Unit One's Remedial Work (Ethics in Business) Practice: Task One: Words Definitions (Meanings)

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Unit one's remedial work (Ethics in Business)


Task One: match the provided words with their definitions

Words Definitions (meanings)

corruption (countable) money or a gift that you illegally give someone to persuade them to do
something for you.

Bribe (uncountable) – dishonest – illegal - or immoral behaviour - especially from someone

with power.
bribery (uncountable) and (countable) the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something
such as money or goods
Fraud (uncountable) the practice of unfairly giving the best jobs to members of your family
when you are in a position of power nepotistic.  adj.

nepotism (uncountable) the act of giving bribes.

Money laundering (uncountable) the crime of paying too little tax. (tax avoidance).

Ethics (countable) a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing
how much you owe for them.

Tax evasion (uncountable) when money that has been obtained illegally is put into legal businesses or
bank accounts in different countries, so that it is difficult for people to discover where it
came from
invoice (plural): moral rules or principles of behaviour for deciding what is right and wrong

smuggle (uncountable) formal complete honesty.

probity to take something or someone illegally from one country to another. Informal to take
something or someone secretly to a place where they are not allowed to be
counterfeit . (Countable) an act of stealing something.

Abuse plural loyalties. (Uncountable) the quality of remaining faithful to your friends,
principles, country etc.
Loyalty (plural, uncountable) cruel or violent treatment of someone

Theft made to look exactly like something else, in order to deceive people (= fake).

To exploit To refuse to buy, use or take part in something as a way of protesting.

To boycott To copy something.

To imitate To eat or drink something.

To consume To treat someone unfairly in order to get some benefits for yourself

Task Two: Combine the following pairs of sentences using the connectors provided (Make changes where
1. Your business prospers. You behave ethically. ( provided that)
2. Our economy flourishes. We work hand in hand to stop corruption. (As long as)

3. Unethical practices are eradicated. The government sets stringent laws to punish corrupt people.
(providing that)

4. Every one doesn’t give a bribe. All citizens live in a corruption-free society. (so long as)
5. Politicians regain the confidence of the citizens. Politicians fight bribery, embezzlement and nepotism.
(but only if)
Task Three: Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
1. a- Governments should ban bad practices in our society.
b- Governments……………………………………………………………………………..
2. a- Most people buy imitations
b- Imitations………………………………………………………………………………….
3. a- I have a strong desire that all governments will ban cigarettes production.
b- I wish………………………………………………………………………………………
4. a- People have to buy genuine products.
b- Genuine products…………………………………………………………………………..
5. a- Our higher authority should protect children from exploitation.
b- It’s about time…………………………………………
6. a- Many people regret having participated in unethical practices.
b- Many people wish………………………………………………………………………….
7. a- Our government should punish all kinds of bribery.
b- All kinds of bribery…………………………………………………………………………
8. a- Most citizens have a strong desire to live in a corruption-free society someday.
b- Most citizens wish…………………………………………………………………………..
9. a- Government had better not forgive corrupt officials.
b- Government…………………………………………………………………………………..
10. a- public authorities should make anti-smuggling laws stricter.
b- It’s high time………………………………………………………………………………….
11. a- Many people are buying fake products.
b- Fake products…………………………………………………………………………………
12. a- Our higher authority ought to protect children from exploitation.
b- Children………………………………………………………………………………………
Task Four: put the stress mark on the following words

Legality - Corruption – honesty- ethics- profitability- exploitation- morality- evasion –economic –

association – deception- perfection- responsibility – production – possibility-
Task Five: Combine the following sentences using these connectors (so….that/such….that).
1. A lot of fake products look good. Many people purchase fake products.
2. Copies of brands are cheap. Consumers don’t hesitate to buy them.
3. Counterfeits are of a bad quality. It is a waste of money to buy them.
4. These products are imitated to a perfection. It is difficult to distinguish between the genuine and the
fake products.
5. The loss in profitability is big. Most of them have launched advertisement campaigns against

Task Six: Add the right prefix to each of the following words to get their opposites.
Able- agreement – fair- possible- ethical – moral – honest- legal – regular – responsible-
accessible- active – advisable – changeable- advantage – calculable – mobile – capable –
perceptible – acceptable – reducible – achievable – relevant- remediable - courage

Task Seven: Complete the following chart as shown in the example.

Verb Noun Adjective

Example to differ difference different
To abuse Abuse/abuser abusive
To accept acceptance acceptable
To clear Clear/clearance Clear
To advise Advice/adviser advisable
To agree agreement agreeable
To approve approval Approved/approving
To associate association Associated/associative
To assure assurance Assured
To break Breaking/breakage breakable
To bribe Bribe/bribery /
To boycott Boycott /
To check Check/checker Checked
To cooperate cooperation cooperative
To corrupt corruption Corrupt
To credit credit creditable
To consume Consumption/consumer Consumptive/consuming
To counterfeit Counterfeit/counterfeiter counterfeit
To convince conviction Convincing/convinced
To copy copy /
To deceive Deception/deceiver deceptive
To eradicate eradication /
To embezzle Embezzlement/embezzler /
To exact exaction Exact
To forge Forgery/forger /
To fight fight /
To fake fake Fake
To guarantee guarantee guaranteed
To gain gain Gainful
To imitate Imitation/imitator imitative
To invest Investment/investor /
To infringe infringement /
To inspect inspection /
To lend Lending/lender /
To lobby lobby /
To manufacture Manufacture/manufacturing /
To measure measure Measured/measureless
To perfect perfection Perfect
To pay Pay/payment Payable
To persuade persuasion persuasive
To pirate Pirate/piracy piratical
To possess possession Possessive
To produce Product/production productive
To prosper prosperity prosperous
To rehabilitate rehabilitation /
To regret regret regretful
To recover recovery recoverable
To recuperate recuperation recuperative
To speculate Speculation/speculator speculative
To struggle struggle /
To smuggle Smuggling/smuggler /
To trade Trade/trading /
To treat treatment /
To trick trick Trick
To value value Valuable
To whistle whistle /

Task Eight: Fill in the blanks in the text below with words from the list .
(a key- exploitation- school- girls- rural- abuse- education- poorest- child labour- servants)

Children living in the ……………………….households and in …………………….areas are most likely

to be engaged in …………………….. .those burdened with household chores are……………………….
Millions of girls who work as domestic ……………….. are especially vulnerable to…………………..
and ……………………..

The UNICEF often interferes with children’s education. Ensuring that all children go to……………….
And that their …………………… is of good quality, is…………………… to preventing child labour.

Prepared by : Mr. Karim. M

Task Nine: Write a composition of about 120 words in which you discuss one
of the following topics:
1- The importance of business in ethics

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