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KLAN (original title)

TV series

“Every state in the world has its own mafia, but only here in the
Balkans, Mafia has its own State.”


Original title:


Production notes: Format:

8 x 55’

Audience target:
20-50 years old, adult

Location shooting:
A Balkan town in the mountains

Development stage:
Mini-bible, pilot treatment
CLAN Idea, Genre, Theme and Premise.


If the past is what happened, What if a warlord succeeded

then why what happens is Great change –brings not in becoming a respectable
always about the past? comfort-at least not in any member of society, and
superficial sense, but makes his own dream town?
demands a courage and a
The Balkan Noir. willingness to risk and suffer.


After the Balkan wars, the only state
that survived is the criminal state.
Crime unites, law divides.

. . . . .
A Balkan town, 25 years after the war. The State is in disarray .
Alexander, the Mayor of this small town called Mirne Vode (Still Water), is not only an ordinary Mayor: he can say that he owns the town, that
he is its Alpha and Omega. As his capital project, he wants to build a touristic resort with a zoo.
But Alexander has a secret.
He receives a letter from a nearby monastery. The sender is a strange, half-crazy monk that urgently wants to speak to him about the past.
A past which Alexander has carefully buried: together they were part of a 5-member squad of mercenaries during the Balkan wars. The
only proof of that are the VHS tapes that they kept as insurance against each other, in case one of them decided to reveal what they did.
And the monk wants to do exactly that: to make peace with God and hand over his copy to the police.

Alexander’s whole world is in jeopardy. He calls everyone from the squad to meet, but the monk has disappeared with the tape. And so has
Alexander’s daughter.
Clan, TV series.
A total of 161 persons were indicted in Hague

The rest are among us.


The Band

8 8

He is serious and committed. He controls his business and takes
care of the family (wife, two daughters). He is brutal when dealing
with his business partners. One would say that he is a great father
that has to fight in a cruel Balkan world for a good life. A Balkan
businessman with a soft spot for his daughters.  Family matters
the most to him. Alexander has a huge secret. Once upon a time
in the Yugoslav wars, he was the leader of a paramilitary squad
that was ruthless. With the other guys living, he is still in danger of
his past being discovered and his current life is in  constant threat
by the existence of filmed material that everyone kept as an
insurance after the wars ended.

And there is one of them that
wants to tell everything…


The Monk
Father Ilarion spends all of his time in prayer and he is making
daily sacrifice to God for everything he did. It is not by chance
that we find him in the monastery near Still Water. He is put
there by Alexander, as he had a nervous breakdown and suffers
from the symptoms of PTSD. At the time of the crimes, he was
just a teenager. The inciting incident for the story is when he
decides to come forward with the truth of what they did in the


The Teacher

Dragan is a guy that will never hurt a fly. He wears glasses and
is slight build and gentle with kids. He does everything with a
lot of sympathy.  He wants to be absolved from his sins by
doing good deeds all the time. Then he finds his past, or vice
versa, his past finds him. At the time they committed a war
crime, he was a junkie. Sometimes he sees his ex-wife, she is
still a junkie. For the past 15 years, he managed to hide his
criminal past and to cover the tracks of his previous  war crimes.


The Truck Driver

Vladimir,  ex-Yugoslav war veteran, mercenary. He is a ruthless,
primitive and highly emotional Balkan type. Vladimir was
acquitted for rape because of the lack of evidence and he is on
the loose, driving an ominous trailer truck throughout the
Balkan region (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina). He is
tall, dark-haired and blue-eyed. He has connections with the
others from the war. Alexander is helping him, until he can
calculate what risk Vladimir represents to the others from the

Katarina, 35 years. Key words are family, politicly correct and
doggedly determint. She has a girl, Sofia, 10 years old and
loving husband. Katarina struggles with everyone and
everything in Serbia to get things done: the people that are
bureaucrats from the socialist era and also with the “fruits of
transition” aka corruption and organized crime. She is a police
inspector at the beginning of her career. Quiet, young and
nerdy. She comes from a big town to a small town to
investigate the missing girl case. She gets stuck the  more she
digs. Everything is heavy lifting for a young police woman. She
is bossed around by her superior, but the real challenge comes
with Alexandar. He is the one who challenges her capabilities
the most.​


“Look like the innocent flower,
But be the serpent under it.”

—William Shakespeare, Macbeth

The main arena is the small
town, called Still Water.
People of mixed ethnicities, it
is basically a border Balkans
town, settled in the beautiful
mountainous landscape.
There is a beautiful
untouched natural park, soon
to be turned into a resort. 16

There is human side to all crimes. There is an unbearable notion that even if the murder was not committed
intentionally, there is part of a human that wants to commit itself to the judgement of a society. Something in very
essence of the human being wants to be discovered and punished. This is how one sleeps well in the night. 

Our anti-heroes met their darkest shadow during the war. 

And these shadows follow them until this very day.

Clan, TV Series.
Storyline.8 episodes.
The Water is Still…..


Pilot, step outline

 Alexander is finishing with fishing on a beautiful lake. The train station is nearby. The local train leaves in the distance. The
railroader’s whistle is heard. The sound of children playing. Three boys are on the other riverbank. In the second when Alexander's
fish is on the hook, one of the children falls into the water and starts to drown. Alexander jumps in the water and takes the kid out. 
The kid is ok. They recognize him and Alexander takes them to the town. He puts his heavily tattooed body into a 4x4. Then he
systematically goes through all the red traffic lights in a small town nearby. Policemen turn their heads away. Children are
screaming of joy. On his elbow, there is a tattoo saying “If it is a red light, it is not a wall”. He stops and shouts. It is kind of a relief
for him. There is a poster on the street pole showing him being re-elected mayor. In a suit. Children go out from the car happily
waving to Alexander.
 Then he parks in front of the house. His wife, a withdrawn pretty woman is waiting for him to have dinner, with a little girl... They
look like a small happy family. On the walls of his home, there are big paintings of dolls. Only those faces and no other images are
present. One can say that Alexander has a strange taste in arts. His wife wants him to attend their older daughters exhibition in an
art gallery in a big city, not far away. She wants to show him the interview with her, previously aired on TV. Suddenly...
Clan, TV Series.

  ...on TV, breaking news about the discovery of a mass grave. He watches it.  
 In the monastery, the Monk is smoking behind a big monastery wall. There is a distant and also beautiful view of the lake from the
beginning. The Monk, father Ilarion, a tad edgy and anxious for a monk, talks inaudibly to himself. He is preparing for a prayer
when the same footage is broadcast, he can hear it from the living quarters. He is watching observantly, too. 
  Alexander is visiting his party premises. A small office full of people. He announces that he wants another term to finish what he
started. Everyone cheers.  
  Alexander in his office wants to meet the people that excavated the mass grave in village nearby. 
 Alexander goes to the village with the cameras. He makes a speech about crime and punishment. "There is no deed that can go
unpunished!", he says. His wife calls to tell him that their daughter has just arrived. 
 Dragan, the teacher, is giving classes in a school that overlooks the great and beautiful lake. Children are really nasty. Dragan barely
manages to control them. Then he goes out of the classroom, takes a big sigh and returns to the class. Then there is silence. He
goes out and the bully from the class is without his pants and other children laugh at him. He goes to his small car and after a
minute or two of driving, he throws the pants out of the car. 
 Dragan comes home and finds a woman waiting in front of his house. It is his ex-wife, a drug addict suffering a crisis. He takes her
in and gives her money. She tells him to watch the news because a part of it will interest him. He watches the news on the internet
and then goes alone to the lake. He takes a swim. In the cold water. There in the water he hears screams and sees an apparition of
a dead child. 
Clan, TV Series.

 Next morning. Alexander goes to work. There is a presentation of a future big tourist resort in the national park nearby. It is an
ethnic village with a cinema and a theatre, a complex resort that should boost the commerce of this small town. During his
presentation, Alexander sees the face of the monk in the crowd. 
 Dragan calls Alexander on the cell phone. No answer. Then he takes his car and goes to Alexander's office. He wants to see
Alexander in person. The secretary informs him that Alexander does not want talk to him. Dragan returns to school where he works.
The principal wants to know what is wrong with him and why he is absent from the classes. Dragan wants the rest of the day off.  
 Dragan goes to the monastery where he looks for Ilarion, but instead of him, he sees Vladimir from distance, the truck driver who is
also there. A gruesome type. He makes a confession and an old Monk informs him that the monk he is looking for has disappeared
the day before.  Dragan and Vladimir see each other from the distance. Obviously, they know each other, but they part, without
saying anything. 
 Alexander is attending his older daughter’s exhibition. She is a painter who paints only one motive - dolls from her childhood. Sort
of Margaret Kean-like paintings.  Now we understand Alexander's artistic taste. It is not his, it is his daughters. Alexander's wife is
also there with their younger daughter. A very sweet little girl with ponytails. Alexander gives a little speech to the audience. He lifts
the glass and ends with the words: "Here's looking at you, kid"
 The Monk comes to the exhibition. He addresses Alexander and Alexander leaves his younger daughter alone for a moment to talk
to him. They know each other. They know each other from the war. There was an incident and it is filmed, each of them has a VHS
tape to prove it. Ilarion wants to give his copy of the tape to the police and confess his sins. He will hide other identities and he will
not mention the politician's role in the war events.  

Clan, TV Series.

 Alexander takes him to a small room. There, out of the sight, Alexander becomes a beast. He is kicking Ilarion with bestiality that he
never showed before. Under heavy beating, Ilarion decides to take them all down. He wants all the tapes now. Alexander pushes
him out of the building. Alexander returns to the exhibition.
 Alexander’s younger daughter is running around the space with a doll in her hands, the same as on her sister’s paintings. Alexander
is checking on her during the time his secretary informs him of his opposition candidate. A young lawyer is to be his competition
and he is getting more popular. Alexander's secretary introduces Alexander to the lawyer who is also present. They shake hands.
Alexander does not like him at all.
 The Monk’s face appears and disappears again in the crowd. Alexander's younger daughter is nowhere to be found.  
 That night Alexander meets the others from the band... Alexander, Dragan (the teacher) and Vladimir (the truck driver) meet on the
spot where the future tourist resort will be constructed. Everyone is supposed to be safe if the VHS tapes that they bring along are
safe. Now the Monk is missing with the tape and with Alexander's daughter. The search begins, the elections continue, the
township mourns the unfortunate Mayor, Alexander’s older daughter gives public appeal to whomever took her sister. The Monk
takes the girl with ponytails to a mountain cabin. Just above Alexander's favorite fishing place. 

Clan, TV Series.

 Immediately after the exhibition, police inspector Katarina comes to investigate the missing child case. Alexander refuses help from
her. He tells Katarina that his daughter probably went to a friend’s house and that she should interrogate all of her school friends.
This is Alexander's proposition. The Mother takes the phone and two of them start calling all the parents from the school.
 In the morning, Alexander returns to his mayor's office to meet with the contractors. He dreamed about the new touristic resort in
their natural park. This is a road to progress. Everyone loves it. There is a fake public bidding procedure and Alexander controls it.
Although, he is genuinely suffering as a father of the missing girl, Alexander cannot rely on the police because he already knows
who took his daughter. He has to look for her himself. He calls Vladimir, the truck driver, he will search daily.
 Alexander return to his home to greet the older daughter who came from a big town. She is an emerging artist and we can clearly
see how proud it makes Alexander. She is there to be with the family in the time of trouble. Alexander's wife does not stop to call
the parents from the school. She becomes really aggressive talking to some parents. Alexander is intimidated by his wife. She is
withdrawn and aloof.
 The teacher meets his ex-wife. She is a junkie. He gives her money. He doesn’t want to, but, obviously, she knows something about
him. She knows what he did.
 Katarina checks the profile of Alexander. Who profits (Qui bono), from the abduction of his daughter? She speaks with an older
colleague, Misha, in order to find out who from Alexander's past can be interested in blackmailing him. Misha gives her a lead that
Alexander was in the war and that he was a commander. She should speak with his war comrades.

Clan, TV Series.

 The young lawyer, Alexander's competitor, is going door to door. Persuading people that it is time for change. Some of the people
he meets are the contractors from the meeting with Alexander. He is threatened by one of them.
 Some of his supporters go to Alexander's construction site and leave a message on a big truck: “This is not your private town. No
more!”. Alexander comes to the construction site and sees the writing on the truck. He sits in the car and goes to confront the
 The truck driver searches for the Monk in the Monastery. Monks are terrified by his methods.
 Alexander meets the lawyer in person after the incident at the construction site. Between Alexander and him there is a lot of built
up pressure. Alexander loses control and pushes the lawyer in front of the media. At the last moment, Alexander controls himself.
 That same afternoon, Alexander is at his house keeping the family together. The lawyer speaks on TV about Alexander's behavior.
They want him to resign. That night, the family sleeps still dressed on the sofa.
 Next morning, in the desolate mountain hut where the Monk broke in. He keeps the girl there. He phones Alexander for the first
time since the abduction. He wants all the tapes in exchange for the girl and then he will blow the whistle on all of them. Everyone
must be punished. During the call, Alexander can hear railroader’s whistle. From a small railroad station, where he likes to fish.
 Alexander takes the gun from a hidden stash and goes alone in the mountains. Katarina calls him, but he rejects the call. His car
stops at the railway station.

Clan, TV Series.

 Ilarion keeps the kid in an illusion that they are waiting for her parents in the hut he found and broke into. Alexander comes to
rescue his daughter. He is on the trail and Ilarion is gathering firewood, oblivious of Alexander who is approaching. Alexander
follows Ilarion from the distance. Then his phone rings. It is Katarina. She would like to speak with him, she is at his office. Ilarion
hears the phone ringing and is alarmed by it. He runs towards the hut. Alexander too.
 Ilarion takes the girl from the hut. He rushes deeper into the woods. Alexander finds an empty hut with his daughter’s doll. It is a
heavy moment for Alexander, his favorite girl was minutes away from him.
 Alexander calls Dragan and Vladimir to the small railway station. They have to help him now. He is near. They come and the search
goes on. Alexander must return to give the statement to Katarina.
 Ilarion goes back in the Monastery. The monks accept them and hide them. The girl becomes restless now. She is asking for her
parents all the time.
 Katarina is conducting a search for the missing kid. She interrogates Alexander who gives her the third degree. He has to continue
with the campaign, there is a big political rally he has to attend.
 Alexander is at a political rally, making the speech about the family values. After the speech about his missing daughter, he shows
the doll he found. He claims that he thinks his daughter is dead. He loses composure and his wife has to take over.
 After couple of hours, the whole town gathers to search for the missing kid. Heavy rain falls, there are hundreds of raincoats and
umbrellas visible in the mountain. During the search, Katarina notices the relationship between Dragan and Alexander. Dragan
wants to go to home, he cannot participate in this, he needs money. Alexander is furious. Katarina sees the scene.

Clan, TV Series.

 Katarina follows Dragan after seeing him with Alexander. She sees him meet his ex wife. She has come for the money. Katarina
would like to speak to the woman. After getting a promise from Dragan that he will pay her, his ex-wife leaves. Katarina loses her
from sight.
 Alexander finishes with the search for the day. They did not find the girl.
 That very evening Dragan comes to Alexander to ask for money. He has to pay his ex-wife and he will help him in the search.
Alexander gives him what he needs. Dragan admits to Alexander that he told his ex-wife what they did during the war. Alexander’s
wife comes in at the moment when Dragan talks about what they did in the war. She is not upset by the notion. There is more to
her than what we assumed at the beginning. She knows. Then she accuses Dragan that he took their daughter together with Ilarion.
She wants them to search again. All three of them go out searching.
 Katarina keeps calling Dragan from the office. Alexander sees the caller ID. Dragan answers the call and speaks with Katarina.
 Katarina comes home. She has a feeling that she is being followed. She thinks that someone is behind her in the truck. The truck is
dangerously close to her small car. She stops on the side, takes the handgun from her glove compartment and waits for the driver.
The truck continues without stopping. She enters her home and this is when we meet Katarina’s family. A husband and a small
baby. A young couple at the beginning of their marriage. She enters and embraces her husband who does not understand why she
hugs him so strongly. She checks on the baby immediately after.
 A very similar ominous truck is actually going after someone. After a call from Alexander, Vladimir is going after Dragan's ex-wife.
He knows exactly where to find her. He sees her buying drugs. He takes the knife, puts it in his jacket and goes out from the truck.
She is being closely followed by the murderous Vladimir.

Clan, TV Series.

 Alexander is preparing for the elections. His ratings have gone up because the voters feel sorry for him and his kidnapped kid.
Everyone is sympathetic with him.
 Alexander presents the new tourist resort to the public. His wife and older daughter on his side. After the ceremony, Alexander cries
in front of his family, on the way back home. He has lost the only thing that matters. His daughter. He blames himself.
 Katarina speaks with the ex-wife of Dragan. She tells her about the tapes and about Dragan’s involvement. She does not know who
the others are, but she knows that there are 5 tapes and therefore it must be five people that where involved in the act. On the way
out, she can see the same truck, parked on the other side of the street. From the truck, Vladimir calls Alexander. When Katarina
leaves, Vladimir goes to the house of Dragan’s ex-wife. She has a cat. Vladimir strangles both the woman and the cat.
 Katarina speaks to Alexander about her findings. He knows now that Dragan's ex-wife spoke about them. He persuades Katarina
that the Dragan had the best friend from the war. It was Alexanders brother. He never got over blaming Alexander for his death.
 It is the All Souls Day and Alexander takes a chair.. He takes the chair with him, then he stops to buy a couple of beers. There is a
custom on this very day in the Balkans to sit with the dead. People arrange tables with food and drink and “sit” with their dead
family members. All over the town there are people “sitting” with their dead. Alexander visits his brother’s grave. He takes the VHS
tape, hidden under the gravestone. Katarina follows Alexander.
 Alexander’s wife persuades Alexander that he has to act upon the fact that Dragan is on the way of betrayal. With their daughter
missing, she is strangely strong.

Clan, TV Series.

 Alexander wants Vladimir to believe that Dragan will betray them.

 Katarina calls Dragan. Dragan learns about the fate of his ex-wife from Katarina. She is at the crime scene. He also learns what his
ex-wife told Katarina just a moment before the visit from the Truck driver. During the call, Vladimir enters his apartment. He had to
get the things with Dragan's ex-wife sorted. Dragan was not strong enough to deal with her, so Vladimir did it as a favor to him.
She would talk, inevitably.
 Katarina meets Misha again. She tells the older colleague about Dragan's wife and the tapes. He explains to her that the bastards
filmed themselves during the crimes so they could have some kind of a leverage over each other if someone talks. It was a
common practice in the Balkan wars.
 Alexander goes once more to look for the Monk with Vladimir. Vladimir tells him he had a conversation with Dragan and that
everyone is safe now.
 Alexanders daughter comes out from the monastery. She is all alone and the night is falling.
 Ilarion searches for the kid. He finds her speaking with a peasant taking his cattle on a pasture. He takes her back to the Monastery.
The peasant turns around and goes home. In his house, there is a picture of Alexander from the campaign on the wall. He makes a
telephone call. Then he waits outside his house.
 Katarina receives a VHS tape, by post. She is at home and she has to borrow an old VHS player from her neighbors. She plays the

Clan, TV Series.

 Alexander, Dragan and Vladimir find Ilarion and the daughter in the Monastery. The girl is taken away by Alexander's men and four
of the ex-war dogs stay alone. He gathers the tapes from everyone, he says he wants them destroyed. They give it to him.
Alexander is willing to forget what has happened, he hesitates to hurt Ilarion, he understands the state he is in.
 Alexander takes them for a drink to the place where he likes to fish. There is a small house there. He excuses Ilarion for his doings
and wants to forget about the episode. What follows is an alcohol fueled night. Ilarion is not drinking, so he goes out to the river.
That is when he gets shot in the head. By Alexanders wife. The others hear the shot, they go out. Meanwhile, Alexander gets the
tapes. Dragan sees what has just happened to Ilarion and gets away.
 Alexander shoots to kill Dragan. Then he realizes that Dragan took HIS tape. Vladimir escapes, too, but without the tape. Alexander
and his wife put the body of Ilarion on a small boat, then they fill his pockets with stones, and throw him to the fish.

Clan, TV Series.

 Katarina watches the tape. It shows the POV of the cameraman. An inside of a farmhouse is shown and dead bodies on the ground.
It is a scene after a massacre. Then the cameraman goes out. We can see his boots. He goes outside of the house and there we see
4 soldiers overlooking the train they stopped. They take the people out and start robbing them of their possessions. We can see
only their backs. Then one of the soldiers is singled out and he addresses the camera. It is a face of a younger Ilarion. Much
younger. A teenager with Rambo shades speaks to the cameraman. He says his name and confirms the date. An abrupt cut. There is
a feeling that there was more footage on the tape.
 Alexander and his wife come home to their children. An emotional reunion.
 Katarina is approached by Alexander’s opponent, the young lawyer. He wants to help her attack Alexander. He wants to see the
tape. Katarina tells him to provoke Alexander in the upcoming duel and to ask him about his whereabouts during the war.
 Alexander goes to a TV show. He is being scrutinized for his whereabouts during the war by the young lawyer. The opposition
candidate asks him about what he had done in the war? Alexander emotionally reveals that there was a unit which he only knows
about that committed war crimes. He was a part of the regular forces, not a mercenary. He was a hero. He reveals to the public that
they took his daughter. He accuses Vladimir. Questioned about the evidence he has on a mercenary gang, he is giving an edited
tape to the press. He lies about how he obtained the evidence, but he shows the tapes with the truck driver. His footage is missing,
because the sequence on the tape is cut. The face of the Truck driver is in the media.
 Vladimir introduces Dragan to his job. He is smuggling whatever there is to smuggle - tech, drugs, money, stolen goods... Dragan
stays at his place. For a while, he finds a job in a club as a DJ. He wants his life back.
 The manhunt for Vladimir who goes to the forest is happening. Katarina’s investigation is being hindered because she wants to
question Alexander. They put her on a leave.

Clan, TV Series.

 Vladimir goes to the forest. There he works as a woodcutter in a sawmill.

 Dragan continues to do Vladimir's job and his night job.
 Vladimir hurts himself and they take him to a hospital.
 The lawyer attacks Alexander’s project again and this time reveals the scheme of contractors paying to Alexander.
 Katarina interviews Vladimir, without informing her boss, and he is cooperative. He says that there were five men and that Dragan's
younger brother died in the action. The investigators from the Special Court for War Crimes come to interrogate Vladimir after
Katarina. He is transferred to prison.
 Vladimir is being threatened by Alexander in jail. He receives the message from him. If he remains silent, he will get a reduced
 Vladimir does not want to talk to the investigators from the Special Court anymore... Alexander will take good care of him. All he
has to do is remain silent.

Clan, TV Series.

 Alexander takes his opponent in the elections fishing. He proposes him to take the percentage from the contractors of the tourist
resort and not attack the project anymore. The lawyer refuses Alexander’s proposition. Alexander invites him for a dinner.
 In a restaurant, a public place, so everyone can see that politics is not only about making enemies from your opponents.
 The lawyer invites Katarina to go with him. He wants to make Alexander uncomfortable.
 Alexander and his wife come to the restaurant. They toast to each other. Alexander toasts like he always does: "Here's looking at
you, kid"
 The lawyer prepares for the dinner. He lives alone with a dog.
 Alexander’s wife leaves to the bathroom. She washes her hands obsessively.
 The waiter asks Alexander if anyone else was coming. Alexander answer with a no.
 Someone shoots the lawyer. He goes into the house. Katarina comes to his rescue. He survives, but his head is injured.
 Alexander and his wife pay the bill for the dinner and leave.
 Vladimir returns to his cell at dawn. Someone let him out for the night.

Clan, TV Series.

 Katarina presents the evidence to her boss. He calls Alexander immediately.

 Katarina is on a leave but meets the investigator from the Special Court for Organized Crime in Belgrade about the evidence she
has obtained.
 Katarina is back. She is part of the team that goes after war criminals. A small task force will go after Alexander and his accomplices.
 Katarina goes to the court in her car with the tape. Dragan follows her in his car. Alexander crashes into Katarina's car. Dragan
saves her from him, for he is on the tape as well. Two of them leave the scene in Dragan's car. He forces her back into her
apartment. Her daughter is also in the apartment with Katarina's mother . To save both of them, Katarina lies to the Investigator of
the Special Court who calls her on the phone.
 The Investigator suspects that something is wrong, so he comes to her. Katarina acts normally to avoid Dragan's reaction.
Investigator leaves.
 Alexanders only chance is to find Dragan before the investigators from the Special Court. He looks for Dragan through his mob
connections. He contacts the truck driver’s boss and learns about the new guy in the business.
 Alexander becomes very nervous, for his campaign is hurt by the wounded lawyer. He tells the police that he was in the restaurant
at the time of the attack, but the lawyer makes an interview in the hospital accusing Alexander for the attack.
 Alexander is under pressure. His older daughter comes again to her parents’ house. She wants to know the truth. Was he really a
part of the mercenary gang like the lawyer says?

Clan, TV Series.

 Dragan wants Katarina to include him in witness protection programme. She can not promise that. Dragan panicks because
Katarina now saw the tape.. Dragan is now agitated. He wants his school teacher’s life back. He takes Katarina with him in the car, in
 Katarina is left with the new tape on an empty road. The teacher shows remorse. A new habit.
 Katarina presents the new evidence to the task force. On the tape there is a clearly commander of the mercenaries as it looks from
the back. The guy is completely bald, his head is shaved and has a tattoo , of a snake, is on the back of his head. But there is
something else on the tape. And that is a face of the cameraman. Or better said, camera woman. It is Alexanders wife.
 Katarina has a warrant to search Alexanders house. They are on the way to his place. They had to obtain the warrant in Belgrade, so
there is a long ride in front of them.
 Alexander is taking his younger daughter for an ice cream.
 Alexanders wife is home alone. Her telephone rings. She is listening.
 Misha hangs up his cellular phone.
 Alexanders wife calls Alexander. He comes to pick her up. All three of them go to the boat were Alexanders wife tells to Alexander
what happened. They know about her doings. Alexander takes them back on the shore. He has to save her. He takes the phone.
 Misha receives another call. Then he takes the tape from the evidence and leaves the office with it.

Clan, TV Series.

 Katarina comes to Alexanders home. She will arrest his wife. Instead, a car with two agents waits for her. They take her to the police.
 Katarina is being interrogated by the Special court investigators about Dragan.
 Dragan goes to the school in an effort to get his job back. He is refused. He gets violent. The principal calls the police.
 On the Election Day, Alexander is preparing for the elections. His main opponent, the lawyer, too.
 Alexander learns that he will probably loose the elections to the Lawyer.
 The police arrests Dragan. He does not want to go to jail, so he names all five members of the gang. Four names are not a surprise,
but the fifth member is Alexander’s wife. No tape is found. Katarina does not have the evidence, but there is a testimony from
 Dragan commits suicide in prison.
 Katarina meets Alexander on a rally and he is very, very happy to see her. She tells him that she knows about his wife and him…
Everyone is covering up, but at least he should know that she knows.
 Vladimir is being released from jail. It is Misha who arranges everything.
 Vladimir returns to his home.
 The votes are being counted. All the numbers show that the lawyer has won the elections.
 Alexanders people switch the bags with the votes. It is a straight-out fraud and it works for Alexander.
 At the end of the Election Day , Alexander celebrates the victory with his family.
Clan, TV Series.

 Machine roar. At the construction site the works are speeding up. The progress is coming.
 Alexander takes his whole family on a beautiful trip near his town. Family bonding has never been bigger. He makes
barbecue and invites the friends of his older daughter. 
 Katarina makes an effort to come back to the police but they “reorganize” the department and put her on a desk job,
 Alexander’s daughter receives the tape from Ilarion (the monk), addressed to her. The tape was sent by another monk.
Entrusted with this task by Ilarion. .. The tape with her mother and their war gang. Everything is there, uncut…
 Alexander’s daughter returns to her childhood home, she realizes that all the stuff from her children’s room is brought
from the war. Her dolls, presents, jewellery are found on tape….
 Alexander is sleeping on the couch. Drunk from a night after victory. His daughter is devastated. She lies next to her
drunk father and while going with her fingers threw his hair, a tattoo of a snake on his scalp is revealed. The same as on
the tape. 
 The whole sequence of the event that happened 20 years before. The fallen camera is lifted, we see the dead brother of
the teacher. The camera is lifted by Alexander’s wife. Dead villagers and Alexander in front of the Teacher, the Monk and
the Truck Driver. Behind them, a burning village in a place where now stands the foundation of Alexander’s tourist resort.
There is a guy running from the house in flames. Alexander lifts the gun up and aims. He addresses his wife with the
words: "Here's looking at you, kid”. A battery warning and the tape runs out. 
Clan, TV Series.
Darijan Mihajlovic

Mihajlović is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts

in Belgrade, Department of Theatre Directing. He received the
Golden Plaque of the City of Belgrade for Best Director and for
Best Short Film at the Belgrade Documentary and Short Film
Festival (2000,Belgrade Tourist Guide 2000), the Special Jury
Award and the Golden Orange at the International Antalya Film
Festival (2000,Belgrade Tourist Guide 2000). Since 2015 he has
been working at the Monbijou Theatre, Berlin, where he
directed Molière’s Tartuffe (2015) as well as Shakespeare’s
Merry Wives of Windsor (2016) and Macbeth (2017)., 


Graduated Film and TV Directing at Faculty of Dramatic Arts in

Belgrade. Worked as writer and Co-writer on several feature
films including: ZONE OF THE DEAD (2009.), first Serbian
zombie film, starring genre legend Ken Foree, MAMULA (2014.),
starring Franco Nero, THE RIFT (2016.), first modern Serbian SF
film and NIGHTWORLD (2017.), a Bulgarian-Italian co-
production starring Robert Englund (Freddy from A Nightmare
on Elm Street series. 38

Igor Turcinovic
Address: Dr. Agostina Neta 16, 11000 Belgrade.

B.A. diploma in film and TV production obtained in 1995,

Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade. PFI Studios, Belgrade, Serbia,
Head of PFI Studios, Director, 2012- …AWARDS:   FIPRESCI
Serbia, award for film of the year “Sedam i po” and LUČONOŠA,
award for the producer of the year 2006-2007.
The End

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