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Sending a VLE Message

Communication is a key aspect of online studies; therefore, regular communication with your tutor is
essential to your success as a student. You should contact your tutor whenever you have any questions
or need clarification regarding assignments or other module content.

How to send a VLE message to your tutor

1. Go to the main page of the Induction Module.

2. On the right-hand side of your screen, in the “Course Contacts” block, you will find the name of your
tutor. Below their name, there is a dialogue icon. Click on the dialogue icon ( ) and you will be
transferred to the VLE Messages page.

3. Type the message in the text field and then click on the send icon ( ). A copy of your message
will appear above the text field.

NOTE: The VLE message system keeps a record of all your communication with your tutor. You will
also receive notifications for VLE messages via email.

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