Steps: The Direct/indirect Object Becomes The Subject of The New Sentence

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STEPS Sheila washes the car

1) The direct/indirect object becomes the subject

of the new sentence.
2) The verb TO BE has the form/tense of the main
verb. The car is washed by Sheila
3) The main verb is put into the past participle
4) The old subject becomes an agent, introduced
by “by”. A
REMEMBER: We use the passive voice when Match
 we focus on what happened (the action) rather than who did it(agent). Two women were killed last night the
 we don’t know who did something  This carpet was made in India
form to
 we prefer not to mention who did something.  I can’t reveal my sources but I was told you lied. the
 the object of an active sentence is more important than the subject.  John was kidnapped by his uncle passive
Circle the correct answer
1) We did / were done the exercises in class.
1) makes a) are going to be built C
2) All the paintings sold / were sold yesterday.
2) will finish b) had been built Write
the 3) A fire was destroyed / destroyed the city in 1954.
3) are making c) is made
4) Football played / is played all over the world.
4) had built d) have been produced
5) They sent / are sent for a doctor.
5) were painting e) are being made
6) A party held / was held in John’s honour.
6) have produced f) was/were painted 7) This game can play / can be played by four people.
7) are going to g) should be produced 8) Mum threw / was thrown my old shoes away.
build 9) Dad has fixed / has been fixed my bicycle.
8) cooked h) were being painted 10) Someone has broken / has been broken the window
9) should produce i) will be finished
sentences in the passive
10) painted j) was/were cooked
1) Her parents gave Mary 500 dollars for her birthday.
2) The judge sentenced the murderer to life imprisonment.
3) The librarian put the books on the shelves.
4) The police will solve the mystery.
5) Mrs. Greene will teach the sixth grade Mathematics this year.
6) People all over the world sell newspapers.
7) They build great cars in Japan.
J 8) Archaeologists have discovered an ancient Temple in the middle of the jungle.
9) Jacob sent Kate and Mike a present for their anniversary.
10) Kimberly lent Helen her car for the weekend.

D Change the following sentences to the active

1) Breakfast is usually prepared by Helen.
2) A new house is being built in our neighbourhood.
3) Some money was lent to Frank by his parents
4) Has the contract been signed by Mr. Fisher?
5) He was ordered to have a long rest and a break from work by his doctor.
6) Your car cannot be repaired today.
7) Your brother has not been taught by your parents how to behave properly.
8) Was John or George appointed the new president by the committee?
9) All the cakes have been eaten by the children.
10) We will be given our reports back by the teacher tomorrow.

E Use the cues to an active sentence and a passive sentence. (The words are not in order)

1. Lila /send/ flowers / yesterday/ her grandmother.

a) _______________________________________________________________________________________
b) _______________________________________________________________________________________
Judy, the baby elephant who was born four months ago at the Bronx Zoo (1) _______________________
(put) onpolice/
The a diet the thief
, zoo / for further
reporters questioning / hold (announce) today. Judy (3)
(2) ___________________
a) _______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________ (find) to be 10 kilos overweight. Mr Brigardi, her caretaker stated that she (4)
b) _______________________________________________________________________________________
______________________ (not give) any extra food. “ I think visitors (5) _____________________ (feed)
3. The children / the accident / witness/ last week.
her. “ She’s so cute it’s really hard to resist her” he told reporters.
a) _______________________________________________________________________________________
Judy and her mother, Ursa (6) _____________________ (separate) from the other elephants by the zoo
b) _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Theand (7) _____________________
burglar (keep)jewellery
/ from her house / Sheila’s in a special area.
/ steal Visitors
/ last (8) _____________________ (ask)
a) to
not _______________________________________________________________________________________
feed her. Her vets hope she (9) _____________________ (lose) the weight soon. They are hopeful
b) _______________________________________________________________________________________
that she (10) _____________________ (grow) up to be a healthy elephant.
5. The teacher / the children /difficult questions / ask / usually
a) _______________________________________________________________________________________
b) _______________________________________________________________________________________

F Write the verbs in the correct form (active or passive)

1) Mary was given 500 dollars for her birthday by her
parents. Or 500 dollars were given to Mary by her
2) The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment by
1) the
c judge.
3) The 1) books
did were put on the shelves by the librarian
4)2) The
i mystery will be solved by the police.
2) were sold.
5)3) The
e sixth grade will be taught Mathematics by Mrs.
Greene this year. Or Mathematics will be taught to
3) destroyed.
4) the
b sixth grade by Mrs. Greene this year.
4) is played
6)5) Newspapers
h are sold all over the world.
5) sent
7) Great cars are built in Japan.
8)6) An
d ancient Temple has been discovered in the middle
6) was held
of the jungle by archaeologists.
7) a7) can be played
9) Kate and Mike were sent a present for their
8) anniversary
j8) threw by Jacob. Or A present was sent to Kate
and Mike for their anniversary by Jacob
9) Helen
10) g9) has
lent Kimberly’s car for the weekend. Or
10) f10) car was lent to Helen for the weekend.
has broken
1) Helen usually prepares breakfast.
2) They are building a new house in our neighbourhood.
3) His Parents lent Frank some money.
4) Has Mr. Fisher signed the contract ?
5) His doctor ordered him to have a long rest and a break from work.
6) None can repair your car today. (He can’t repair your car today)
7) Your parents brother have not taught your brother to behave properly.
8) Did the committee appoint John or George (as) the new president?
9) The children ate all the cakes.
10) The teacher will give us our reports back tomorrow.


1. Lila sent her grandmother flowers yesterday. (1) was put

b) Her grandmother was sent flowers by Lila yesterday (2) announced
2. The police are holding the thief for further questioning
(3) was found
b) The thief is being held for further questioning by the police
(4) has not been given
3. The children witnessed the accident last week.
(5) have been feeding.
b) The accident was witnessed by the police last week
4. The burglar stole Sheila’s jewellery from her house last night. (6) have been
b) Sheila’s jewellery was stolen from house last night. separated
5. The teacher usually asks the children difficult questions (7) are being kept
b) The children are usually asked difficult questions by the (8) are asked
teacher. (9) will lose
(10) will grow up

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