Gymnastics Qigong. First Level.: Metodichskoe Guide

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Gymnastics Qigong. 
first level.


1. Introduction 
1.1. What is Qigong
1.2. Qigong For whom is
1.3. Qigong Applications
1.4. Influence of human energy on his health

2. Theoretical framework 
2.1. What is Qi
2.2. Qigong concept
2.3. concept of Yin and Yang
2.4. term "heaven, earth, man,"
2.5. Fundamentals of human power structure
2.6. notion of qi channels
2.7. term "gate" and chi "points"
2.8 . points that we need to know now
2.9. conductors concept of qi
2.10. notion of dirty waste and its cleansing qi (release)
2.11. Aura - Qi around us

3. Technique. 
3.1. Qigong as a system
3.2. Basic principles of Qigong -1
3.3. How to practice Qigong
3.4. How to work. Not set, and the energy exchange
3.5. Scheme Occupation Tier
3.6. Than work. The Role of attention
3.7. About sphincters and "power eye"
3.8. Pose "tree", its meaning

4. Achievements. 
4.1. Result
4.2. skills The benefits remain in the present moment 

1. Introduction

1.1.Chto is Qigong

Qigong - an ancient Chinese method of "feeding life" - this is a specific training, which combines the
coordination of movements with breathing for bioenergy ( chi) through the various areas of your
body with a view to healing the body. Regular exercises Qigong evens physiological and
psychological processes in our body. And at higher levels harmonizes us and our inner world to
permanent and various changes of the external world. Nevertheless, Qigong is not a religion, nor
ideology, although it gives the opportunity of self-development and spiritual growth. Qigong is a tool
that is suitable for any spiritual system of personal growth, including religious, and help you more
fully and deeply comprehend your chosen direction, either way. 
currently cultivated as Qigong exercises are designed for overall health in the first place.

1.2. For whom is Qigong.

Qigong is unique in that it consists of simple, at first glance, the exercises are available to anyone,
but when the regular classes begin to happen miracles. Besides the fact that gently and gradually
improve your health, increase energy and excitement of an active lifestyle, you will learn how to help
themselves, and it will restore faith in their strength and capabilities. Sports are no restrictions not
age or physical condition. You can begin to engage in any age. Qigong has passed the test of time,
being effective for many centuries. The only thing that is required of you is a lesson every 10-30
min., Instead of getting an opportunity to old age retain joint mobility, vigor of body and peace of
mind. Of course, in the case of uncertainty and doubt about its condition, as well as the presence of
serious diseases before classes should consult with their physician. And certainly not worth the wait
for the disease to start practicing Qigong is more important to maintain good health. So Qigong is
designed and useful for everyone, and of course, for you.

1.3. Areas of application of qigong.

Qigong - the system is universal in its application. Aside from the obvious positive impact on health
and the body in general, Qigong is used in sports to achieve a better result in a military combat
training in ballet, circus. But it all relates to the strengthening of the body. Due to the unique positive
effects on the brain and nervous system in general, Qigong useful as math and poet, that is, any
person, whatever profession he may possess.Development of concentration, and at the same time
expanding its internal and external awareness, control and manage their emotions, good memory, it
is not a complete list of options open to you. As a conclusion: Qigong is used for a more
fulfilling and truly happy life.

1.4. Effect of human energy on his health.

Do you think that energy affects the human body and its health, or vice versa. Here lies the main
problem of philosophy - which came first the chicken or the egg? 
But joking aside, it's simple. There is vigorous, and people are sluggish, without energy. It is the
quantity and quality of potential energy in a person determines its vital functions and body health,
and even life expectancy. And, thank God, man is endowed with a unique opportunity to consciously
change their energy potential, both quantitatively and qualitatively in a better way, without being
subject to inherent conditionality inherent in animals.Than people, actually, and differs from them,
but do not always take the opportunity to become the master of his own destiny . 
"In a healthy body, healthy mind" is a consequence of good energy.

2. Theoretical base.

2.1. What is qi.

For those of us who are engaged in Qigong is primarily bioenergy. Recent studies show that qi is the
subtlest form of internal energy of matter in man. 
But in China, the word denotes a much wider range of concepts: electricity, gravity, light, heat,
magnetic and electromagnetic fields in general and energy in all its forms, including and steam. That
is not the matter in the form of the substance. We will also be interested in the future forms of energy
related to man by which he lives and exists. Just say, man is multidimensional, and its energy
content is much harder than it is now known to science. Layers, energy levels and many
components of human and they essentially differ qualitatively from each other. But here we consider
the closest to us and understandable material component of our energy, manifesting itself in the
sense of living as vital heat

2.2. Concept of qigong.

The term "qigong" appeared only in the 50s of the last century, in the old days this training was
called "daoin" ("to manage and pull"), "Tuna" ("reject and take"), "zope" ("the movement of qi")
"neidan" ("internal pill"), "Jinji" ("quiet sitting"). 
Translation Chinese terms on the Russian language and other is not easy, if not impossible. Due to
extreme imagery Chinese. To fully convey the whole meaning of which contains one or another
character, often requires more than one page explanation, especially on those words, which have no
analogues in other languages. Qigong is one of those difficult words, which consists of two
characters "chi" and "gun". 
"chi" - your bio-energy. 
"VCO" - work. But it is not just a job, in our sense of the word, and semantic translation is difficult,
laborious, time-consuming, requiring continuous attention. It is this character is used in the word
"Kung Fu" - (Kung Fu), which means heavy, laborious, etc. WORK TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE (no
matter in which case, have a violinist or a cook can be a good Kung Fu.) 
As you can see from the name itself implies a contradiction with the generally accepted concept of
Qigong as soft breathing exercises for the sick or elderly. Qigong is actually much more versatile.

2.3. Concept of Yin and Yang.

Our world is made of opposites in their unity. Everything has its downside. And in China, built on this
principle all his cosmogony. Heaven and earth, day and night, front and back, left and right, top and
bottom, gross and subtle, hard and soft, plus and minus, life and death, material and spiritual, wet
and dry, "heads" and "tails "male and female, good and evil, everything in our world is relative and
has its opposite. At the same time, everything in our world is maintained in the balance sheet, the
violation of which leads to the loss of the object. Consider at least a day and night, stopping the
rotation of the earth will destroy all life. It is on the qualitative assessment of the balance of opposing
characteristics of our body built all the traditional Chinese diagnosis and medicine for its restoration
and maintenance. Fig. 1. Monad Taiji.

2.4. The concept of "heaven, earth, man."

The conceptual basis of Taoist philosophy is to consider the human, and indeed, the entire
biosphere, as managers of the universe situated between heaven and earth, fulfilling an important
role in the energy exchange between them. That is the person included in the system of the universe
as an important link in its harmony. That's biosphere, in terms of Chinese philosophy, converts the
energy of Heaven, making it adapted to power the Earth.What we agree on the material level, from
the dust and everything appears as it develops. 
But here is considered much broader. Communication "thin" energy "Heaven" with "rude" energies
"of the Earth" is carried out through an intermediary, through the "Life". Of course, the term "Heaven"
is not only a cloud over his head, and "Earth" is not only the soil underfoot, is a figurative description
of the qualitative component of two opposing energies. And the man's role in this process to ensure
unimpeded energy transfer.And it turns out that if a person performs this role, he is healthy and he is
in harmony with the processes occurring in nature, in harmony with the great Tao, in harmony with
the universe, with the World. A falling ill, he becomes a poor conductor, knocked out of the process
and can not be fit Nature. The quality of participation in Nature by energy our body determines its
physical condition.

2.5. Fundamentals of human power structure.

According to Chinese tradition, people energetically arranged as follows. It has three major energy
centers located in the lower part of the body, in the chest and head, varying in quality control, human
bio-energy (Fig. 2) . Here we are interested in lower energy center man called "Sea of Qi", which is
located approximately in the abdomen below the navel. This is the lower Tan Tien, it is the seat of
our capacity for physical health, as well as the "reservoir" for the chi energy from where it is
distributed in accordance with the natural needs of the body through channels "conception" and

2.6. Concept of qi channels.

In China, they are called "rivers" qi. It is no coincidence that shaped their transfer function is the
distribution of qi in the body. As rivers or canals to carry water seared fields and meadows, and the
energy channels in our body is provided with a variety of parts of our body itself "life." They can be
clean, can clog can break off, and their standing on our health. When the energy stops flowing
person dies.
They are Yin and Yang-cal-cal. Yang channels are arranged by the extensor muscles in our body,
their energy is protective and Yin channels from the flexor muscles, their energy feeding function
performs. Clean energy channels and the quality of their conductivity devoted many Qigong
Perednesredinny channel located on the midline of the chest from point to point Zhenchzhun Huiying
and zadnesredinny channel from point to point Huiying Zhenchzhun on the back along the spine and
then in the middle of the head. (Figure 5.)      The state channels, their "purity", depends
opportunity to conduct quality of our body energy exchange, which allows it to
independently vosstanav Lebanon, heal and maintain its good condition.

2.7. The concept of "gate" qi and "points" .

Another fine example of Chinese imagery. That could easily enter and exit gate or door must be
open. It is this image and was used to refer to the energy function of the joints of the
body. Articulation (joints) connect the various parts of our body, giving it the flexibility and mobility,
moreover, through them circulates qi energy. And all the energy exchange in the body depends on
the condition of the articular system. The door must always be open. Very clearly by the example of
diseases of the spine, worse immediately begin working bodies relevant problem area. The spine
consists of a large number of joints of the vertebrae (joints), almost all of the "gate". Hence the
success of manual therapy for the treatment of many diseases, by putting in order the spine. Usually
in practice Qigong work begins with relaxation, liberation and disclosure joints. 
Initially open the gates for qi . Locked gates lead to stagnation of qi dirty waste in the joints and their
diseases, which in itself reduces the conductivity of qi, is exacerbated. Bringing joints in order
restores and improves energy exchange.

     Other than the joints, which are internal gate qi, there is the outer gate, through which the energy
exchange with the environment, or the external energy. This certain points in our body.

Key points belong to the energy channels and perform certain functions on them. (Fig. 5) It is the
impact on these places on the human body in China for over 5,000 years treating many diseases
and not only. With their help, anesthetize, withdrawn from fainting, out of a coma, immobilize,
change the mood and even killed. Modern Western medicine has only recently begun to their
widespread use, while not recognizing the traditional Chinese theory of body energy. Own theory as
it does not yet have.      energy exchange within a person through joints (gate ), and with the
external environment through the acupuncture points.

2.8. Point that we need to know now.

Hegu ( Closed Valley ) Zhenchzhun ( middle man ), Huiying ( Merge Yin ) Shangen ( Third
Eye ), Laogun ( Palace of Labor ), Yongquan (Seething springs ) Minmen ( Gates of Life ), Chi
Hai ( Sea of Qi ), Bai Hui ( one hundred meetings ) Tanchzhun ( The middle chest ), Lintao
County ( high spirit ) Fenfu ( Palace of winds ). (Fig. 3, 4 and 5).

Fig. 3 Point Laogun

Fig. 3 Point Yuntsyuan

Fig. 3 Point Hegu

Figure 4 Point Tyanmen

2.9. Concept of qi conductors.

Conductors qi in our body are not nerves, although it might seem natural, and connective tissue,
ligaments and tendons. As a "gateway" they should be in a satisfactory condition. They also may
settle the spent dirty energy. This development tendons and strengthen connective tissue
devoted to a variety of dynamic systems in Qigong.
Fig. 5 Perednesredinny (Yin) and zadnesredinny (Yang) channels and points on it

2.10. The notion of dirty waste and its cleansing qi (release).

Man as any energy (electricity) the machine is constantly heated, and warm all around. In simple this
is the selection of waste energy. For a balanced body heat is very important. All authorities are afraid
of overheating, as actually and hypothermia. The latter is a lack of energy, and the first, there is not
excess waste and energy plugging body. Perfect analogy with any electronic device (computer), if
you remove it from the heater (cooling fans), he quickly burn out from overheating. In the body, very
similar processes. An example can be the death of a heart attack: slashing the deceased patient,
doctors usually take out "brewed heart" - overheating. 
A healthy body cooling, cleansing chi processes are naturally: we sweat, we breathe the air is
warmer than the inhale, we derive the urine and feces, too hot, drink cool water, etc. We are
constantly cleansed of waste energy. But the body is not always healthy. Qigong teaches the
methodologies to consciously reset the spent energy, cooling the body, as well as teaches
dump excess stress caused by acute emotional distress.

2.11. Aura - Qi around us.

Probably each of you have heard about the mysterious aura that is always present around our
body. To begin with, we are all warm, that is, we have a certain temperature. And the heat is not only
within us, but also outside. We all warmed air around us, we all light in the infrared, or radiate
energy.Here is an example available for skeptics. A general aura or radiation around us is much
more difficult. Besides the heat we have nerves that carry nerve impulses (pulse energy is
characteristic), which have their somewhat similar to an electromagnetic field. Yes, plus the energy
of qi inside and outside of us, not to mention the strong emotions that are felt in the distance. All this
together creates an aura around us, or biofield energy shell.And so the ancient people, almost
"savages" have noticed that the state of this shell directly affects our health, and furthermore, they
have learned to treat various diseases, affecting it. This happened not only in China, but across the
whole world. Despite the fact that in recent times is not recognized bioenergy science, regardless of
it works. healthy person radiates smooth homogeneous aura. What we should strive and,
doing such energy practices such as Qigong.

3. Methods.

3.1. Qigong as a system.

In our club Qigong is represented as a system of consistent training. There are several levels, the
passage of which is individually. The first level begins work on the general improvement of the body:
the emancipation of the joints, strengthen tendons, energy cleansing. Continuing development of
skills in working with bioenergy (chi) - perception management and its conversion. The culmination
will be the beginning of an entry-level work to develop the lower Tan Tien, your personal energy
result of the work with the Lower Tan Tien can be considered a physical manifestation of his
abdomen, expressed as a continuous feeling out there filled, hard and hot ball, accompanied by a
feeling of health, strength and vigor throughout body. 
Further training may work with more subtle forms of energy (feelings and emotions). As you can
see training is conducted according to the principle "from simple to complex" and accessible
to everyone.

3.2. Basic principles of Qigong -1.

Deliverance - valid and sufficient relaxation. Disclosure joints - soft minimum tension joints
precluding their compression. Attention - a tool for continuous monitoring of their body and psycho-
emotional state. Observation - Skill awareness of everything that happens in your body
now.Breath - control over him and listening to him. condition - emotional relaxation and stay in soft
joy. Combining attention, breathing and movement of energy in the body.
3.3. How to practice Qigong.

It is desirable to deal with every day. So as not to scare yourself once such horror start with morning
classes for 10 minutes immediately after recovery in ventilated area. Clothing should be loose and
comfortable. Retire or ask others not to disturb you. Try to have it included in their lifestyle as brush
your teeth, you're not sorry at this time. As addiction, not immediately bring the morning classes to
30 minutes. In the future, you can add and evening classes at bedtime. Well, if desired, you can do
during the day, preferably before meals or no earlier than one hour after. And try to enjoy classes,
that is what will make them welcome, and not a burden still further suffering. Your good fortune here
is key, you can only push yourself in the beginning. And, of course, it's great to engage in nature, if
there is such an opportunity, do not miss it. important not to wait and not put off until tomorrow,
start today to engage in 10 minutes a day.

3.4. How to work. Not set, and energy exchange.

So qi is bioenergy or our internal energy. Catching Qigong, we are working with her. The main
objective of the practice of Qigong, as energy work, it does not accumulate as much energy, and its
free circulation (it's easy, free work), unhindered energy exchange and of course her balance. Hence
the focus on cleansing the channels by which "flows" energy, the initial stages of training. Here is
completely analogous to nutrition food, the digestive system work, constipation harmful to your

Increasing the amount of energy within the body appropriate, when a person is ready to accept and
it occurs gradually with its development.Algorithm is as follows: first cleansing, due to adjustment
of energy, then the development of a tribute-tien, and only for this set of energy or increase
your energy potential.

3.5. Employment schemes first level .

Things on the ground level are constructed in a circular cyclical system. Annual course is divided
into five cycles, each with its own set of exercises.Course is designed for 2 months. Classes can be
included in any cycle. There are exercises that are carried from one cycle to another, which speaks
of their importance, but is that not repeated. However, learning a new exercise cycle to achieve the
effect, they should do at home on their own within 60 days. Qigong is not complicated and is not
heavy by itself, but requires constant training and perseverance. Not necessarily carry the whole
complex at once, it can be broken down into the performance of individual exercises during the
day. Just do not necessarily have time to perform the next set during the current training cycle, but
only after finishing the previous one, go to the next. Remember that we learn in the classroom
and out correctly, fix our systems, as you do yourself.
     Separate important event we have is a summer camp where in natural living conditions we are
immersed in practice impossible in the conditions of the hall and the city, which is held in July for 10

* Sami complexes will be presented to you in the annexes to the first level of training manual.

3.6. Than work. The Role of attention.

The most important thing when dealing with delicate things such as qi, the energy must be
understood, than to work with her. Any thing we can touch and move, if we can do it, or there is a
fulcrum. With qi complicated. It is not clear that we should feel when we want to learn to feel for qi
within the body. And especially do not understand how to send. It is not clear until the specified tool,
or what we can actually feel it or send it to move. Tool is our attention that is needed to train and
train thoroughly. An ordinary man tossing it with a pea inside the body, according to the environment
outside, past and future time, with incredible speed. And few have it under control. This is what we
teach you to entry-level employment. Without this Qigong is not possible and it becomes just
breathing exercises. Qigong is "working with qi 'and qi can work with only their attention," thought ",
as the Chinese say. But not just the thought and conscious controlled vnimaniem.Eto
concentrated only tool available to us to work with energy .

3.7. About sphincters and "power eye."

Manage your own attention bioenergy force is a difficult task, but doable. And inside we have a
"switch" that ability. Subconsciously, a reflex, we use them constantly. We got him in the womb at
the time of the formation of our physical body. This is exactly what the child immediately after birth
makes perfect, it is perfectly able to suckle the mother to give her the nutrients in milk. And before
his birth, he is perfectly able to, but I did it the stomach through the umbilical cord. How does this
relate to energy? The most immediate is the natural ability of our physical body, not solely to obtain
nutrients, but also the process of absorption of energy. This is our "switch" button, switch, call it what
you want, but precisely because of this ability to process energy management becomes much more
successful. We in the body have a certain group of muscles called sphincters, or circular
muscle.They have around the mouth, eyes, nose, ears, throat and in the stomach as well as in the
crotch and groin area. It is through the sphincter around the mouth baby sucks milk from the
mother's breast and sucked in the womb through the umbilical cord. In addition, there is such a
feature, these muscles clenched in one place of the body, they have always tense. Women as they
are easy to remember, tinting eyes involuntarily open their mouth. Watch yourself, and you will see
that straining your eyes or, as they say, the vision we have in varying degrees straining all
sphincters.Traditionally in books about Qigong is an effort called "force-eye" and that it allows for
greater focused attention for management of qi in our body.This can be explained as a set of energy
our body causes contraction of muscles round as small pumps, and the intention to control the
energy achieved by their activation. That is in addition to the need to include attention to the
work of another and by their sphincters light stress. It is focusing on the person you are could
be observed in the hypnotist.

Fig. 6 Pose Dzhanzhuan

3.8. Pose "tree", its meaning.

Tree pose or "dzhandzhuan", also called "post" is the culmination of the initial exercise Qigong and
is essentially an analogue of yoga asanas. The uniqueness of this position is that it is the most
natural for a person, but rather for its energy component. It is in this position, Qi energy flows in the
human body in a natural way and it is not obstructed. Although several variations of postures
dzhandzhuan, they differ little from each other, and the principles of all united. The main point here is
the uniform tension of the tendons of the whole body to create a stable stance, and it is at their
expense and complete muscle relaxation.

Fig. 7 Basic principles of "dzhandzhuan"

Fig. 7 Basic principles of "dzhandzhuan"

At first glance, the condition is not feasible, especially for those who have a stereotype is the
constant use of muscular tension. Here in this position when properly executed person gets into a
state of comfort, as if he were weightless. Of course, to learn it "on time" is impossible, it requires
hard work, and that represents the character "gong" in the word Qigong. Nevertheless, it is
achievable. Further in this position many exercises are performed. This pose is to work with the
energy within themselves and not for the tedious standing "post", as many mistakenly believe.

4. Achievements.

4.1. Result.

 Improves physical and emotional state.

 Rejuvenate joints, improves their flexibility and mobility.
 Acquires the ability to completely relax, both physically and emotionally, through listening to
 Develop the skills to stay in the present moment. Here and now.
 Develop attention, intuition, memory, creativity.
 Awakens sensitivity of the hands through acquaintance with the sense of energy (Qi).
 Develop the skills to work with internal energy (chi) for the prevention of various diseases
and improve their condition.
 Enhanced adaptive capacity of the organism at sharp changes of environment parameters
(eg changes in the weather).
 Lower Dantian formed, the main energy centers of the person responsible for the potential of
the organism.

4.2. The benefits of the ability to stay in the present moment.

The benefits of staying in the moment, or to be "here and now" people had known for a long
time. Nowadays, in the age of rapidly changing technology and the information revolution, we have
plenty of stimuli pulls our attention on yourself, and it's TV, computers, and phones. Distances are
gone, you're always connected, you always get some information. It is outside. And inside, we or
scattered (stretched) different sources of information, or shipped (focused) to solve any problems in
the past or future. We have not live now. Our attention for a long time outside of our body, outside of
us, or at least is there most of the time.

We are used to it and consider it natural. But, unfortunately, we ourselves severely limited. We

stopped to hear themselves. We do not hear that requests our body, our body, and pay attention to it
when it is too late, when he fell ill. We do not do what we really need, and do what is expected of us,
what is fashionable, what is accepted, what do everything. And how do we know what we need,
without intuition, without inspiration, without insight, without knowledge coming to us from the inside,
without the ability to stop and listen to yourself, to be with him now. Do not grind thoughts and
pillows, continuously muttering brain, namely pause create silence in your head and try to hear
yourself. Now even a new, or rather well forgotten old section in psychotherapy devoted to this
direction, which is called Gestalt therapy. The truth Qigong this technique was always present. 
Gestalt therapy - is existential, experimental (based on experience) and an experimental approach to
psychotherapy and counseling that puts your goals expanding human awareness and thereby,
greater intrapersonal integrity, fullness and meaning life, improved contact with the outside world in
general, and with other people.      ability to remain in the "here and now" is the path to a
fulfilling life.


     Travel thousands of miles begins with the first step. You made it. And let every step you
open new horizons and new opportunities, leading to the realization of the only true purpose
in your way. Go your own way, and the rest will follow all the rest is only a means to achieve
the true goal and not the goal itself. Good luck to you.

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