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nt. network protocol and learn it’s commend line argume 1. To understand x-windows,
x-lib, x-toolkit and x
Programs in C/C++ language.
erver and get the sender and protocol information. 2. Write a program to establish
connection with x s
r, foreground and o create a new window of a given size, title, borde 3. Using X library
of the server, write a program t
background colors.
ing x library. 4-5 To implement keyboard event handling/marking us
drawing x library and interface with windows managers and 6-7 To implement mouse
event handling/marking using
8. To implement a multiple windows application.
omponents in Visual Basic. 9-10 To implement various drag and drop based GUI c
components in Motif and Lesstif. 11-12 To implement various drag and drop based GUI


List of Projects are as follows (Implement any one)
g cart web site oject has all basic features required for a shoppin Shopping cart project
using ADO.NET: This sample pr 1.
P.NET, SQL Server. t etc. A good ASP.NET learning project using C#, AS including
Login, Registration, Add to Cart, Checkou
ject support Address Book aging personal details. Current version of this pro Personal
Assistant: This is a small project for man 2.
es using VB.NET. feature - Add, Edit and Manage contacts and address
nal Assistant’ project. contact details. This is a C# version of the 'Perso Address Book:
This is a small project for managing 3.
aging education institutes using C#. School Management System: This is a project for
man 4.
ect for students using Java. Library Management System: This is an academic proj 5.
e web server using ates with web services and downloads Alerts from th spider Alerts &
Web services: This project communic 6.
Java & XML.
reatment details in a ed to keep track of the patients’ information and t Patient
Information System: This software can be us 7.
etc using JSP, Servlet & nclude patient consulting, lab information, billing hospital or
clinic. Some of the advanced features i
architecture is used to d to keep track of your contacts/addresses. N Tier Web based
Address Book: This application can be use 8.
separate data layer, business layer and UI layers.
Simple Design exercises:
comparator. Half adder, Full adder, Subtractor Flip Flops, 4bit 1.
Parity generator 2.
Bit up/down counter with load able count 3.
Decoder and encoder 4.
8 bit shift register 5.
8:1 multiplexer 6.
Test bench for a full adder 7.
Barrel shifter 8.
N by m binary multiplier 9.
RISC CPU (3bit opcode, 5bit address) 10.
ed. SIM/ Leonardo Spectrum Tools/VIS/SIS Tools to be us Xilinx Tools/ Synopsis
Tools/ Cadence Tools/ Model

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