Simple Present Taller

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NAME: Lady Johana Gomez Cano DATE: 01/07

Escriba las siguientes oraciones en INGLÉS de manera afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa según cada caso. Use presente

1. The dog likes meat.

It not does it likes meat.

does it dog likes meat?

2. The students don’t arrive late to the class.

they students arrive late to the class

do they students arrive late to the class?

3. Do you want to eat a hot dog?

we eat a hot dog.

we do not eat a hot dog.

4. She likes electronic music.

she does not likes electronic music.

does she likes electronic music?

5. Do they answer the questions?

they answer the questions.

they do not answer the questions.

Construya cinco (5) oraciones de forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa utilizando el tiempo presente simple. Utilice
además los verbos regulares e irregulares vistos en clase.

1. I go to class twice a week

4 He doesn't have a nice computer 
He does not live in Boston
Do you study English every day? He has a nice computer   

Does he nice computer?

2. She reads the newspaper every day 5. Hugo loves his job     

We do not go to the movies every weekend Hugo doesn't love his job    
Does she watch TV at 9 pm? Does he love his job

3. They like the good music    

They don't like the good music 
Do they like the Good music?

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