Research For Strategic Development With Revised 4D1

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Research for Strategic Development

Baher Edlbe
Nov 12th, 2019

LO1. RESEARCH PROPOSAL.............................................................................................3

1.1 VALID AREA OF RESEARCH.......................................................................................3

1.1.1 RESEARCH QUESTION...................................................................................................................4

1.2 RESEARCH AIM..............................................................................................................4

1.2.1 RESEARCH SCOPE..........................................................................................................................4

1.2.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................4

1.2.3 RESEARCH TECHNIQUE.................................................................................................................5

1.2.4 QUALITATIVE METHOD..................................................................................................................5

1.2.5 DATA COLLECTION........................................................................................................................5

1.2.6 DATA ANALYSIS METHOD..............................................................................................................6

1.3 ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES FACING SMES...........................................................6

1.4 SUCCESS CRITERIA.......................................................................................................7

1.4.1 RESEARCH PLAN............................................................................................................................7

1.5 PROJECT PLAN...............................................................................................................8

1.M.1 JUSTIFICATION..........................................................................................................9

1.M.1.1 RESEARCH RATIONALE............................................................................................................11

1.M.1.2 FORMAT OF THE PAPER..........................................................................................................12

1.M.1.3 AUDIENCE...............................................................................................................................12

LO2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................14

2.1 REVIEWED LITERATURE...........................................................................................14

2.1.1 DEFINITION OF SME’S.......................................................................................................................................................15

2.1.2 SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT..................................................16

2.1.3 THEORIES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT...................................................................................18

2.1.4 RESEARCH GAP...........................................................................................................................19

2.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................20

2.M.1 JUSTIFICATION OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES.....................................22

LO3. RESEARCH REPORT................................................................................................23


3.1.1 PURPOSE.....................................................................................................................................23

3.1.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................24

3.1.3 FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................24

3.2 ALL SOURCES IN APA FORMAT...............................................................................30

3.3 CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION..............................................................33

3.M.1 QUESTIONS ARISING FROM RESEARCH FINDINGS.....................................33

3.M.1.1 RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS RAISED.........................................................................................33






3.D.1.4 RECOMMENDATION................................................................................................................36

3.D.1.5 CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................37

3.D.1.6 MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS...................................................................................................38

LO4. REFLECTIVE LOG....................................................................................................39

4.1 PERSONAL SKILLS.......................................................................................................39

4.2 RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................40

4.M.1 A PLAN FOR IMPROVING RESEARCH SKILLS............................................40

4.D.1 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN.......................................................................41



In both developed and developing nations, Small and medium enterprises (SMEs),

play a critical role in boosting the economy of the country. Strategic management is not

exclusive to big businesses; therefore, it is essential to apply strategic management in SMEs.

Strategic management refers to the formulation of strategies that ensure that the business

activities are in alignment with their objectives and goals (Wheelen & Hunger, 2018).

Strategic management is key to the growth of a business as it helps them in identifying their

strengths and weaknesses (Hillary, 2017). However, SMEs often fail, or their growth

stagnates due to certain limitations in strategic management. It is an issue that requires further

study, and it provides a basis to formulate a research question.


What are the main inconsistencies in the strategic management of small and medium

enterprises (SMEs)?


The aim of the research is to collect data on SMEs for critical limitations that they

face in strategic management. These factors will be discussed in reference to their effect on

the business. The research will provide recommendations on how such limitations can be

prevented from causing the failure of SME’s.


The study focuses on the shortcomings of SMEs in strategic management which

affects their survival in the long run. The research will use five journals to gather data that

provides a solution to the research question. The study will discuss strategic management

theories that form the basis for the discussion of the research findings. The study is a

qualitative study that gathers data from research studies conducted in different parts of the

world. Therefore, it has broad coverage.


 To study the current strategic management practices that SMEs use and their impact

on the success of SME’s.

 To Identifying the factors impacting the management of SME’s

 To Find the loopholes for inconsistencies and the main inconsistencies in the strategic

management of SMEs

 To Formulate recommendations to SME’s on the choice of appropriate strategy to

support the development and sustainability of SME’s

Most small businesses fail while most of those that survive past ten years never grow

big because of inconsistencies and subtle limitations in strategic management. It is essential

to determine the limitations that lead to failure and offer recommendations for tackling them.

This research will gather information on this area and use the finding to formulate solutions

that will benefit SMEs.


The most suitable research methodology for the research question is Qualitative Method

This research aims to address a practical research problem, as strategic management is

a practice that is common in all businesses today. This method is suitable for the study

because of accessibility. It will allow an in-depth insight into the research problem through a

collection of a wide range of data that can only be realized through this method (Davies,

2007). It will facilitate the saturation of data that will give awareness of this complicated

matter. The validity of this method lays in that the data collected on strategic management

issues of different SMEs across the globe can help other SMEs in avoiding these issues and

growing their business. Qualitative method is also valid because the research will involve

looking at the various limitations facing SMEs. This method will facilitate the collection of

valid data on these challenges


The data for this research will be derived from existing data. It is also known as

secondary data and will be derived from relevant existing documents that present research on

SMEs. These documents will include books, reports, PDF’s, and past research studies that

have focused on this issue (Davies, 2007). The criteria below will be followed in collecting

the data.

1. The research question keywords will be used

2. It will be selected based on the stipulated research objectives.

3. It will be limited to the scope of research, which is, determining the inconsistencies

and providing suitable solutions.

It will ensure that the data selected is suitable for the research question and will fulfil

the research objectives. This research uses five data sources that date back to ten years ago.

The suitable method for this research is content analysis. It is a research technique that

facilitates the study of recorded information in texts (Silverman, 2010). It will allow a

vigorous evaluation of critical areas within the scope of the study. It is also suitable in a

diverse area such as strategic management in SME’s (Davies, 2007).


According to Leonard (2019), SMEs in Canada have relatively good access to

financing. Additionally, credit conditions are advantageous through the low interests’ rates

that have been maintained for years. However, certain segments of SMEs face difficulty in

obtaining funds. According to Aragón‐Sánchez and Sánchez‐Marín (2005), financing is one of

the significant challenges facing SMEs. Based on a survey presented by (Ansoff et al., 2018),

32% of SMEs report difficulty in the acquisition of funds. Lack of finances is one of the

issues facing the strategic management of SMEs. Due to lack of funds, SMEs are unable to

execute their strategic plan, which leads to failure of the businesses through the inability to

achieve its objectives. Aragón‐Sánchez and Sánchez‐Marín (2005) argue that the limited

financing of SMEs is due to its nature. SMEs are defined by the unavailability of information

publicly and operate in an unfamiliar environment, which discourages bank lending.

According to Leonard (2019), financing issues facing SMEs underlie the strategic

management limitations that the sector faces.


The success criteria of the research will be based on the smart goals framework whose

acronym stands for Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

Specific- the research will be focused on the issue that it needs to address rather than being

general. It will be carried out within the context of the research.

Measurable- the objectives of the research will facilitate measuring the progress of the project

and will be applicable in assessing the results. For example, the findings of the research will

be derived from five sources that will explain the identified limited factors.

Achievable- looking at the business environment, the outcomes of the research are relevant to

SMEs and will respond to the research objectives established for the study.

Relevant- the objectives of the research should be able to provide solutions to questions such

as “what is the objective of carrying out the research?” “What is the intended impact of the

research?” The study objectives should address the unique needs of the target group.

Timely- the research will be undertaken within a period of two weeks. Each of the tasks will

be assigned a specific period.


1. The research study will confirm that small and medium-sized businesses face

limitations that interfere with their strategic management. Therefore, the study will identify

these limiting factors and based on the findings, it will provide recommendations for SMEs.

2. The research study will be implemented at the community level. This is because the

subject under study affects businesses within society.

3. The intended outcomes of the research include; increasing knowledge on the

challenges that SMEs face in strategic management; it will determine SMEs strategic

management practices; it will provide recommendations on how to overcome these

challenges and ensure the success of the business

4. The success of the project will be determined using the SMART goals framework.

Gantt Chart & CPM

The key milestones within the project shall be attained with the help of the research

project plan as indicated above. The report will commence with the research questions

development stage. For starters, there will be a literature research that will be geared towards

obtaining more relevant data to be used in continuing the paper in the end. This is staged to

take about a day prior to the beginning of the project report compilation. This will be

followed up closely with the essence of obtaining the much-needed aims, scope objectives,

and even goals of the research as a whole. This is scheduled for about seven days at the

beginning of the report compilation. It will be followed up by preparation of the success

criteria and then the research questions for about seven days each. The final part of the

research question development stage will be about preparation of a research plan followed by

the justification of the same research, which is scheduled to take about 14 days and 10 days


The second stage of this report shall aim at developing the research techniques and

eventually the research proposal in the end. This will be based on a period that has been
scheduled for both, which will run for about seven days each. The report compilation shall

then proceed to the next stage, which will aim at reviewing the selected literature from stage

one for a period of five days, while also trying to synthesize the appropriate data from this

literature for about six days. The next stage will involve data collection and analysis for the

report beginning with the collection part for about five days, followed by the synthesis of data

for a period of six days in line with the research.

The final stage of the compilation for the research project report shall involve

discussing the findings based on the data obtained in the stage above for about ten days while

coming up with the appropriate recommendations to the same for seven days. Moreover, this

will be followed up with a conclusion to the whole research. This will then be followed up by

the recommendations about the research skills that shall have been identified during the

research period, taking up a time of about four days.


According to a study conducted by Aragón‐Sánchez and Sánchez‐Marín (2005),

Small and medium enterprises play a huge role in the economy of every nation. Despite their

great contributions to the economy such as employment and tax revenue, slight changes in

external environments cause significant negative impact. According to Aragón‐Sánchez and

Sánchez‐Marín (2005), three out of every five businesses will collapse within the first few

years of operation due to poor strategic management. This highlights that SMEs face strong

challenges in strategic management for growth and increased competitiveness. According to

Verbano and Venturini (2013), despite the large amount of research on strategic management

in SMEs, there is very limited research on the actual practices and challenges within them.

This establishes the foundation of this study, which is to explore the challenges that

SMEs face in strategic management and consequently inhibit their overall growth, survival,

and competitiveness within the market. This study is essential to SMEs as it provides a
reference point for SMEs by revealing the elements to consider when engaging in strategic

management. The same study will be beneficial towards the general management for the

medium enterprises because it will help to bring about a clear understanding of the challenges

to be encountered. According to Verbano and Venturini (2013), these are some of the

challenges that the SME’s might face when implementing certain strategies that have been

identified for their overall growth and being able to establish the best ways to deal with such

challenges in the end.

The study is also aimed at looking at the various challenges that hinder the SME’s

growth to try to help them in becoming successful using appropriate strategies recommended

within the study. The study also aims at enlightening the SMEs about the challenges that they

are prospectively going to face and how such challenges can be averted in their wake. The

findings of the study are to benefit small and medium enterprise management to understand

the challenges that they are likely to encounter during the implementation of various

strategies. The study will also provide recommendations on how these limitations can be

solved. Alternatively, SMEs management will be able to decide ways through which to deal

with challenges that are likely to surface and ways to achieve success in their strategic

management efforts.

On the other hand, the financial institutions, such as the banks are going to get more

information with more insight about serving these SMEs in a better way and while coming up

with ways to minimize any financial challenges that can be faced by these SMEs. Moreover,

the government institutions will be made aware of SMEs problems hence try to develop

policies that can eventually enhance the SMEs growth. Researchers on the other hand will be

provided with information for future research in the area of small and medium enterprises.

This study is also of benefit to financial institutions such as banks, it will help banks better

understand the obstacles faced by SMEs and reduce the financial challenges and enabling it

to become successful. Furthermore, Governments will also be able to gain a better

prospective on challenges faced by SMEs and consequently formulate policies that will

support the growth of SMEs. Lastly, the researchers will have reference material for

additional research in the area of strategic management in SMEs.


Rationale for: Study A Study B Study C Study D Study E

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SAMPLE They were It was 50 The sample It reviewed The study
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APA style format will be used for the research. This style was chosen because it

ensures clarity of paper on a complex topic. It also ensures that a paper is easy to read and

even understandable. Through similar citation of sources all through the paper, it will give it

better flow and direct focus to the paper contents.


There are various audiences for this paper. The first one is the instructor, whose

objective is to ensure that I carry out comprehensive research and meet the learning

objectives. Second is the general business academic community whereby the study will

provide additional knowledge on the subject of strategic management and its effect among


Aragón‐Sánchez, A., & Sánchez‐Marín, G. (2005). Strategic orientation, management

characteristics, and performance: A study of Spanish SMEs. Journal of small business

management, 43(3), 287-308.

Davies, M. B., (2007) Doing a Successful Research Project: Using Qualitative or Quantitative

Methods, Palgrave Macmillan

Hillary, R. (2017). Small and medium-sized enterprises and the environment: business

imperatives. Routledge.

Silverman D. (2010) Doing Qualitative Research. 3rd Ed., Sage Publications Ltd.

Verbano, C., &Venturini, K. (2013). Managing risks in SMEs: A literature review and

research agenda. Journal of technology management & innovation, 8(3), 186-197.

Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2011). Concepts in strategic management and business

policy. Pearson Education India.

Research for Strategic Development


In completing the literature review for this research study, various literature sources

were considered. The considerations were made based on; the keywords of the research study,

the specific research objectives, and the scope of the research. The sources were also based

on key authors who have contributed largely to strategic management among SMEs.

The literature review involved qualitative content analysis of ten documents and only

five were found suitable for the study. These resources were selected from two websites that

avail peer-reviewed journals and research resources. These websites include JSTOR and

Google Scholar, which allow setting the timelines for resources that one needs using key

terms. Examples of the search key terms included strategic management theories, SMEs

strategic management, and SMEs nature. The criteria for selecting the suitable resources

involved various aspects; these included identifying the author’s central argument, the

author’s viewpoint, and the primary sources used by the author. These aspects were key to

determining the authenticity, credibility and meaning of the sources hence leading to the

elimination of the five sources that did not meet the criteria. These sources lacked clarity on

the subject of research while others contained high author biases hence being unreliable.
On the other hand, the use of qualitative content analysis is appropriate for this study

because it provides the opportunity to understand the major techniques, ideas, and procedures

in relation to the area of strategic management practices in SMEs. Moreover, they provided

the use of keywords that explained the subject areas and the key authors and references that

are suitable for additional research and reading on the subject. Furthermore, the use of

secondary resources allowed access to both old and updated information that benefited the



Small and Medium enterprises are termed as independent businesses with a specific

employees’ limit, which differs from one country to another. They also defined by financial

turnover. According to (Wang et al., 2007), the limit for SMEs within the European Union is

250, and financial turnover limited to EUR 50million. In Saudi Arabia, small businesses have

5-19 employees, while medium businesses have over 20 employees and a turnover ranging

from $6.7 to $33.3 million (Davies, 2007).

In nations across the world, SMEs play an essential role of creating employment,

reducing poverty, as a critical economic driver, the industrialization of rural areas, and

development of infrastructure, equal income distribution, and the general development of a

country. The crucial role of SMEs warrants a strategic orientation. According to Wang et al.

(2007), strategic management is the formulation and description of short term and long-term

policies that managers can implement to attain better performance and a competitive

advantage for their business. In the beginning, strategic management was mostly used within

large firms. However, the increased mistakes, risks, and economic instability prompted

managers in all organization field to consider strategic management and use it to remain

competitive within the unstable environment (Porter, 1980). Informed strategic management

is an essential tool for SMEs, which enables them to grow, survive, and stay competitive

within the current fluctuating economic environment (Davies, 2007).


According to Wheelen and Hunger (2011), strategic management and strategic

planning are synonymous. Strategic management is used within the academic world, while

strategic planning is used in business. Wheelen and Hunger (2011), define strategic

management as the process of formulating strategies that are aimed at aligning business

enterprises with set organizational goals and objectives. For a while, the concept of strategic

management has been limited to established businesses as witnessed from the limited

research in the area. However, based on the increasing dynamics associated with SMEs, the

concept of strategic management is slowly beginning to be adopted with these organizations

(Davies, 2007).

Strategic management is at the disposal of SMEs to protect themselves from the

uncertainties within the business environment and promote growth for years to come. When

SMEs engage in strategic management, the outcomes are increased sales, higher profit

margins, high return on assets, increase in employees, and less likelihood of failing.

However, despite the popularity of strategic management that has led to professional adoption

in everyday business, there are still limitations to the long-term success of the business.

Failure to identify these limitations has led to the failure of many SMEs despite their great

potential to succeed. Therefore, this paper aims to determine that insufficiency of resources;

inability to use proven strategy tools; limited involvement of employees in strategic

management; and absence of defined process is limiting strategic management in SMEs

(Davies, 2007).

It is believed that strategic management gradually develops in SMEs with improved

activities and supporting functions over time (Wang et al., 2007). Strategic management in

SMEs develops from simple financial plans, through to forecast based planning and

externally influenced planning, which ultimately develops into formal strategic management.

However, there has been criticism about the concept of strategic management in SMEs

(Analoul & Karami, 2003). Critics have argued that SMEs do not possess the relevant
resources to enable them to indulge in strategic management actively. They further state that

there is no proven relationship between strategic planning and the success or lack of in small

businesses (Analoul & Karami, 2003).

Despite the criticism, several studies have identified the importance of strategic

management in small businesses. For instance, according to Analoul & Karami (2003), there

exists a positive relationship between strategic planning and financial performance of small

businesses. In the concept of strategic management in small businesses, there are various

factors to consider. In small businesses, strategic management involves the ability of the

enterprise to adapt and be flexible enough to take advantage of current and future niche and

business opportunities (Wang et al., 2007). Additionally, the concept aims at striking a

balance between fluidity in strategy and commitment to the organization's vision and

missions. Finally, the concept also takes into consideration creativity and innovation aimed at

generating and maintaining competitive advantages both in the end and in the short run.


When dealing with the concept of strategic management in business, several theories

come into play. However, when it comes to small businesses, some of the theories of strategic

management are more applicable as compared to others. One of the frequently applied

theories is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. According to Wang et al. (2007), many

entrepreneurs develop business enterprises for various reasons, which include autonomy,

personal satisfaction, and improving their lifestyles. These factors hugely influence the

significant decisions, including investment decisions that the management makes and which

ultimately affects the future of the business in the long and short term.

The other commonly applied theory in strategic management of small businesses is

the theory of competitive strategies. This theory focuses on four factors, namely customer

bargaining power; supplier bargaining power; threats from new entries and risks created by
substitute products. According to Porte (1980), these factors combine with each other to

control the fifth factor that is competition. Since strategic management in small businesses

involves taking into consideration both internal and external factors that affect the businesses'

performance, this theory can be used effectively. Furthermore, the theory takes into

consideration the personal values of the management board members, for instance, their risk-

taking levels, how visionary they are, and how these affect the future performance of the


Another theory commonly used in strategic management is the theory of core

competency, which outlines the common strategies that firms can employ to achieve

competitive advantages. The theory argues that firms need to rely on their core areas of

competencies. These competencies include technical superiority and other areas of strength to

achieve and maintain competitive advantages over their competitors (Morden, 2016).

Furthermore, the theory aims at influencing the management into directing firms to tap into

the competencies as a basis for value addition and growth. When applied in strategic

management of small businesses, the theory is an essential tool for maintaining the

businesses' core vision and mission and ensuring it achieves its fundamental goals. Finally,

according to Morden (2016), the Mintzberg prescriptive and descriptive approaches can also

be described as fundamental theories of strategic management.

In the prescriptive school of thoughts, it is believed that there exists a "one size fits

all" description of approaches that should be used in strategic management. On the other

hand, the descriptive approaches are based on the application of management strategies based

on specific prevailing contexts (Morden, 2016). In small businesses, the descriptive approach

to strategic management would be most effective. It is the case, especially taking into

consideration the dynamic nature of small businesses. Small businesses experience various

changes and influences, both internal and external, in the future.


The literature review that has been carried out above about the strategy

implementation concerning the processes of the SME’s shows clear evidence themes that are

recurring. The research is indeed focused on the form of communication or even coordination

that can be used for the processes of the SME’s while ensuring that they stay focused upon

their overall targets within the market. For that matter, there appears to be a significant

“research gap” for the much-needed knowledge which is based on the strategic development

of the SME’s in the changing market environment. The main reasons as to why such a

research gap exists in the first place can be linked to many researchers considering the field

of strategy implementation to be less “glamorous” to take on. Most of the reviewed sources

hint at strategy implementation not being an adequate subject area, hence, the researchers

tend to underestimate any challenges that affect the conceptual survival of the SME’s within

the market. In that regard, this study will be done based on looking at the more “practical”

challenges that are facing the strategy implementation process for most of the SME’s within

the existing market. This necessitates the study to help in exploration of the challenges that

SMEs face in a bid to carry out their strategic management processes and consequently

inhibiting their overall growth or even competitiveness within the market.


The type of research methodology employed in this study is qualitative. This proves

to be the best approach because it will definitely yield appropriate findings. The research

methodology shall involve coming up with data and using a descriptive approach, which is in

line with the research objectives of a study. By using the descriptive approach, the research

shall aim at trying to identify and even analyze the critical challenges that SMEs face in the

strategic management process. It will also look at the effects these challenges have been

posing while also providing the necessary recommendations to be followed by the SME is to

avert the challenges in their operations. Based on the data collected, the research findings on
the main inconsistencies in strategic management of SMEs shall be identified with ease. The

study uses five journals whose primary focus is strategic management in SMEs. Furthermore,

the research findings in this study are based on the secondary sources in form of the journals

and synthesized into the four points as discussed below under findings.

The methods to be employed are also appropriate for the fact that they happen to

describe the various actions to be taken to investigate the research problem for the

SME’s. The rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to

identify the challenges faced by the SME’s is also captured by the methodologies.

Moreover, the analysis is appropriate for the information to be collected and applied in

understanding the problem, thereby, allowing the research to critically evaluate a

study’s overall validity and reliability in the process. The methodology is also

appropriate because it will help to answer the specific questions raised while writing in

a direct and precise manner.

The methodologies are also appropriate in realizing the overall purposes of the

study. For instance, it ensures that the study is qualitative to make recommendations

that are based upon the findings. It also helps to discuss the problems in a qualitative

manner that may be anticipated and the steps to be taken to inhibit them from occurring.

For any challenges that would arise during the research process, the qualitative

methodology will be able to describe the ways in which they can be reduced or how

such challenges can impact the research in any meaningful way with regards to the

interpretation of findings. The methodologies are also appropriate for the fact that they

do provide sufficient information that allows the research to adopt or replicate the true

picture on ground for the SME’s. This information is particularly important when a new

method shall need to be established or an innovative use of an existing method is to be

The methodologies are appropriate for the way data will be collected or

generated in a qualitative way. This is because they can prove to be consistent with

accepted practice in the field of study. For starters, the use of multiple-choice

questionnaires within the study that is qualitative shall help researchers know what to

offer to the respondents in a reasonable range of answers to choose from. Such is the

common approach for a qualitative research and helps the researcher to be able to 'triangulate'

their findings in a prudent way. The methods are also suitable because they shall help to

support one set of findings from one method of data collection supported by one

methodology, with another very different method supported by another methodology. For

example, the researcher could provide a set of questionnaire (quantitative) to collect statistical

information about responses, and then back this up and research in more depth by

interviewing (qualitative) selected members of the questionnaire sample.


The descriptive approach employed in the study proves to be appropriate for it

because it helps to bring out a proper analysis of the findings within the study. On the other

hand, the qualitative method being used is indeed appropriate because the resources have the

best information concerning insufficiency of resources, and hence the implementation of the

strategy process for the SME is in overall. The qualitative approach that uses the descriptive

method to review the resources helps to bring out the findings of the secondary data in a

prudent way. This makes the research methodology to be the most appropriate to use for this

study about the implementation of the strategy process for the SME’s. On the other hand, the

research methodology is appropriate because the factors that affect the process such as use of

proved strategy tools, limited employees’ involvement, and lack of defined processes in

strategic management can be identified.

The descriptive methodologies that are employed in the research are also

justified for the fact that they help the researcher in making the decisions for selecting
the data to be analyzed. The qualitative research is also justified for the subjects and

research setting to be used in examining the subjects. The same can be affirmed for the

research tools and methods to be used to identify and collect information while also

helping to identify the relevant variables to be used in the research. The specific

research tools or strategies that shall be used to study the underlying hypothesis and

research questions are also justified for the fact that it will use the empirical-analytical

group approaches for the study. Objective knowledge is what this type of research

focuses on, yes or no research questions and measuring operational definitions of

variables. The empirical-analytical group that uses existing theory as a foundation for

formulating hypotheses that need to be tested employs deductive reasoning. An

explanation approach is the focus that is applied.

The interpretative groups to be used in the qualitative study shall help to focus

on understanding some of the phenomena within the research in comprehensive and

holistic way. The interpretive methods to be used will help to focus on analytical

findings of the research while also generating observable outcomes. However, the

interpretative group requires careful examination of variables because it focuses more

on subjective knowledge. The methods for gathering data are also justifiable because

they have a clear connection to the research problem. In other words, the methods shall

help to make sure that they actually address the problem. One of the most common

deficiencies found in research papers is that the proposed methodology is not suitable to

achieving the stated objective of your paper. The qualitative analysis of the research

problem will elaborate the processes applied to gathering and analyzing the data with

the use of quantitative methods.




The purpose of this paper is to look at the strategic management process and how it

has been proven a useful undertaking by the SMEs. However, it is influenced by several

prevailing factors present both in and outside the SMEs. SMEs experience various limitations

in realizing the benefits of strategic management. In that regard, the purpose of the findings

in this paper is to specifically provide answers to the research question through analyzing the

current strategic management practices used by SMEs. It also aims at establishing the

loopholes for main inconsistencies in the strategic management of SMEs and aid in offering

appropriate solutions to these disparities. The report aims at identifying the requisite issues,

analyzed the data on the causes of these issues, and making the much-needed and appropriate

recommendations about the whole process involved in the study.


This research used Qualitative research methodologies to yield the findings.

Qualitative research methodologies involve the use of descriptive approaches, which is in line

with the research objectives of a study. The descriptive approaches to be used will aim at

identifying and analyzing the critical challenges that SMEs are face in strategic management

process. It will also look at the effects these challenges have been posing while also providing

the necessary recommendations to be followed by the SME is to avert the challenges in their

operations. Based on the data collected, the following are the research findings on the main

inconsistencies in strategic management of SMEs. The study uses five journals whose

primary focus is strategic management in SMEs. Furthermore, the research findings in this
study are based on the secondary sources in form of the journals and synthesized into the four

points as discussed below under findings.


One of the established limitations identified is the insufficiency of resources. Strategic

management is a complex process that involves critical evaluation of major interconnected

components that exist both within the business and within its environment. Due to this

complexity, the process requires huge investments in terms of skilled personnel and financial

resources (Ansoff et al., 2018). However, due to the weak capital base associated with many

SMEs, many are not able to employ strategic management in their daily activities. In an

actual strategic business, many small businesses are not able to employ qualified employees

both at the management and lower levels. This is concerning the individuals who can

implement strategic management concepts due to financial constraints (Leonard, 2019).

Furthermore, straining the available resources to accommodate the concepts of strategic

management may work to affect business growth negatively. It is because the number of

resources used in other essential areas, such as research and innovation may end up being

reduced significantly.

According to Leonard (2019), resource limitation may also have significant effects on

the effectiveness of strategic management techniques. Effectively applying specific strategic

management techniques, such as improving on the technology, the business may have to have

adequate financial and human resources. Therefore, if the business is experiencing these

resource limitations, it may not be able to make good use of the competencies that it

possesses effectively. To achieve and maintain a competitive advantage, a critical factor in its

survivability (Leonard, 2019). Therefore, it is right to say that the business will not be able to
effectively roll out strategic management if they lack the necessary resources to formulate

and propel the program. USE PROVEN STRATEGY TOOLS

The other identified limitation is the use of proven strategy tools. Strategy tools are

the instruments commonly used by businesses to determine and define the businesses’ long

and short-term goals as well as outline methods to be used to achieve these (Teeboom, 2019).

These tools are various in numbers and may include instruments such as SWOT analysis and

PESTEL analysis. SWOT analysis is a technique commonly used by businesses to identify

their strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and how these can affect the business.

On the other hand, the PESTEL framework analysis is an analysis tool used to determine the

effects of political, economic, social, and technological factors on the business (Teeboom,


These tools can be used individually or in collaboration with other tools in strategic

management. However, when in an actual strategic business setting, many small businesses

fail to use these and other strategy tools in decision making for one reason or the other. One

common reason for not using these tools is the lack of knowledge about them (Ansoff et al.,

2018). Many small businesses are established from individual passion and talents, while some

are even inherited from family members. Therefore, most individuals running such businesses

do not possess the knowledge of the existence of these tools or even how they are used in

strategic management. Furthermore, some small business owners may not see the relevance

of using these tools in strategic management and therefore end up ignoring them. Finally, the

management may be ignorant of the importance of strategic tools as action plans for

achieving business goals both in the long term and in the short term. Since these tools, for

instance, SWOT analysis, take into consideration both internal and external factors, they can

be used to roll out the actions to be taken to achieve business goals (Teeboom, 2019). LIMITED INVOLVEMENT OF EMPLOYEES

Another limitation that was identified is limited involvement of employees. Many of

the small businesses are sole proprietorships, which make use of the top-down approach to

decision making (Ansoff et al., 2018). In this regard, the individual owners feel obligated to

make major business decisions without having to consult or gather suggestions from their

employees, then end up forcing policies and strategies on their employees. It may end up

generating resistance in the employees towards the implementation of the laid down strategic

plans aimed at growing the business, which is a major limitation towards effective

implementation strategic management. Furthermore, the business owners may end up making

decisions that are aimed at being more beneficial to them while undermining the interests of

the employees. It will end up reducing the employee commitment in ensuring that strategic

tools are effectively used to achieve growth of the business (Irawanto, 2015). In addition to

that, the employees may develop negative attitudes towards the strategic management

techniques being forced on them, which ultimately contribute towards its failure.

When it comes to an actual strategic business context, by limiting employee

involvement in decision-making, the management may miss the creative and innovative ideas

that they have to offer. It could be used to improve the strategic decision-making process

(Irawanto, 2015). Generally, the general employees involved in the daily business activities

are normally in a better position to come up with innovative and creative methods of making

work efficient (Irawanto, 2015). Therefore, holding constructive meetings with these

employees may act as a platform for brainstorming on the techniques that could be used to

improve the overall productivity and growth of the company both in the long term and in the

short term. Therefore, limiting employee involvement in decision-making denies small

businesses such benefits, which could give them a significant boost towards growth and


Lastly, the lack of a defined process in strategic management is also another limitation

that was established. There is generally no ‘ideal’ framework that the small business owners

can adhere to in the process of formulation and incorporation of strategic management into

their businesses (Ansoff et al., 2018). These factors hugely discourage business owners from

making use of strategic management techniques. Many feel the need to identify with a

particular framework, which they can always refer to while making business decisions.

However, this is not possible since there is no universally accepted framework for developing

effective strategic management techniques. Furthermore, the need to continuously make

changes due to the dynamic nature of small businesses is a major setback for the application

of strategic planning in SMEs (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005). It is because there

is no definite sequence through which SMEs follow while changing. Therefore, the business

owners do not have a defined structure that they can adopt at the various stages of the

changes. Due to this, many of the small business owners’ end up abandoning these strategic

plans and deal with the changes as they come (Jarzabkowski & Kaplan, 2015).

While there is a general feeling of lack of need to incorporate strategic management in

small businesses among the owners, their limited knowledge in management skills coupled

with a general lack of a well-defined and structured strategic management framework prove

to be critical limitations to strategic management especially in small businesses. According to

Wang et al. (2007), the majority of the small businesses are individually owned where the

owners tend to have limited knowledge and background in business management in an actual

strategic business context. These limit the business owners' ability to effectively use the

available strategic tools to come up with strategic management and planning techniques. In

addition to that, since there is a lack of clearly outlined methods of coming up with effective

strategic plans, these owners find it difficult to formulate such (Jarzabkowski & Kaplan,



The study identifies the four key limitations that are facing SMEs in strategic

management efforts, therefore, challenging their growth and performance. The main concerns

identified are the lack of sufficient resources, use of proven strategy tools, limited

involvement of employees, and the absence of the defined strategic processes. This is in line

with Alexander (1991) findings that identified that the lack of sufficient financial resources

interfered with the implementation of the strategies. The findings also aligned with Alexander

(1985), findings that failure to involve employees in strategic management can interfere with

strategic efforts.

The process of strategic management is an expensive endeavor that requires sufficient

financial resources for successful implementation through the frustration to access necessary

resources. Failure to involve employees affects the implementation process in various ways.

For one, the employees lack information on the efforts hence the organization lacks the

employee commitment to the success of the implemented strategies. Secondly, employees are

a critical part of the success of the business; therefore, involving them allow for the

contribution of important information that the management may be unaware of to execute

successfully the strategy implementation (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005). Lastly,

involvement of employees emphasizes on their value to the organization hence they feel

responsible to ensure the strategic efforts are a success. The lack of defined strategic

management framework interferes with SMEs management who may lack the basic

knowledge to handle the strategic efforts modifications, therefore, interfering with the

progress made. Therefore, SMEs management should strive to educate themselves on the

strategic management practices for the type of business to be able to handle changes in the

external environment to protect it from effects that may interfere with its stability and

performance in the end (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005). TOP MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT

Commitment has often proved to be the most important aspect for the strategy

implementation aspect and therefore, the top management within the SME’s has to be

committed towards the strategic practices. The top managers should also be able to

demonstrate that they have the absolute willingness of giving their all in the implementation

process. By doing so, the SME’s demonstrable may start showing a positive signal towards

the improvement of operations at the organization (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005). INVOLVING THE VALUABLE KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER EMPLOYEES

In a bid to try to bring about the cohesion that is much needed for the strategic

implementation process, the top management at the SME’s shall need to involve the valuable

knowledge that is contained by the other employees. This is important for the whole strategy

implementation process in the sense that it helps them use the top-down-approach in averting

any challenges such as financial or human resources constraints. Furthermore, it is notable

that the success of this implementation process shall be dependent upon middle level

managers and other employee involvement. This can also be able to generate the necessary

acceptance toward the implementation process within the SME’s as a whole (Aragón‐


There is also the need for the establishing a clear communication line which will

eventually help in linking the aspects of the implementation process for the SME’s. The use

of a clear communication line is indeed a success factor for the process of strategy

implementation within the SME’s in the sector since it helps the employees to air out their

issues concerning this whole strategy implementation process. It will also help to define clear
roles and responsibilities of every individual within the organizational setup (Aragón‐

Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005).


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Silverman D. (2010). Doing Qualitative Research. 3rd Ed., Sage Publications Ltd.

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Verbano, C. & Venturini, K. (2013). Managing risks in SMEs: A literature review and

research agenda. Journal of technology management & innovation, 8(3), 186-197.

Wang, C., Walker, E. A. & Redmond, J. L. (2007). Explaining the lack of strategic planning

in SMEs: The importance of owner motivation. International Journal of

Organizational Behavior, 12(1), 1-16. Original article available here

Wheelen, M. S., & Hunger, K. A. (2019). Structure and Strategies of Multinational

Enterprises in Nigeria. EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal, 9(1), 63-68.

Wheelen, T. L. & Hunger, J. D. (2011). Concepts in strategic management and business

policy. Pearson Education India.


The notion that SMEs do not have strategies is misleading because every business

owner has a vision, mission, and sound objectives for the business operations. SMEs are able

to note the gaps in the market and use strategies to leverage these opportunities to grow the

business. The outcomes of this study can be used by the various SMEs managers to

understand ways of dealing with strategic implementation practices within the constantly

changing environment.


This study was successful in accomplishing its goal of determining the challenges

facing Small and medium enterprises. Some of the questions arising from the research

findings are;

 What are the challenges faced by SMEs in strategy implementation process?

 How can the government support SMEs strategic management practices?

 How does strategy implementation affect the performance of SMEs?

 How do strategic management practices adopted by SMEs influence the firm’s


Various responses can be accorded to the questions that were raised in the study for

successful accomplishment of its goal. The goals were geared towards determining the

challenges facing Small and medium enterprises. The responses are as follows.



There are various challenges that have been identified for the strategic implementation

of the SME’s. For starters, there is the insufficiency of resources, which makes the strategic

management process to be complex (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005). This is

because it often involves critical evaluation of major interconnected components that exist

both within the business and within its environment. Another challenge that can be seen is

absence of using proven strategy tools. If the SME has had this, they would be able to

determine and define their form of businesses but its absence always prevents them from

achieving this in the end. The other challenge is geared toward the limited involvement of

employees, which often affects their approach towards the decision making process as an

SME. The other challenge that they are facing is lack of defined processes in strategic

management, meaning that there is no ‘ideal’ framework that the small business owners can

adhere to in the process of formulation and incorporation of strategic management into their

businesses (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005).



The government can also be able to support the SME’s in a bid to avert the challenges

to the strategy implementation process. This is through the improvement of the external

environment for the SME’s, which often harbors the uncontrollable factors within the

operations of the SME’s. It is notable that the strategy implementation process often involves

carrying out an allocation (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005) and even management
towards the sufficient resources. If the resources for the SMEs are indeed insufficient, then

the government has to cheap in repeatedly to help them out. The resources to be provided are

such as financial and technological support. The government can also support the SME’s by

establishing the command chain that is clear for them to come up with an alternative structure

in carrying out the cross functional responsibilities within the market. This can help them

gain cohesion and avert the issue to do with absence of a clear organization structure that

clearly defines the duties and responsibilities of every individual within the SME’s setup.



The processes that are involved in the strategy implementation for the SME’s often

help in improving the general performance within the market. This starts with an effect

towards specific individuals and shifting to the groups involved within the management of

these SME’s in overall (Aragón‐Sánchez & Sánchez‐Marín, 2005). The effect on its process

often includes monitoring results, trying to compare and even benchmark the results obtained

while also coming up with the best practices to be followed within the SME’s setup. By

carrying out the strategy implementation process, it often helps to evaluate the efficacy of the

SME’s and hence, it brings the much-needed improvement to its efficiency concerning the

processes involved. On the other hand, it will come up with a solution towards control for

variances is factors that affects its operations while helping them to make better adjustments

towards their procedures of production as necessary.



The strategic management practices that are often adapted by the SME’s within the

given market often help in coming up with specific programs to be implemented within the

processes of production. It can be affirmed from the above analysis for challenges facing the

SME’s that strategy implementation process can be compromised by absence of strategic

management practices. For that matter, the practices can be able to improve the methods of a

top-down style for the senior management while also coming up with strategic intentions that

are very clear for the SME’s within its process of production. Furthermore, this will

eventually help them to avert conflicting priorities within its operations while also avoiding

the poor vertical communication systems within the market (Aragón‐Sánchez &

Sánchez‐ Marín, 2005). The poor communication systems often bring about a weak co-

ordination within its businesses and functions and it should therefore be avoided necessary.

The strategic management practices can also help the firm to avoid using inadequate down-

the-line skills of leadership within its own development processes.


There is the need to provide recommendations to the limitations identified in the

findings in order to achieve the third research objective of offering appropriate solutions to

the discrepancies. The recommendations provided are guided by the information collected

and analyzed within the research study. The recommendations are geared towards addressing

the challenges that are faced by the SME’s in the strategy implementation process. Regarding

the issue of resource insufficiency, the most effective way of solving the issue would be the

government ensuring that SMEs have adequate access to financial assistance from financial


In doing so, the small businesses will have the relevant resources to incorporate and

even implement the strategic management technologies and skills through ways such as the

ability to employ qualified individuals as well as have the resource power to carry out market

researches. For example, the UAE government provides financial support to SMEs through

the Credit Guarantee Scheme (Khan, 2019). This financial support equips the SMEs with a

financial ability that will be applied in the strategic implementation process and its overall

management within the business sector.

The other issue of contention is the failure to use proven strategy tools. This issue

revolves around the inexperience portrayed by small business owners to make use of strategy

tools in decision-making. It is a common issue associated with small businesses and which

could prove to be difficult to deal with (Wang et al., 2007). However, one way of handling it

would be conducting awareness campaigns. Awareness campaigns provide a useful way that

encourages awareness of certain issues affecting a business. However, most stakeholders are

not mindful and well versed about their exposure and the steps needed to tackle pro-actively

the difficulties they are facing. Awareness raising is, therefore, an important component of the

adaptation process to manage the impacts of inexperience on SME’s, enhance adaptive

capacity, and reduce overall vulnerability.

The business owners are educated on the importance of using such tools in strategic

planning and management. Another way of dealing with it would be encouraging the business

owners to seek specialized skills from professionals by teaching them the benefits they can

gain from doing so. According to Analoul & Karami (2013), small businesses that

incorporate the services of consultants when coming up with strategic planning methods tend

to be more successful in the future, than those that fail to do so.

Finally, concerning the issue of employee involvement, it would be best to explain to

the small business owners about the benefits of allowing employees to get involved in

strategic decision-making (Silverman, 2010). For one, this helps in cultivating a sense of

belonging in the employees, which goes a long way in boosting on their productivity and

ultimately translating to business growth. Additionally, the management can tap into

employees' talents and skills, which could be used effectively as a strategic tool. Another

method of improving employee involvement is by encouraging quality circles, which could

act as risk workshops (Law et al., 2017). On the issue of absence of a defined process, the

most effective way of dealing with the issue would be encouraging the business owners to

look for the services of consultants when coming up with strategic plans.

This study is trying to establish the concerns that SMEs face in with the absence of

strategic management, therefore, affecting their growth and development. This area of

research was based on the finding that one out of every five SMEs fails within a few years of

operation due to the absence or lack of strategic management. The study utilizes a qualitative

method and descriptive approach to fulfil the objectives. It relies on secondary sources of

information that are collected based on the research objectives and the keywords of the study.

The research identified four main challenges that SMEs face in their strategic

management process. The study has established that the major issue underlying the failure of

SMEs strategic management efforts is the lack of sufficient funds. Alongside finances, SMEs

need to learn to take advantage of strategy tools and acquire knowledge to ensure they are

used clearly in defining processes to advance strategy formulation. Lastly, during my study it

was noticed that the relationship between an SME and its employees is a very important

factor that will shape its future, SME’s must understand that employers are critical to the

success of a firm. Involvement of employees makes them feel valued, which translates to

more productivity, involvement that will translate to offering insight that will help shape the

strategy or performance.


High and Low-performance firms were not discriminated in this study, to assist in

performance improvement of SME’s; managers can use this research to gain a more in-depth

insight. Based on this study, strategic management can certainly affect various stages of



To ensure the success of any research, it is vital to understand and make proper use of

an individual’s personal skills. In the process of coming up with the research, the most

important skills that I made use of were analytical and mathematical skills. These are

important skills, which are used in the process of collection of raw data, analysis of the data

into meaningful information and presenting the data to the target audience (Molloy & Snow,

2012). In conjunction with that, I also made use of data management skills, which is a very

important skill while dealing with large amounts of data. This skill entails the ability to

analyze data, and then effectively use the data to improve on personal programs. This

involves the processes of making summaries, looking for, and creating patterns and coming

up with proper presentations of the data to the target population (Molloy & Snow, 2012).


There are various things that can be done to improve personal research skills. In

research work, it is critical to perform the necessary work and achieve accurate information.

The first recommendation for improving this skill is handling any topics (Privitera, 2018). By

working on a new unfamiliar topic, one is able to acquire a new perspective of handling

research work more effectively. It will also help in learning to work within the deadline by

achieving good working knowledge by focusing on the main points. Handling any topic will
prepare an individual to handle any topics in the future. Secondly, one can improve research

skills through a thorough reading of the material (Silverman, 2010). These reading materials

can include journals, magazines, and books in relation to the topic to gain new ideas and

leads. Reading will help in picking up writing trends, jargon, and ideas that will help in

writing better. Thirdly, performing targeted internet search is crucial and more so with much

focus on the relevant websites (Privitera, 2018). Use of modern technology is important

because it makes the research more comfortable and easier. These techniques will facilitate

working on any relevant topic no matter how foreign it is.


1. Establish a schedule- this is important in ensuring that I meet the deadline and deliver

a quality paper. I will divide my work into parts and allocate time to each task. The

amount of time allocated will depend on the length of the research paper and how

much work needs to be fulfilled for each task.

2. Provide a thesis- I will ensure that my research is guided by a problem. The problem

will guide me towards realizing my goal. The chosen thesis statement will ensure that

I only gather the information that relates to my research area.

3. Prepare an outline- This is important in breaking my paper into logical parts that I will

address guided by the thesis.

4. Take advantage of modern technology- I will ensure that I conduct a thorough

research on the internet to get a basic overview of the topic I am addressing. I will

then proceed to locate my research sources for qualitative research.


The improvement of research skills guarantees excellent preparation of useful research

documents for researchers. Continuous development ensures that a researcher remains

relevant and attains the required quality of papers. I believe the implementation of plans that

aid in the improvement of the research goes a long way in ensuring that quality, together with

document integrity, is attained. The areas discussed below show how I intend on meeting this:


This involves coming up with a program or formula or a routine to be followed in

addressing the areas of research. A schedule gives the time and method that will guide the

way the tasks will be completed. This plan was implemented by developing a work schedule

to help me better manage my research paper. The work schedule was developed, detailing

how each task will be addressed. It ensured that I divided my work into sections and

functions and allocated each section or task the time that it would take to complete the job.

Every task was assigned adequate time based on the nature of the mission and its complexity.

This resulted in a positive move in my research work, as I was able to meet deadlines through

working on a period. I was also able to deliver quality and detailed work as every task had its

aspects pointed out in the schedule and was not missed. This plan also helped reduce the time

taken in writing a research paper as every task had a deadline to be met. I was also able to be

better organized and even save time on tasks. The changes that could be made are to allocate

time to jobs in the future better to ensure even easier writing, hence improved deadlines, and

improved paper quality. In the future, establishing a schedule could be useful in provided

researchers are not overworking or concentrating too much time in one area and neglecting

another. A specific task could be allocated several hours so that the researcher can follow the

schedule keenly. This ensures they work for only the required time and have adequate rest

before the next task. Establishing a program could also be used to divide responsibilities to

several researchers where they are working together. This will ensure that researchers do not

repeat an area that has already been addressed by another person. This will also provide the

research be completed faster as researchers will be working to meet their deadlines.

Establishing a timeline could also be used to measure the time that will be taken in

undertaking specific research and thus planning can be made.


This plan ensures that a research problem guides the work of a researcher. This plan was

implemented by ensuring that the research problem was developed and given enough

thought. This has had a positive impact on improving my research skills as it has enabled me

to stay on track and be able to attain my goal. Having a thesis has also helped me research

only the required areas, which I would otherwise have strayed. I was able to collect

information on the required field and be precise in the selected area of research. Providing a

thesis also enabled me to work towards bridging the gap between my dissertation and that of

other research work already done. The outcome of implementing this plan has been excellent

and has helped me improved my research skills. The changes that could be done, however,

are developing better theses and having more refined research areas. This will ensure

improved quality of the work done as well as better address the issue at hand. This plan could

be used in the future by other researchers to ensure that their papers are short, precise and

address specific theses. This practice is essential in helping those that need the information to

access it efffectively. Providing a thesis could also be used to assess the relevance of research

at an early stage of the research work before it is too late.


This plan ensures that a list of how the researcher intends to handle the paper is laid out. The

researcher divides the content of the research into sections putting into consideration the

weights of the particular aspects and the order in which he or she intends to address them.

This helps in outlining the areas that the researcher should cover and give a pointer towards

how the paper will look like once completed. The researcher can have an overview of the

paper just by looking at the outline that they have developed. This has been implemented by

ensuring the paper is divided into logical parts following the set guidelines. The divisions are
guided by the thesis and therefore help to be precise in addressing each area or outline. This

plan has had a positive impact on improving my research skills. It has led to better

organization in my research work. It has helped to arrange the sections of the research in a

progressive manner that enable more natural understanding as opposed to addressing areas

without a systematic flow. It has also helped in achieving better coverage of the regions and

exhaustive research of an outlined area. Preparation of an outline has also ensured that no

areas have been left out of the study and that more delicate details of the research paper have

been covered. Frameworks have helped me develop more presentable research papers as well

as making the article more accessible for people to read. The frameworks enable individuals

to note efficiently the areas of interest and quickly point it out in the bulky document.

Changes could be made in preparation of an outline by having more detailed sketches in

different colors or fonts for easier identification in the papers where this has not been

embraced yet. The numbering of the outlines in the documents could also be simplified to

enable users to understand the text easily. This could also be done to ensure that every critical

detail is numbered. This ensures that the readers can quickly note required areas or points and

understand it for an insufficient explanation. In the future, preparation of an outline could be

used to ease work where several researchers are working on the same document. This will aid

in the allocation of tasks to researchers, which in turn assists in publishing sections of a bulky

document and acknowledging individual researchers. This practice contradicts the current

habit where credit is given to all researchers for the whole report or only on a particular

statement in a text.


This plan ensures that a researcher takes advantage of developing technology in doing their

research. This can be implemented by using the internet to collect data and make a

comparison of the research paper with other documents related to the areas of study. E-

journals, e-books and blogs related to the area in context have been utilized to ensure
exhaustive coverage and adequate data collection. This has a positive result in developing my

research skills and leads to the acquisition of detailed information that otherwise would not

have been found in old books. This is because, over the internet, changes on a document can

be made quickly without having to follow lots of protocol and signatures from authorities as

it would have been traditionally. Even publication of a new report in a related area or

improvements on a research document is faster as opposed to the traditional manner, which

would take more time. Traditional ways would require more time to print a document. By

contrast, the internet only involves posting the report online to reach a vast number of

individuals. The costs of data acquisition are also reduced since researchers do not need to

buy a book or magazine. Besides, with the advancement in technology, someone will only

need to download the document in minutes, and it is ready to be read. Modern technology has

also made it easier to get feedback. Feedback can be attained through a phone call, a text

message and mostly by email. In the absence of technological advancements, one was

required to give the document to an editor for proofreading, which would take days or weeks

to accomplish. Unlike before where one would need to take questionnaires to recipients, with

modern technology physically, the survey can be filled from miles, countries, and continents

away through emails and the internet. In the future, advanced technology could be used to

make it easy for researchers to write their papers. This could be eased by utilizing aspects of

technology like language interpreting applications where a researcher can write in their

vernacular, and it is interpreted via the internet into different languages. Conversion of

speech to text could also be used to reduce the fatigue incurred in typing large documents and

reduce the time taken to type. This will ensure better research and quality of research work.

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