Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1: Americas Headquarters

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Cisco Unified Computing System 4.

1 v1
First Published: 2020-05-12

Americas Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Tel: 408 526-4000
800 553-NETS (6387)
Fax: 408 527-0883
© 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

CHAPTER 1 About 1
About This Demonstration 1
About This Solution 1
Limitations 2
Requirements 2
Topology 2
Before Presenting 3
Get Started 3

CHAPTER 2 Scenarios 5

Scenario 1. Service Profiles 5

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration 6
UCS Series Interactive Models 14
Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades 17
Verify Service Profile Re-Association 24
Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager 26

CHAPTER 3 Appendix 31

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor 31

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1


Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

• About This Demonstration, on page 1
• About This Solution, on page 1
• Limitations, on page 2
• Requirements, on page 2
• Topology, on page 2
• Before Presenting, on page 3
• Get Started, on page 3

About This Demonstration

Experience Cisco UCS 4.1, the leading server solution that simplifies the building, management and automation
of the data center. Get hands-on with a live UCS domain, integrated with Puppet and Razor for deployment
of Linux, Windows and VMware.

About This Solution

Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) delivers smart, programmable infrastructure that simplifies and
speeds enterprise-class application and service deployment in bare-metal, virtualized and cloud-computing
environments. Unified, model-based management, end-to-end provisioning, and migration support come
together in this next-generation data center platform to accelerate and simplify application deployment with
greater reliability and security.
Managed as a single system whether it has one server or hundreds of servers with thousands of virtual machines,
the Cisco Unified Computing System decouples scale from complexity. The Cisco Unified Computing System
accelerates the delivery of new services simply, reliably, and securely through end-to-end provisioning and
migration support for both virtualized and nonvirtualized systems.
The Cisco Unified Computing System is designed to deliver:
• Reduced TCO at the platform, site, and organizational levels
• Increased IT staff productivity and business agility through just-in-time provisioning and mobility support
for both virtualized and nonvirtualized environments
• A cohesive, integrated system that is managed, serviced, and tested as a whole

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1


• Scalability through a design for hundreds of discrete servers and thousands of virtual machines, and the
capability to scale I/O bandwidth to match demand
• Industry standards supported by a partner ecosystem of industry leaders
• To learn more about Cisco Unified Computing System, visit

Firmware upgrades or downgrades are not supported and may not be performed in this demonstration

The table below outlines the requirements for this preconfigured demonstration.

Table 1: Demonstration Requirements

Required Optional
Laptop None for this release.

This content includes preconfigured users and components to illustrate the scripted scenarios and features of
the solution. Most components are fully configurable with predefined administrative user accounts. You can
see the IP address and user account credentials to use to access a component by clicking the component icon
in the Topology menu of your active session and in the scenario steps that require their use.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Before Presenting

Figure 1: Unified Computing System 4.1 Demonstration Topology

Before Presenting
Cisco dCloud strongly recommends that you perform the tasks in this document with an active sessin before
presenting in front of a live audience. This will allow you to become familiar with the structure of the document
and content.
It may be necessary to schedule a new session after following this guide in order to reset the environment to
its original configuration.


Get Started
Follow the steps to schedule a session of the content and configure your presentation environment.

Step 1 Initiate your dCloud session. [Show Me How]

Note It may take up to 20 minutes for your session to become active.

Step 2 Connect to the workstation using one of the available connection methods.
• Cisco AnyConnect VPN [Show Me How] and the local RDP client on your laptop [Show Me How] (Workstation
1:, Username: dCloud\demouser, Password: C1sco12345.
• Cisco dCloud Remote Desktop client [Show Me How].

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Get Started

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

• Scenario 1. Service Profiles, on page 5
• Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager, on page 26

Scenario 1. Service Profiles

The purpose of this scenario is to show how quickly, and efficiently, pre-defined service profile templates
can be used to provision new servers in a UCS Manager environment.
A service profile is a software definition of a server and its LAN and SAN network connectivity. In other
words, a service profile defines a single server and its storage and networking characteristics. When a service
profile is deployed to a server, UCS Manager automatically configures the server, adapters, fabric extenders,
and fabric interconnects to match the configuration specified in the service profile. This automation of device
configuration reduces the number of manual steps required to configure servers, network interface cards
(NICs), host bus adapters (HBAs), and LAN and SAN switches.

Note The following service profile templates have been preconfigured and may be used to provide an overview of
the benefits of the Cisco UCS service profile or how to configure service profiles using Cisco UCS:
• Service Template CentoOS6_Servers
• Service Template CentOS7_Servers
• Service Template Ubuntu12_Servers
• Service Template VMware_ESXi6.5_Servers
• Service Template Windows2012R2_Servers
• Service Template Windows2016_Servers

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Note The traditional manual build process for servers can take hours or days, depending on the number of servers
and configuration requirements. With Cisco UCS Manager integrated with the Puppet and Razor configuration
management and automation solution, multiple server deployments can be completed automatically in less
than half an hour with just a few mouse clicks.

Using Cisco UCS Manager integrated with Puppet and Razor, this section of the demonstration will show:
• How quick and easy it is to create several servers in UCS Manager using service profile templates
• The ability to select the automated installation of a range of different operating systems through Puppet
and Razor integration from the UCS Manager GUI

Step 1 On wkst1, open a Google Chrome browser and click the Cisco UCS Manager bookmark.
Step 2 Click Launch UCS Manager.

Step 3 Click OK to close the Pre-Login Banner, which cautions against firmware upgrades or downgrades in the demonstration

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Step 4 Log in using demouser/C1sco12345 and select dCloud in the domain drop down.

Step 5 In the Navigation pane, click Servers in the side menu.

Step 6 On the Servers tab, expand Servers > Service Profiles > root to show the existing service profiles.
File-Server1 is listed.

Step 7 Expand Servers > Service Profiles Templates > root and then, in the work pane, click Service Profile Templates to
display the list of available templates.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Step 8 Right-click Service Template CentOS6_Servers and select Create Service Profiles from Template from the resulting
menu to begin the automated deployment of two CentOS 6 servers for the infrastructure.

Step 9 In the resulting creation wizard, in the Naming Prefix field, enter Infra-Server and leave the defaults for Name
Suffix Starting Number and Number of Instances.
Step 10 Click OK.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Step 11 Click OK on the resulting pop-up.

Step 12 Show that the new service profiles are now displayed under Service Profiles > root.

Step 13 Click Infra-Server1 and show that the service profile is in Config status, which means the service profile is currently
being configured and applied to a blade server and then point out the blade number in the Associated Server field.
Step 14 Click KVM Console.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

The KVM console shows that the blade server is booting up and being configured. The service profile will shortly be
applied and fully associated with the blade. While the boot and configuration processes are taking place, continue with
the next steps of this scenario.

Step 15 Return to the UCS Manager tab.

Step 16 Click Servers > Service Profile Templates.
Step 17 Expand root and right-click Service Template VMwareESXi6.5_Servers.
Step 18 Select Create Service Profiles From Template from the resulting menu to begin the automated deployment of three
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5 hypervisors in the environment.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Step 19 In the Create Service Profile From Template wizard, in the Naming Prefix field, enter Hypervisor.
Step 20 Leave the default (1) as the Name Suffix Starting Number but change the Number of Instances to 3.

Step 21 Click OK, and then click OK on the pop-up.

Step 22 Show that three Hypervisor service profiles have been created.
Step 23 Click Hypervisor1 to show that they are in the process of being configured and applied to blade servers.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration

Step 24 Click Servers > Service Profile Templates.

Step 25 Expand root, right-click Service Template Windows2016_Servers, and then select Create Service Profile From
Template to begin the automated deployment of a Windows Server 2016 development server.

Step 26 In the Create Service Profile From Template wizard, in the Naming Prefix field, enter Dev-Server.
Step 27 Leave the Name Suffix Starting Number as the default (1) but change the Number of Instances to 1.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Server Provisioning on Cisco UCS with Puppet and Razor Integration


Step 28 Click OK, then click OK on the pop-up.

Step 29 Click the newly created Dev-Server1 service profile to show that it is being configured and applied to a blade.

Step 30 Return to the UCSM / root / Infra-Server1 browser tab and check the status of the first server created named
It is likely that the blade server will still be in the configuration process of applying the Infra-Server1 service profile.
Once the service profile is fully applied and associated to the blade server, the CentOS 6 operating system will
automatically be provisioned.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

UCS Series Interactive Models

Step 31 While the servers just created in the previous steps are provisioning, which will take about 25 minutes, proceed to the
next two sections involving showing the Interactive UCS Models and the ability to move server profiles between
physical blades.
Note Perform the following steps after completing the UCS Series Interactive Models, on page 14 and Moving
Service Profiles Between Physical Blades, on page 17 sections of the scenario.

Step 32 Click the UCSM/ root / Infra-Server1 browser tab to display the KVM console.
The console shows a login prompt for the CentOS 6 operating system, indicating that the server is fully provisioned.

Step 33 Close the UCSM/ root / Infra-Server1 tab.

UCS Series Interactive Models

Step 1 Open a new tab in Chrome, and then go to

Important For the best performance, do not use the web browser on WKST1 over RDP within the demo session
environment. Preferably, use a web browser that resides directly on your own laptop.
If prompted, accept any security warnings.
The UCS Series Interactive Models webpage displays.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

UCS Series Interactive Models

Step 2 Click Cisco UCS B-Series Server M5.

Step 3 Click the Notes icon ( ) to display additional information within the image for highlighted items.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

UCS Series Interactive Models

Step 4 Click Explore Product Animations, to see the menu of available components.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 5 Show all or some of the physical components, based on customer interest.

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Note Moving Service Profiles. It is possible to move a service profile from one physical blade to another. There
are several reasons that this might be done:
• Scheduled maintenance. Routine maintenance can easily be performed on a blade with no disruption of
service and no down time.
• Equipment upgrades. The process described in this demonstration can be used when it is necessary to
take a blade out of service for specified upgrades.
• Equipment failure. A service profile can be moved from one blade to another in the event of failure. The
recovery is measured in minutes rather than days.

This demonstration illustrates service profile mobility and the ease with which one blade can be removed
from service (with a specific service profile associated and running) and another blade within the same server
pool is powered on with the exact same service profile but using different hardware.

Step 1 Return to the UCS Manager window.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 2 In the navigation pane, on the Servers tab, expand Servers > Service Profiles > root.
Step 3 Click File-Server1.
In the work pane, on the General tab, the Properties area identifies the server currently associated with this service
profile. In the example in the figure below, the Associated Server is chassis-1/blade-8.

Step 4 On the demonstration workstation, click the Remote Desktop Connection icon on the taskbar.
Step 5 In the Remote Desktop Connection window, make sure file-server1 is entered in the Computer field and click

Step 6 In the password field, enter C1sco12345 and then press Enter to log in to the file-server1 desktop.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 7 On the file-server1 desktop, launch Notepad from the taskbar, and then type some unique content in the Notepad
window, for example, the date or the customer’s company name.

Step 8 Save the text document to the desktop as demotest.


Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 9 Verify the text file has been saved to the desktop and close the Notepad window.

Step 10 Disconnect from the file-server1 RDP session.


Step 11 Return to the UCS Manager window, which is still open to the File-Server1 work pane.

Step 12 In the Navigation pane, select the Equipment tab.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 13 On the Equipment tab, expand Chassis > Chassis 1 > Servers.
Step 14 Select the server currently associated to the File-Server1 service profile.
Step 15 In the work pane, which opens by default to the General tab, review the Service Profile field to confirm the File-Server1
service profile is associated with this server.
Step 16 In the Actions section, click Server Maintenance.

Step 17 In the Server Maintenance window, select Decommission, and then click OK.

Step 18 Click Yes to confirm and then click OK.

Step 19 Show that in the Physical Display area of the work pane, the server displays Needs Resolution.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 20 In the Navigation pane, on the Servers tab, expand Servers > Service Profiles > root.
Step 21 Select Service Profile File-Server1.
In the work pane, the Status area will at first display a configuration failure. The Associated Server field in the
Properties area will be blank.

In a few seconds, the Properties area will show that the service profile is associated with another server, and the Status
area will show an Associating state. When the Associating state changes to Associated, the service profile has
been moved to the new blade. Take note of the newly associated blade server number in the Associated Server field.
In the following figure, the Associated Server is chassis-1/blade-7.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Moving Service Profiles Between Physical Blades

Step 22 After the Assoc State changes to Associated, wait about 10 minutes for the Windows Server to fully come up.

Step 23 During this time, if desired, check the provisioning status of Infra-Server1 by clicking the UCSM / root / Infra-Server1
browser tab. If a login prompt for the CentOS6 operating system is available, this indicates that the server is fully

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Verify Service Profile Re-Association

Step 24 Close the UCSM/ root / Infra-Server1 tab.

Verify Service Profile Re-Association

Wait approximately ten minutes after the service profile association before performing this section of the

Step 1 On the demonstration workstation, click the Remote Desktop Connection icon on the taskbar.
Step 2 In the Remote Desktop Connection window, make sure file-server1 is entered in the Computer field and click
Step 3 In the password field enter C1sco12345 and then press Enter to log in.

Note If the RDP connection fails, then the Windows Server has not fully come up yet. Wait a few more minutes or
open the KVM console of the File-Server1 service profile to watch the server as it comes up. Once the Windows
server is at the login screen, it is available to accept RDP connections. When opening the KVM console, accept
any certificates or warnings.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Verify Service Profile Re-Association

Step 4 Show that the demotest.txt shortcut appears on the desktop.

Step 5 Open the demotest.txt file created earlier to show that it is the same, even though the service profile has moved to a new
hardware blade.

Step 6 Minimize the file-server1 RDP session.

Step 7 Return to UCS Manager and click Equipment in the side menu.
Note You may see a window to Resolve Slot Issue in the UCS Manager for the server that was decommissioned.
If you see this window, click OK and re-acknowledge the slot to recommission the server.

Step 8 Show that the server decommissioned earlier is still down. In the example in the following figure, it is Server 8.

Step 9 In the Navigation pane, click the server identified earlier as newly associated with the File-Server1 service profile. In the
figure below, it is Server 7. In the Work pane, verify the association in the Service Profile field under the Properties

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager


Note You can clone a service profile in the Cisco UCS Manager GUI. This capability is useful if you need one service
profile with similar values to an existing service profile.

Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager

The purpose of this scenario is to show the features of the HTML5 Cisco UCS KVM Manager, which allows
quick KVM access to any provisioned service profile.

Step 1 Open a new browser tab, or open Google Chrome if it is not already open.

Step 2 Click the Cisco UCS Manager bookmark then click the Launch KVM Manager button to
open the Cisco KVM Manager.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager

Step 3 Click OK to close the Pre-Login Banner, which cautions against firmware upgrades or downgrades in the demonstration
Step 4 Log in using demouser/C1sco12345 and select dCloud in the domain drop down.

Step 5 Show that all the service profiles from UCS Manager are listed in the KVM Launch Manager.
Step 6 Click the Launch button for Hypervisor1.

Step 7 Click the hyperlink on the KVM server certificate acceptance page to enter the KVM console window for Hypervisor1.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager


Step 8 Show the VMware ESXi 6.5 welcome screen that confirms that Hypervisor1 is fully provisioned.

Note If VMware ESXi 6.5 is still provisioning on Hypervisor1, proceed to Step Step 9, on page 28 and show
Dev-Server1. If both servers are still provisioning, wait a few minutes and try again. In total it takes
approximately 22 minutes for the Hypervisors and 25 minutes for the Dev Server to fully provision.

Step 9 Return to the Unified Computing System KVM browser tab and click the Launch button for Dev-Server1.

Step 10 Click the hyperlink on the KVM server certificate acceptance page to enter the KVM console window for Dev-Server1.

Step 11 Show the Windows Server 2016 welcome screen indicating that Dev-Server1 is fully provisioned.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager


Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Scenario 2. Cisco UCS KVM Manager

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

• Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor, on page 31

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and

The purpose of this section is to explain the integration of Cisco UCS Manager with the Puppet and Razor
configuration management and automation solution. The configuration that makes the integration possible
will also be explored.
Scenario 1 showed the creation of service profiles from service profile templates pre-configured for different
operating systems. The resulting servers are then automatically provisioned with the operating system of the
selected service profile template. There are a number of steps involved in this process.
After the service profile is created from the service profile template, the service profile is randomly assigned
to a blade in the server pool associated with the service profile template. Once the service profile has been
applied and fully associated with the blade, a PXE network boot from the Razor server occurs. During this
PXE network boot, the Razor microkernel is loaded into the memory of the blade server, and the server boots
into the Razor microkernel. The Razor microkernel then registers the blade server with the Razor server. Once
registration is complete, the Razor microkernel reports a construct called facts – properties or characteristics
of the blade server – to the Razor server. Based on the facts reported, the Razor server then assigns a tag to
the blade server that maps a policy (also created on the Razor server) that determines what operating system
should be provisioned on that blade.
Log into the Razor server to examine some of the configuration elements.

Step 1 Click the PuTTy shortcut on the demo workstation taskbar to open the PuTTy window.
Step 2 Double-click to open a session on the Razor server.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Step 3 Log in using root/C1sco12345.

Step 4 Expand the PuTTy window to allow better visibility of the commands and output.
Step 5 At the [root@razor1 ~]# prompt, enter razor | more to show the parameters available for the razor command,
which is the primary command used in this exercise.
Step 6 At the top of the command output, note the list of Collections. Then use the space bar to scroll through the parameters.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Step 7 Enter the command razor nodes to see a table showing the nodes that are registered with the Razor server.
There are five columns in the table.
• name – shows the name of the node
• dhcp_mac – shows the MAC address of the node at the time of registration
• tags – shows the tag associated with the node, which in turn determines the policy that controls which OS is
installed and how it is installed
• policy – shows the policy associated with the node
• metadata count – refers to values that have been defined by an administrator or collected by the server


Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Step 8 Enter the command razor nodes node40 to take a closer look at node40.
The output shows the state, which includes the installed OS, the time of installation and the current state of the

Step 9 Enter the command razor nodes node40 facts | more to see the facts that are presented to the Razor server about this
node during the boot process.
Note that the dmi_oem_string_2 field contains the name of the service profile instance from UCS Manager.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Step 10 Press the space bar to scroll down and show the processors, memory information, interfaces, and additional facts about
the properties of the blade server.

Step 11 Enter the command razor tags to see a table of tags that can be associated with nodes.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Note that the tags listed in the name column correspond with the operating systems of the service profile templates in
UCS Manager.

Step 12 Examine the nodes column of the tags table.

Note that the number of nodes to which each tag is assigned matches the number of service profiles created in Scenario
1 and applied to blades.
Step 13 Using the centos6 tag as an example, explain that the rule directs the system to look for a fact called dmi_oem_string_3,
and to determine whether that field is populated with the value CentOS6_Servers.

Step 14 Scroll back up to the output of the razor nodes node40 facts | more command, and show that the value of
dmi_oem_string_3 is CentOS6_Servers, which would cause the centos6 tag to be assigned to this node.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Step 15 To tie the concepts together, return to the UCS Manager tab and click Infra-Server1 in the Service Profiles list. Show
that the Service Profile Template for this service profile is identified as CentOS6_Servers.

Step 16 Reinforce how the tags work in Razor – the name of the Service Profile Template is passed as a fact by the Razor
microkernel to the Razor server under the dmi_oem_string_3 value.
The Razor server uses the reported fact to assign a tag to the blade server. The tag then determines what policy is
mapped, which, in turn, controls what operating system is provisioned. In the next steps, it will become clear how that
tag relates to a policy.
Step 17 Enter the command razor policies to see the policies configured on the Razor server for OS provisioning.
• name – indicates the name of the policy.
• repo – indicates the folder (repository) on the Razor server in which the OS installation files reside.
• task – represents a set of defined actions on how the OS is to be provisioned.
• broker – determines hand off of the server after the OS is installed. (This could be to Puppet Enterprise, which
could then be used for further configuration & management – this is outside the scope of this demonstration.)
• enabled – shows whether the policy is enabled.
• max_count – indicates the maximum number of nodes that can have this policy assigned (the column cells will
be blank if a limit has not been set).
• tags – indicates the tag that will cause this policy to be applied.
• nodes – indicates the number of nodes on which the policy is currently assigned.


Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Step 18 Enter the command razor repos to take a closer look at the repositories where the operating system installation files

Step 19 Explain that when creating a repository on a Razor server, the process is to transfer the OS ISO to the Razor server,
where they are unpacked and placed in a directory. The directory is then linked to a policy as a repo.
The reason the Windows OS’s do not have an iso_url is because the Razor server does not have the native ability to
unpack the Windows OS installation DVDs, so the files must be transferred manually.
Step 20 Enter the command razor tasks to see a breakdown of the available tasks, including the base task if applicable, and
the boot sequence used during OS provisioning.

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1

Appendix A. Cisco UCS Manager Integration with Puppet and Razor

Cisco Unified Computing System 4.1 v1


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