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Ointment against many diseases (a

national drug.)
This ointment treats many diseases: fibromas, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic ones),
burns, chiri, abscesses, aching joints, the most chronic sinusitis, purulent otitis, sores in the
throat, eczema, ovarian cysts - all this will cure a miracle - ointment 

In the enamelware pour 1 cup of refined vegetable oil, throw the beeswax the size of a matchbox
and put the dishes on a small fire to wax melted. Half yolk from the egg, boiled hard. Crush with
a fork on a saucer and fingers gradually add to the dishes with oil and wax. Stir, remove from
heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through a nylon cloth, store in a refrigerator in
a glass bowl.

Ointment is very effective. If the ointment should be poured, then it is heated on a water bath to
40 g.

It heals:

1. Sinusitis. Melted in a tablespoon and immediately poured into a pipette ointment buried in the
most terrible sinusitis. To make it not frozen, do everything quickly. It is enough to drip with
ointment twice a nose with an interval between instillations in one hour, and you can get rid of
even a monthly sinusitis. Ointment penetrates the maxillary sinuses and pulls on itself pus with
enormous force

2. Purulent otitis. Twist the flagellum from the fleece and insert into the ear. As necessary,
change the flagellum, and simultaneously lubricate the ointment behind the ear. The ointment
pulls on itself pus with enormous force. So you can treat all otitis, not only purulent.

3. Sores in the throat, abscesses in the throat, purulent sore throat. Lubricate the ointment with
throat, apply compress on the neck area. If you do this all evening, every hour repeating the
procedure, then by morning the abscess will burst.

4. Bronchi, pain in the stomach, in the intestines, furuncles on the body, barley in the eyes. Three
times a day before meals we take half teaspoon of ointment.

5. Female diseases: fibromioma up to 10 weeks, ovarian cyst, inflammation of appendages,

mastitis, mastitis. In the vagina insert tampons with ointment, change in the morning and
evening. In a week from cysts only memories will remain, and with fibroma to tinker a little
longer. On the chest, apply a napkin, impregnated with ointment, on top of the paper for
compresses or cellophane. If possible, change every two hours.

6. Burns, chiri, wounds, swelling, toothache, knee joint pain are treated with ointment. Apply it to
the night on a sore spot, wrapping and wrapping it, with a clean finger, rub the diseased tooth
and lubricate it with the gum, and you will see how the sores begin to recede. The result will be
necessarily excellent.

7. Trophic ulcers, gangrene: also apply napkins with ointment and also change after 2
hours. From the wounds it will be abundant to go pus, you will see for yourself how quickly your
salvage treatment progresses, despite all kinds of inactive expensive drugs. Burns, chiri,
wounds, swollen inflammations on the skin, toothache (on the gum wad with ointment).

9. All that needs to be lubricated, done at night, apply compresses to the diseased knees, wrap
up - and sores will start to recede from you thanks to a simple and easy-to-prepare sorceress -

9. This ointment can strengthen the nails, rubbing the ointment on the night in the nails.
Note: you need to take the beeswax, natural. For external use, you can take any oil, but for the
interior is better olive.

Recipe for the miracle of ointment "from all

diseases" of the three ingredients and its
The content of the article
 What is a folk remedy and what are its components?
 Recipe miracle ointment of the three components
o The rules for making "medicine for all ailments"
 How to apply the composition for recovery in various diseases?
 Opinions of people who have tried a medicinal ointment, and doctors
 Conclusion and conclusions
Patients who lost faith in recovery, literally from the other world were returning, thanks
to this remedy. Ointment Seymova helps get rid of a huge list of diseases.

Is it possible that scientists have been working on the elixir for centuries on all ills, but
here the remedy, consisting of the simplest elements, heals from everything?

What is a folk remedy and what are its components?

It is a drug from folk healers that came from the depths of centuries. The main advantage
is that any person can independently make such a composition.

Components are available to everyone:

 beeswax;
 vegetable oil;
 boiled yolk.
Useful properties of beeswax have been described even in the pages of the Bible. It is
important to follow the rules for the manufacture and storage of the mixture, otherwise
you can get poison instead of the medicine. Incorrect heat treatment or reaction of wax
with metal makes it dangerous for the human body.

For the preparation of a medicinal preparation it is necessary to take only the tested
quality raw materials.

Wax is a natural emulsifier and preservative, necessary for the production of ointments
and creams. The white shade of the ingredient indicates that it was extracted from young
honeycombs, greenish - it speaks of a rich in vitamin complexes. This ingredient gives
the drug an analgesic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

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The oil enhances the solubility of the first ingredient. Thanks to this element, the first is
better perceived by the human body. It is better to prefer freshly squeezed oil, it retains
the maximum of useful substances. However, if the medicine is taken orally, it will be
bitter, in that case it is better to take refined, and its use will increase the shelf life.

Egg yolks for a long time are widely used in various cosmetics. They play an important
role in cell repair. It is best to take home eggs, their value is much greater than those that
bear chickens at poultry farms. You can replace two quail yolks.

Recipe miracle ointment of the three components

Pollutra of vegetable oil pour into a container and heat on a water bath to 40 degrees,
add 80 g of wax, stirring to melt.

Remove the yolk with a fork and mix with the resulting mass. Enter the yolk carefully,
because the mixture begins to foam strongly and can escape. Stir should be, not leading
to a boil.

Then let it stand. While the mixture is not frozen, it must be filtered, poured over tightly
closed jars and put into the refrigerator. Keep the miracle ointment from Valentina
Seymova can be from 90 days to six months.

For the second recipe, take 40 g of wax, 100 ml of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar. In the
butter melt the wax with sugar, gently stirring, not leading to a boil. Shelf life 12 months.


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The rules for making "medicine for all ailments"
Any person can create a medicine. Miracle ointment from beeswax and yolk is made by a
certain technology.

1. Do not use cookware with non-stick coating, only an enameled vessel will do.

2. It is important to monitor the temperature regime. The oil loses useful substances during
boiling, just as the wax must be melted at a certain temperature, otherwise there will be no
sense from the ointment.

3. Prepare the measuring device in advance. Basically, folk recipes mean spontaneous

mixing of ingredients, however, to get the right consistency, it is better to use measuring

How to apply the composition for recovery in various diseases?

Miracle ointment based on beeswax is used to treat various ailments, as an additional

component in complex therapy.

1. Mastopathy. Compressed sores are applied to the inflamed areas. Change the bandage

every 2 hours. Continue the procedure until the seals disappear completely.

2. Trophic ulcers, gangrene, erysipelas. Once a couple of hours apply ointment, combining

the treatment with fiz.nagruzkami, on a sick limb.

3. Burns and bronchitis. Make compresses.

4. Lubricating regularly chiri, get rid of them will literally in a couple of days.

5. Diseases of the genitourinary system in women are treated with tampons with ointment.

6. In the treatment of colds used, as a vasoconstrictor, in the form of turundas.

7. To treat the digestive system is shown ingestion three times a day on an empty stomach.

8. Get rid of constipation will help intake of half a teaspoon and rectal suppositories from

9. Dermatitis and cracks on the lips need to be lubricated a couple of times a day.

Seymova's Christmas ointment became famous as a remedy for almost all diseases. She
is offered to treat cancerous tumors, purulent otitis, tonsillitis, chronic sinusitis. From
pains in the joints it is recommended to do wraps for the night.

For the treatment of sinusitis, a melted medicine should be dripped into each nasal
passage of 4 drops. The duration of the course is not less than five days. After the course
of treatment, a large amount of mucus and pus can begin to depart.

Having typed a bit of the drug on the finger and smearing the gum, next to the aching
tooth, you can get rid of a strong toothache.

To heal hemorrhoids, apply rectally and apply napkins with ointment externally. To
make candles, you need to give the mass the necessary shape and put it in the freezer.

Any medicine has its own contraindications. Allergy sufferers who suffer from reaction
to beekeeping products or any herbs, for example, ragweed, wormwood and others,
should refrain from receiving such funds.

Opinions of people who have tried a medicinal ointment, and

Those who have already experienced the miracle of the ointment from 100 diseases,
speak very well about it. Patients very often use it as a drug for ARVI treatment. To date,
cold medicine is quite expensive to buy, but there is a simple remedy and ingredients for
making at hand.

Can be used as a cosmetic to improve the skin of the face. The drug has healing and
softening effect. Women especially praise the results of use on the coarse skin of the feet.

Comments of doctors about the ointment of Valentina Seymova are quite

categorical. The situation is that most diseases can not be cured even by the most tested

If, for example, to treat gangrene, then you really need to think 200 times than to
apply. The boiled yolk very quickly spoils, even when stored in a cold place. So, if such an
ingredient to anoint your foot or hand, you can immediately say goodbye to her.

Second, at the expense of treating colds, it is good to wax and oil, and the yolk as can
cure a runny nose, and even long gone rotten in the bank, no matter how much more
contagious it is to catch.

The treatment of the reproductive system with this drug, in general, causes complete

Miracle ointment from beeswax and yolk has not been tested by official medicine. Money
is lured out of the people in a variety of ways, especially since such an ointment is sold
everywhere. There are no real cases of curing diseases with the help of this drug. You can
very much advertise and sell anything you want, Seymov's Christmas ointment, just that

In principle, if you use externally, for example, from varicose veins, there will be no
harm, but apply on areas where there are abrasions or in the form of vaginal swabs,
turundas in the nose and there is a contraindication for ulcers and colitis.
Conclusion and conclusions

Valentina Seymova presented a recipe for a miracle ointment, which came from the
depths of centuries. Simple ingredients in the composition and positive reviews made the
medicine highly salable. Is she really magical?

Consider the composition, in it two ingredients are quite suitable for treatment and have
long been used even in traditional medicine and cosmetology, but here is the third
ingredient - yolk boiled, which causes suspicion. How can it be stored for three months,
even in the refrigerator? Any mistress knows that for such a period the egg will certainly
have time to get out.

The second point that causes suspicion is the curability of all diseases, and especially
serious ones like gangrene, stomach ulcers, purulent ENT diseases, skin lesions,
etc. How can you impose such a strange composition on an open wound?

Most doctors are simply at a loss about this miracle medicine. It is best to initially
consult with a good specialist about treatment with non-traditional methods.


+ people's reviews after applying this ointment. This ointment treats many diseases: fibroma,
mastopathy, mastitis, gangrene, ulcers (including trophic ones), burns, chiri, abscesses, aching
joints, the most chronic sinusitis, purulent otitis, sores in the throat, eczema, ovarian cysts - all
this cure miracle-ointment! Ointment of Valentina Seymova »> Composition: vegetable oil, a
piece of wax, yolk. Preparation: In an enamel bowl, pour a glass of vegetable oil, throw a piece of
wax the size of a matchbox and put on a small fire to wax melted. From the previously hard-
boiled eggs to take out the yolk, take from him a half, crush with a fork on a saucer and fingers
gradually throw in a bowl with melted boiling wax. (In a bowl on fire, the oil will boil, and you will
hear gunshot. Here at this moment and throw the yolk! But not all at once, but gradually). With
the first crumbs of eggs, the contents will foam. Keep a rag in your hand. If the wax is yellow
(which means the best for the ointment), the entire contents of the bowl can be "overboard" in
one second. Pick up the bowl with a rag, remove from the fire for a while, let it overdrive away,
and all this keep stirring. And so three times. All - the ointment is ready! It remains only to strain it
through a capron tulle, folded in half. Wax is whimsical, and gauze is not suitable here, and tulle,
even with repeated use, remains as new. In a glass container, the finished ointment is stored in
the refrigerator for up to ten months. A small addition from the experience: the ointment should
be poured into small jars, but with a wide neck, and if used daily, then the working pot can be
placed in the refrigerator, - the ointment is preserved and at room temperature. Place the
remaining jars in the refrigerator. To the question of chopping yolks - manually does not work out
the desired result, but if you scroll it through a blender in which there is already a portion of
roasted butter (7-10 table spoons), the result will be excellent - the whole yolk dissolves and
enters the ointment, which is not is observed when grinding by hand. For greater efficiency, with
the same amount of wax and oil (you can corn), I use 2 yolks. Ointment is very effective. If the
ointment should be poured, then it is heated on a water bath to 40 g. It cures: 1. Sinusitis. Melted
in a tablespoon and immediately poured into a pipette ointment buried in the most terrible
sinusitis. To make it not frozen, do everything quickly. It is enough to drip with ointment twice a
nose with an interval between instillations in one hour, and you can get rid of even a monthly
sinusitis. The ointment breaks through the maxillary sinuses and pulls on itself pus with
tremendous force! 2. Purulent otitis. Twist the flagellum from the fleece and insert into the ear. As
necessary, change the flagellum, and simultaneously lubricate the ointment behind the ear. The
ointment pulls on itself pus with enormous force. So you can treat all otitis, not only purulent. 3.
Sores in the throat, abscesses in the throat, purulent sore throat. Lubricate the ointment with
throat, apply compress on the neck area. If you do this all evening, every hour repeating the
procedure, then by morning the abscess will burst. 4. Bronchi, pain in the stomach, in the
intestines, furuncles on the body, barley in the eyes. Three times a day before meals we take half
teaspoon of ointment. 5. Female diseases: fibromioma up to 10 weeks, ovarian cyst,
inflammation of the appendages, mastitis, mastitis. In the vagina insert tampons with ointment,
change in the morning and evening. In a week from cysts only memories will remain, and with
fibroma to tinker a little longer. On the chest, apply a napkin, impregnated with ointment, on top
of the paper for compresses or cellophane. If possible, change every two hours. 6. Burns, chiri,
wounds, swelling, toothache, knee joint pain are treated with ointment. Apply it to the night on a
sore spot, wrapping and wrapping it, with a clean finger, rub the diseased tooth and lubricate it
with the gum, and you will see how the sores begin to recede. The result will be necessarily
excellent. 7. Trophic ulcers, gangrene: also apply napkins with ointment and also change after 2
hours. From the wounds it will be abundant to go pus, you will see how quickly your salvage
treatment progresses, despite all kinds of inactive expensive drugs. Burns, chiri, wounds, swollen
inflammations on the skin, toothache (on the gum wad with ointment). 8. All that needs to be
lubricated, done at night, apply compresses to the diseased knees, wrap up - and sores will start
to recede from you thanks to a simple and easy-to-prepare sorceress - ointments. 9. This
ointment can strengthen the nails, rubbing the ointment on the night in the nails. 10. Ointment
perfectly copes with dermatitis, dry skin, cracks on the lips, rescues coarsened heels. Note: You
need to take the beeswax, natural, not sub-items and candles from the church. Wax can be
bought from beekeepers or in the market. And about butter. If you take unrefined oil, the ointment
will be bitter, for external use suits, but not everyone can swallow. Therefore, for external use,
you can take any oil, and for the internal it is better refined. Some readers ask about lean oil:
they say, what is it. Lean - this is sunflower. Even better olive. You can insist oils on various
herbs, and then use as an additive to the main oil.
You only need 60 seconds to forget about back pain! Back pain is a scourge of our time. The
modern rhythm of life does not leave us the opportunity to give time to health and to take care of
ourselves. Long sitting at the computer leads to the fact that people suffering from back pain
suffer from any age. Load on the lower part of the spine, stress and fatigue - that's just a few
reasons for the feeling of discomfort in the back. And who among us now can boast an ideal
posture ?! Over time, we even get used to the pain, since there is no time for treatment.
Therefore, we found this simple, but effective exercise for you.
It will take you 60 seconds. Do this exercise before going to bed, and you will forget about the
pain. Exercise from back pain EXERCISE Lie on your stomach, hands along the body. Lean on
your elbows and slowly lift the upper body. Raise your head and stay in this position for 8
seconds. Accept the starting position. Repeat the exercise again. Then lie on your back, bend
your knees, hands along your body. Raise the pelvis and hold this position for 8 seconds. Return
to the starting position. Bend your legs in your knees and put your arms around them. Press your
legs to the chest and stay in that position for 8 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat
this action. Exercise perfectly relaxes the body before going to bed. Another tip: try to move in
the afternoon as much as possible. With regular exercise, very soon you will get rid of back pain
and again feel healthy. Return to the starting position. Bend your legs in your knees and put your
arms around them. Press your legs to the chest and stay in that position for 8 seconds. Return to
the starting position. Repeat this action. Exercise perfectly relaxes the body before going to bed.
Another tip: try to move in the afternoon as much as possible. With regular exercise, very soon
you will get rid of back pain and again feel healthy. Return to the starting position. Bend your legs
in your knees and put your arms around them. Press your legs to the chest and stay in that
position for 8 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat this action. Exercise perfectly
relaxes the body before going to bed. Another tip: try to move in the afternoon as much as
possible. With regular exercise, very soon you will get rid of back pain and again feel healthy.

Give yourself health. 5 minutes per day The use of acupressure on the face can stimulate the
functions of certain organs, as well as improve the condition and color of the skin on the face. Try
just five minutes a day to give massages to the corresponding points, and you, as they say, will
feel the difference. 1. Massage this point stimulates the brain and improves memory. It allows
you to maintain a high tone of the body and is especially recommended for those born in the year
of the Dragon, Monkey, Tiger or Dog. 2. The impact on this part of the face is important for
maintaining sexual activity, developing a sober view of life and the ability to foresee the
development of the situation. Many of us have such a talent: some have it in business acumen,
others have developed intuition. Both businessmen and scientists equally need acupressure in
this place. 3. This point corresponds with Venus, and her massage can improve the complexion.
Born in the year of Rooster 4. Acupressure of this point will remove the swelling under the eyes.
It is also useful for the normalization of kidney function and removal of toxins from the blood.
Born in the year of the Tiger, the Horse and the Rooster should be especially careful. 5. This part
of the face is correlated with the intestines, and born in the year of the Dog and Buffalo should
bear this in mind. Normal work of the intestine can prevent the appearance of cellulite. 6. This is
probably the most difficult point for acupressure. To more accurately determine it, it is necessary
to retreat approximately 2.5 cm from the tip of the nose. Her massage regulates the activity of the
stomach and intestines. Born in the year of the Pig, the Buffalo and the Tiger are especially
prone to the diseases of these organs. 7. The process of blood renewal by the spleen is
significantly intensified when exposed to this point. This is important for everyone, regardless of
the sign of the year of birth. 8. Another point of Venus, on which the skin condition depends. It
correlates with the pancreas, and acupressure is important especially for those who suffer from
mental fatigue. For example, born in the year of the Dog can drive himself to work to exhaustion
and fall into depression. Massage of this point and point 3 would allow it to relieve internal
tension and improve sleep. 9. This point is for those who suffer from constipation, especially from
the abuse of chocolate or from slow metabolism. 10. The normal functioning of the lungs is
important for the saturation of blood with oxygen, which improves the complexion and helps to
quickly eliminate bruises and joint pain. eleven. Regular sex is able to preserve youth and health.
And that no problems with sex did not arise, you need to massage this point. Do not interfere
with this once a week and drink a cup of chicken broth with ginseng. 12. Functions of the liver
and lymph are also important for good color and firmness of the skin. This point can stimulate
their activity. This is especially true for the horses born in the year and the buffalo. 13. If your
nervous system is in order, then you are less stressed and sleep well. Exposure to this point
helps to calm the nervous system. Especially in this may need those born in the year of the
Rabbit or the Rat. The appearance on the face of a nervous tic is the first symptom of stress. 14.
Nothing can replace good physical exercises, but massage this point will help everyone to
maintain the tonus of the musculature of the body. 15. Another important point. The impact on it
stimulates the thyroid gland, blood circulation and helps to maintain an elegant figure. Pressing is
done with your index finger or thumb. If you feel pain when you press, then you have correctly
found the point. Each point should be massaged for 30 seconds. The use of precious and
semiprecious stones for acupressure multiplies the effect many times, as the stones activate the
natural electromagnetic field of the body. Of course, only stones that match your zodiac sign
should be used. If you can master the technique of this simple massage and start practicing it
daily, you will always remain beautiful and attractive. Pressing is done with your index finger or
thumb. If you feel pain when you press, then you have correctly found the point. Each point
should be massaged for 30 seconds. The use of precious and semiprecious stones for
acupressure multiplies the effect many times, as the stones activate the natural electromagnetic
field of the body. Of course, only stones that match your zodiac sign should be used. If you can
master the technique of this simple massage and start practicing it daily, you will always remain
beautiful and attractive. Pressing is done with your index finger or thumb. If you feel pain when
you press, then you have correctly found the point. Each point should be massaged for 30
seconds. The use of precious and semiprecious stones for acupressure multiplies the effect
many times, as the stones activate the natural electromagnetic field of the body. Of course, only
stones that match your zodiac sign should be used. If you can master the technique of this
simple massage and start practicing it daily, you will always remain beautiful and attractive.
Because the stones activate the natural electromagnetic field of the body. Of course, only stones
that match your zodiac sign should be used. If you can master the technique of this simple
massage and start practicing it daily, you will always remain beautiful and attractive. Because the
stones activate the natural electromagnetic field of the body. Of course, only stones that match
your zodiac sign should be used. If you can master the technique of this simple massage and
start practicing it daily, you will always remain beautiful and attractive.

HEALTHY VESSELS - LONG YOUTH AND HEAVY HEALTH. The general health of the human
body directly depends on the state of its vessels. So, their depletion can cause a violation of
blood circulation, which is fraught with disruptions in the work of metabolism and the
development of other painful pathologies. One of the most negative factors doctors call alcohol
and nicotine - their consumption does not just cause stress in the blood vessels, and often even
their destruction. Among other things, doctors also point to inappropriate nutrition as one of the
most negative factors. Abuse of fatty, acute or salted food can cause the formation of cholesterol
plaques and deposits on the walls of blood vessels. All these harmful factors can be exacerbated
by a passive, sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Poor vascular status can be diagnosed without a
medical examination. So, indicators of disturbance can be developing meteosensitivity, sleep
disturbance, chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue, dizziness, sudden attacks of heartbeat. Indication
of vascular pathology can be constantly cold extremities, numbness of hands and feet, shortness
of breath and jumping of blood pressure. However, the health of vessels can be restored if they
are strengthened. So, it is important to stick to a healthy lifestyle, to give up bad habits, to get
carried away by sport. Even moderate, but regular exercise can be an excellent exercise for the
vessels. To no longer complain about blood vessels, you need to adhere to proper nutrition,
refuse to eat fatty foods, do not abuse coffee, fried foods. In the daily diet should be fruits and
vegetables, it is important to consume daily the norm of water - not less than one and a half
liters. It will be especially useful to include in the diet raisins, nuts, prunes and garlic are products
that support the tone of the vessels. Strengthen the vessels hiking in the sauna, dousing, other
water procedures. There are several recipes that will help not only to strengthen, but also to
clean the vessels. The first method: So, tincture of needles and dogrose will become a reliable
assistant in recovery. The recipe is simple - 3 tbsp. The fruit of the dog rose should be mixed with
5 tablespoons. chopped pine needles and pour this mixture 3 glasses of water. The mixture must
be brought to a boil and allowed to soar on low heat for at least 10 minutes. Strain and drink
warmly throughout the day. The recommended course is 4 months. Taking care of the vessels,
do not forget, that a remedy for many diseases is positive emotions, a healthy sleep and an
optimistic attitude to life. The second method: The course of treatment is as follows: In the
evening you need to take 1/3 cup of flax seeds, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and 2 hours
stand in a water bath. Over night the broth should be infused, and in the morning it should be
filtered. Approximately 850 ml of the jelly-like liquid should be obtained. It should be drunk in 5
days: 1/3 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before meals. In order to
achieve the effect, it is worth to sit on this kissel for 15 days. And after three months, repeat the
course. As you can see, everyone can help their vessels, only a little patience and desire is
needed. The result will not keep you waiting - you will not only feel better, but also look better.
The course of treatment is as follows: In the evening you need to take 1/3 of a glass of flax
seeds, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and 2 hours stand in a water bath. Over night the broth
should be infused, and in the morning it should be filtered. Approximately 850 ml of the jelly-like
liquid should be obtained. It should be drunk in 5 days: 1/3 cup in the morning on an empty
stomach and in the evening before meals. In order to achieve the effect, it is worth to sit on this
kissel for 15 days. And after three months, repeat the course. As you can see, everyone can help
their vessels, only a little patience and desire is needed. The result will not keep you waiting -
you will not only feel better, but also look better. The course of treatment is as follows: In the
evening you need to take 1/3 of a glass of flax seeds, pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and 2
hours stand in a water bath. Over night the broth should be infused, and in the morning it should
be filtered. Approximately 850 ml of the jelly-like liquid should be obtained. It should be drunk in 5
days: 1/3 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before meals. In order to
achieve the effect, it is worth to sit on this kissel for 15 days. And after three months, repeat the
course. As you can see, everyone can help their vessels, only a little patience and desire is
needed. The result will not keep you waiting - you will not only feel better, but also look better.
Approximately 850 ml of the jelly-like liquid should be obtained. It should be drunk in 5 days: 1/3
cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before meals. In order to achieve
the effect, it is worth to sit on this kissel for 15 days. And after three months, repeat the course.
As you can see, everyone can help their vessels, only a little patience and desire is needed. The
result will not keep you waiting - you will not only feel better, but also look better. Approximately
850 ml of the jelly-like liquid should be obtained. It should be drunk in 5 days: 1/3 cup in the
morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before meals. In order to achieve the effect, it
is worth to sit on this kissel for 15 days. And after three months, repeat the course. As you can
see, everyone can help their vessels, only a little patience and desire is needed. The result will
not keep you waiting - you will not only feel better, but also look better.

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