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in Artificial Intelligence
Marcus Gerhold (

based on presentations by Ansgar Fehnker and Angelika Mader


 In this lecture
 Graphs and Trees.
 Data structures.
 Search strategies.  
 Goal of this lecture:
 provide sufficient material to implement greedy
search and A* search
Graphs and Trees
Graphs and Trees

 Graphs have nodes and edges

 Trees are graphs with certain properties
 Trees have a root and leaves

Basic definitions: root, nodes, leaves


Basic definitions: parent, ancestor, child, sibling


Basic definitions: height, branching degree, path, subtree


Important properties:

No cycles No cycles! Connected

There is a unique path to the root node from every node in the tree.
Graphs and Trees

 Graphs have nodes and edges

 Trees are graphs that are:
– Connected
– Acyclic
 Trees have a root and leaves

Graphs and Mazes

 Initial configuration is the root

 Children are available next positions
 Target is somewhere in the graph

 Note: This construction is not

necessarily a tree, because of cycles

Wanted: Graph Searching Strategies

Search Strategies Data Structures

 Depth First Search. Stacks

 Breadth First Search. Queues
 Greedy Search.
 A* Search.   Priority Queues
Depths First Search on a Tree

a binary balanced tree of height h

number of nodes n=2^h - 1
the number of nodes is
exponential in the height of a

n nodes can be stored in a

binary balanced tree of
height h= log2(n+1).
the height of a tree is
in the number of its nodes.
Depths First Search on a Tree
The pseudo code for depth-first search:

• start at the root.
• as long as there are unvisited 

if there is an unvisited child, 
move to that child.

If there is no unvisited child, 
go back to your parent.

How to go
Backtracking and Stacks

 Stacks: how to organize the “going back” (backtracking)?

 A stack is a data structure that models a pile of things.
 There are two important methods to work with a stack:

method push puts

an element on top
of the stack
Backtracking and Stacks

 Stacks: how to organize the “going back” (backtracking)?

 A stack is a data structure that models a pile of things.
 There are two important methods to work with a stack:

method pop gives us

the top element of the
Backtracking and Stacks

 Stacks: how to organize the “going back” (backtracking)?

 A stack is a data structure that models a pile of things.
 There are two important methods to work with a stack.
 Other methods Besides push and pop:
 A method to ask whether a stack is empty.
 And, if our stack has an upper bound, a method to check whether it is
 These methods with a Boolean as return type.
 A stack is sometimes also called LIFO: last in, first out.
Depths First Search on a Tree
Depth First Search

Pseudo Code In both, Java and C++,

there is a class for
Node actual = root; stacks that you can use.
Stack_of_nodes stack = empty;
while (number_of_visited_nodes < total_number_of_nodes) {
if (actual has an unvisited child nextChild){
actual = nextChild; How to use these is
number_of_visited_nodes++; contained in the code
} else { on canvas.
actual = stack.pop(); // go back to your parent
Breadth First Search on a Tree

 Search order on a tree for breadth first search

The pseudo code for breadth-first search:

level = 0;
while (level < height_of_the_tree){
visit all nodes of level level;

 How to organize the search per level

 A queue is very similar to a stack.
 Only, new elements are added in the end,
 And elements are taken from the front of the queue.
 So, we have also the four operations on a queue:
 queue.add(node);
 Node node = queue.remove();
 boolean b = queue.isempty();
 boolean b = queue.isfull(); FIFO: first
in first out
Breadth First Search

Pseudo Code

Queue_of_nodes queue;
while (!queue.isempty()) {
actual = queue.remove(); 
for all children child of actual{ 
Graphs and Mazes

 a grid is a graph, where each

node has at most 4 neighbors.
 in a maze the number of
neighbors is further restricted
by walls.
Graphs and Mazes

 Graph with initial node and edges

 A tree is a special type of graph

– No cycles
– One path to the root
Graphs and Mazes

 Search starting from root defines a tree on a graph

 (Deterministic) depths first
1 12 search

2 10
3 8

5 6
Graphs and Mazes

 Search starting from root defines a tree on a graph

 Breadth first search
1 3

4 5
7 11

10 12
Graphs and Mazes

 Search starting from root defines a tree on a graph

0 0

1 12 1 3
11 2

2 4 5
10 6
4 8

7 9
8 7 11

5 6 10 12

 Depths first search  Breadth first search

Graphs and Mazes

 Search may have to deal with “double parents”

To cope with this problem,

• mark each node with a label “visited” the
first time it gets visited
• using a Boolean variable in the node

The algorithms then have to be adapted

that it only considers unvisited
Graphs and Mazes

 Search may have to deal with “double parents”

1 3 To cope with this problem,

• mark each node with a label “visited” the
first time it gets visited
• using a Boolean variable in the node

The algorithms then have to be adapted

that it only considers unvisited
Graphs and Mazes

 Search may have to deal with “double parents”

2 To cope with this problem,

• mark each node with a label “visited” the
first time it gets visited
• using a Boolean variable in the node
3 object.

The algorithms then have to be adapted

that it only considers unvisited
Graphs and Mazes

 Search may have to deal with “double parents”

2 To cope with this problem,

• mark each node with a label “visited” the
first time it gets visited
• using a Boolean variable in the node
3 object.

The algorithms then have to be adapted

that it only considers unvisited
Graphs and Mazes

 Search may have to deal with “double parents”

1 To cope with this problem,

• mark each node with a label “visited” the
first time it gets visited
• using a Boolean variable in the node
2 3 object.

The algorithms then have to be adapted

that it only considers unvisited
Graphs and Mazes

 Search may have to deal with “double parents”

1 To cope with this problem,

• mark each node with a label “visited” the
first time it gets visited
• using a Boolean variable in the node
2 3 object.

The algorithms then have to be adapted

that it only considers unvisited
Search metrics

 Different search algorithms construct

different trees
→ Nodes are accessed in a different order
→ Efficiency of algorithms depends
 Output of program on canvas
Search metrics

 Different search algorithms construct

different trees
→ Nodes are accessed in a different order
→ Efficiency of algorithms depends
 Output of program on canvas
Search metrics

 Efficiency of algorithms depends on environment

Maze Obstacles Rooms Jail


 Different search algorithms yield different metrics

→ Use metrics in search algorithm itself

 Greedy search (always continue with most promising node)

 A* search (continue with most promising node + take
distance from start into account)
Greedy Search

 From all the nodes waiting
to be explored, take the
most promising to
Greedy Search

 From all the nodes waiting
to be explored, take the
most promising to
Greedy Search

 From all the nodes waiting
to be explored, take the
most promising to
 The most promising is the
one that has least
estimated costs to the goal
Greedy Search

 Any good estimate of the quality of the will do.

 It is often a measure of the “distance” to the goal.
 For a walk in the maze good measure would be the
Manhattan Distance
 The Manhattan distance is
inspired by the fact that in a
grid (like Manhattan) the
number of blocks is a better
measure for distance than
the Euclidian distance.
Greedy Search

 Any good estimate of the quality of the will do.

 It is often a measure of the “distance” to the goal.
 For a walk in the maze good measure would be the
Manhattan Distance
 The Manhattan distance is
the sum of
 abs(goal.x-current_x)
 abs(goal.y-current_y)

 In a plain grid there will be

multiple optimal paths
Greedy Search

• The most promising is the one
that has least estimated costs to
the goal.
Greedy Search

 The most promising is the one
that has least estimated costs to
the goal..
• This requires find the smallest
nodes that still needs to be
Greedy Search

 The most promising is the one
that has least estimated costs to
the goal.
 This requires find the smallest
nodes that still needs to be
Greedy Search

 The most promising is the one
that has least estimated costs to
the goal.
 This requires find the smallest
nodes that still needs to be
 One way to achieve this to have
a sorted list.
Finding the Smallest Element in a List

 In a sorted list it takes precisely one step, regardless of

the length of the list

 In an unsorted list it takes in the worst case the length of

the list n

What about the effort to

keep a list sorted?
Priority Queue

Similar to queues

Elements are added according to priority

Elements are taken from the front of the queue.
2 5 14 16 28
27 29 3
Priority Queue

Similar to queues

Elements are added according to priority

Elements are taken from the front of the queue.
– For the assignment you get a data structure that provides
efficient representation of an ordered list, and has efficient
– The data structure is called a “priority queue”

Priority Queue
 Keep the states that you still
have to visit in a priority queue.

 Greedy does not find the
shortest path.

Priority Queue
 Keep the states that you still
have to visit in a priority queue.

 Greedy does not find the
shortest path.
 It would be better to also
consider the path so far

 The most promising node is
the one where costs made
so far and expected costs.
 Add the length so far to the
Manhattan distance.
At least 34

 You might find a shorter
path to an intermediate
node later.
 This means you have to
update the cost
 This will change the
ranking. Remove the node,
and reinsert it, to keep
preserve sorting.
At least 36
A* is guaranteed to
Pseudo code find the shortest
Put start node in a list
While the goal is not yet reached:
Take most promising node n from list faster than
Mark the node as finally checked BFS.

For each successor s of the node n:

If s is finally checked: do nothing
If s is already in list, but has lower cost, do nothing
If s is already in list but with higher costs:
Update cost and make n its parent
If s is not yet in list
Add it with newly calculated cost and n as parent
Summary – Graphs and Trees

 Graphs have nodes and edges

 Graphs are used as data structures, where information is stored
as nodes
 Maze is stored as Graph
 Search algorithms construct tree inside graph
Summary – Search Algorithms

 Depth First Search – uses Stacks

 Breadth First Search – uses Queues
 Greedy Search – Choose best promising successor with respect to
distance to goal
 A* Search – Choose best promising successor with respect to
distance to goal + distance from start
Summary – Data Structures

 Stacks (LIFO, last in first out) – Used in DFS

 Queue (FIFO, first in first out) – Used in BFS
 Priority Queue (ordered list) – Used in Greedy & A*
Some thoughts for the Assignment

 What properties do nodes have?

 Variable for cost from start node
 Variable for estimated remaining costs
 Reference to its parent node
 Boolean whether it was visited
 Boolean whether it was checked finally

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