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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Hnin Wai Mar Aung (美雪)

College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering
Hohai University
Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

 The stability of retaining wall is very important because the retaining structures
hold back soil or other loose material from abrupt failure due to rain and river
 This study presents analyses of cantilever retaining wall which is made from an
internal stem of steel-reinforced, cast-in-place concrete.
 The design which already include preliminary dimensions are checked for
factor of safety against overturning, sliding and bearing capacity in this study.
The shear strength parameters given from results of soil laboratory tests are
used. The difference between soil testing date and construction start date shall
less than or equal one month.
 In this work, Rankine Theory is applied to analyse the stability of overturning,
sliding and bearing capacity failures. Meyerhof’s method is also used for
bearing capacity. Finally, the overall slope stability is checked with GEO5 for
rotational or deep shear failure.

Art of Scientific Writing in English M20200214 Hnin Wai Mar Aung

Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Retaining walls are used in many places, such as retaining a soil of
high elevation or retaining bank to protect from river erosion. The purpose of
stability analysis for retaining wall is –
• To investigate the potential failure in stability assessments of
• To design the structure with regards to evaluated safety factors.
The retaining walls may be fail in any of the following:
1. Overturning about its toe
2. Sliding along its base
3. Bearing capacity failure of the base soil
4. Settlement and
5. Rotational or deep shear failure.
This study focuses on the stability of retaining wall for first three steps
of failure (overturning, sliding and bearing capacity failure). The reinforced
concrete cantilever retaining wall with 15′ stem, 3.5′ toe, 6′ heel (figure. 1.1) are
considered. These are most commonly occurred failures in the field. The overall
slope stability is analysed with Geo5.

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Figure 1.1 Details of study design

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall


We approaches with the following procedures to evaluate the results-

1. Calculation of Rankine earth pressure coefficient
2. Calculation of lateral earth pressure distribution
3. Calculation of Rankine forces
4. Check for overturning
5. Check for sliding
6. Check for bearing capacity failure

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Calculation of Rankine Earth Pressure Coefficient
The horizontal component of active and passive force will cause
overturning on the retaining wall about the toe point ‘O’ by the moment called
“Overturning Moment”. The soil contacted with the retaining wall may be horizontal
or inclined. In horizontal situation,

For Backfill Soil,

For Soil above the Toe,

In inclined situation,
For Backfill Soil,

For Soil above the Toe,

Where = soil backfill angle behind the retaining wall

Ø = soil friction angle

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Calculation of Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution

Sometimes the surcharge load on the backfill soil may be situated.

For active pressure ,
If the pressure results negative, the cracking depth may be considered.

For passive pressure ,

Where , = surcharge load on the soil

= unit weight of the soil
c = cohesion of the soil
H = height of retaining wall

Figure 1.2 surcharge load and Lateral

earth pressure distribution
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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Calculation of Rankine Forces

For active pressure ,

For passive pressure ,

Figure 1.3 Rankine forces acting on structure

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Check for Overturning

Location of active pressure from bot; ӯ =

Overturning Moment MOT = Pa x ӯ

This overturning moment will be resisted by all vertical forces applied on

the base of retaining wall:
1. Vertical component of active force Pav(if exist).
2. Weight of all soil above the heel of the retaining wall.
3. Weight of each element of retaining wall.
4. Passive force (we neglect it in this check for more safety).

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Overturning

The moment from these all forces (resisting moment) are calculated.
Force = Volume × unit weight (take a strip of 1 m Length)
Force = Area × unit weight

The total moment of all these force about

‘O’ is called “MR”

Factor of Safety against Overturning,


Figure 1.4 Moment about point “O”

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Sliding

Also, the horizontal component of active force may causes movement

of the wall in horizontal direction (i.e. causes sliding for the wall), this force is
called driving force Fd = Pah .

This driving force will be resisted by the following forces:

1. Adhesion between the soil (under the base) and the base of retaining wall
ca = adhesion along the base of retaining wall (KN/m)
ca = K2c2 c2 = cohesion of soil under the base
Ca = adhesion force under the base (KN)
Ca = ca B B = base width of retaining wall

2. Friction force due to the friction between the soil and the base
FFr =

= (including vertical component of active force)

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Sliding

= = coefficient of friction (related to the friction between soil and base)

= angle of friction structure soil

= friction angle of the soil under the base

= = (mostly take )

So, FFr =

3. Passive force Pp
Pp is calculated above using rankine theory.

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Sliding

The total resisting force FR,

FR =

Factor of Safety against Sliding,

( if in FR is considered)

( if in FR is not considered)

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure

The resultant force (R) is not applied on the center of the base of retaining wall, so
there is an eccentricity (e) between the location of resultant force and the center of
the base.

The total moment about point ‘O’

The eccentricity ‘e’


Figure 1.5 Location of resultant force

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure

Since there exist eccentricity, the pressure under the base of retaining wall
is not uniform (there exist maximum and minimum values for pressure).

Eccentricity in B-direction and retaining

wall can be considered strip footing


Figure 1.6 the pressure under the base

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure

Eccentricity in B-direction and retaining wall can be considered strip footing

If , × ×( )

is calculated with Meyerhof’s equation

c = Cohesion of soil under the base
q = Effective stress at the level of the base of retaining wall

= the depth of soil above the toe ( D in Figure )

= unit weight of the soil under the base of retaining wall
In this case, B = B′ = B-2e is used because water table may be under the base or
above the base.

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure

, , = Meyerhof bearing capacity factors according the friction angle for

the soil under the base
Shape Factor
, , 1 (since retaining wall is considered as strip footing.)

Inclination Factor

= = ( 1- )2

= ( 1- )

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Check for Bearing Capacity Failure
Depth Factor

Case 1

= 1 + 0.4

= =1

2. = -


Factor of Safety for bearing capacity,

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion
Table 1.1. The details of retaining wall

For Soil 1, Soil friction angle,Ø 28 Degree

Cohesion of soil,c 400.0 psf
For Soil 2, Soil friction angle,Ø 35 Degree
Cohesion of soil,c 750.0 psf
Friction angle to the structure,δ 23.3 Degree
Height of wall ,H 17.00 ft
Base Width of wall ,B 12.00 ft
Depth of soil above the toe ,Df 4.00 ft
Unit weight of soil 1 ,ϒ1 115.0 lb/ft3
Unit weight of soil 2 ,ϒ2 130.0 lb/ft4
Unit weight of concrete 150.0 lb/ft3
Friction coefficient between footing and soil , f 0.43

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion
Table 1.2 . Calculation of Overturning Moment

(a) Calculation of pressure Coefficient:

Active pressure coefficient , Ka 0.36

Passive pressure coefficient , Kp 2.77

(b) Calculation of Active Rankine force:

Active pressure Pa 5982Lb/ft

(c) Stability Check for Retaining Wall

Location of active pressure from bot; ӯ 5.67Ft

Overturning Moment Mo 33899.7 Lb-ft/ft

Say 33900 Lb-ft/ft

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Figure 1.7 Study design and section of calculation moment

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion
Table 1.3 . Calculation of resistant Moment

Weight Arm Moment arm

Section Area x Unit weight/unit
No. length
of Wall (Lb) (Ft) (lb-ft)

1 2'-0"x12'-0"x150 3600 6 21600

2 0.5x1'-6"x15'-0"x150 1687.5 4.5 7594

3 1'-0"x15'-0"x150 2250 5.50 12375

4 6'-0"x15'-0"x115 10350 9.0 93150

Total vertical wt, ∑V 17888 Total, MR 134719

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Check for Overturning

F.S(overturning) =
⁼ 4.0 >2

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Check for Sliding

FS =
Resisting Force, FR = ∑V f + 2/3 C2B + Pp

Neglect passive pressure,Pp=0,

Resisting Force, FR = ∑V f + 2/3 C2B = 13692 Lb

Driving Force, FD = 5982 Lb

FS(sliding) = 2.3 >1.5


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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Check for bearing capacity

resultant force distance, 𝑋 = 5.6 Ft

eccentricity , e = 0.36 Ft
If e < B/6, qmax = 1761.7 Psf (Larger Control)
qmin = 1219.5 Psf

For Ø = 35 degree, Bearing Capacity Factors according to Appendix A

Nc = 46.12
Nr = 48.03
Nq = 33.3
Effective stress, q = 520.0 Psf

Shape Factor of the soil

, , 1

Art of Scientific Writing in English M20200214 Hnin Wai Mar Aung

Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Case 1= D/B = 4/12 = 0.33 < 1

Depth Factor of the soil
= 1.08

= 1.08

Inclination Factor of the soil

α = 18.49
Fqi, Fci = 0.63
Fri = 0.47

Ultimate Bearing Capacity, qu = 51991 Psf

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Factor of Safety for bearing capacity,

The bearing capacity of retaining wall is OK.

The structure is placed in Geo5 Demo version. The overall slope stability
is analyzed with Bishop Method. The result is also ok.

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Figure 1.8 Inserting dimension of retaining wall

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Figure 1.9 Inserting soil data given from laboratory

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Figure 2.0 Inserting dimension of retaining wall

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall
Results and Discussion

Figure 2.1 Analysing slope stability with Bishop Method

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Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall


The structure is safe and strong if the check of overturning, sliding and
bearing capacity is passed. The stability of retaining wall depends on the shear
strength parameters of soil. The backfill angle of soil is always less than soil friction
angle. The structure in this study is satisfied and perfectly safe in overturning and
sliding. The safety factor for bearing capacity is so much larger than the required
value, so the structure may be over costing. If the sliding is not ok, the shear key
under the base of retaining wall can be considered as a way. The structure model
satisfied with related earth pressure can be designed undoubtedly by analysing the
stability of the retaining wall.

Art of Scientific Writing in English M20200214 Hnin Wai Mar Aung

Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Firstly, I would like to thank Dr. Gou, Xiaofan for his guidance for this
course, Art of Scientific Writing in English. Although I have the idea, I didn’t
know how to write a scientific paper. Now I have already done this writing
presentation. I believe scientific paper writing is not so hard for me.
Secondly, I would like to appreciate all the teachers who I learned from
any way whether my sights, listening or watching.
Finally, I tend to express my gratitude to DWIR for the trainings and
giving a chance to attend in Hohai University.

Art of Scientific Writing in English M20200214 Hnin Wai Mar Aung

Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

U Ko Ko Oo, DWIR, “Foundation Design of Waterfront Structures” , October 2018

Ahmed S. AI-Agha, “Basics of Foundation Engineering with Solved Problems”,

September 2015

Braja M.Das, “Priciples of Foundation Engineering ” , 8th Edition

Art of Scientific Writing in English M20200214 Hnin Wai Mar Aung

Stability Analysis of Retaining Wall

Appendix A. Bearing Capacity Factors in common use

Ø(degree) Nc Nq Nr
0 5.14 1.00 0.00
5 6.49 1.57 0.45
10 8.34 2.47 1.22
15 10.98 3.94 2.65
20 14.83 6.40 5.39
25 20.72 10.66 10.88
30 30.14 18.40 22.40
35 46.12 33.30 48.03
40 75.31 64.20 109.41
45 133.87 134.87 271.75
50 266.88 319.06 762.86

Art of Scientific Writing in English M20200214 Hnin Wai Mar Aung

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