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Save your work with the filename <Name_StudentID_SubjectName_AsstNumber>, answer your assessment
questions in this sheet below and upload the assessment once it has been completed.

Family Name:

Do Espirito Santo Correa

Given Name:

Marcos Vinicius

Student ID: Course:

S40072412 Diploma of Project Management

Subject: Trainer’s name:

HR MANAGEMENT Online Subject

Declaration: I certify that this assignment is entirely my own work. I have provided full referencing to the work of
others. The material in this paper has not been submitted before.


PLAGIARISM: You must compose your answers in your own words. Simply pasting text from the Internet OR the
APC workbook may result in a failing grade. It is better to write your own thoughts in your own words – even if
your English is not perfect – rather than copy word-for-word the thoughts of someone else.

SUBMITTING IDENTICAL ANSWERS: You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting
identical answers to other students may result in a failing grade. Your answers must be yours alone.

TUTORIALS: Tutorials are run every week to help you answer the assessments. The schedule for tutorials will be
announced during the first week of term. You are urged to attend the tutorial that pertains to your online
Part A – Written Responses
1. Why might you need to update a document?
The reason to update a document(s) often is to keep the company up with
changes in law, regulations, policies, and procedures. So, that everything can
be coved up.
2. How could other managers support policies and procedures?
To begin with, the managers must know the policies and procedures; also, they
must follow them and make a good leader. The managers have to do
inductions training to the staff and follow up to guarantee those are being done.
Also, they have to remind the staff about the policies and procedures from time
to time to have it fresh on their mind ( It can be just a quick meeting to cover up
all the corners of the legal stuff).
3. What should you take into account when predicting the organisation's
future needs? Suggest three.
To predict the future, the company is a little trick; many things can change
from night to day; an excellent example of t is the Covid 19, all the
company had to change the way they work due to the pandemic.
There some needs you must predict and prepare the company and the
team to achieve them, they can be:

• Introduction of new Technology

• Budget constraints and allocations
• Business Goals

4. Why are person specifications useful?

A person specification describes the qualifications, skills, experience,

knowledge, and other attributes that a candidate must possess to perform
the job's duties. The importance of having it is when a job is published, the
candidates for that position can have an idea, what will be expected of the
right person.
5. What is the procedure for training staff who need it in your workplace?
Training staff is essential for a company, to keep the employees productive
and with a good perform. To make sure everyone is having good training and
following all the steps of it, my company has some steps that we follow to
achieve a high performing of training, they are :
• Orientation
• Training requirements
• Testing
• Evaluation

6. What is the best way to avoid flouting legal requirements with

your advertising and selection?

As society goes more developed in education, the concerns of

any discrimination go higher. Today are many different laws to
protect a percentage of the population and guarantee they find a
job. This kind of discrimination can be:
• Age.
• Gender.
• Sexual orientation.
• Disability.
• Race.
• Religion.
When HR publishes a job, must keep in mind these items. One
way to avoid this kind of situation and have problems with the law is to
be generic. I mean, do not specify the type of people you are looking
for, such as age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, or religion.
The description must be for everyone and not for some niche.
7. Where would you find a recruitment specialist? Explain your answer.
As we live in the information era, the Internet is the best place to find a
recruitment specialist. There will be easier and faster because there will have
many options; the problem is the omission of thrust, as you do not know the
Another way to find a good specialist is through your network; some people or
companies may have some good recommendations and help you.
8. Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the selection process
follows organisational policy?
The responsibility belongs to the HR manager, as this is one of their
responsibilities and duties. However, this does not mean it has to be
restricted just between them; the project manager or the CEO
always should be aware of this because, in the end, they are the
main responsible in front of the board or
9. Suggest why informing unsuccessful applicants of their results is essential.
When you give feedback to unsuccessful applicants, it shows how serious and
honest is your company. It also shows to the applicants that you care and is
committed to development. The unsuccessful applicants are more likely to
apply again to your company in the future and can have developed their skills
to get higher chances.
10. Why are contracts of employment necessary?
Employees need to have a contract that assures them that the company has
clearly defined obligations and commitments in all aspects of the terms of
employment. It is also essential for an employer to have protection for its
commercial clientele and intellectual property.
11. Why might new staff need additional support?

As they face new experiences, even if they are very skilled, every company
has a different approach in its policies and procedures. The new employee is
arriving in a new environment and must be familiar with the people and the
area, due to having a good performance, and it takes a bit time, depends on
the person. After the initial induction process, he or she will need additional
support at least during the three months of probation.
Period, and even after this time until the first six months, probably will need to
update the information to succeed in the role.

12. What could happen if the induction process is not followed?

The company could be wasting time and money on a new employee that will
not perform well in the role. Also, the inductions are not just to do a good job,
and they contain work health and safety information, a how-to procedure in
certain situations in that company, and the hazards that may happen. When
the induction is not completed well, the employee can hurt him/herself and be
in a dangerous situation. The company may have to pay a lot of money as fees
for not complete an induction and put someone at risk.
13. Why might feedback be useful to probationary employees who do not
receive permanent employment?
When you give feedback, they can understand why they were not
successful, be aware of their weaknesses and mistakes, develop them, and
better perform future opportunities.

14. Why is feedback on the induction process useful for organisations?

When we get feedback from the employees, they can explain how the process
is working and missing something there. Feedback will be much easier to
improve the induction and make the employees happier, making the company
not lose many workforces for lack of suitable inductions.

15. Why should the induction process be refined?

Things are constantly changing. The roles, hazards that a company has today
may not be the same one in a month. That is why they must improve it, add or
remove information about the current situation, and that the employees will not
have obsolete training. An excellent example of that the situation we are living
in now. Since 2020 all the countries have been changing many things to keep
up with the pandemic. The same is for the companies. They had to make new
inductions to keep their employees skilled to face a new reality and be
productive following the new rules.

Part B – Written Responses

Describe your organisation's process for recruitment if this was outsourced,
including relevant communications.

The recruitments process outsourcing defines RPO as an 'a form

of business process outsourcing where an employer transfers all or part of
its recruitments processes to an external provider.

• Research an organisation's outsource policy and describe what you

have discovered in 2-3 paragraphs in terms of content. (half a page)

RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)

It is designed to ensure that the CSC uses due diligence, approval
and continuous monitoring. Outsourcing involves transferring responsibility
for carrying out an activity (previously carried out internally) to
a contractor for a combined fee. Outsourcing provides
customer services based on a mutually agreed service level, usually
defined in a formal contract. Many commercial benefits have been
attributed to outsourcing, the most common of which is;
Reduce organization costs Greater focus on core business by outsourcing
non-essential functions to world-class skills and resources. The purpose of
these policies specified control to reduce information
security risks associated with outsourcing. It is still happening where I
worked for nine years in a multinational company in Indonesia, mainly in
the final product and maintenance. The only part of the outsourcing that
could not be part of this process is the production line to keep the
company's name.

Policy axioms
The business benefits of outsourcing non-core business functions must be
compared to the business and information security risks. The risks
associated with outsourcing must be managed through the imposition of
reasonable controls, covering legal, physical, logical, procedural and
managerial controls. Policy statements The criteria for selecting a
contractor must be defined and documented, taking into account:
• reputation and history of the company;
• quality of services provided to other customers;
• number and competence of employees and managers;
• the financial stability and commercial history of the company;
• retention rates for company employees;
• quality assurance and safety management standards currently followed
by the company

The Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation policy establishes

the critical processes and procedures that apply to the outsourcing of
material business activities to external service providers. That's it
designed to ensure that CSC uses high-quality external service providers
that will help it achieve its vision and mission and implement its strategic
business objectives. Your contracts with these suppliers are
subject to due diligence, approval and continuous monitoring. CSC has
established the processes and procedures defined in this document to
comply with the relevant statutory obligations. The CSC board of directors
(the board has ultimate responsibility for the outsourcing of any relevant
commercial activity, including responsibility for complying with all legal and
prudential requirements, and requires that these procedures be
implemented and monitored daily, the monitoring of the outsourcing regime
will be carried out by the CSC business team responsible for the
outsourcing activity.




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