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. . . .
S:Aiiiflfi#G -81;i@iiitwtidliW!t&HP~#>~••nAA&&it¥1W?UPS ,&tS _8,MtW@NMi5Pti641:'lit6$~•4zi4fy~
. .
. ·1tis ·brought a_gainst a per.son on the basis of hi~
. personal liability (Regner v. Logaita ; G.'R.. f\lo...
··168747, Qctober . 19; ~007). , · Judgment is. Jud!;iment . 1s Judgment - . is ·
binding ; only binding upon binding . only
· 2. Action in Rem . upori the the ·who le w9rld. upon the .parti es .
a: ·· An .action ·or pro,ceeding in rem is one wl)ich parties · -and who Joined the
· is not directed aga inst part icular perso ns but their action.
on the thi_ng,or re~ itself, _and whic h asks -the succ essor s iri
court to make a·declaration or to dispose o( · i'nterest but not
OF deal with. the res . The thing or r.e s mai be " upon str~1ng~rs.
: person'a l or real . property,_ or it ~ay: be a .
stc!tlls, ·right or partkular fact (1 'RIGUERA
·~upia at 4). · ·
~'. i.tis an action agaihst'the thing its~lf, ir')stead
.'of again$t th ff persori (Regn er v. Logf).rt.;J,·
· . G_R. No. 168747, October 19, :2007) : ·

. Juri~didk5n . . Jutisdidioi, over the person of, the .

over t~e person ~efeh_dar.i°tis_not-a prer ~qyjsit<3'.to · .
of : -·the confer jurisdiciion. qn the court
: · An. 0
adion Ari.. •·· · . action' Ah: •· actio 'ri defendarit . :'is pi'ovid°ed that the. court · acqµirEis..
directed . -.. dire_
ctecf .agafri~t directed · against necessari _for_-jurl $dictlon · o.ver the res.-
against . ·- -:a the ·-thing itself ·an . . in<;li,viduc1I, the CO!Jit · _to · · · ·· ·
·per-son _on· thef jnstead : · -of .named ·. -. · . as valid ly try and .
basis .of .";his against . the- defenaant, · to :clecid_e tf1e
pers_Gnal . · .person. · · ·subject · his_ case ~ (. .
liability: interest therein
. . .. to
the ·obligat _ion .
'or... · · · · · lien . Action .. · · fa~ Land Action for
burderling ·•'the declaration · of registration ·: . partition; _·aclfon·
property . . .nuility : of' title cas~; probate of for-accounting;
_and recovery bf. ·a will > .· · \ attachment; ·
ownership - of · ..

·26 _20i9 S~N BEDf\ c'.:EN


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