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in Artificial Intelligence
Ansgar Fehnker
Primitive Type vs Data Structures in

Primitive Types Data Structures

Primitive Type vs Data Structures in

Primitive Types Data Structure

§ This are types such as int, § Classes,
but also arrays, lists, etc
float, char, bool, color. define data structures.
§ A variable of those types contain §A variable of those type contains
a value of that type. A number, a a reference to a data structure,
character, a boolean. not the data itself.
§ They behave mostly like § Beforeyou can use them you
variables as you know them from have to create a data structure
mathematics. (new) and assign it to them.
class Account{
float balance=0;

Primitive Type vs Data Structures in

Account(float deposit){
balance= deposit;
Processing void add(float deposit){
balance += deposit;
Primitive Types Data Structure
float paulsMoney = 100;
Account pauls = new Account(100);
float marysMoney = paulsMoney;
Account marys = pauls;
paulsMoney+= 100;
money:",paulsMoney); println("Paul's balance:",pauls.balance);
println("Mary's println("Mary's balance:",marys.balance);
Primitive Type vs Data Structures in

Primitive Types Data Structure

float paulsMoney = 100;
Account pauls = new Account(100);
float marysMoney = paulsMoney;
Account marys = pauls;
paulsMoney+= 100;
money:",paulsMoney); println("Paul's balance:",pauls.balance);
println("Mary's println("Mary's balance:",marys.balance);

Output Output
Paul's money: 200.0 Paul's balance: 200.0
Mary's money: 100.0 Mary's balance: 200.0

§ C++ provides pointer types to allow programmers to

manipulate memory space.
§ Pointers are variables that hold addresses in C and C++.
§ Provide much power and utility for the programmer to
access and manipulate data.
§ Useful for passing parameters into functions,
allowing a function to modify and return values
to a calling routine.

§ Writing in C or C++ is like running a chain saw with all the
safety guards removed. Bob Gray
§ In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when
you do, you blow off your whole leg. Bjarne Stroustrup.
Pointers and Memory

How values for variables are stored in computer

§ Whenever a variable is declared, a memory location is
associated with the variable.
§ Whenever the variable is accessed the data value is taken from
that particular memory location.
§ A variable contains a value, but a pointer specifies
where a value is located.
§ A pointer denotes the memory
location of a variable.
Pointer and Memory

§ A pointer is a variable that contains an address. The

analogy we use here is the number of a coat as you get it,
e.g., from the checkroom at the theater.
§ The checkroom number is an address.
§ It points at your jacket at the checkroom.
§ In our analogy the checkroom represents the memory.
Memory and Addresses
Every time the
program is executed
the memory location
may change.
Here’s a picture of RAM.
§ All variables are stored in memory, each at its own unique
address or location.
§ For example: int count = 5;
§ The variable count is associated with
memory address 0x241FF54
§ The value “5” is stored in memory.
§ It can be accessed by using the
variable name “count”.
§ Or it be accessed by reference to its
Addresses and References

Accessing memory addresses

§ To access the memory address of a variable, we use the
unary operator &
§ & is called an address operator (or address-of) operator.

std::cout<< &count << std::endl;

This prints address: 0x241FF54

Addresses and Pointers

A pointer is a special type of variable

§ Normal variables contain a data value.
§ Pointer variables contains a memory address as its
§ Data is modified when a normal
variable is used.
§ The value of the address stored in a
pointer is modified when a pointer is
Addresses and Pointers

How to define a pointer

§ datatype* pointername;
§ Example: int* ptr;
§ This declares a pointer variable named ptr of type int*

§ Note: Some people prefer to write

int *ptr
§ It’s the same. Use one, consistently.
Addresses and Pointers

Usually, the address stored in the pointer is the address of

some other variable.
§ Example
int count = 5;
int* ptr = &count;

§ This means:
§ count is a variable with value 5
§ ptr is a pointer with value
Dereferencing Pointers

§ To get the value that is stored at the memory location

pointed by the pointer, one would need to dereference
the pointer.
§ Dereferencing means to read the data value at the
address the pointer points to.
§ Dereferencing allows
manipulation of the data
contained at the memory
address stored in the pointer.
Dereferencing Pointers

§ Dereferencing is done with the unary operator * called

a dereference operator.
§ Syntax
§ Example
§ int count = 5;
§ int *ptr = &count;
§ cout << *prt <<endl;
§ This prints the value at address
0x241FF54. Which is 5.
Assigning to Pointers

§ Assign an address to a pointer

int count = 5;
int *ptr1 = &count;
Int *ptr2 = ptr1;
§ Both pointers, ptr1 and ptr2, point to the same address.
§ Set value pointed to directly
*ptr1 = 6;
cout << *ptr1; //prints 6
cout << *ptr2; //prints 6
§ Because both pointers, ptr1 and
ptr2, point to the same
Assigning to Pointers

§ Normal variable
§ Contains a data value
int count = 5;
§ Use & to get its address:
cout << count; //prints 5
cout << &count;//prints 0x241FF54

§ Pointers:
§ Contain an address
int *ptr = &count;
§ Use * to get the value at that address
cout << ptr; //prints 0x241FF54
cout << *ptr;// prints 5

§ What are the values of the variables firstvalue and

secondvalue are in the end.
int main (){
int firstvalue = 5, secondvalue = 15;
int *p1, *p2;
p1 = &firstvalue;
p2 = &secondvalue;
*p1 = 10;
*p2 = *p1;
p1 = p2;
*p1 = 20;
return 0;
The NULL pointer

§ If you don’t initialize a pointer it will contain some random value.

§ Dereferencing a random pointer can cause an arbitrary mistake.
§ The NULL value can be used to initialize a pointer
§ int *p = NULL; // NULL is the null pointer
§ Modern C++ int *p = nullptr; // nullptr is the null pointer

§ Dereferencing a NULL pointer can cause an arbitrary mistake.

§ However, you can now check whether it is not NULL
if(p!=nullptr){ ...//do something with p
§ It is a good habit to initialize pointers. At least to NULL.
The NULL pointer
Common Error: Confusing Data And
Common Error: Confusing Data And

double* account_pointer = &joint_account;

account_pointer = 1000;

§ The assignment statement does not set the joint

account balance to 1000.
§ It sets the pointer variable, account_pointer, to
point to memory address 1000.
Remember this?

Primitive Types Data Structures

Call by value

§ Call by value refers to the int maximum(int x, int y){

“classical” way to do function if (x>y){
return x;
§ When a function is called, the }
value of all parameters is
copied and assigned to the return y;
parameters in the parameter }
list of the function.
c = maximum(a,b);//call
Call by reference

§ When a function is called by void increment(int *x){

reference, the parameters are *x = *x + 1;
not copied, but a reference This type of
(pointer) to the calling } functions/methods are
variables is passed. poor practice, since
... they rely needlessly on
§ The difference to “call by int main() { side effects
value” is, that the calling
parameter can be changed by int a=3;
the called function (side increment(&a);
effect). For simple returning a
} single value use the
return type.

§ Pointer are variables that refer to addresses in memory

§ Use datatype* to define pointers.
§ You obtain the value stored at the location a pointer points to by
dereferencing it.
§ The dereferencing is done using the * operator.
§ Careful about NULL and undefined pointers. Very careful.
§ You can get the address of a normal variable by using the address-
of operator &
§ You can assign addresses to pointers. With appropriate type.
Side effects

§ A function is without side effect § A function is with side effect, if

if all that matters is what going variables/objects that are not
in and what is coming out mentioned as parameters may
still be changed.
§ The rest of the world, i.e.
other variables, are not § It is necessary to use side
changed. effects very carefully, because
we can easily loose overview
§ This supports a clear
about what a function is doing.
programming style and helps to
write correct programs.
§ When
Arrays and Pointers
Arrays and Pointers

This means: an array

variable is actually a
Arrays and Pointers
Arrays and Pointers
Arrays and Pointers
Pointer Arithmetic

§ A pointer contains an address. § It points to the next address in

§ An address is a number.
§ Where that is depends on the
§ We can do some arithmetic
with pointers, but we have to
be careful. § That is why pointers belong to
a certain type.
§ Assume we have a pointer p.
§ What does p++ do?
Pointer Arithmetic

If we have
char *mychar; // char needs one byte
short *myshort; // short takes 2 bytes
long *mylong; // long takes 4 bytes

The following increments have the effect

illustrated in the graphics to the right.
Pointer Arithmetic

§ A pointer contains an address.

§ An address is a number.
§ We can do some arithmetic
with pointers, but we have to
be careful.
§ Assume we have a pointer p.
§ What does p++ do?
Array Pointer Duality
Array Pointer Duality
Array Pointer Duality

• BTW: In C++ you cannot ask an

array what it size is.
• It is just a pointer. It has no
method .size() or field length.
• You have to keep this
information yourself.
Array Pointer Duality

Alternatives to address array fields.

int numbers[5];
int * p = numbers; // pointer p points at the first array element
*p = 1; // is the same as numbers[0]=1;
p++; *p = 2 // has the same effect as numbers[1]=2;
p = &numbers[2]; // p points now to numbers[2]
*p = 3; // has the same effect as numbers[2]=3
p = numbers + 3; // p points now to numbers[3]
*p = 4;
p = numbers;
*(p+4)= 5; // has the same effect as numbers[4]=5
Program Clearly, Not Cleverly
Common Error: Returning a local pointer
References and Pointers

§ C++ makes a difference between pointers and references.

§ In this lecture we did not highlight or address the
difference, but it is explained in the reader.

§ In C++ The name of an array is a pointer

§ It points to the first element of the array.
§ a[n] is identical to *(a + n), where a is a pointer into an
array and n is an integer offset.
§ Don’t try to be too clever.


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