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A.C 1.

Meaning of Management

Management is the defined as synchronizing and managing activities of all participants

of an organization in order to reach the objective efficiently and effectively. (Robbins and
Coulter, 2012)

Main function of managers

Today, managers are responsible for carrying out four major functions such as planning,
organizing, leading and controlling. (Robbins and Coulter, 2012)

1. Planning is a fundamental function for management. When managers plan, they set
goals, research and develop strategies to achieve the goals. After that, they draw plans
to implement necessary activities.
2. Organizing is another important function. In order to accomplish the organization goal,
managers assemble overall and detailed work activities for their subordinates to work
on. In other words, managers plan the tasks and allocate them to respective workers.
Managers also direct how to complete the tasks and arrange the process of reporting
and decision-making.
3. Leading is an essential function of managers to work effectively with their subordinates.
As managers, they motivate their employees and help with work-related problems.
They also supervise individuals or teams as the work and choose the best possible
means. Moreover, they take responsibilities for their employee’s issues.
4. Controlling is the final management function. After working on three functions
discussed above managers need to evaluate the process of those functions. At the
same time, they manage and analyze performance of their employees. In addition, they
compare actual performance and set goals. When the expected outcome cannot be
achieved, managers are required to correct mistake.
Responsibilities of Managers

Being able to get work done through people and allocate resources is indispensible for a
successful managers need to complete four function discuss above. Under the umbrella of four
main functions, managers take various responsibilities. In the past, managers “directed and
controlled” (McCrimmon, 2010) their subordinates’ performance. Managers had a lot of powers
in their hands. On the contrary, today, managers are required to facilitate, opposed to
conventional managers. Managers set goals, plan strategies, select tasks and assign the right
people. Managers bring along their planning process. Additionally, they are responsibility for
listening to and take into account of opinions and suggestions. They are to invite the employees
to participate in the decision making process. Keeping subordinates motivated and working
together to work on conflicts are also managers’ responsibilities. Since, managers are working
with people when they fulfill their responsibilities, they should empathize with the people who
work for them. (Ranieri, 2016)

Managerial Roles

Informational Roles
The processing of information is a key part of the manager’s job. Three roles describe
the informational aspects of managerial work.
1. Monitor Role
This role involves seeking current information from many sources. For example, the
manager perpetually scans his environment for information, interrogates, liaison
contacts and subordinates and receives unsolicited information.
2. Disseminator Role
In their disseminator role, managers pass information to other, both inside and
outside the organization.
3. Spokesperson Role
In the spokesperson role, managers send some of their information to people
outside the organization about company policies, needs actions, or plans
Interpersonal Roles
Interpersonal roles were included figurehead role, leader role and liaison role.
4. Figurehead role
Every manager must perform some duties of a ceremonial nature. These activities
are important to smooth functioning of an organization.
5. Leader Role
This role involves leadership directly (e.g. the manager is responsible for hiring an
training his own staff). The leader role encompasses relationships with subordinates
including motivation, communication, and influence.

6. Liaison Role
Liaison role, which the manager makes contacts inside and outside the organization
with a wide range of people: subordinate, clients, business associates, government
trade organization officials and so on.
Decisional Roles
The manager plays the major roles in his unit’s decision-making system. Four roles
describe the decisional aspects of managerial work.
7. Entrepreneur Role
In entrepreneur role, managers search for improvement his unit to adopt it to
changing in the environment.
8. Disturbance Handler Role
This role involves responding to high-pressure. For example, manager must resolve
conflicts among subordinates or between manager’s department and other
9. Resource Allocator Role
In resource allocator role, managers make decisions about how to allocate people,
budged, equipment, time and other resources to attain desired outcomes.
10. Negotiator Role
The negotiations are duties of the manager’s job. These activities involve formal
negotiations and bargaining to attain outcome for the manager’s unit responsibility.


Types of managers can be considered in two forms. They are vertical and horizontal.


There are four states of manager in vertical form. Top manager, middle manager, first-line
manager and non-managerial employee were included in vertical form.

Managers at or near the upper levels of the organization structure who are responsible
for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the goals and plans that affect
the entire organization. (Robbins and Coulter, 2012)

A.C 1.2



Let’s start with the first part of SWOT analysis of KFC which is strengths

 The biggest strength of KFC is sits popular brand name. Many consumers often option
for KFC because of providing speed and consistency of fried chicken due to original 11
herbs and spice recipe.
 It is the second largest fast food sellers in the world.
 KFC is KFC is holding over 50% shares in the Fast Food industry because of its global
brand recognition.
 Secret and trade mark of the recipes had maintained its supremacy in the fast food
 Culture diversity in the foods that are provided based on location of the restaurants.
 The combination of KFC is KFC-Pizza Hut and KFC-Taco Bell.


The next part of SWOT analysis of KFC is their weakness.

 Concerned about the importance of research and development industry.

 Many kinds of products, types of stock keeping unit will cause difficulty for the
optimization and operation of the supply chain.
 High cost, the risk of lack of raw materials, storage of materials, and uniform in quality
materials are the challenges of for the operation chain KFC restaurants.
 It has the lack of strong marketing efforts.
 The inflexibility of prices in KFC makes unaffordable to middle class people.
 It is unable to work out for their thick paper bags used by the company are not


After discussing the internal factors of SWOT analysis of KFC, let’s shift our focus towards
external factors;

 Increasing demand for healthier food.

 It will be more responsive to the social changes to healthier options.
 Opportunities to expand on the advertising in regards to being more socially responsible
in the environment.
 It will be continued to venture into more enticing beverage choices.
 And also it will be increased and efficient services especially home delivery and office

The final part of SWOT analysis for KFC is the threats:

 High rates on the prices as compared to the other brand selling same items may cause
the customer’s shift.
 It will be focused on healthier dieting by consumers.
 With the lifestyle of people changing due to glowing awareness about healthier food
people now look for something healthy, low calories and delicious at same time.

So, after paper SWOT analysis, we have come to the conclusion that KFC is going through a
thought time in the market due to a variety of factors. However, with the shareholders and
good location there is no doubt in saying that many of these problems can be overcame if KFC
strategizes , plans and uses its resources properly.

(Jenifer K. Nii, 2004)

A.C 1.6



 Myanmar also known as Burma, became one of the region’s poorest and most isolated
countries under the military dictatorship, which had lasted for over 50 years.
 Nowadays, Myanmar has become opening door for the international fast food joint.
 Myanmar had been conquered by the democratic government so that the opportunities
for the foreign franchise food associations had been promoted.
 After the 2015 election, Myanmar government system and policy became stable.
Myanmar government creates better international relation with foreign countries within
2016 so that the occasion of franchise companies became high.
 The government cannot control the country corruption in a short time as it grow to be
high in election period.

 The GDP value of Myanmar represents 0.10 percent of the world economy. GDP in
Myanmar averaged 29.49 USD Billion from 1998 until 2015.
 The inflation rate in Myanmar was recorded at 11.41 percent in December of 2015.
Inflation Rate in Myanmar averaged 6.16 percent from 2010 until 2015, reaching an all-
time high of 16.22 percent in October of 2015.
 In Myanmar, the unemployment rate had reduced from 22.1 to 18.6 percent in 5 years
until 2015.
 In Southeast Asian countries, Myanmar became the top country which has the highest
GDP growth in 2016.
 People relate strongly with the KFC chicken which is strength as well as a weakness for
the company because when other fast food can diversify their menu to include items
that are healthy, unique and add variety, KFC had to stick to its chicken as people mainly
go there for it.
 Purchasing power has increased more than in the past in Myanmar after 2014


 Myanmar has different types of ethnic groups so that Myanmar people have different
types of religion and belief.
 Even though KFC was franchised to Myanmar, they hired Myanmar citizens as the
employees and let them talk and welcome in our mother tongue language (Myanmar)
like “Mingalabar”.
 The chickens and food from KFC shops are promoted to be eaten by everyone of every
 As KFC started franchise in Myanmar, people lifestyle changes like in foreign countries.
 Today, people are living in higher living standard and have broadened their horizons.


 Started from 2014, the price of smart phone and SIM card had been reduced for people
with normal and low incomes so that a wide usage of smart phone had been high in
 In new government period, Myanmar citizens open their eyes and ears as they want to
have the same technology from every well-developed countries but the existence of
machines had been insufficient for examples like fast food stores, immigration gates and
 In Myanmar from 2015 to 2016, there had been a large improvement in opening public
banks in Myanmar but they cannot serve for the minimum consumption of debit cards.
 In Myanmar, the internet service and call centers are being delayed for students or
business men who want to research and communicate with people.
 Myanmar has necessary technologies in the food industry that it should have


 Myanmar was one of the richest resources in the world until the old government sold it
to other countries; Myanmar was becoming involved in world’s poorest country.
 In Southeast Asia, Myanmar is one the largest landscape 68000km which has the world
wonder Bagan in the middle region of Myanmar.
 As Myanmar is located near the equator, the climate is usually hot and typically has
three seasons such as hot, rainy and cold.
 It is still early to comment on environmental effect of the franchise


 In new government season, the foreign investment law had been liberalizing as so many
foreign franchises became popular in Yangon and many other cities in Myanmar.
 In 2016, the new government begins to start mixing Myanmar legal laws with English
common laws.
 Nowadays, in Myanmar, more franchising opportunities are available and legally
(The World Bank)

A.C 1.6

Definition of Controlling

Controlling can be defined as the purpose of ascertaining that things occur with the
parameter of the plan. And it is also the accompany the principles such as monitoring,
comparing and correcting work performance. The purposes are to identify deviations from
objectives and plans and to take corrective action. (Robbins and Coulter, 2012)
Importance of controlling functions

The control issues which the managers face are as follows:

1. Controlling write process

2. Regulating employee behavior
3. Setting up basic systems for allocating financial system
4. Developing human resources
5. Analyzing financial performance
6. Quality control
7. Evaluating overall profitability



KFC used the most healthy and fresh meal (chicken) CP chicken for consumers. They
secret herbs and cuisine as a excellent taste for consumers. They have three groups of waiters
and provide neat and tidy uniforms for every waiter and waitress. KFC trained their employees
for two months before serving their customers. KFC have employees who will welcome you you
at the entrance in Myanmar traditional way “Mingalabar”. Every branch of KFC are now
opening at the center and crowed places of Yangon such as downtown and shopping malls. The
decorations and facilities of KFC shops are the same from foreign countries. They provide wide
spaces for customers. The customers must self-service and queue for their turns and spend
their time with friends or family. Every kitchen of KFC stores are clean and tidy and the chefs
and employees of KFC stores work for customer needs in time. The menu of KFC shops provides
different kinds of food and drinks for everyone and every age.

Nowadays, KFC provides not only self-service but also delivery service for townships
around KFC shops in Yangon. KFC celebrates anniversary or holiday promotions for example like
decreasing their price. The employees of KFC shops work fast as possible as they can. Today,
KFC shops hire many employees for kitchen and cashier.


As in a survey and suggestion box results, 90% of customers enjoy food and service from
KFC shops. As we can see, in the first day of KFC shop openings, hundreds of customers were
waiting outside the shop for their turns. But some of the customers dislike self-service and they
want KFC to open more branches around the country. Although KFC provides delivery system,
customers want to have faster delivery system. The employees of KFC shops satisfied with their
working hours and salaries.

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