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Choose the best option, from the given choices below each
1. The car stopped and a woman got _________.
A) off
B) down
C) out
D) out of

Choose the best opposite of the following words.

2. EVEN:
A) follow
B) complete
C) clear
D) varied
Choose the best same meaning of the following words.

A) destroy
B) bright
C) trust
D) rectify

Read the following passage to answer the given question (4)

In this work of incessant and activity, men have little time to think, much less
to consider ideals and objectives. Yet how are we to act, even in the present,
unless we know which way we are going and what our objectives are? It is
only in the peaceful atmosphere of a university that these problems can be
adequately considered. It is only when the young men and women, who are in
the university today and on whom the burden of life's problems will fall
tomorrow, learn to have clear objectives and standards of values that there is
hope for the next generation. The past generation produced some great men
but as a generation it led the world repeatedly to disaster. Two world wars are
the price that has been paid for the lack of wisdom' on man's part in this
I think that there is always a close and intimate relationship between the end
we aim at and the means adopted to attain it. Even if the end is right but the
means are wrong, it will vitiate the end or divert us in a wrong direction.
Means and ends are thus intimately and inextricably connected and cannot be
separated. That, indeed, has been the lesson of old taught to us by many great
men in the past, but unfortunately it is seldom remembered.

4. People have little time to consider ideals and objectives because:

A) they consider these ideals meaningless.

B) they do not want to burden themselves with such ideas.
C) they have no inclination for such things.
D) they are excessively engaged in their routine activities.

Questions 5-7
A geometry box must be filled from six different stationary items Crayons,
Pencil, Eraser, Marker, Sharpener and Scale according to the following
Either Crayons or Eraser, or both, must be selected.
Either Pencil or Sharpener must be selected, but neither Sharpener nor Eraser
can be selected with Pencil.
5. Which of the following is an acceptable selection of items?
A) Crayons, Eraser and Sharpener
B) Pencil, Eraser and Sharpener
C) Pencil, Marker and Sharpener
D) Crayons, Pencil and Eraser
E) Crayons, Eraser and Marker
6. Which of the following pairs of items CANNOT both be among the items
A) Crayons and Marker
B) Pencil and Scale
C) Marker and Scale
D) Sharpener and Scale
E) Crayons and Pencil
7. If Eraser is selected, which of the following must also be among the items
A) Scale
B) Crayons
C) Pencil
D) Marker
E) Sharpener
All the children who took special coaching for a month before their
examination, did well in examinations. Thus, the special attention these
students had received during the coaching had helped them.
8. Which of the following, if true, would weaken the above claim?
A) The students who did well after the coaching were doing well
even before they started taking the coaching.
B) None of the students who did not take the coaching did as well
as those who took the coaching.
C) The children who took the coaching had to work very hard.
D) The results of these children deteriorated as soon as the
coaching was stopped.
E) One has to ultimately rely on one's own hard work to fare well
in any examination.

9. Offline device is:

A) A device which is not connected to CPU

B) A device which is connected to CPU
C) A direct access storage device
D) An I/O device

10. In Ms Word what aspect of characters is changed by changing points?

A) Style
B) Size
C) Font
D) Header

11. Which country was represented in almost all the matches of the FIFA
world cup 2018 by the Telstar 18?

A) Pakistan
B) Russia
C) Germany
D) Saudi Arabia

12. Changa Manga one of the oldest hand-planted forests of the world is in:

B) Sindh
C) Baluchistan
D) Punjab

13. Find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 35cm?

A) 100cm
B) 105cm
C) 110cm
D) 120cm

14. SI unit of momentum is:

A) kgms
B) Ns
C) Joule
D) Both A & B

15. Which of following is not part of the factor production?

A) A fishing area
B) A forest
C) A natural harbor
D) An oilfield
E) A road

16. The mode of the given data 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 2, 3, 4

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 9

Q# Correct choice
1 C
2 D
3 A
4 D
5 A
6 C
7 E
8 A
9 A
10 B
11 A
12 D
13 C
14 D
15 E
16 B

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