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0 Procedure
Note: Refer to the Linked References in Section 1.0 for clarification as needed when following the
guidance provided in this section.

Surveyor may access “Normas Oficiales Mexicanas” via official website or this link.

A. Distribution of Reports and Certificates

Copies of all full-term certificates issued, and survey reports shall be forwarded to the
Administration through the ABS Contact Office on monthly basis, within the first five working
days of each month.

B. Authorized Personnel

The Administration has a list of authorized Surveyors who may act on their behalf on
statutory surveys. ABS Contact Office shall notify/request in writing on any
modification of this list (e.g. add or remove Surveyors) to the Administration; the
Administration should reply within the next 20 days of this request.

C. Engineering Review

ABS is not authorized to review drawings, stability booklet, tonnage calculations and/or
manuals on the Administration behalf.

D. Change of Flag

ABS is not authorized to conduct a change of flag survey. Shipowners should directly
contact the Administration to request a change of registry to Mexico.

E. Reporting of Administrative Fees

ABS collects and remits the administrative fees for certificate issuance and endorsement
imposed by the Mexican Flag Administration within five working days of each event.

F. Reporting of Deficiencies

The Administration should be notified, via the Contact Office, when ABS becomes aware of
any detainable deficiency or, a PSC detention deficiency.

G. Certificate Issuance/Endorsement

ABS Contact office should be contacted for instructions on the issuance of statutory
certificates and for subsequent endorsements. Approved templates to be provided by
the Administration.
ABS is authorized to conduct all surveys required by the 1974 SOLAS Convention as amended, and
the 1988 protocol thereto, and to issue the relevant SOLAS certificates by authorized personnel as
noted in item 4.0 B (above).

4.1.1 Safety Equipment Surveys

For approved or recognized companies by the Mexican Authority, attending Surveyor should refer
to “Direccion General Adjunta de Proteccion y Certificacion Maritima (DIGAPROCER)” web site
using this link.

ABS should inspect lifebuoy onboard Mexican Flag vessels in accordance “Norma Oficial
Mexicana” NOM-005-SCT4-2006.

ABS should inspect lifebuoy onboard Mexican Flag vessels in accordance “Norma Oficial
Mexicana” NOM-006-SCT4-2015.

International Shore Connection

The Administration requires all vessels of (or above) 100GT to carry an international shore
connection. Reference “Norma Oficial Mexicana” NOM-024-SCT4-1995.

4.1.2 Safety Construction Surveys

The Administration allows a 5-year Drydocking period for units operating solely in fresh water.

ABS should review “Norma Oficial Mexicana” NOM-020-SCT4-1995 prior to attend DD-UWILD for
the applicable statutory instrument. Divers should be duly authorized by the Direccion General de
Marina Mercante for the In-Water Survey.

Approval from “Direccion General de Marina Mercante” should be obtained by the Shipowner
prior to conduct UWILD. Reference “Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana” PROY-NOM-020-

4.2 Load Line Surveys

ABS is authorized to conduct Load Line surveys on its behalf by authorized personnel as noted
in item 4.0 B (above). ABS is not authorized to issue Load Line certificates.

ABS is not authorized to conduct inclining experiment on behalf of the Administration. Shipowners
should contact authorized third-party to witness and approve the inclining procedure and test.

4.3 MARPOL Surveys

4.3.1 MARPOL Annex I and II Surveys
ABS is authorized to conduct MARPOL Annex I and Annex II surveys on its behalf by authorized
personnel as noted in item 4.0 B (above).
4.3.2 MARPOL Annex IV - Sewage Pollution Prevention Surveys
The Administration has not ratified MARPOL Annex IV. ABS may conduct surveys at the request
of the Shipowners for a Voluntary Compliance with MARPOL Annex IV. Therefore, upon
satisfactory completion of survey, ABS may issue a Statement of Voluntary Compliance for
Sewage Pollution Prevention.

4.3.3 MARPOL Annex V - Garbage Pollution Prevention Surveys

ABS is not authorized to conduct MARPOL Annex V surveys on its behalf.

4.3.4 MARPOL Annex VI - Air Pollution Prevention Surveys

The Administration has not ratified MARPOL Annex VI. ABS may conduct surveys at the request
of the Shipowners for a Voluntary Compliance with MARPOL Annex VI. Therefore, upon
satisfactory completion of survey, ABS may issue a Statement of Voluntary Compliance for Air
Pollution Prevention and its associated Supplement.

At the request of Shipowners, ABS may also issue a Statement of Voluntary Compliance for
Energy Efficiency and its associated Supplement, upon satisfactory completion of survey.

4.4 Tonnage Surveys

ABS is authorized to carry out Tonnage Surveys by authorized personnel as noted in item 4.0
B (above). ABS is not authorized to issue any form of Tonnage certificates.

4.5 Other Surveys

4.5.1 Vessels in Domestic Service
For procedures and certificate forms for vessels operating in domestic service (i.e. within the
jurisdictional waters of Mexico), the ABS Contact Office for the Administration must be contacted.
The following certificates may be issued by ABS:

 National Safety Certificate for ships under 15m length

 National Safety Certificate for ships under 24m length
 National Safety Certificate for ships of (or above) 24m length and, under 500GT
 National Safety Certificate for ships of 500GT and above (Cabotage Service)
 National Safety Radio Certificate for ships of 300GT and above
 National Certificate for Oil Pollution Prevention

For the issuance of above National Certificates, the Surveyor is to request, through the ABS
contact office, instructions from the Administration and confirmation of standards to be applied,
prior to performing ship statutory surveys, inspections and certification services on such vessels.

For vessels up to 15m length, the Surveyor should refer “Norma Oficial Mexicana” NOM-034-
SCT4-2009 for the minimum safety, communication and navigation equipment to be carried
4.5.2 Antifouling System (AFS)
ABS is authorized to perform AFS surveys and issue IAFS certificates and record by
authorized personnel as noted in item 4.0 B (above).

4.5.3 Ballast Water Management (BWM)

ABS is authorized to conduct BWM survey and to issue the International Ballast Water
Management certificate by authorized personnel as noted in item 4.0 B (above).

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