Map of desires فونج شوي

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Map of desires: step forward

towards your dream right now


How to make a wish card

A goldfish just in a fairy tale will suddenly appear and fulfill your
cherished dreams. In life, successful people are aware of various
techniques for fulfilling desires, the most effective of which is a wish

What to make a wish card from

In addition to burning desire, you will need: a sheet of paper, old

magazines with colorful pictures, scissors, glue, markers and markers,
your printed photos where you like yourself, young, slim, healthy,

We formulate the desire correctly.

Rule number 1. Formulate the desire must be in the present tense,

as if you already have what you want. For example: "I have a new
highly paid job with a convenient schedule, understanding the boss
and not far from home."

Rule number 2. Start from what you already have. If you live in a
one-room apartment, write that you have a three-room
apartment! You can also guess the villa in Beverly Hills, but too much
gap between reality and expectations will negate your efforts. You
subconsciously and do not believe that it's possible.
Rule number 3. You can not make your wishes more specific. For
example: "I want to marry my colleague Andrew." Destiny can have
other plans for this person. Guess a man with a similar appearance
and character traits. Perhaps this person will become your husband,
and maybe someone else, like him, but even better.

Rule number 4. Your desires should be kind and only yours. You can
not ask your son and daughter-in-law to rent an apartment, ask for a
separate apartment. You can not ask to get fired from Lyuska, and her
house burned down. Ask for a good environment at work, loyal friends
and good neighbors.

How to create a wish card

Take a white sheet of paper or a large sheet for drawing format AZ. In
its center, glue your own favorite photo. Above it we write what we
want, for example: "I am slim and young, my weight is so many
kilograms". The wish card is divided into several sectors, each of
which "answers" for different aspects of life.

Sector of fame and recognition. Above your photo, in the upper

zone, the sector of fame, success and recognition. Here we glue
pictures of cups and medals, on which we write any of our
Sector of love. The next clockwise sector is a relationship, love,
marriage. If you are still alone, then you can put a romantic photo of a
couple in love. If you are married and would like harmony in marriage,
glue your joint happy photo and write beside, for example: "My
husband is faithful to me, always sober, caring and successful."

Sector of children. Then follows the sector that realizes the dreams

of the well-being of children. Here you can write about your hobbies or
creative plans. If you just want children, then we put photos of happy,
healthy babies. If there are children, we paste their photos and write
what success they have achieved.

Travel sector. Further - a zone of rest and travel. There should be

pictures of sea cruises, sandy beaches, beautiful mountains, a house
in the village - everything that your heart desires!

Career and education sector. Under your photo from below is a

zone of professional achievements, and immediately behind it in a
clockwise direction is the zone of education, knowledge and self-
realization. Write here what you would like to achieve at your work,
what office you like, the schedule of work. And in the self-
development sector, indicate what kind of education you would like to
get - basic or additional, which courses you would like to pass. And
maybe you write a dissertation?

The family sector. The next sector is devoted to health, family, home

and comfort. Here we glue pictures of beautiful interiors, healthy and
shining people, cozy gatherings in front of the fireplace.

Sector of prosperity. Left top left. This is the most important part of

the desire card, responsible for wealth, money, prosperity, luxury
goods. Here, we glue the picture of the car of the brand we want,
jewelry, or simply an image of banknotes.

The important point: we compose the map and glue only in a good
mood, under your favorite music, it's very good, if on a full moon. And
preferably alone. After all, these are your inmost thoughts, this is the
secret of your future success!

You need to hang up a card where you will see it often, but others will
not. The more you admire it, the closer the cherished goal.

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