victims of our past and can learn new ways of responding. But there is a step beyond
this recognition. It is the step of forgiving. Forgiving is love practiced among people who
love poorly. It sets us free without wanting anything in return. Henri Nouwen.

Melissa Foley: Do You Struggle to Give God Control?

Perhaps you feel like there are two parts of you one part that wishes to surrender
struggles, people, and situations into God's hands, and the part that is like a command-
and-control station in your head. Have you ever considered underneath control is a
doubt you have about God? Will He really take care of me? Is He trustworthy? Does he
even care about what happens in my life? Join me today as we "dive" into the "Abyss" of
surrender! ;-)

Dr. Sam Fraser: The Pearl of Great Price: Transforming Anger into
The Pearl of Great Price: Transforming Anger into Peace What if anger was designed to
make you holy? This presentation by Dr. Sam Fraser addresses reactive anger is that he
sees in his psychology office everyday; how men emotionally hurt women. He addresses
the process of how becoming the Bride of Christ makes us respond in peace instead of
reacting in the anger of our flesh nature.

Karianna Frey: Seeking Peace? Try Prayer.

In this talk, we will explore the differences between the peace of the World and the
Peace of God, how the peace of the world pales to the generous gift of peace that we
are given by God, and how all we have to do is reach out and take it. We will also discuss
how the practice of prayer and a daily examination of conscience can help us more
readily accept the give of peace from God.
Father Timothy Gallagher: Discernment of Spirits in Marriage
To navigate the inevitable ups and downs of our spiritual lives, countless souls have
found comfort and guidance in St. Ignatius of Loyola's Rules for Discernment. For the
past forty years, popular retreat master and author Fr. Timothy Gallagher has been at
the forefront of making St. Ignatius's Rules understandable and applicable to hundreds
of thousands of Catholics seeking greater sensitivity to the movement's of their souls.
Now Fr. Gallagher returns with a more focused mission: to help you apply these rules to
your role as a husband or a wife. In Discernment of Spirits in Marriage, Fr. Gallagher
aims to free you from discouragement and assist you in finding peace in your spiritual
life and in your marriage. He will help you determine what is of God and what is not and
will show you how the enemy works to discourage you in your daily spousal interactions
in order to undermine both your spiritual growth and your marital bond. Best of all,
you'll learn what to do about it!

Allison Gingras: Seeking Peace: a Spiritual Journey from Worry to

If you consider yourself a master worrier or come from a long line of worrywarts, you
are not alone -- Allison Gingras has been there. She discovered there was profound
peace to be found in embracing the many graces available in the Catholic faith. This
presentation seeks to help others regain, maintain, and sustain their peace with humor,
faith, and hope!

Judith Guilfoil: The Role of the Grandmother

Discover the special prayerful role that we have as grandmothers and the power of our
prayers over our family.

Kimberly Hahn: H.O.P.E. for the Future

We'll look at elements of HOPE - Holy Spirit, Obedience, Prayer, and an Eternal
Perspective - from the Scriptures. We need to be heavenly minded enough to be earthly
good. Hope in our hearts helps us to experience and communicate the peace Christ is
ready to give us as his beloved daughters.
Katie Hartfiel: S.O.S. Sick Of Singleness- Finding Peace In Your Single
Waiting for your vocation can be a heavy cross, especially in the world we live in. Join
Katie Hartfiel for some real talk when it comes to prayer and consolation to help you
thrive in this season of life.

Joel Hawbaker: 5 Conversations for Blended Families

Blended families are just different than traditional families: they're more complex in
their structure, their histories, and their logistics. However, just because they're
complex doesn't mean you can't have peace! Blended families are present throughout
the Bible, and God's word guides blended families as much as traditional ones. One of
the most important ways to work toward peace in your blended family is to have key
discussions early and often in your relationship. So, whether you're thinking of creating
a blended family through marriage, new to a blended family, or have been in one for
years, consider having these discussions with your partner and with your co-parent (the
other household) on a regular basis. 1) Personal Issues 2) Scheduling Issues 3)
Parenting Issues 4) Inter-family Issues 5) The Et Cetera By having these discussions early
and then coming back to them as the children grow up, you are laying a foundation for
communication and success for your blended family!

Lisa Hendey: Catholic Mom Prayer Companions

Every woman is called to the path of "spiritual motherhood". While filled with joy and
fulfillment, a mother's journey can also be filled with challenges, unexpected trials, and
moments of doubt and fear. In our time together we will look at "Catholic Mom Prayer
Companions", both saintly and "saints in the making", who walk alongside us daily. We'll
explore tools and strategies to welcome peace into our busy days and connect around
resources to keep us bonded with God, our families and communities and the world
around us.

Dr. Joseph Hollcraft: Unleashing the Power of Intercessory Prayer for

my Children and Husband
Join Dr. Joseph Hollcraft as he walks you through nine steps to better unleash the power
of intercessory prayer for your children and husband. Armed with these steps, you can
revitalize your prayer life and begin to respond with confidence to praying for your
family. You will walk away from this talk with the ability to realize your the full potential
of your God-given power of intercession.
Erin Ingold: How our Thoughts Impact Peace
We often tend to blame our circumstances for our lack of peace. But, what if the peace
that we experience was determined by our thoughts about the circumstance, and not
the circumstance itself? It would certainly place a lot more responsibility back on us.
And what if our thoughts could create a greater and more receptive disposition to
receive God's peace that surpasses all understanding? In this talk we will answer all of
these questions and discuss many of the ways that our thoughts impact the peace that
we experience!

Maria Johnson: My Badass Book of Saints: Courageous Women Who

Showed Me How to Live
In this inspirational talk, Maria Morera Johnson shares her faith journey and how she
found peace after a devastating diagnosis led her to the lives of saints, especially
courageous women saints. Johnson talks about the danger of despair and the healing
peace of Christ that brings hope.

Samantha Kelley: Peace with Your Body

"Peace Be With You" are the first words Jesus says to his apostles in the upper room,
with His Resurrected Body. Jesus speaks these words to us today, as women. Samantha,
invites you to join her in coming to peace with our bodies as women. She gives
practicals as to how to come to peace with how you look, and also how to find peace
with your hurt, ill, or suffering body. Jesus provides a path to self acceptance and a
purpose to our suffering.

Celine Kelly: Mary Magdalene, Miracle of Peace

Mary of Magdala is seen in her darkest hour, in deep inner conflict, tormented by seven
demons. Jesus sets her free and brings her into a place of grace and peace. She never
forgot what he did for her. After following the Lord together with the other women of
Galilee, she is faithful all the way to Calvary and the tomb. Finally the Lord commissions
her as the "apostle to the apostles," the first witness of his Resurrection. The talk leads
the listener into a contemplative meditation of Mary Magdalene's transformative
encounter with Jesus, walking through ancient Magdala, and ultimately to one's own
personal encounter with the Lord.
Dr. Peter Kreeft:

Chloe Langr: Finding Our Way From Eve to Mary - The Feminine
Genius and Daily Peace
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross once said that "every woman has something in
herself inherited from Eve, and she must search for the way from Eve to Mary. How can
we as women combat the devil's original lie that echoes throughout history and rings in
our own ears, and how does Our Lady's FIAT impact our journey to peace and the heart
of Christ? Discover how receptivity, sensitivity, generosity, and maternity can help us not
only find but maintain peace in our everyday lives as Catholic women.

Janet Lees: Living in the Present

"This is the time of fulfillment, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." Being present to our
Lord and all that He has permitted in the moment is a place of peace, grace, purification
and love. But it is also a battleground. Let's look at some common obstacles to living in
the grace of the moment and explore some concrete simple solutions of staying unite
to our Lord.. the great "I AM"

Matthew Leonard: The Path to Perfect Peace: Divine Intimacy & the 3
Stages of the Spiritual Life
Ancient Catholic tradition teaches there are 3 stages of spiritual growth every person
will go through on their way to divine life. And while most Catholics have never even
heard of them, these stages are literally the path to deep intimacy with God and perfect
peace. In fact, they give pinpoint direction to your entire spiritual life. And once you start
to understand them, everything changes...everything!

Drawing upon the mystical wisdom of spiritual giants like Sts. Teresa of Avila, Augustine,
and John of the Cross, Matthew Leonard clearly explains the stages of the spiritual life
and how to progress through them in language everyone can understand. Put simply,
this is the path to heaven and may be the most important talk you’ve ever heard.
Christie Luibrand: Finding Peace & Healing Through Christ
Christie Luibrand, MSW, LISW combines her experience working as a therapist with her
own personal journey of peace to break down practical ways you can face challenges in
your own life. Begin healing and finding your own peace today.

Joan Maroney: Jesus, I Trust in You

"Tell mankind to snuggle close to My merciful heart and I will fill it with peace"  -
Jesus to St. Faustina Kowalska. Joan Maroney shares the incredible message and
promises of Jesus, The Divine Mercy given to the world precisely for these times to lead
us to victory over the evil plaguing our world. You will be empowered with the
knowledge of concrete ways to grow in trust and practical means to utilize the great
graces the Lord made available to us today that don't require a lot of time, money or
work, just trust in the unfathomable mercy of God!

Rakhi McCormick: Finding Lasting Peace in a World Seeking Comfort

We all long for peace, but why does it so often seem elusive? In this session, Rakhi
McCormick, a self-professed avoider of conflict breaks open the difference peace and
comfort. She explores how seeking comfort can actually keep us from lasting peace and
suggests some practical ways we can pursue a posture of peace in the middle of chaos.

Analyn and Brandon Miller: Incredible Family: Strengthening Parents

To Raise Happy, Loving Children
Analyn and Brandon Miller are the parents of seven children, and authors of Play To
Their Strengths, and Incredible Parent. They are passionate about strengthening
parents to raise happy and loving children. Analyn and Brandon will provide you with
insights and points to walk you and your family on the pathway to peace. Let's uncover
what makes YOU incredible as a parent! Your Key Takeaways: Discover Your Kids
Strengths, Move From Frustration to Fascination, Overcome Comparison, and Discover
Your Incredible Strengths.
Colleen Mitchell: Who Does He Say You Are? Women Transformed by
Christ in the Gospels
Our identity as women is informed by a myriad of things--the vocation we live it, the
roles we play, society's vision of who we should be. It can be easy to find our hearts
disrupted by feelings of not measuring up to all these demands. In this talk, Colleen
Mitchell calls us back to the heart of our identity: who Christ says we are and invites us
to find our peace in knowing who we are in Him.

Amber O'Hearn: Encouragement for the Weary Parent

Feeling unrest amidst the noise and chaos? Amber's right there with you. If you're in
need of some extra encouragement for establishing peace in your heart, home, and
family, this is the talk for you... because you mama, are the thermostat of your home
and family!

Father Jacques Philippe: Searching for and Maintaining Peace

Even in difficult situations, the Lord invites us to keep our hearts at peace. This is
possible because this peace is not a human construction, but a gift of His grace.
Welcoming and keeping this peace allows us to be more open to God's action in our
lives and to find the right answers to the situations we face.

Steve Ray: Jesus and the Woman at the Well

The disciples were surprised that Jesus was talking to such a troubled woman who had
to come to the well at noon when it was hot, to avoid the other women who came in the
morning and evening on it was cool. Jesus had a "divine appointment" and broke at
least four cultural conventions and a rugged and dangerous route to converse with the
woman. The theme of the women's conference is about being at peace. The Samaritan
Woman was certainly not at peace and Jesus approached her well aware of her sin and
her unacceptable life with multiple husbands. Jesus not only brought her peace but
used her to bring peace to everybody else in Samaria. I will share about my many visits
to this well in Samaria (Nablus in the Palestinian West Bank of today) and provide
pictures as well as an exposition of John 4.
Earl Rivard: A Musical Reflection
Come join Earl for a time of music and personal reflection. Quiet your heart as you
listen to some songs and hear some personal stories of the ways that God has moved in
Earl's life during this very challenging year.

Nicole Rodriguez: ...Finding Peace Through Vulnerability

Discover what it means to find peace through vulnerability by embracing the gift of our
feminine genius. We will look to Mary who reveals to us the path of peace and hope
through the beauty of her openess. Let's journey together to discover what this means
for our lives as women. In this talk, Nicole will also share from her personal story of how
she found peace through her vulnerability.

Bob Schuchts: What Steals Your Peace in Marriage and How to

Restore It.
Is it possible to maintain your peace, when your marriage is embroiled in conflict, when
you are triggering each other's wounds, or when you are not able to trust your spouse.
Drawing on his experience as a marriage and family therapist and from his own
marriage of 42 years, Dr. Bob Schuchts will show you how to restore peace in your
marriage when these "peace stealers" threaten your marriage and peace of mind and

Kelsey Skoch: Peace in Purity

Finding peace may be difficult, but it's impossible when you stay hidden in what you are
struggling with most. All too often, the topic of sexual purity is presented as something
that's exclusively a male problem. Because of this, women who struggle with
pornography or masturbation are left to feel as if they are the only ones. But this is not
just a guy problem. So how can we overcome these and other addictions that keep us
from living in peace? In this talk, Kelsey outlines 6 steps to help us live in peace through
our personal purity.
Amy Smith: A "Future With Hope" and Peace
God has a "future with hope‚" for you and me, as he promises us in Jeremiah 29:11.
Ultimately, hope and peace revolve around trusting God: putting our trust in God, the
true source of happiness and the answer to every question and longing in your heart,
and that means even when there is suffering or setbacks, and even amid the current
culture and pandemics, God is always beside us. Living hopefully ‚ this is a pathway to
peace. The Prince of Peace, Mother Mary and our friends the saints show us the way.

Teresa Tomeo: Seven Steps to Serenity

In this new presentation, National Catholic Talk Show Host, Motivational Speaker, and
Best Selling Catholic Author, Teresa Tomeo, shares insights from her latest book,
Listening for God, to help Catholic women, find long-lasting peace. Teresa offers seven
practical steps that can be applied to daily life encouraging you to stay focused on
Christ, and maintain balance in today's busy, noisy world.

Kendra Von Esh: Yes, You CAN Find Peace Doing The Dishes!
Life is messy and unpredictable. So, how do you find that peace that surpasses
understanding in ALL circumstances? Join Kendra Von Esh as she helps you find peace
and joy in the mundane, insane and the profane moments of life. Learn how to live in
the Spirit of God each moment while kicking fear, anxiety, anger and resentment to the
curb forever. Kendra's practical advice will have you leaning into Jesus in ways you never
thought of before. Yes, your life is supposed to be peaceful, joyful and loving...even
doing the dishes.

Kelly Wahlquist: Let the Peace of Christ Rule Your Heart in a World
that Wants to Rule You
Jesus tells us that not only did He give us His peace, but He has also left us with it! So,
why is it that at times we just aren't feel'n it? In recent days, it is easy to ask, "How can
we experience peace within ourselves, despite problems, darkness, and anxieties?"
Looking at women in Scripture, who though even in the very presence of Jesus, had to
learn to let the peace of Christ rule their hearts, we will see how we can do the same.
And we will learn a fail-safe and simple way to rid our lives of any worry, fear, or
restlessness‚ ever again!
Kate Wicker: Getting Past Perfect: How to Find Joy and Grace in the
Messiness of Motherhood

Do you ever feel like a raging tsumani (or tsu-mommy), running through the house like
a whirlwind and yelling at the top of your voice while the kids drag their feet and engage
in another sibling squabble as you desperately try to find lost shoes and get out the
door on time? Overwhelmed, over-extended, and guilt-plagued?

With honesty, humor, and practical wisdom, Kate, a self-proclaimed recovering

perfectionist, invites her fellow moms to overcome Pinterest-inspired perfectionism by
replacing their deepest fears and anxieties with a steady trust in God and the freedom
to love authentically.

If you have ever felt that you were not “enough” as a wife or mom, or if you're someone
who struggles to do it all, Kate's talk offers a reassuring portrait of Catholic womanhood,
placing motherhood in the context of every woman's primary role as a child of God.

Amanda Zurface: Our Lady Undoer of Knots

In this talk, Amanda Zurface addresses the problem of "knots" that can entangle our
search for true peace. Amanda invites us into the unique and ancient devotion to Mary
under the title of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, sharing stories from her own life and
many others. Amanda leads us through this prayer for any knots in our own lives. If
you're looking for help with the kind of knots it seems only Heaven knows how to untie,
join Amanda Zurface, lay spiritual director and canon lawyer, in this insightful and
inspiring presentation.
Choose a
Peace Track
Want to watch one of our curated tracks on growing peace in specific areas of your life?
You can find these under our Peace Tracks Menu in the conference. Simply pick a track
we have with 5-10 curated talks and start viewing.

Peace Essentials
Carefully selected for your convenience, the talks included here are indispensable for
anyone attending the conference. Inspiration, encouragement, and concrete means to
grow in peace are offered as our speakers consider how our thoughts and perceptions
impact living in the present moment and recognizing that God is in charge. Walk with
our speakers as they guide you to a closer relationship with Christ, the Prince of Peace!

Jesus’ Peace in Scripture

Jesus spoke of peace frequently to his disciples and to those he encountered. Learn
more from these reflections on HOW Jesus explained peace and the path to it. Topics
include overcoming demons, how divine mercy is related to peace, and several talks
offering practical tips to live in peace regardless of circumstance.

Peace in Motherhood
Can peace really be found in the middle of parenting? In the middle of your mess, you
CAN find the peace of Christ! Let the speakers help you sort things out and simplify your
life to get to the heart of the matter.

Peace in my Marriage
If you struggle with peace in your marriage, you are not alone! Join the speakers as they
unpack how to discern spirits in your marriage, and what stands in the way of a
peaceful marriage for you. Concrete tips will be given on how to change your
relationship into the one God desires for you both!
Choose a
Emotions, Anxiety, and Peace
Anxiety, forgiveness, anger, fear… what are the obstacles that are most difficult for you

Peace Track
to overcome in order to receive the peace that you desire? Offering you a variety of
paths to take for peace, this is the place for you to start if you are wondering how to
handle emotions and discover peace in your daily life.

Opening My Heart to Peace

Peace is present with you at every moment of your life. Are you open to receiving it?
Journey with the speakers as they explore the obstacles that keep our hearts from
responding to peace. Who does God say that you are? Are you enough? What
expectations have you or others placed upon you that inhibit your experience of peace?
These questions will be explored and answered in the talks presented here.

Forgiveness and Healing

Do you want to forgive others and experience peace but don’t know where to start? Are
you seeking healing from difficult relationships, especially your connection with your
father, but don’t know where to turn? Has your experience with the Church made you
wonder why you would ever need it? Come and explore these topics with the
presenters, as they draw attention to what our hearts are searching for: the
understanding heart of a Father who loves you.

Perfectly Imperfect YOU!

Do you struggle with accepting yourself, just as you are? Speakers will discuss how to
understand the gifts that God has given you in your body, your mind, and your spirit
through His eyes. They will also set out a path for you to take to learn more each day
how to release your own expectations and embrace God’s mercy and peace.

Resetting my Understanding of Peace

If you are searching for a greater understanding of peace, come and explore the
presentations on how your thoughts impact your receptivity to peace, how to discover
your worth, how feminism impacts your maternal love, and how to listen to God’s voice.
Finding Peace in the Storm Choose a
If you find yourself in God’s boat, yelling for His help, you’ve come to the right place.

Peace Track
Speakers will discuss how to conquer your demons, how to build relationship with God
and find peace in prayer, how to receive peace even in the chaos of the world, and how
to walk through seven steps of serenity!

Special States in Life

Are you a single person, a grandmother, or a mom in a blended family? What role do
you play in the lives of your family and in the world? Sit back and enjoy practical tips and
wisdom from speakers who have lived in these roles and are carrying them out as
peacefully as possible.

Peace, Mary, and the Saints

What can Mary and the saints have to say about peace? Travel to Jerusalem and spend
time exploring the experience of Mary Magdalene, discover what St. Edith Stein has to
say about finding peace, or delve into the mysteries of the rosary and unpack the peace
that Mother Mary lived during her time with Jesus.

Peace in Adoration and Music

Do you just need to rest for awhile without doing one more thing or worrying about one
other thing? Come and opt for an experience of peace, from the quiet of the Live
Streamed Adoration chapel, to a musical meditation.This is just the place to relax and
be with Jesus.
Premium Lives
The following live sessions are available to Premium Pass Holders. You can gain
access to these live presentations and all live replays by upgrading to our conference
Premium Pass. Click here to upgrade to the Premium Pass.

Register for these Premium Live Sessions under Live Sessions in the conference.

Friday, March 12
4:00 PM ET - PREMIUM Live Interview with Kimberly Hahn.

8:00 PM ET - PREMIUM Live Interview with Lisa Brenninkmeyer of Walking with Purpose

Saturday, March 13
1:00 PM ET - PREMIUM Live Interview with Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V. on discerning
peace with marriage.

6:00 PM ET - PREMIUM Live Discussion with the Abiding Together Podcast Team; Sr.
Miriam James Heidland, Heather Khym, and Michelle Bensinger.

8:00 PM ET - PREMIUM Live Interview with Sonja Corbitt of Catholic Evangelista.

Sunday, March 14 (consider Daylight Savings Time)

5:00 PM ET - PREMIUM Live Interview with Kathleen Beckman.
Join a
Live Q&A
We have a variety of Live Q&As and interactive discussions going throughout the
weekend. These are all facilitated through zoom and led by various conference
presenters. These sessions have a 300 person capacity and are first-come first-

Find these under Live Events in the conference site.

*Times are subject to change. Refer to the conference site during the weekend for the
latest schedule

Friday, March 12
1:00 PM ET - Analyn and Brandon Miller: He Said She Said - Finding Peace Through Your
Parenting Partnership
1:00 PM ET: Dr. Sam Fraser: Intimacy Betrayal into Peace
2:00 PM ET: Dr. Sam Fraser: Finding peace after intimancy betrayal

2:15 PM ET: Chloe Langr: The Feminine Genius!

2:30 PM ET: Celine Kelly: Two Topics: 1. International Women's Encounter, Magdalena
Institute, Galilee, Holy Land. 2. The Women of the Gospel by Celine Kelly; Book available as
of Summer 2021
3:00 PM ET: Analyn and Brandon Miller: Open Q&A
5:00 PM ET: Karianna Frey: Creating a space of belonging/Q&A
Join a
Live Q&A

Saturday, March 13
9:00 AM ET - Kate Wicker: Depression, Anxiety, and Body Image Struggles as Catholic
9:15 AM ET: Joel W. Hawbaker: Blended Families
9:30 AM ET: Celine Kelly: Two Topics: 1. International Women's Encounter, Magdalena
Institute, Magdala, Galilee, Holy Land. 2. Women of the Gospel by Celine Kelly; book
available Summer 2021
10:00 AM ET: Kimberly Cook: Open Q&A (The roots of feminism and opposition to
11:00 AM ET: Erin Ingold: Cleansing our Emotions with Open Q&A
1:00 PM ET: Allison Gingras: How Grace Helps Us Maintain Peace

1:00 PM ET: Analyn and Brandon Miller: Help! My Kids Are Unmotivated!

1:30 PM ET: Celine Kelly: Two Topics: 1. International Women's Encounter, Magdalena
Institute, Magdala, Galilee, Holy Land. 2. Women of the Gospel by Celine Kelly; book

available Summer 2021

2:00 PM ET: Analyn and Brandon Miller: Open Q&A

3:00 PM ET: Dr. Sam Fraser: Transforming anger into peace

3:00 PM ET: Joan Maroney: Divine Mercy Sunday - How to Make the Most of the Extra-

ordinary Day of Grace

3:30 PM ET: Dr. Sam Fraser: Tranforming anger with men into peace

8:00 PM ET: Kimberly Cook: The dichotomy between Feminism and Catholicism, masculine
and feminine virtue
Join a
Live Q&A

Sunday, March 14 (consider Daylight Savings Time)

10:00 AM ET: Dr. Sam Fraser: Transforming anger into peace
12:00 PM ET: Celine Kelly: Two Topics: 1. International Women's Encounter, Magdalena
Institute, Magdala, Galilee, Holy Land. 2. Women of the Gospel by Celine Kelly; book
available Summer 2021

2:00 PM ET: January Donovan: Open Q&A

3:00 PM ET: Sonja Corbitt: Fear
5:00 PM ET: John Finch: Open Q&A
Live Prayer
Live Prayer rooms are free to all attendees. These sessions have a 300 person
capacity and are first-come first-served. They are virtual rooms for facilitator-led
intercessory prayer.

Join these Live Prayer Rooms under Live Sessions in the conference.

Friday, March 12
3:00 PM ET: Praying for Peace in Your Marriage - Dr. Sam Fraser

7:00 PM ET: Miracle Peace Hour- Patricia Baker

Saturday, March 13
11:30 PM ET: Praying for Peace with Myself - Abby Byron-Goslin

2:00 PM ET: Praying for Peace with Our Lady- Carrie DiBella

3:30 PM ET: Praying for Forgiveness - Martha Matia

7:00 PM ET: Praying for Job - Stephen Day

Sunday, March 14 (consider Daylight Savings Time)

1:00 PM ET: Trusting in God - Stephen Day

2:30 PM ET: How to Discern God's Will - Janet Lees

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