Servqual Study On Public and Private Banks

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Differences in

Service Quality
(Public vs Private Banks )

By Group 5

Ashima Kakar ( 10EX-008)

Dilip Kumar Mallick ( 10EX-013)

Monideepa Saha ( 10EX-027)

Shishir Singhal ( 10EX-048)

Udai Singh ( 10EX-057)

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Background of Private and Public Banks in India .......................................................................................... 3
Before Liberalization: ................................................................................................................................ 3
Post Liberalization: .................................................................................................................................... 4
Literature Review .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Problem Statement ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Research Objective: ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Research Questions ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Research / Statistical Hypothesis: ................................................................................................................. 6
Research Design ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Questionnaire: .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Sampling Technique ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Findings & Discussion.................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Demographic Findings........................................................................................................................... 9
2. Servqual Scores of Customer Expectations & Perceptions ............................................................. 10
Comparison of Public and Private Banks with respect to servqual Score............................................... 11
Comparison of Public & Private by using Paired Sample t test............................................................... 12
Tangibility : .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Reliability : Difference between customer perception and expectation against the dimesnion of
reliability varies significantly only for public banks. For private banks, it is insignificant. Hence, public
bank should focus on all the items under reliability to compete with private banks. ........................... 12
Responsiveness : ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Assurance ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Empathy: ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Comparison of the perceptions of customers of Public and Private Bank ................................................. 13
Thus, we find the perceptions among customers significantly differ between public and private banks in
the following dimesnions: ........................................................................................................................... 14
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 15
References: ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Questionnaire: ........................................................................................................................................ 16


In the last one decade, the Indian Banking Industry has gone through several regulatory
changes that have resulted in a heightened level of competition among banks. The entry of the
private sector banks have increased the level of expectation of customers in all areas relating to
customer service. Banks that excel in quality service can have a distinct marketing edge since
improved levels of service quality are related to higher revenues, increased cross sell ratios,
higher customer retention and expanded market shares.

As a result , public sector banks are reorienting and redesigning their operation strategies with
the sole objective of improving their performance. Public sector banks are making huge
investments for modernization to offer service quality that is being offered by private banks.
Hence, we feel the need for an appraisal of public banks with respect to private banks in terms
of service quality.

Background of Private and Public Banks in India

Before Liberalization:
Despite the provisions, control and regulations of Reserve Bank of India, banks in India except
the State or SBI, continued to be owned and operated by private persons. By the 1960s, the
Indian banking industry had become an important tool to facilitate the development of
the Indian economy. At the same time, it had emerged as a large employer, and a debate had
ensued about the nationalization of the banking industry. Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minister of
India, expressed the intention of the Government of India in the annual conference of the All
India Congress Meeting in a paper entitled "Stray thoughts on Bank Nationalisation." The
meeting received the paper with enthusiasm.

Thereafter, her move was swift and sudden. The Government of India issued an ordinance and
nationalised the 14 largest commercial banks with effect from the midnight of July 19, 1969. A
second dose of nationalization of 6 more commercial banks followed in 1980. The stated reason
for the nationalization was to give the government more control of credit delivery. With the
second dose of nationalization, the Government of India controlled around 91% of the banking
business of India. Later on, in the year 1993, the government merged New Bank of

India with Punjab National Bank. It was the only merger between nationalized banks and
resulted in the reduction of the number of nationalised banks from 20 to 19. After this, until the
1990s, the nationalised banks grew at a pace of around 4%, closer to the average growth rate of
the Indian economy.

Post Liberalization:
In the early 1990s, the then Narsimha Rao government embarked on a policy of liberalization,
licensing a small number of private banks. These came to be known as New Generation tech-
savvy banks, and included Global Trust Bank (the first of such new generation banks to be set
up), which later amalgamated with Oriental Bank of Commerce, Axis Bank(earlier as UTI
Bank), ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank. This move, along with the rapid growth in the economy of
India, revitalized the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong
contribution from all the three sectors of banks, namely, government banks, private banks and
foreign banks.

The next stage for the Indian banking has been set up with the proposed relaxation in the
norms for Foreign Direct Investment, where all Foreign Investors in banks may be given voting
rights which could exceed the present cap of 10%,at present it has gone up to 74% with some

The new wave ushered in a modern outlook and tech-savvy methods of working for traditional
banks.All this led to the retail boom in India. People not just demanded more from their banks
but also received more.With the growth in the Indian economy expected to be strong for quite
some time-especially in its services sector-the demand for banking services, especially retail
banking, mortgages and investment services are expected to be strong.

Literature Review
Many scholars and service marketers have explored consumers’ cognitive and affective
responses to the perception of service attributes in order to benefit by providing what
consumers need in an effective and efficient manner. Consumer satisfaction (e.g. Cadott et al,
1987; Churchill & Surprenant, 1982; Fornell,1992; Oliver, 1997) and PSQ (e.g. Parasuraman et
al, 1985, 1988; Rust & Oliver, 1994; Zeithaml et al, 1996) have been considered the primary
intervening constructs in the area of service marketing because ultimately they lead to the
development of consumer loyalty or re-patronization of a product or service. Consumer
perception of service quality is a complex process. Therefore, multiple dimensions of service
quality have been suggested (Brady & Cronin, 2001). One of the most popular models,
SERVQUAL, used in service marketing, was developed by Parasuraman et al (1985, 1988).

SERVQUAL is based on the perception gap between the received service quality and the
expected service quality, and has been widely adopted for explaining consumer perception of
service quality. Originally 10 dimensions of service quality were proposed (reliability,
responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security,
understanding the consumer, and tangibles). Later these were reduced to five (reliability,
responsiveness, empathy, assurances and tangibles).

There is general agreement that the aforementioned constructs are important aspects of
service quality, but many scholars have been sceptical about whether these dimensions are
applicable when evaluating service quality in other service industries. For example, Cronin &
Taylor (1992) argued that the evaluation of service quality based on the expectation-
performance gap derived from Parasuraman et al (1985, 1988) is insufficient because much of
the empirical research supported performance-based measures of service quality. This has
more explanatory power than measures that are based on the gap between expectation and
performance (e.g. Babakus & Boller, 1992; Babakus & Man gold, 1992; Churchill & Surprenant
1982). In addition, SERVQUAL focuses more on the service delivery process than on other
attributes of service, such as service-encounter outcomes (i.e. technical dimensions). In other
words, the SERVQUAL measurement does not adequately explain a technical attribute of
service. Thus many scholars have argued that the components of SERVQUAL could not fully
evaluate consumer perception of service quality in certain industries (Cronin & Taylor, 1992;
Finn & Lamb, 1991). Grönroos (1984) suggested two attributes of service which have been
identified as dimensions of service quality based on the conceptualization of service quality as
between perceived service and expected service. As an extension of Grunions’ model, Rust &
Oliver (1994) provided a three-component model explaining service quality through service
product, service delivery and service environment, while Brady & Cronin (2001) suggested three
service quality dimensions – service outcome, consumer-employee interaction and service
environment. The notion of service product/service outcome and service delivery/consumer-
employee interaction is consistent with the idea of technical attribute and functional attribute
derived from Gronroos ‘Model.

Problem Statement

One of the determinants of success of a firm is how the customers perceived the resulting
service quality, as the perceived service quality is the key driver of perceived value (Collart,
2000). In our research, we intend to analyze the differences in service quality from customer’s
perspective in public and private sector banks.

Research Objective:

1. To find out the key dimensions of service quality in bank from customer’s point of view .

2. To find the differences in customer perception towards the service quality between the
two categories of bank, namely private and public sector banks in India.

Research Questions

Q1. Does appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, printed and visual materials
effect customer satisfaction?
Q2. Does ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately influence
customer satisfaction?
Q3. Does staff or employees’ initiative and willingness influence customer satisfaction?
Q4. Does knowledge and courtesy influence customer satisfaction?
Q5. Does customization and individual attention given by a bank influence customer

Research / Statistical Hypothesis:

1) There is no difference between the two groups of banks in terms of service quality with
respect to the tangible facilities.
2) There is no difference between the two groups of banks in terms of service quality with
respect to reliability of services.
3) There is no difference between the two groups of banks in terms of service quality with
respect to responsiveness.
4) There is no difference between the two groups of banks in terms of service quality with
respect to assurance.
5) There is no difference between the two groups of banks in terms of service quality with
respect to empathy.

Research Design

In our research , we will study the three major public and private players in the banking sector
– namely:

Public Sector Banks – State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank and Bank of India

Private Sector Banks – ICICI Bank , HDFC and Axis Bank

Exploratory research : A detailed literature review of different models and various research
papers in the exploratory research of secondary data helped us to zero in on the Servqual
model by Parasuraman.

Descriptive research will be used to gain insight into customer’s perceived service quality
offered by Public and Private banks .

We will be using primary data in this research study and the primary data will be collected
through survey method by using an undisguised structured questionnaire,

SERVQUAL ( Parasuraman, et al 1985).


Questionnaire consists of two sections; Section 1 contains of original 22 questions or

statements related to service quality. The respondents will be asked to rate each statement
using the balanced Likert scale of 1 to 7 with mid point (1 – strongly disagree, 7 – strongly
agree). Section 2 contains the questions related to socio-demographic profiles of respondents.
The respondents will be required to rate all 22 statements each on expectation and as well as
perception. All statements will be reshuffled to make sure that questions related to one
dimension are not grouped together. This is just to avoid pre-determined assumptions made by
the respondents on each dimension that might result in similar ratings for all statements under
the same dimension.

Questionaire has been enclosed separately in the Appendix.

Sampling Technique

The respondents are selected on the basis of convenience sampling. Questionnaires will be
distributed to the customers of three major players in the two groups. The data will be
collected by using both personal and electronic contact approach.

The sample size is chosen on the general guidelines for sample size that depends on the
number of variables involved in the study and as the instrument used in this study has 22 items
( statements) , the required sample size should be 210 ( 10 times the total number of items ) (
Nunnally,1978). However, Hair et al cautioned if the sample size exceeds 400 , the goodness of
fit is poor .

However if we use statistical formulae for deriving the sample size

N= {z^2(pq)}/e^2
Taking z= 1.96
p= 0.5 & q=0.5 (customer will either be satisfied or dissatisfied)
e = .05

putting these values in above formulae be will get N= 384

For the data collection, we used the Survey Method. In the survey method, we relied primarily
on primary survey as the servqual questionnaire is long and hence, it will ensure complete
We also used the electronic method wherein we floated the questionnaire online for

We were able to complete 230 questionnaires which is more than 10 times than the number of
items ( Nunnally,1978). Out of the total respondents,

123 respondents were for Private Banks

107 respondents were for Public Banks

Findings & Discussion

1. Demographic Findings

The basic findings related to demographic characterstics of customers in public and

private banks are given below :

Table 1 : Demographic details

Factor Category Private Public

26-35 75.61% 76%
36-45 12.20% 11%
46-55 1.63% 2%
Age Group Above 55 10.57% 11%
Male 73% 65%
Gender Female 27% 35%
Student 29% 31%
Private sector employed 42% 47%
Public sector employed 24% 20%
Self employed 4% 3%
Occupation Others 1% 0%
Less than Rs 50,000 17% 20%
Between Rs 50,000-100,000 40% 47%
Between Rs 100,001-
150,000 3% 1%
Above Rs 150,000 9% 1%
Monthly Income Not Available 31% 31%

As seen in the table, our sample survey across private and public banks consisted of maximum
respondents from the age group 26-35.The ratio of male to female was approximately 7:3.
Moreover, maximum respondents were employed in the private sector. In 31 % of our data, we
have no information regarding the monthly income. However, in the balance data, the
respondents are majorly from the monthly income bracket of Rs 50,000-100,000.

2. Servqual Scores of Customer Expectations & Perceptions
We have calculated the servqual scores for each of the items pertaining to the dimensions in
the Servqual questionnaire as shown in Table 2.

Servqual Score for any item = Perception Score – Expectation Score

Table 2 : Comparison of Servqual scores between Private and Public Banks

Private Bank Public Bank

Score Score
Dimensions Item (Servqual) Sig (Servqual) Sig

Excellent Banking companies have modern looking equipment -0.50407 0.004 -0.73832 0.002
The physical facilities at excellent banks are visually appealing -0.30894 0.139 -0.68224 0.003
Tangibility Employees at excellent banks will be neat appearing -0.26016 0.113 -0.57944 0.005
Materials associated with the service ( such as pamphlets or statements
) will be visually appealing at an excellent bank -0.17886 0.327 -0.72897 0.001
Average Value -0.31301 0.007 -0.68224 0.000
When excellent banks promise to do something, they do 1.878049 0.099 -0.52336 0.012
When customers have a problem , excellent banks will show a sincere
interest in solving it -0.54472 0.004 -0.8785 0.000
Excellent banks will perform the service right at the first time -0.57724 0.001 -0.63551 0.006
Excellent banks will provide service at the time they promise to do so -0.47154 0.009 -0.68224 0.003
Excellent banks will insist on error free records -0.4878 0.011 -0.71028 0.001
Average Value -0.04065 0.875 -0.68598 0.000
Employees of excellent banks will tell customers exactly when services
will be performed -0.44715 0.012 -0.6729 0.002
Employees of excellent banks will give prompt service to customers -0.6748 0.000 -0.53271 0.018
Employees of excellent banks will always be willing to help customers -0.85366 0.000 -0.37383 0.092
Employees of excellent banks will never be too busy to respond to
customer request -0.71545 0.000 -0.83178 0.000
Average Value -0.67276 0.000 -0.6028 0.000
The behaviour of excellent banks will instill confidence in cutomers -0.44715 0.023 -0.93458 0.000
Customers of excellent banks will feel safe in transactions -0.44715 0.008 -0.23364 0.243
Assurance Employees of excellent will be consistently courteous with customers -0.6748 0.000 -0.98131 0.000
Employees of excellent banks will have knowledge to answer customer
questions -1.09756 0.000 -0.52336 0.012
Average Value -0.66667 0.000 -0.66822 0.000
Excellent banks will give customers individual attention -0.66355 0.005 -0.8374 0.000
Excellent banks will have operating hours convenient to all the
customers -0.43925 0.039 -0.54472 0.005
Excellent banks will have employees who give customers personal
attention -0.72897 0.005 -0.88618 0.000
Excellent banks will have their customers best interest at heart -0.78505 0.002 -1.21138 0.000
Employees of excellent banks will understand the specific need of their
customers -0.97196 0.000 -0.95122 0.000
Average Value -0.71776 0.000 -0.88618 0.000

Servqual score for all the items bear negative sign meaning that expectations are greater than
performance, i.e. percieved quality is less than satisfactory and thus a service quality gap exists.

Comparison of Public and Private Banks with respect to servqual Score

Tangibility: Servqual Score is lower for public banks

Public Banks : -0.68224, Private Banks : -0.31301

Thus on the parameters like modern looking equipment , visual appeal , neat employees/staff
and visually appealing material, private banks are better than pubic banks as per the

Reliability: Servqual Score is lower for public banks

Public banks: -0.68598 & Private Banks : -0.04065

Thus on the parameters like in keeping their promise , in solving problems of customers,
providing right service at the first time, providing service at the right time and providing error
free service , private banks are better than public banks as per the respondents.

Responsiveness: Serqual Score is marginally lower for private banks compared to public

Public Banks: -0.6028 & Private Bank : - 0.67276

Thus on the parameters like informing the customers when the service will be performed,
providing prompt service to customers , willings to help its customers and employees are never
too busy to respond to customer requirement, public banks are slightly better than private
banks as per the respondents.

Assurance: Servqual score is same for both private and public banks.

Public Banks : -0.66822 & Private Banks : -0.66667

Thus on parameters like instilling confidence in the customer, feeling safe in transactions,
consistent courteous behaviour with customers and knowledge of employees to answer
customer questions, both public and private banks are perceived at the same level by our

Empathy : Sevqual Score is lower for public banks

Public Banks : -0.88618 & Private Banks : -0.7716

Thus on parameters like individual attention to customers, operating hours , personal attention
to customers, specific need of customers, private banks are silghtly better than public banks as
per the respondents.

Comparison of Public & Private by using Paired Sample t test

We have studied the significance of the difference between perception and expectation by
using “ Paired Sample t Test” wherein we have assumed the following hypothesis :

Null Hypothesis : Difference between Perception and expectation for ith dimension is zero
Alternate Hypothesis : Difference between Perception and expectation for ith dimension is not
equal to zero.

Tangibility : The dimension of tangibility varies significantly both for public and private
banks as the p value is less than level of significance of 0.05. Hence, both public and private
banks should work on the service quality dimension of tangibility.

However, by evaluating individual items under the dimension of tangibility , we find that
• Private banks have to improve majorly on modern looking equipment as per the
respondents. For other items under tangibility, the respondents for private banks do
not have any significant difference between their perception and expectation.
• Public banks have to improve on all the items under the dimesnion of tangibility as
there is significant difference between perception and expectation.

Reliability : Difference between customer perception and expectation against the dimesnion
of reliability varies significantly only for public banks. For private banks, it is insignificant. Hence,
public bank should focus on all the items under reliability to compete with private banks.

Responsiveness : Difference between customer perception and expectation against the

dimension of responsiveness varies significantly both for public and private banks. All the items
under the dimension of responsiveness are significantly different both for public and private
banks. Thus , both should focus on these parameters to improve the level of satisfaction among

Assurance : Difference between customer perception and expectation against the dimension
of assurance varies significantly both for public and private banks.However, public banks are
able to meet the customer’s expectation with respect to safety of transactions and hence,
private banks need to improve in this area.

Empathy: Difference between customer perception and expectation against the dimension of
empathy varies significantly both for public and private banks. All the items under the
dimension of empathy are significantly different both for public and private banks. Thus, both
should focus on these parameters to improve the level of satisfaction among customers.

Comparison of the perceptions of customers of Public and Private Bank

We are using the Mann Whitney U test to compare the perceptions of customers in various
dimensions of servqual model.The hypotheses used are:

Null Hypothesis: The public and private banks are identical on the dimensions.

Alternate Hypothesis: The public and private banks are identical on the dimensions.

Table 3 : Mann Whitney Output

Mean Rank
Dimensions Item Whitney Sig Private Public
Excellent Banking companies have modern looking equipment 5634.5 0.028 123.19 106.66
The physical facilities at excellent banks are visually appealing 5182 0.001 126.87 102.43
Tangibility Employees at excellent banks will be neat appearing 5770.5 0.057 122.09 107.93
Materials associated with the service ( such as pamphlets or
statements ) will be visually appealing at an excellent bank 4976 0.000 128.54 100.50

When excellent banks promise to do something, they do 6048 0.201 119.83 110.52
When customers have a problem , excellent banks will show a sincere
interest in solving it 5277.5 0.003 126.09 103.32
Excellent banks will perform the service right at the first time 5955 0.170 120.59 109.65
Excellent banks will provide service at the time they promise to do so 5950.5 0.152 120.62 109.61
Excellent banks will insist on error free records 5584.5 0.020 123.60 105.96

Employees of excellent banks will tell customers exactly when services

will be performed 5559.5 0.018 123.8 105.96
Employees of excellent banks will give prompt service to customers 6243.5 0.448 118.24 112.35
Employees of excellent banks will always be willing to help customers 6569.5 0.980 115.59 115.40
Employees of excellent banks will never be too busy to respond to
customer request 5858.5 0.122 121.37 108.75

The behaviour of excellent banks will instill confidence in cutomers 5988.5 0.189 120.31 109.97
Customers of excellent banks will feel safe in transactions 6483 0.818 116.29 114.59
Assurance Employees of excellent will be consistently courteous with customers 5433.5 0.013 124.83 104.78
Employees of excellent banks will have knowledge to answer customer
questions 6130.5 0.317 119.16 111.29

Excellent banks will give customers individual attention 6199 0.401 118.60 111.93
Excellent banks will have operating hours convenient to all the
customers 5864.5 0.110 121.32 108.81
Excellent banks will have employees who give customers personal
attention 5887.5 0.137 121.13 109.02
Excellent banks will have their customers best interest at heart 6215 0.436 118.47 112.08
Employees of excellent banks will understand the specific need of their
customers 6174 0.379 118.80 111.70

Thus, we find the perceptions among customers significantly differ between public and private
banks in the following dimesnions:

a) Modern Looking Equipments ( Dimension : Tangibility ) – As the mean rank of private

banks is higher than the public banks for this item , respondents percieve private banks
to be better than public banks in this dimension.

b) Visually Appealing Physical Facilities ( Dimension : Tangibility ) - As the mean rank of

private banks is higher than the public banks for this item , respondents percieve
private banks to be better than public banks in this dimension.

c) Visually appealing material associated with customer service (Dimension : Tangibility) -

As the mean rank of private banks is higher than the public banks for this item ,
respondents percieve private banks to be better than public banks in this dimension.

d) Sincere Interest in solving customer problems ( Dimension : Reliability ) - As the mean

rank of private banks is higher than the public banks for this item , respondents
percieve private banks to be better than public banks in this dimension.

e) Error Free Records ( Dimension : Reliability) - As the mean rank of private banks is higher
than the public banks for this item , respondents percieve private banks to be better
than public banks in this dimension.

f) Exact information of services to customers ( Dimension : Responsiveness) - As the mean

rank of private banks is higher than the public banks for this item , respondents
percieve private banks to be better than public banks in this dimension.

g) Employees are courteous to customers ( Dimension : Assurance) -As the mean rank of
private banks is higher than the public banks for this item , respondents percieve
private banks to be better than public banks in this dimension.


In our analysis, we have observed the following:

• Based on Servqual score, Public banks have to improve in the dimensions of tangibility,
reliability and empathy in their service quality to increase the level of satisfaction to
compete against private banks.
• Based on Servqual Score, both public and private banks have significant differences in all
the service quality dimensions with respect to customer perception and expectation
except in reliability of service for private banks. In reliability , private banks are able to
meet customer expectation esp. In their promise of service.
• Public banks are able to meet the customer expectation of safety of transactions
(dimension – assurance). Private Banks have to work and increase the assurance of their
service in terms of safety.
• On comparing the customer perceptions, we find the public banks should improve in the
following areas to increase the level of customer satisafaction: Modern looking
equipment in the bank, visually appealing facilities, ways of dealing with customers’
problems, ensuring error free records, information to cutomers regarding delivery of
services and courtesy extended to customers.


1) Articles sourced from :

a) Comparative evaluation of critical factors in delivering service quality of Banks (
Mukesh Kumar , F T Kee , Vincent Charles )
b) Determining the relative importance of critical factors in delivering service quality of
Banks ( Mukesh Kumar , F T Kee , Amat Taap Manshor)

2) Using Servqual to measure employee satisfaction : An Iranian Case Study ( Mehran

Nejati , Mostafa Nejati & Azadeh Shafaei- Department of economics , Yazd University,
Iran )

3) Measuring Service Quality of Commercial banks towards SMEs in Northern Cyprus (

Okan Veli Safakali, Near East University , Turkey)

4) Business Statistics - Ken Black

5) Packages used for Analysis : SPSS



Expectations Perceptions

The following statement relate to your feeling about your bank (

The survey deals with your opinion of banks . Please show the
SBI/PNB/BOI/ICICI/HDFC/Axis Bank). Please show the extent to
extent to which you think banks should possess the following
which you believe your bank has the feature describe in the
features.What we are interested in is a number that best shows
statement.Here we are interested in a number that shows your
your expectation about institutions offering banking services
perception about your bank .

Strongly Strongly Agree Strongly Strongly Agree

Disagree Disagree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Statement Statement Perception
Excellent Banking companies have modern
1 looking equipment My bank has modern looking equipment
The physical facilities at excellent banks are My bank's physical facilities are visually
2 visually appealing appealing
Employees at excellent banks will be neat
3 appearing My bank's employees are neat appearing

Materials associated with the service ( such as Materials associated with the service ( such as
4 pamphlets or statements ) will be visually pamphlets or statements ) is visually appealing
appealing at an excellent bank at my bank

When excellent banks promise to do When my bank promises to do something , it
5 something, they do does so

When customers have a problem , excellent When I have a problem , my bank shows a
banks will show a sincere interest in solving it sincere interest in solving it
Excellent banks will perform the service right at My bank performs the service right at the first
7 the first time time

Excellent banks will provide service at the time My bank provides its service at the time it
8 they promise to do so promises to do so
My bank provides its service insists on error
9 Excellent banks will insist on error free records free recors

Contd next page

Expectations Perceptions

Employees of excellent banks will tell customers exactly when Employees in my bank will tell excatly when the
services will be performed service will be performed

Employees of excellent banks will give prompt service to Employees in my bank will give me prompt service


Employees of excellent banks will always be willing to help

Employees in my bank are willing to help me

Employees of excellent banks will never be too busy to respond Employees in my bank are never too busy to respond
to customer request to my request


The behaviour of excellent banks will instill confidence in The behaviour of employees in my bank instill
cutomers confidence in me

Customers of excellent banks will feel safe in transactions I feel safe in my transactions with my bank

Employees of excellent will be consistently courteous with

customers Employees in my bank are consistently courteous with

Employees of excellent banks will have knowledge to answer Employees in my bank have knowledge to answer my
customer questions quetsions

Excellent banks will give customers individual attention My bank gives me individual attention

Excellent banks will have operating hours convenient to all the My bank has operating hours convenient to all its
customers ciustomers

Excellent banks will have employees who give customers My bank has employees who give me personal
personal attention attention

Excellent banks will have their customers best interest at heart My bank has my best interest at heart

Employees of excellent banks will understand the specific need

Employees of my bank understand my specific needs
of their customers

Section B


Age 25-35 35-35 35-45 45 -55 55 above

Gender Male Female

Private Sector Public employed
Occuptions employed
Less than 50,000 50,000 - 1,50000 1,50000-2,00000 0 and

Type of
Savings Current Salary Student


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