Soil Response During Globally Drained and Undrained Freeze - Thaw Cycles Under Deviatoric Loading

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Technical Note

Soil Response during Globally Drained and Undrained

Freeze–Thaw Cycles under Deviatoric Loading
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Sang Yeob Kim 1; Junghee Park 2; Wonjun Cha 3; Jong-Sub Lee 4;

and J. Carlos Santamarina, A.M.ASCE 5

Abstract: Sediments experience shear and volumetric strains during freeze–thaw cycles. Measurements during globally drained and
undrained cycles under constant deviatoric stresses show that the asymptotic shear and volumetric response vary with sediment type and
drainage conditions. In particular, the sediment response is intimately related to the ice pore habit that results from effective stress and the ice
capillary pressure σz0 =Δuiw . Pore-invasive ice formation in coarse-grained soils may trigger some contraction during the first freeze–thaw
cycle, even in sands denser than the critical state. Grain-displacive ice growth in fine-grained soils causes cryogenic consolidation of the
surrounding sediment; subsequent melting of the segregated ice lenses yields a high increase in pore water pressure during undrained thawing,
a pronounced volume contraction under drained conditions, and preferential shear deformation along melting ice lenses in either case. Both
dilative sand and normally consolidated (NC) clay specimens subjected to deviatoric loading exhibit unceasing vertical strain accumulation
(i.e., ratcheting) during freeze–thaw cycles; the void ratio evolves toward asymptotic values in all cases. The freezing rate relative to the
pressure diffusion rate Π ¼ DT =Cv regulates drainage conditions during freeze–thaw cycles; globally drained freezing and thawing are
anticipated in coarse-grained sediments. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002464. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Drained and undrained conditions; Freeze–thaw cycles; Grain-displacive; Pore-invasive; Ratcheting; Terminal
void ratio.

Introduction Wong and Haug 1991; Hewitt and Daniel 1997; Kraus et al. 1997;
Ono and Mitachi 1997; Viklander and Eigenbrod 2000; Albrecht
Freeze–thaw cycles associated with seasonal temperature oscilla- and Benson 2001; Qi et al. 2006; Güllü and Khudir 2014; Roustaei
tions affect a relatively thick so-called active sediment layer in et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2016). At the macro scale, freeze–thaw cycles
cold regions, such as North America, Northern Asia, and Europe cause infrastructure damage, ground deformation, and landslides
(Bonnaventure and Lamoureux 2013). The thickness of the active (Eigenbrod 1996; Wang et al. 2007, 2015; Subramanian et al.
layer depends on the duration of the subzero period, water content, 2017). Therefore, geotechnical designs must consider the effect of
and overlying organic layer (Anisimov et al. 1997; Smith and freeze–thaw cycles on the long-term performance, serviceability,
Burgess 2000; Huggett 2011). For example, the thickness of sea- and safety of geosystems affected by active layers (Podgorney and
sonally active layers can exceed 10 m in rocks and several meters in Bennett 2006; Rowe et al. 2006).
soils in Arctic regions (Smith and Burgess 2000; Verpaelst et al. Previous studies tracked the evolution of the void ratio during
2017). Climate change and global warming affect the geographic freeze–thaw cycles under zero-lateral strain conditions and ex-
distribution of sediments affected by active layers. plored strength parameters after freeze–thaw cycles (Eigenbrod
Freeze–thaw cycles in active layers cause particle rearrangement 1996; Viklander 1998). Similarly, freeze–thaw cycle studies under
and alter the soil void ratio, hydraulic conductivity, compression triaxial boundary conditions investigated changes in shear strength
index, and shear strength (Konrad 1989a; Chamberlain et al. 1990; with the number of freeze–thaw cycles and the effects of freezing
rate on vertical deformation under isotropic confinement [see
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Hazirbaba et al. (2011) and Hazirbaba (2019) for drained conditions
Engineering, Korea Univ., 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, and Alkire (1981) and Steiner (2016) for undrained conditions].
Republic of Korea. ORCID: Soils subjected to repetitive loads of all kinds evolve toward
Research Scientist, Earth Science and Engineering, King Abdullah asymptotic conditions; these asymptotic states facilitate data analy-
Univ. of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
sis and engineering design; for example, see Wichtmann et al.
(corresponding author). ORCID:
Email: (2005), Suiker et al. (2005), Pasten et al. (2014), Li et al. (2019),
Ph.D. Student, Earth Science and Engineering, King Abdullah Univ. of and Park and Santamarina (2020) on repetitive mechanical loads.
Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia. Previous studies on freeze–thaw cycles did not identify asymptotic
Professor, School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineer- trends in volumetric and shear response. Furthermore, asymptotic
ing, Korea Univ., 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Republic of states must depend on ice nucleation and growth patterns that relate
Korea. to soil fabric, grain-size distribution, fines fraction, and the state of
Professor, Earth Science and Engineering, King Abdullah Univ. of effective stress (Taber 1929; Konrad and Morgenstern 1982; Rieke
Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia.
et al. 1982; Konrad 1989a, b, 1999, 2005; Viggiani et al. 2015;
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 10, 2019; approved on
October 19, 2020; published online on December 12, 2020. Discussion per- Lei and Santamarina 2018).
iod open until May 12, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted for The objective of this study is to examine both the deviatoric
individual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal of Geotech- and volumetric responses of soils during freeze–thaw cycles
nical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241. under globally drained and undrained triaxial loading conditions.

© ASCE 06020030-1 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

The experimental design includes X-ray computed tomography PX309-100G5V), and a pipette on the pressure panel to track
(CT) scans to identify inherent differences between pore-invasive volume changes under drained conditions. The triaxial cell is
ice formation in sands versus grain-displacive ice lens formation in filled with antifreeze (Super Coolant 500), and a copper tube coil
clays. The article presents the experimental program and results (outer diameter ¼ 6.35 mm, inner diameter ¼ 3.8 mm, length ¼
first. The subsequent analyses focus on the asymptotic trends ob- 5,000 mm) wraps around the specimen leaving a 20-mm gap
served in shear and volumetric responses. (Fig. 1). An external pump circulates temperature-controlled
antifreeze through the copper coil tube (C35P Pheonix II, Thermo
Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts). Styrofoam insulates
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Experimental Study the entire cell to facilitate temperature control.

Previous frozen soil studies in triaxial cells have often used ther-
The two soils selected for this study have distinct mean pore sizes. mocouples attached to membranes to monitor sediment tempera-
The KAUST 20=30 sand is a subrounded silica sand that represents ture (Alkire 1981; Hazirbaba et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2015;
common sand deposits worldwide. It was sourced from Jeddah, Hazirbaba 2019). In this study, a thermocouple is buried at the
Saudi Arabia. It has a roundness (R) of 0.60, specific gravity (Gs ) center of remolded soil specimens to obtain accurate soil temper-
of 2.65 [ASTM D854 (ASTM 2010)], maximum void ratio (emax ) ature data (OMEGA, T-type 5TC-TT-T-30-72, precision ¼ 0.1°C
of 0.76 [ASTM D4253 (ASTM 2006a)], and a minimum void ratio and accuracy ¼ 0.5°C; see sketch in Fig. 1 for thermocouple in-
(emin ) of 0.53 [ASTM D4254 (ASTM 2006b)]. The RP2 kaolinite stallation). The freeze–thaw cycles in this study are temperature-
has a liquid limit (LL) of 76, specific gravity (Gs ) of 2.60, and clas- controlled and use the temperature measured by the thermocouple
sifies as F(F) with intermediate plasticity and intermediate electri- inside specimens for feedback (Fig. 1). Deionized water fully
cal sensitivity as proposed in the Revised Soil Classification saturates the specimens, all drainage lines, and the transducer
System (RSCS) [clay produced by air flotation, Gordon, Georgia; cavity.
classification system: Jang and Santamarina (2016) and Park and The experimental study includes a total of eight remolded soil
Santamarina (2017)]. specimens subjected to freeze–thaw cycles under deviatoric loading
This study tests reconstituted sand and clay specimens in a tri- conditions. Preparation of the four sand specimens uses pluviation
axial cell (Fig. 1) (ASTM D7181 and ASTM D4767). The basic into a water-filled latex membrane (stretched in a split mold) fol-
components of the modified triaxial device include the reaction lowed by wet tamping to reach the target initial relative density
frame with an axial loading pneumatic piston to maintain a constant Dr ≈ 50%. [Note: Pluviation in water produces high saturation
deviatoric load during freeze–thaw cycles, a load cell in series (Chaney and Mulilis 1978)]. On the other hand, preparation of the
with the axial shaft, and the triaxial cell (Trautwein, TXD 30). four clay specimens starts with kaolinite pastes mixed with deaired
The instrumentation involves a LVDT for vertical deformation water at a water content ω ≈ 1.1·LL and stabilized for 24 h; the
measurements, pressure transducers to record cell pressure and pastes are poured into a stretched latex membrane. All specimens
excess pore water pressure under undrained conditions (OMEGA have diameter D ≈ 50 mm and height H ≈ 100 mm at the begin-
ning of the tests. The initial confining effective stress imposed on
both clay and sand specimens is p 0 ¼ 14 kPa. Then deaired water
circulates through the specimens with a bottom-to-top pressure gra-

dient of 3.5 kPa for 24 h. The final B-value exceeds B ¼ 0.95 in


Pressure panel (1)

all tests.
All specimens experience the same three-stage loading history:
(1) isotropic consolidation to an effective confining stress po0 ¼
LC 100 kPa, (2) drained deviatoric loading applied at 4 kPa=min,
and (3) freeze–thaw cycles (T freeze ¼ −3°C and T thaw ¼ 14°C).
Table 1 summarizes test conditions for the eight specimens. The

Computer deviatoric loads q ¼ 20 kPa and q ¼ 25 kPa applied to sand speci-

men results in stress obliquities q=po0 ¼ 0.20 and 0.25. Kaolin
Insulation specimens experience high excess pore water pressure during thaw-
ing, and tests are limited to stress obliquities q=po0 ¼ 0.05 and 0.20.
Copper coil tube

Data logger

TC Experimental Results
This section presents detailed experimental results for sand and kao-
Pressure linite specimens to identify critical aspects of temperature, deforma-
tion, and pore water pressure response during freeze–thaw cycles.
The next section reports the analyses of the complete data set ac-
cording to drainage conditions. Note that freezing triggers fluid flow
and eventually shuts off drainage pathways both in the laboratory
Circulator Pressure panel (2) and in the field, thereby opening or closing drainage valves controls
global drainage conditions but does not necessarily determine inter-
nal local flow [Wang et al. 2017; see related implications in Kim and
Fig. 1. (Color) Triaxial loading system for freeze–thaw cycles. It
Santamarina (2008)]. Consequently, this study describes specimen
includes peripheral devices to monitor shear deformation, volume
drainage conditions during freeze–thaw cycles as either (1) globally
change, and pore water pressure. There is a 20-mm gap between
drained (drainage valves remain open throughout the freeze–thaw
the copper tubing and the specimens. LC = load cell; AF = antifreeze;
cycles); or (2) globally undrained (drainage valves remain closed
and TC = thermocouple.
during freeze–thaw cycles).

© ASCE 06020030-2 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

Table 1. Test conditions for sand and clay specimens
Test conditions for freeze–thaw cycles
Initial state
Soil parameters: Dr for Mean effective Deviatoric Maximum number Drainage conditions
type No. sand, ein for clay stress po0 (kPa) stress q (kPa) of cycles (freeze–thaw cycle)
Sand 1 54.8 100 20 2 Drained
2 49.6 100 25 10 Drained
3 49.1 100 20 5 Undrained
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4 52.6 100 25 5 Undrained

Clay 5 1.307 100 5 10 Drained
6 1.337 100 20 10 Drained
7 1.374 100 5 3 Undrained
8 1.303 100 20 2 Undrained
Note: Dr = relative density; and ein = void ratio after sample preparations.

Globally Undrained Cycles T ¼ þ19°C. Zone (2) captures the specimen response during
Sand. Fig. 2 displays temperature T, vertical deformation δ z , and drained deviatoric loading to q ¼ 25 kPa.
The second part shows the first three consecutive freeze–
pore water pressure uw signatures gathered for the sand specimen.
thaw cycles under globally undrained conditions (initial void ratio
The first part of the time series shows the specimen response during eo ¼ 0.604 at cycle number i ¼ 0). Water contraction during early
a conventional consolidated-drained, axial-compression triaxial test cooling causes a decrease in pore water pressure and the sand
at room temperature. Zone (1) corresponds to the end of isotropic specimen shortens as the temperature drops from þ19°C to a super-
consolidation to an effective confining stress po0 ¼ 100 kPa at cooled −2°C [(Zone (3)]. After ice nucleation, the exothermic

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (3) (4) (5) (6) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Temperature T [oC]


q= 25 kPa

Drained Undrained
Pore pressure uw [kPa]



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time [min]

Fig. 2. (Color) Sand specimen—undrained freeze–thaw cycles. Time-dependent temperature, vertical deformation, and pore pressure: (1) isotropic
confinement (po0 ¼ 100 kPa, q ¼ 0); (2) deviatoric loading under drained conditions (p 0 ¼ 125 kPa, q ¼ 25 kPa); (3) undrained cooling; (4) water-
to-ice phase change; (5) thawing: ice-to-water transformation; and (6) heating to T ¼ 19°C. Shaded screen on top of pressure data indicates data
uncertainty due to potential freezing of drainage lines.

© ASCE 06020030-3 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

water-to-ice transformation brings the supercooled temperature Once again, the test starts as a conventional consolidated-
back to the freezing point T ¼ 0°C and the temperature remains drained, axial-compression triaxial test conducted at room temper-
constant while the bulk pore water freezes [Zone (4)-①]; cooling ature. The first part of the time series in Fig. 3 corresponds to the
to T ¼ −3°C continues thereafter [Zone (4)-②]. Freezing produces end of isotropic consolidation to an effective confining stress po0 ¼
volume expansion and the LVDT registers the vertical displace- 100 kPa [Zone (1)]. The deviatoric loading to q ¼ 5 kPa under
ment. The negative pore water pressure appears to vanish during drained conditions causes a significant shortening of the specimen
ice formation and expansion; however, water freezing along perco- [Zone (2)].
lating pathways limits reliable pore water pressure measurements in Thereafter, freeze–thaw cycles begin under globally undrained
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this zone, thus, the shaded screen placed on pressure data (Note: as conditions (initial void ratio eo ¼ 1.15). During the cooling phase
highlighted above, this inherent experimental limitation affects all from T ¼ 20°C to supercooling at T ¼ −2°C, the pore pressure de-
laboratory and field studies). creases and the specimen shortens. Water-to-ice transformation
Heating starts immediately after the end of freezing [Zone starts at the beginning of Zone (4), and there is a sharp temperature
(5)-①]. The ice-to-water phase transformation occurs at constant recovery from the supercooled temperature T ¼ −2°C to T ≈ 0°C.
temperature [Zone (5)-②], and, the transient pressure peak response Thereafter, the temperature gradually decreases as the phase
is uncertain as noted above. Thawing causes a pronounced down- transformation progresses and reaches T ¼ −3°C at the end of
ward deformation, and the pore water pressure returns to negative Zone (4)-②. Once again, the shaded area is a reminder of uncertain
values due to the sand dilative tendency under deviatoric loading pore pressure measurements in this zone. Complementary tomo-
[end of Zone (5)-②]. Water expands as heating approaches T ¼ graphic images show segregated ice lens formation and clay com-
19°C; the pore water pressure increases yet remains negative as paction by cryogenic suction, which explains the initial vertical
the specimen tends to dilate [Zone (6)]. contraction (images presented later in this manuscript).
Clay. Fig. 3 plots the temperature–deformation–pore water pres- Heating in Zone (5)-① causes gradual thawing. Only the end
sure, T–δ z –uw , response for the kaolinite specimen. The following of thawing takes place at a relatively constant temperature [Zone
observations address the remarkable differences between the sand (5)-②] and is accompanied by a pronounced increase in pore water
and clay responses. pressure, a drop in effective stress p 0 and a marked downward

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (3) (4) (5) (6) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Temperature T [oC]

q=5 kPa





Drained Undrained
Pore pressure uw [kPa]





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time [min]

Fig. 3. (Color) Clay specimen—undrained freeze–thaw cycles. Time-dependent temperature, vertical deformation, and pore pressure. (1) Isotropic
confinement (po0 ¼ 100 kPa, q ¼ 0); (2) deviatoric loading under drained conditions (p 0 ¼ 105 kPa, q ¼ 5 kPa); (3) undrained cooling; (4) water-to-
ice phase transformation; (5) heating and ice-to-water transformation; and (6) heating to T ¼ 14°C. Shaded screen on top of pressure data indicates
data uncertainty due to potential freezing of drainage lines.

© ASCE 06020030-4 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

displacement under the constant deviatoric stress. These observa- vertical strain continues accumulating in all cycles (q–εz and e–p 0
tions suggest the melting of segregated ice lenses during this period quadrants).
[Zone (5)-②]. Continuous heating to T ¼ 14°C in Zone (6) results Kaolinite. Fig. 5 presents the load-deformation response for
in an additional increase in pore water pressure and a decrease in two normally consolidated (NC) clay specimens that are isotropi-
effective confining stress due to water expansion. Consequently, the cally confined to po0 ¼ 100 kPa; the void ratio decreases during
downward displacement of the clay specimen continues in this isotropic consolidation in both specimens. Then they are loaded
zone. Note that the pore water pressure rapidly approaches the con- to different deviatoric stresses q ¼ 5 kPa (εz ≈ 0.015) and q ¼
fining stress at the end of the third heating cycle. 20 kPa (εz ≈ 0.035). The two specimens experience pronounced
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General observation. Figs. 2 and 3 show the first three com- compaction during the first freeze–thaw cycle; the rate of compac-
plete freeze–thaw cycles. There is a striking similarity and self- tion decreases with subsequent cycles (see p 0 –e quadrant). The
consistency between successive cycles in each case. volumetric strain εvol ¼ Δe=ð1 þ eo Þ ≤ 0.05 after the first 10
cycles is less significant than the vertical strain accumulation: εz ≈
0.1 for q ¼ 5 kPa and εz ≈ 0.27 for q ¼ 20 kPa.
Globally Drained Cycles: Vertical and Volumetric
This section summarizes the observed response when sand and clay
specimens are subjected to freeze–thaw cycles under globally This section analyzes all experimental results starting with defor-
drained conditions. mations. There are two distinct asymptotic trends in the evolution
Sand. Fig. 4 displays the load-deformation response for two of soils subjected to repetitive loads (Alonso-Marroquin and
sand specimens initially loaded to the same isotropic confinement Herrmann 2004; Werkmeister et al. 2005; Pasten et al. 2014; Cai
po0 ¼ 100 kPa, followed by deviatoric loading to q ¼ 20 kPa and et al. 2018). First, the volumetric response evolves toward an
25 kPa, respectively. The vertical strain εz is the ratio between the asymptotic void ratio or terminal density in each case (Narsilio and
cumulative vertical displacement and the initial specimen height Santamarina 2008; Park and Santamarina 2019). Second, the shear
(Note: εz is approximately 0.01 after the initial deviatoric load.) strain accumulation can either vanish as the number of cycles in-
Both specimens are denser than the critical state at the end of static creases (so-called shakedown, typically at low stress obliquity) or
loading (Fig. 4: e–p 0 quadrant), yet the two dilative specimens con- continue accumulating unceasingly (ratcheting, typically at high
tract during the first freeze–thaw cycle (e–p 0 quadrant); eventually, stress obliquity). Triaxial data provide vertical deformation (or
both sand specimens gradually dilate during successive cycles. The vertical strain εz ) and volume change (or volumetric strain εvol ).

80 80
q [kPa]


[10] [9][6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] [0]
q/p'o= 0.25

[8] [7]
20 q/p'o= 0.20
[2] [1] 1
Vertical Strain z 150
p' [kPa]

0.015 0.010 0.005 0

0.000 50 100 150

0.58 [2]


0.60 [0]
[7] [6]
[0] [1]
[4] [0]
[3] [2]
[10] [9] [8]
[1] 0.62 [10]
Void Ratio

Note: ecs=0.845-0.074 log(p')

Fig. 4. (Color) Sand specimens subjected to drained freeze–thaw cycles—end-of-thaw conditions. Number in square brackets [#]: freeze–thaw cycle
number. Mean effective stress p 0 ¼ ðσ1 0 þ σ3 0 Þ=2; deviatoric stress q ¼ ðσ1 0 þ σ3 0 Þ=2; and ϕcs ¼ sin-1 ðtan αÞ. Filled red circle and blue triangle
show conditions at end of first freezing event.

© ASCE 06020030-5 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030


q [kPa]

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[10] [8][6] [4][3] [2] [1] [0]

20 20 q/p'o= 0.20
[10] [6] [4] [2] [1] [0]
[9] [7] [5] 1

Vertical Strain z 0.05 q/p'o= 0.05 100 1 150

p' [kPa]
0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0
0.00 50 100 150
[10] [10]
[8] [10]
0.8 [10] [7]
[6] [5]
[6] [4]
[5] [6] [4]
0.9 [3]
[3] [2] [2]
[2] [2]
[1] [1]
[1] [1] 1.0
[0] [0]
[0] [0]
Void Ratio 1.2


Fig. 5. (Color) Normally consolidated clay specimens subjected to drained freeze–thaw cycles—end-of-thawing conditions. Number in square
brackets [#]: freeze–thaw cycle number. Mean effective stress p 0 ¼ ðσ1 0 þ σ3 0 Þ=2; deviatoric stress q ¼ ðσ1 0 þ σ3 0 Þ=2; and ϕcs ¼ sin-1 ðtan αÞ. Filled
red circle and blue triangle show conditions at end of first freezing event.

0.25 0.25

0.20 0.20

Vertical strain

Vertical strain

0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 8 10
(a) Number of freeze-thaw cycles (b) Number of freeze-thaw cycles

Fig. 6. (Color) Shear response in terms of vertical strain accumulation at end of thawing as function of number of freeze–thaw cycles: (a) undrained
freeze–thaw cycles (first 5 cycles); and (b) drained freeze–thaw cycles (first 10 cycles). Isotropic confinement is po0 ¼ 100 kPa for all cases. Filled red
and blue circles and triangles show conditions at end of first freezing event.

The vertical strain εz and the volumetric strain εvol make it possible Vertical Deformation
to estimate the shear strain γ ¼ ð3εz − εvol Þ=2 under triaxial boun- Globally undrained condition. Fig. 6(a) presents the evolution of
dary conditions; therefore, the triaxial test results reported earlier the vertical strain εz with the number of freeze–thaw cycles under
facilitate making inferences about both shear and volumetric globally undrained conditions. Contractive clayey sediments and
asymptotes. For clarity, this discussion emphasizes the measure specimens subjected to a higher initial obliquity q=po0 display more
parameters. vertical strain accumulation during freeze–thaw cycles. The first

© ASCE 06020030-6 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

thawing cycle is particularly critical on the vertical deformation of Fig. 7(b) shows changes in the void ratio at the end of thawing
clayey sediments subjected to deviatoric loading because of the for clay and sand specimens under globally drained conditions
localization of shear displacement along the melting ice lenses. against the number of freeze–thaw cycles. The void ratio evolves
[Note: Micro CT images reveal the formation of shear bands in toward asymptotic values as the number of freeze–thaw cycles in-
the presence of ice lenses (Steiner 2016)]. In general, all specimens creases for both clay and sand specimens. Dilative sand specimens
exhibit so-called ratcheting and the vertical strain accumulation tend to become looser (after the initial contraction during the first
evolves toward a linear trend with the number of cycles. cycle), while the NC-clay specimens become denser. Apparently,
Globally drained condition. Fig. 6(b) shows the vertical strain εz clays require a larger number of freeze–thaw cycles than sands to
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plotted against the number of freeze–thaw cycles under globally reach their terminal void ratio. The range of obliquity values q=po0
drained boundary conditions. Results are consistent with those ob- tested in this study has a diminishing effect on the void ratio as
tained under globally undrained conditions; in particular, there is a compared to soil type and the number of freeze–thaw cycles.
significant vertical strain in clay specimens during the first thawing.
Note that clayey sediments may form thicker ice lenses under glob-
ally drained conditions owing to the continuous water supply re- Temperature Response
quired for crystal growth. By contrast, free-draining boundaries The temperature signatures are quite distinct during sand and kao-
do not necessarily indicate that drainage takes place during early linite freezing. Both experience supercooling before phase transfor-
thawing. Therefore, high internal local pore pressures may develop mation; supercooling results from continued cooling during the
during thawing when ice is grain-displacive and forms segregated induction time prior to nucleation (Dai et al. 2014). Thereafter,
lenses in clayey sediments. phase transformation takes place at constant temperature in sands
where ice growth is pore-invasive [Fig. 2, Zone (4)-①]. However,
Volumetric Response the temperature continues decreasing while the kaolinite specimen
freezes [Zone (4)-① in Fig. 3]. Grain-displacive ice growth and seg-
Globally undrained conditions: pore water pressure. The fluid regated ice lenses cause cryogenic suction, clay consolidation, and
pressure measured in globally undrained tests reflects the sediment smaller pore sizes. Water in small pores freezes at a lower temper-
volumetric tendency. Fig. 7(a) presents the evolution of pore water ature, T pore < T bulk , i.e., freezing point depression (Kozlowski
pressure at the end of thawing against the number of freeze–thaw 2009). The Gibbs–Thomson equation relates the freezing point de-
cycles. Excess pore water pressure develops in both NC clay spec- pression ΔT pore to the pore radius r:
imens; clearly, the melting of grain-displacive ice lenses leads to
high excess pore water pressure. On the other hand, the dilative 2γ iw T bulk cos θiw
ΔT pore ¼ ð1Þ
tendency in sand specimens denser than the critical state hinders ρw ΔHf r
the buildup of excess pore pressure (Note: the specimen at q=po0 ¼
0.25 is slightly denser than the sand specimen at q=po0 ¼ 0.20). where the water density is ρw ¼ 1,000 kg=m3 ; θiw is the contact
Globally drained conditions: void ratio evolution. The evolu- angle that the ice–water interface forms on the mineral surface;
tion of the void ratio during globally drained freeze–thaw cycles the specific latent heat of water is ΔH f ¼ 334 kJ=kg; and the sur-
depends on the initial packing density [compaction prevails for face tension between ice and water is γ iw ¼ 26.7 mJ=m2 . For ex-
loosely packed soils while expansion dominates for densely packed ample, the freezing point depression for a clayey sediment with
soils; see data in Eigenbrod (1996) and Viklander (1998)], and the pore radius r ¼ 0.1 μm is ΔT pore ≈ −0.4°C. Cryogenic suction,
applied load [a high load decreases frost-heave during freezing and consolidation, and freezing point depression combine with ion
promotes contraction during thawing; see Lee et al. (2010) and exclusion during ice formation and rate of cooling (i.e., nonequi-
Wang et al. (2015)]. librium conditions) to produce the gradual phase transition at

100 0.5
Clay (q/p'o =0.05)
Sand (q/p'o =0.20)
Clay (q/p'o =0.20) 0.6
Pore water pressure uw [kPa]

Void ratio e


Sand (q/p'o =0.25) 1.0

-25 1.1

-50 1.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) Number of freeze-thaw cycles (b) Number of freeze-thaw cycles

Fig. 7. (Color) Volumetric tendency during repetitive freeze–thaw cycles. (a) Pore water pressure at end of thawing in undrained freeze–thaw cycles
(first five cycles); and (b) void ratio at end of thawing in drained cycles. Isotropic confinement is po0 ¼ 100 kPa for all cases. Filled red and blue
circles and triangles show conditions at end of first freezing event.

© ASCE 06020030-7 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

decreasing temperature T pore observed in fine-grained soils com- see work by Konrad and Morgenstern (1982); similar trends for
pared to a quasi-constant phase transition for the bulk water in hydrate formation are reported in Dai et al. (2012)].
coarse-grained soils [see Zone (4) in Figs. 2 and 3]. Soil fabric changes during freezing and thawing are closely
The temperature signatures reflect local conditions at the related to ice pore habit, cryogenic-induced compaction, and the
thermocouple position, rather than global thermal equilibrium. Yet, relative rates between temperature diffusion and pressure diffusion,
measured temperature signatures are very similar for thermocou- i.e., drainage. Fig. 9 presents a conceptual interpretation of ice pore
ples placed at the middle and bottom of the specimen. (Note that habit and associated fabric changes during a freeze–thaw cycle.
the thermocouple millimeter scale is much larger than the microm- Pore-invasive ice growth in coarse-grained sediments preserves
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eter scale mean pore size in kaolinite). the overall fabric, and there is a slight volume expansion during
freezing; though minor, this perturbation prompts some fabric rear-
rangement upon thawing as observed in experimental results. On
Ice Pore Habit: Fabric Changes the other hand, grain-displacive ice lens formation in fine-grained
The sediments tested in this study were selected to explore the sediments combines with cryogenic suction to consolidate the clay
effects of distinct ice pore habits on the sediment response to mass during freezing. (Note: The global volume expands due to
freeze–thaw cycles. X-ray micro CT images in Fig. 8 confirm water-ice expansion even under globally undrained conditions.)
pore-invasive ice formation in the sand specimen and grain- Then clayey specimens experience significant volume contraction
displacive ice lenses in the kaolinite specimen. Ice pore habit re- during globally drained thawing as most of the water in segregated
flects the competing effects of capillarity Δuiw and effective stress lenses drains out.
σ 0 . The capillary pressure in ice Δuiw ¼ uice − uwater ≈ γ iw =2r de-
pends on the ice–water interfacial tension γ iw and the pore radius r;
Field Conditions: Diffusion Rates and Drainage
in turn, the pore radius r is determined by the sediment grain size
distribution and the packing density or void ratio e. Pore-invasive This study focused on element tests under triaxial boundary con-
ice growth prevails when σz0 =Δuiw > 1.0 [Fig. 8(a)]; this is the case ditions. The analysis of boundary value problems in the field will
with coarse-grained sediments even at low overburden effective require proper numerical modeling and upscaling. Drainage condi-
stress σz0 . By contrast, the ice-phase experiences high capillary tions during freezing and thawing in nature depend on the rate
pressure Δuiw ¼ uice − uwater in the small pores of fine-grained of pressure diffusion relative to the rate of heat transport. The di-
sediments, and grain-displacive ice growth forms segregated nod- mensionless ratio Π ¼ DT= Cv between the thermal diffusion coef-
ules and lenses even at depths as great as σz0 =Δuiw < 1.0 [Fig. 8(b); ficient DT and the coefficients of consolidation Cv predicts drained

T = 20 °C T = -1 °C T = -5 °C


T = 20 °C T = -1 °C T = -5 °C


Fig. 8. X-ray CT images for sand and clay specimens before and after freezing. (a) KAUST 20=30 sand; and (b) kaolinite paste mixed at water content
near liquid limit ω ≈ 1.1·LL. Light color corresponds to soil minerals, dark color to ice. Cell diameter is 32 mm.

© ASCE 06020030-8 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2021, 147(2): 06020030

freezing thawing
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Water-saturated sand Volume expansion Volume contraction*


freezing thawing

Water saturated NC clay Volume expansion Volume contraction


Fig. 9. (Color) Ice pore habit and fabric changes during freeze–thaw cycle. (a) Pore-invasive; and (b) grain-displacive (fine-grained soils). Sketches
show water-saturated soil fabrics before freezing, after freezing, and after thawing. Densely packed sands may become looser.

freezing and thawing when Π < 1 and potentially undrained con- Both dilative sand and NC clay specimens subjected to de-
ditions when a high thermal gradient is imposed on sediments with viatoric loading exhibit unceasing vertical strain accumulation
Π > 1. For references, typical Π values are Π ¼ 1.3 to 4.0 × 10−5 (i.e., ratcheting) during both globally drained and undrained
for sands, Π ¼ 0.01 to 0.80 for silts, and Π ¼ 2.7 to 4.5 for clays freeze–thaw cycles. The void ratio in both sands and clays evolves
[computed using parameters in Leonards and Girault (1961), Lowe toward asymptotic values with the number of cycles. Clays re-
et al. (1964), and Andersland and Ladanyi (2013)]. This analysis quire a larger number of freeze–thaw cycles to reach the terminal
implies that globally drained freeze–thaw cycles can be expected in void ratio.
clean sands and silts; however, even sands may experience globally The freezing rate relative to the pressure diffusion rate Π ¼
undrained freeze–thaw conditions if interbedded between fine- DT =Cv regulates drainage conditions during freeze–thaw cycles.
grained layers in stratified sediments. Globally drained freezing and thawing are anticipated in coarse-
grained sediments.

Data Availability Statement
This study characterized fine- and coarse-grained soil responses
during globally drained and undrained freeze–thaw cycles under All data, models, and code generated or used during the study ap-
constant deviatoric stresses. The asymptotic shear and volumetric pear in the published article.
responses vary with sediment type and drainage conditions.
The in situ effective stress σz0 and the capillary pressure Δuiw
determine ice formation and pore habit. The capillary pressure Acknowledgments
is inversely proportional to the pore size. Consequently, one can
expect pore-invasive ice formation in coarse-grained soils when This research was funded by the KAUST endowment. Additional
σz0 =Δuiw > 1.0 and grain-displacive ice lens formation in fine- funding was provided by the Basic Science Research Program
grained soils when σz0 =Δuiw < 1.0. These distinct pore habits de- through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded
fine the shear and volumetric soil response to freeze–thaw cycles. by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (NRF-
Grain-displacive ice growth causes cryogenic suction and con- 2020R1A2B5B03001470). Gabrielle E. Abelskamp edited the
solidates the surrounding sediment. Subsequent melting of the seg- manuscript.
regated ice lenses yields a high increase in pore water pressure
(globally undrained thawing), pronounced volume contraction
under globally drained conditions, and preferential shear deforma-
tion along melting ice lenses.
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