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C o m p o n e n t F r a m e w o r k-

D e pl oyi n g c o m p o n e n t
s e r vi c e
C o m p o n e n t F r a m e w o r k-
D e pl oyi n g c o m p o n e n t s e r vi c e

Amendment History:

Date Amended Name Description
1 29th March 2020 Dhanya J Initial version

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C o m p o n e n t F r a m e w o r k-
D e pl oyi n g c o m p o n e n t s e r vi c e

C o pyri g h t
Copyright © Temenos Headquarters SA 2009-2020.
All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be reproduced, transmitted, or made available directly or indirectly to a third party without the express
written agreement of TEMENOS UK Limited. Receipt of this material directly TEMENOS UK Limited
constitutes its express permission to copy. Permission to use or copy this document expressly excludes
modifying it for any purpose, or using it to create a derivative therefrom.

Err a t a a n d C o m m e n t s
If you have any comments regarding this manual or wish to report any errors in the
documentation, please document them and send them to the address below:
Technology Department

Temenos Headquarters SA
2 Rue de l’Ecole-de-Chimie,
CH - 1205 Geneva,

Tel SB: +41 (0) 22 708 1150

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address if applicable.

Page 3
C o m p o n e n t F r a m e w o r k-
D e pl oyi n g c o m p o n e n t s e r vi c e

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Copyright................................................................................................................................................ 3
Errata and Comments............................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 6
Software Requirements.......................................................................................................................... 6
TAFC Configuration................................................................................................................................ 7
Overview for TAFC............................................................................................................... 7

Component Framework Demo............................................................................................. 7

API Deployment for TAFC.................................................................................................... 8

jBC Deployment............................................................................................................... 8

C++ Deployment.............................................................................................................. 9

.NET Deployment........................................................................................................... 11

Provider Deployment..................................................................................................... 12

Proxy Adaptor and Proxy Deployment........................................................................... 12

TAFJ Configuration............................................................................................................................... 13
Overview for TAFJ.............................................................................................................. 13

Component Framework Demo........................................................................................... 14

API Deployment for TAFJ................................................................................................... 14

jBC Deployment............................................................................................................. 14

Java Deployment........................................................................................................... 15

Provider Deployment..................................................................................................... 16

Proxy Adaptor and Proxy Deployment........................................................................... 17

Resources............................................................................................................................................ 17
Appendix.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Web Resources for J2EE Application Servers................................................................... 18

jBoss 5.1.................................................................................................................... 18

Oracle WebLogic 10.3.3+.......................................................................................... 18

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Oracle Glassfish 3.0.1................................................................................................ 18

Properties File................................................................................................................ 18

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Intr o d u c ti o n
This section enables you to deploy different T24 Component Service APIs in Temenos Application
Framework (TAF) on supported platforms.

S oftwar e R e q uir e m e n t s
This section provides you the details of the software required for deploying component services in
Temenos Application Framework (TAF) environment.

Requirement Description

T24 Component Service with its API

Available as part of runtime file.
packages (Release 12 or later)

TAFC runtime environment Applicable for TAFC deployment.

TAFJ runtime environment Applicable for TAFJ deployment.

JCA 1.5 compliant resource adapter that enables J2EE

tocfT24ra-ra.rar (TOCF(EE) components to access T24 through jAgent. To know more,
T24 resource adapter) refer to TAFC jAgent user guide. Applicable on J2EE
application server deployment for TAFC.

To download, go
Apache Axis2 – Release 1.5.5

The supported servers are:

 IBM Web Sphere Application Server – Release

J2EE compliant application server

 Oracle WebLogic – Release 10.3.3+

 JBoss – Release 5.1+

MS IIS Server 7 Applicable for .NET web service deployment for TAFC.

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TAFC C o n f i g u r a t i o n
This section explains the process to deploy APIs for TAFC specific environment.

Overview for TAFC

This section explains you the deployment and configuration options that are available for TAFC specif-
ic environment. All component services directly depend on libComponentFramework, hence, the Li-
brary (lib) needs to be in the following path:

Platform File Path

Windows TAFC_HOME\bin

Unix or Linux TAFC_HOME\lib

The jsh SJunejo ~ -->jshow -a libComponentFramework command helps to verify

and list the following subroutines in the library from jshell:

Object C:\T24\jbase.rel\PB201112\bin\libComponentFramework

Subroutines  JBC_GetServiceResponseHandler

 JBC_CheckServiceOperationExist

 JBC_GetProxyInterface

 libComponentFramework_version

T24 MB R12+ has all available component services by default in the T24_COMPONENTS directory.
Additionally, it provides extensions for existing component services, along with the native jBC API.

To k n o w m o r e o n h o w t o d ev elo p a n e w c o m p o n e n t, r ef e r t o t h e followi n g
link (vid e o).

Component Framework Demo

This section lists the artefacts in NEW_COMP_SRV\dist directory to deploy newly built component
service in T24 for TAFC.

|_ include[Contains C++ header file useful for service extension

|_ JBCInsert[Contains JBCInserts which can be used by core T24 ap-
plication to consume the service]

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|_ lib[Contains all deployable artefacts]

|_ data[Contains component service data libraries for different
|_ cpp[Contains C++ data libraries]
|_ lib<ComponentService>Data.dll
|_ lib<ComponentService>Data.exp
|_ lib<ComponentService>Data.lib
|_ dotnet[Contains .NET data libraries]
|_ lib<ComponentService>DataWrapper.dll
|_ lib<ComponentService>DataWrapper.exp
|_ lib<ComponentService>DataWrapper.lib
|_ java[Contains Java data libraries]
|_ t24-<ComponentService>-Data.jar
|_ proxyAdaptor[Contains component service Proxy Adaptor to consume
external services]
|_ cpp[Contains component service C++ Proxy Adaptor libraries]
|_ lib<ComponentService>ProxyAdaptor.def
|_ lib<ComponentService>ProxyAdaptor.dll
|_ lib<ComponentService>ProxyAdaptor.exp
|_ lib<ComponentService>ProxyAdaptor.lib
|_ t24Service[Contains component service native and extended APIs]
|_ cpp[Contains component service native (jBC) and C++ APIs]
|_ lib<ComponentService>.def
|_ lib<ComponentService>.dll
|_ lib<ComponentService>.exp
|_ lib<ComponentService>.lib
|_ lib<ComponentService>Core.def
|_ lib<ComponentService>Core.dll
|_ lib<ComponentService>Core.exp
|_ lib<ComponentService>Core.lib
|_ dotnet[Contains component service .NET API]
|_ lib<ComponentService>Wrapper.dll
|_ ws[Contains component service Provider (Web Service) API]
|_ dotnet[Contains component service .NET Provider API]
|_ t24-<ComponentService>
|_ java[Contains component service Java Provider API]
|_ t24-<ComponentService>-jws.aar

API Deployment for TAFC

This section explains the deployment process of jBC, C++, .NET, Proxy Adaptor and Proxy APIs in

j BC D e p l o y m e n t
This API enables applications and other components to access core component implementation with-
in T24. It is packaged in lib<ComponentService>Core.* library, which has jBC APIs and com-
ponents for implementation.

EXAMPLE: lib<CustomerService>Core.*, lib<ChargeService>Core.*

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Item Description

Existing Packaged within T24 by default and is available in

Component the T24_COMPONENTS directory.

New Available in the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\t24Service\cpp directory

Component as lib<ComponentService>Core.*.

NOTE: You need to copy the library to T24_COMPONENTS.

Deployment Verify the component deployment and check the available operations in the
Verification library by applying one of the following commands from jshell:

 jsh SJunejo ~ -->jshow -c <ComponentSer-


 jsh SJunejo ~ -->jshow -a lib<ComponentSer-


Dependencies Has core jBC routines and does not require deployment of other component
service artefacts.

Invoking jBC Additional configuration is not required to use this library within T24, as API has
API native code.

C + + D e ploy m e n t
This API provides access to T24 component jBC implementation for third party system built in C++ lan-
guage. Additionally, it converts core C++ objects to jBC format and vice versa by providing standard
C++ interface and objects to third party. This helps you to avoid the need to deal with inter-
nal T24 (jBC) format. C++ API is packaged in lib<ComponentService>.* library, which has C+
+ interface components and its implementation.

EXAMPLE: lib<CustomerService>.*, lib<ChargeService>.*

Item Description

Existing Packaged within T24 by default and is available in

Component the T24_COMPONENTS directory.

New Available in the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\t24Service\cpp directory

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Item Description

Component as lib<ComponentService>.*.

NOTE: You can copy the library to T24_COMPONENTS.

Deployment Verify the component deployment and check the available operations in the
Verification library by applying the following command from jshell:

jsh SJunejo ~ -->jshow -a lib<ComponentService>

Dependencies Has pure C++ classes and depends on

its lib<ComponentService>Data.* data library.

NOTE: The library is available in the following directories:

 Existing component - Shipped by default within T24_COMPONENTS

 New component - Copy the data library

from NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\data\cpp to T24_COMPON-

Invoking jBC The third party system needs to setup the T24 environment before invoking C++
API. This environment includes setting up the following variables:








This is performed by appending T24_COMPONENTS to the following environ-

ment variables:

 Windows - PATH


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. N ET D e p l o y m e n t
This API provides access to T24 component jBC implementation for third party system built in .NET
languages. It uses C++ Deployment to process the request from T24. It is packaged in lib<Compo-
nentService>Wrapper.dll library, which has .NET interface components and its implementa-
tion. This library is only available for Windows platform.

EXAMPLE: lib<CustomerService>Wrapper.dll, lib<ChargeService>Wrapper.dl


Item Description

Existing Packaged within T24 by default and is available in

Component the T24_COMPONENTS directory.

New Available in
Component the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\t24Service\dotnet directory
as lib<ComponentService>Wrapper.dll.

NOTE: You can copy the library to T24_COMPONENTS.

Deployment Available in
Verification the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\t24Service\dotnet directory
as lib<ComponentService>Wrapper.dll

NOTE: You can copy the library to T24_COMPONENTS.

Dependencies Has pure .NET classes and depends on

its lib<ComponentService>DataWrapper.*data library in
the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\data\dotnet directory and C+
+ component.

 Existing component - Shipped by default within the T24_COMPON-

ENTS directory.

 Newly component - Copy the data library

from NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\data\dotnet to
the T24_COMPONENTS directory.

NOTE: To resolve C++ API dependencies for runtime, refer to C+

+ Deployment section.

Invoking jBC The third party system needs to setup complete T24 environment before
API invoking .NET API. This environment includes setting up the following variables:

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Item Description








This is performed by appending T24_COMPONENTS to the following environ-

ment variable:

 Windows - PATH

NOTE: Component Service .NET API depends

on libComponentFrameworkWrapper.dll library, which is distributed
with TAFC and available in the TAFC_HOME\bin directory.

Pr ovid er D e pl oy m e n t
This API exposes the T24 component (jBC) implementation as a web service. It is available in the fol-
lowing technologies for TAFC:

Technology Server

Windows Communication Foundation MS IIS Server 7

Java Supported J2EE Application Server

P r o xy A d a p t o r a n d P r o xy D e p l o y m e n t
Unlike jBC, C++, .NET, and Provider APIs whose core responsibility is to host T24 as data provider
(that is, third party system needs to access T24 and retrieve data by providing industry standard inter-
faces), the Proxy Adaptor and Proxy API offers functionalities to access third party system with-
in T24 (that is, making T24 a data consumer). Additionally, it provides T24 component to switch from
its default jBC implementation to standard C++ interface implementation on runtime, where you can
write the custom code to access third party system.

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NOTE: Packaged in lib<ComponentService>ProxyAdaptor.* library, which is available in

the following directories:

 Existing component - COMPONENT_EXT\<ComponentName>\t24Proxy

 New component - NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\proxyAdaptor\cpp

The Proxy Adaptor is deployed when the library is dropped in the T24_COMPONENTS directory. If jBC
API finds a request when checking the deployment, it redirects the request to Proxy Adaptor. On re-
ceiving the request, it converts the format from native jBC to C++ objects before forwarding it to Proxy
API and vice versa.

NOTE: You need to write the custom C++ implementation of the

interface <ComponentService>Proxy in the <ComponentService>Proxy.h file, and make the
implementation library available in following environment variables:

 Windows - PATH


The Proxy API has interface header files in the following directories:

 Existing component - COMPONENT_EXT\<ComponentName>\include

 New component - NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\include

TAFJ Configuration
This section explains the process to deploy APIs for TAFJ specific environment.

Overview for TAFJ

This section explains you the deployment and configuration options that are available for TAFJ specific

NOTE: All component services depend on the libComponentFramework.jar library that is

available in the TAFJ_HOME\ext directory.

This is verified by using the below command.

C:\TAFJ\tShow GetServiceResponseHandler
Home : 'C:\TAFJ\R11\TAFJ-R11_201108'
- Project : 'tafj' [ FOUND ]
BASIC source : 'C:\RTC\src\DEV\SoaFramework\build\tafj\basic\Get-
JAVA class : 'file:/C:/TAFJ/R11/TAFJ-R11_201108/ext/tsoaframework.-

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Compiled the : 11 Oct 2011 16:19:18
on : hmll1010336
Timestamp : 1318346358797
Grammar : 1
Include Basic Replacement : false

T24 MB R12+ has all available component services by default in the T24_COMPONENTS directory.
Additionally, it provides extensions for existing component service, along with the native jBC API.

To know more on how to develop a new component, refer to the following link (video).
Component Framework Demo

This section lists the artefacts in NEW_COMP_SRV\dist directory to deploy newly built component
service in T24 for TAFJ.

|_ JBCInsert[Contains JBCInserts which can be used by core T24 ap-

plication to consume the service]
|_ lib[Contains all deployable artefacts]
|_ data[Contains component service data libraries]
|_ java[Contains Java data libraries]
|_ t24-<ComponentService>-Data.jar
|_ proxyAdaptor[Contains component service Proxy Adaptor to consume
external services]
|_ java[Contains Java libraries]
|_ t24-<ComponentService>-ProxyAdaptor.jar
|_ t24Service[Contains component service native and extended APIs]
|_ java[Contains Java libraries, Following JAR contains, jBC Impl,
jBC, Java and Proxy API]|_ t24-<ComponentService>.jar
|_ ws[Contains component service Provider (Web Service) API]
|_ java[Contains component service Java Provider API]
|_ t24-<ComponentService>-jws.aar

API Deployment for TAFJ

This section explains the deployment process of jBC, Java, Provider, Proxy Adaptor and Proxy APIs in

j BC D e p l o y m e n t
This API enables applications and other components to access core component implementation with-
in T24. It is packaged in the T24-<ComponentService>.jar library in com.temenos.T24,
which has jBC API and jBC components for implementation.

EXAMPLE: T24-<CustomerService>.jar , T24-<ChargeService>.jar

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D e pl oyi n g c o m p o n e n t s e r vi c e

Item Description

Existing Packaged within the T24 by default and is available

Component in T24_COMPONENTS directory.

New Available in
Component the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\t24Service\java directory
as T24<ComponentService>.jar.

NOTE: You need to copy the library to T24_COMPONENTS or add the location

Deployment Verify the component deployment by applying jsh SJunejo ~ -->tShow

Verification <ComponentService>.<OperationName> command.

Dependencies Has core jBC routines and does not require deployment of other component
service artefacts.

Invoking jBC Additional configurations are not required to use this library within T24, as API
API has native code.

Jav a D e p l o y m e n t
This API provides access to T24 Component jBC implementation for third party system that is built in
Java language. Additionally, it convert core Java objects to jVar format and vice versa by providing
standard Java interface and objects to the third party. This helps to avoid the need to deal with inter-
nal T24 (jVar) format.

Java API is packaged in T24-<ComponentService>.jar library in com.temenos.ser-

vices.<ServiceName>, which has Java API, Java Impl, and Proxy API components.



Item Description

Existing Packaged within T24 by default and is available in

Component the T24_COMPONENTS directory.

New Available in the NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\t24Service\java directory

Component as T24<ComponentService>.jar.

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Item Description

NOTE: You can copy the library to T24_COMPONENTS or add the location in

Dependencies Consists of core Java classes and depends on its lib-

<ComponentService>-Data.jar data library, which needs to be
available in CLASSPATH.

NOTE: The library is available in the following directories:

 Existing component - Shipped by default within T24_COMPONENTS

 New component - Found in NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\data\java

Invoking jBC You need to perform the following:

 Import T24-<ComponentService>.jar along with T24-<Com-

 Pass the T24environment properties (such as OFS_SOURCE to Java API)

as an argument while creating an object and calling the required opera-

NOTE: As each Java API instance represents the TAFJ jSession which is an expensive operation:

 Retain the object in your implementation for better performance

 Reuse it by switching the context for a different user

Pr ovid er D e pl oy m e n t
This API exposes T24 component jBC implementation as a web service. The following methods are
used for deploying Provider API of TAFC:

Deployment Method Server

Common Deployment Supported J2EE Application Server

Application Specific Server JBoss, IBM WebSphere


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P r o xy A d a p t o r a n d P r o xy D e p l o y m e n t
Unlike jBC, Java, and Provider APIs whose core responsibility is to host T24 as data provider (that is,
third party system needs to access T24 and retrieve data by providing industry standard interfaces),
the Proxy Adaptor and API offer functionalities to access third party system within T24 (that is, mak-
ing T24 a data consumer). Additionally, it provides T24 component to switch from its default jBC imple-
mentation to standard Java interface implementation on runtime, where you can write the custom code
to access third party system.

NOTE: Packaged in T24-<ComponentService>-proxyAdaptor.jar library, which is

available in the following directories:

 Existing component - COMPONENT_EXT\<ComponentName>\t24Proxy

 New component - NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\lib\proxyAdaptor\java

The Proxy Adaptor is deployed when the library is dropped in Java CLASSPATH, followed by adding
or updating the file in TAFJ_HOME/conf directory or from CLASS-
PATH. If jBC API finds a request when checking the deployment, it redirects the request to Proxy
Adaptor. On receiving the request, it converts the format from native jVar to Java object, finds the
proxy implementation by using ‘’ and forwards it to Java API and vice versa.

NOTE: You need to write the custom Java implementation of the

interface <ComponentService>ProxyAPI in T244-<ComponentService>.jar of com.t<ComponentName> package and make it available in Java CLASSPATH.

The Proxy API has interface header files in the following directories:

 Existing component - T24_COMPONENTS

 New component - NEW_COMP_SRV\dist\t24Service/java along with the Java API

You need to replace <ComponentService> with the name of the component. For example, Custom-
erService, ChargeService etc.


This section provides you additional information on Temenos Application Framework (TAF).

 Java JDK

 J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) Specification

 JBoss

 Oracle Weblogic

 IBM Websphere Application Server

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 Oracle Glassfish


This section provides examples that helps you to understand API deployment for Temenos Application
Framework (TAF).

Web Resources for J2EE Application Servers

jBoss 5.1

jca/t24ConnectionFactory com.jbase.jremote.JConnectionFactory

IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0+

Oracle WebLogic 10.3.3+

jca/t24ConnectionFactory jca/t24ConnectionFactory

Oracle Glassfish 3.0.1

/axis2 jca/t24ConnectionFactory jca/t24ConnectionFactory

P r o p e r t i e s Fi l e

# This file will be loaded by Proxy Adaptor to find the Proxy Impl
# Example:
# Add your entries below

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