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Encounter Number (i.e.

2 to 24):
In the Heart of the Unknown D6 + D10 + below terrain modifier
Procedural Encounter, Terrain and Weather Engines for Wilderness Hex Crawling

1. Encounter Engine -4 Arid Trees +6

* = distant /
= Large settlement / city / destination improbable +2 Plains Hills +8

= Start / small settlement +4 +10

* Special Mountains
= Signs of civilization * Bog, swamp, lake, waterfall, chasm, trench, etc.

= Wandering monster

2 (-) Nomads
= Lair / monster settlement
* *
= Dungeon / feature 3 Ankheg

= Natural hazard / natural obstacle 4 Giant scorpion

= Camp / hireling / mount / equipment trouble × Blink dog

= River (moving upriver nudges the 2. Terrain Engine result upwards by one
HEX face; traveling downriver does the opposite; on the next double the 6 Pterodactyl / aerial threat
river: 12 = ends/impassible; 22 to 52 = bridge/ford; and 66 = divides in two
7 Bugbear
= Road (moving along road nudges the 1. Encounter Engine result one HEX
face towards the “Large settlement / city / destination” HEX; on the next Bandit
double the road: 12 = ends; 22 to 62 splits/x-roads | can cross over the road

9 Centaur
Starting Hex 2. Terrain Engine
Start in the bottommost HEX of × 10 Giant beetle
each HEX Flower (HF), unless of × ×
course circumstances dictate
11 Wolf
otherwise. Roll 2D6 and move in
the indicated Navigation Direction
(see below). 12 Goblin

Navigation Direction 13 Bear

10 11 23 14 Stirge
89 45 15 Ogre

If the roll leads off the edge of the 50% 16 Giant spider
HF, wrap around to the opposite
edge following the same row or
× 17 Giant owl
column. However, an ‘×’ indicates 3. Weather Engine
a disallowed direction, so stay in × 18 Hobgoblin
that kind of HEX.
× ×
19 Lion
Explanation of HEX Flower
20 Troll
‘theory’ can be found here

Template 21 Giant
HEX Flower Template can be
found here 22 Harpy
https://goblinshenchman.wordpr 23 Dragon
in cold weather the 24+ Gnoll
by Goblin’s Henchman version 1.1 drops are snow, sleet
or hail

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