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&MW SAi ;; Pb 9 1 I AMWS#QM ~ 7'5FFW d-19#?'~hG .?k·5 1 Wfl-S,44ll /_ ~ •·,. ·x ~
The courts ha've . the 'pow~r to . relax.· or ..suspend "Act ion'.' distinguish _
e d fr.~m ." Claim ."
tech'nical or procedural' . Rules· or tb except a.·case ' -~~if• > .
frorr, their operation When ·~or:npelllng · reason~ .so · ·}t~~?~~i~...,,.••,
·w.arrant or" when th~ purpose b f ju stice .requires -it An . or.dinary · suit iri · a A right posses$ed · by .
(Commissioner ' of . fn(e rnaf . . Revenue V·. Mirant
co:urt ofjystice , ohe agai,nst anoth~ r. ·.
Pagbifao Corp -', ..G.R. No. 1.5959 3, · Ostober 12, • ·
.' 2006): . . ,One party · ·prosec utes The. momen t :;aid claim
anot her fo r · . -the is filed before · a court,
~~:Whh;:h. ~ay W~rrant the · Sl.l~Pe.nslon e5f .: enforcemen t . ·. or the claim · is co11v ·
the Strict Application of th'e· Rules: .. · .. protection of a · right or into .an e;ctlon ·or su it.
1_:. Most persuas ive and.we ighty reasons; _ .the . prevention .· · or ··
2. To relieve ' .a-'.litigan t fro m .ar:i inj ustice not redress .of a .wron_g.
·comme nsu rate "".itti his fail ure to compfy w!th the
;. _prescribe d procedure; · ·. ·. ·. · . . . A. Civii Action
3. :Goodfaith of the defau ltingpartybyim medi ately · One - ~y· wh ich .a . party · sues .another :for -the
; · pay! ng within a ·rec1sonable.t1me fro·m ttie tim e of entorcem .er:i\•or protection of a -right or (he preven tion .
the default; · ... '. .' ~t ·1 · ·· or redress of a wrong (Roe; Rul e ·1, Sec..3(a)).
4 . . The existence ·_.Qf . sp·eci c1! or . compe lling ·. ' . · ·
.. circurrista 'nc~s; : · . . . . ... .> i " A .civi l actjbn l')'lay either be: · . ,,
-5, The merits':<?fth": cas·e; ·_. .. . . . :·{5:~) · .1. · Ordinary; or . . ·: ·. .,
. 6. A ca u~e not .,enllrely attribut able to th e .fau l} ' 9~iJ 2. Special. . . · . '
neg IJgence of a parlY-favor ed ny the suspenst9[ti ~ • .\ · . · . . ·
. ~f Ru,l~s;
.7. ~ -.lac k' ,.of_
. . - · . ·, . (,:-1,~-.
a·ny showing _that the review. soughJ, K . ' .!\1.... -9:p.tiPQ 1.
:.,,,:;: Both ·are govern!:)d by the Rules · for ordin'.3rY civil
S, su.~n:j,ct· :to t he specific Rule~ prescribe d for
. · m·erely .fnvolou~ a_nd..d1latory; . . . /4;? l,i.,·:f?-'·it.:..::!- r a,sp>e .Qia'f'~ivjJ,actio n. . · .. · · . ··
a·:. The ~~her ·p·arty will 1,101!:>.e .unjustly~ii>J.,ej(ld ic!'ld; J . ..·"'"";ri '.\ · • • , , •
• • . I~~\=tion
. . th~r,eb y,··· . .. . . '. <.1"'·v..,,.,.
.. / 1 • . <(-~~·"1'
n......J. • . B, Crimin . . , ·
9 . . Frau.~. acc~dent, ·-m1st~k~ ·. or,h,,~~ -~~aq),~ - !·\ ,One by wtj fc I t~r State ·prosecutes a person fo r an
· negh~ence, without ap.p~ll~Pt•sJ.~9m }t. c.-·. . ,;1. act or 9rrtlssjo~ ' Lmis.tiable · by law (RO~, Rule 1,
. .1o..Pecu !fa~ · legal _and equ,~rJl e clrc'iii,rnsfal')ce Ii)), . .. .
~ ..1,,1\ .Sec . 3, ~r. ...· ~ .
· attendan t to each _ca{;e;. ,~~~··
i. ');?'\. . JL..........,\-.,.
t~i, .· __.)/__~.
· ·. : · ·

.. .11. In tne · nan:ie. of su~~tani1~!1~~·s tiC'4,fl!!, ld-<f ~ir P~}(t,: ·l:t:;:·, c ... Sii it6.(~~~o~~ -e.dlng ·: . •,' . . ·.. ,
· -12. Importance 9.f the issues 1nvelveq ~)J~ .•.) !"'\) b, A reme droy ,:i n,ch a p9 r:ty seek::, to estabJ1sh a .
13. ·Exerci ~e of_sourJd._
• . .-. · by al! _the · an_
discr e~on ~ttJ1.!;!ifudg~g u1~Ejd· .·
enda nt ·circu_rristaf:lC~-~ (~lc!paov.. . .J,t!-"''$,
fi •§talus ,' a B!gl)t, or . a _eart1cular fact (SRP) . (R.OC,
ff,(f_JJ.,Se c. 3,· Pa r. (c)). · . · · · :·· .
· · :·Flores, G.R-. No. 1~7984, No'(em .b .~f!-!,,-0 ;-'2()10~-;..,,•.>.•·•;' J·.~~ja'\.l;i~"' .. . . .. . , . . . . ·.. -•
,,<(,(;,......-.,-,--.d -~-- ...~, I •of A c. ti_ons .
· · · • ·· •

., '

' . l V
•.• · · .•P'f-7 • , .
•6'.· . . C ass1T1cat1qrl . .
· ·-..limitations ..on the Rule-making . ~o~~r -1°,1 '! hi;i . . A. In General · , · · . -·
· Supr Court : (SI.JD) ., ·. . · • . ~"<-,~31 . • , ' · · ,. · ·
· 1. The · ' .Rule.s -shall. provide .' a ...~1mpllf1ed and ·
... ; inexperislvia .. prOC!;! e·. ''f.or' th~ . ~p~edy : . -Governed ··. by ordinary Als·o . ·go°t-e(n.ed ·by
· dispositio n of c~ses: , · . -, . · . ; ·.: · ... : . . . ~ ules·. :. . . o'i-oiriary.. '..Rules . ·. but .
2. ..The' Rules sh·a11·•be . Unifbrm for courts · of :the · '(Rules 1-61) .· . · ·subjeclto -sped f lc Ruleir .
...same grqde;··an.d. .· . -~ ·. . , i ·.. · '(R,OC, Ryfe 'i; ;Sec 3(a)) : pr~s6ribed ·(ROC, Rules ,
3. · The . RLiles :~liail ·npt Qimin lsh,· Increase, or ' · · · ··. · 6,2to 71) · ·.
. modif y .s~bst~ _ntiv~ . tights :(COt::J.~T, Art.' VIII, .
. ·. · Sec :' 5(5)); . 1·R.JAN<:> supra ·.at 3_6). Forma l demand of one's .Speciai features riot.
legal rights In a court of fourl'd In ,o rdi~_ary civil
·.~EC;ION 2.: ·I~ wi:fAT COUR~~ A~PLl(;ABL~ . · justic e in the. mann_er actions . . ·
. -presc ribed by the .court or
. T h~~e -~uies -:s hall a.l'so ~p-ply.i'n all courts';· ~xce·~t a~. by the _law. .< ·
otli~rw ise. ~~ovl4ed by:the" Supreme''Cc:i'urt. · . · .
. s. A;td·obj!l?.ct : . .
SECTlbN< t '::CASEs <.GoVERNeo :· 1. · Action ln-Pefsonam . · .. .. · . ·.' .
.. "f.he~e R·u1~
/s~~ll . g~~e·r~ th~ pr~_cedure · to ,"be ..
.. obserYed .in: ~- . . . . . . . · .·
·. An ·action in ·person-am Is one ~hich . is· 'd1r~_ct~d
"against particular pe~sons..and se_eks: a relr1;1 f '
which would be .· bindlr:ig.. only upon ~\J.9.h·.· .
,1: · Civil actiOl'}S (or(:linary or .~P.ecial); ' ..·. particular persons (1 . RJGUEfR_A, . · fnmer- :
2 . . Criminal ~ctiori·s ;.and ·
3. . Sp.ecia l Pto~eedings , · ·
·. ~ev iewer . on · Remedial Law, Ci vil Pr o9edt u:e ;•
(2015), p. ~) {f?ereinaft~r, ·1R{GUERAJ .. -~· , .... /::<~

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