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Case studies to be uploaded to the homework vault in IS.
1. Application of the approach of "international political
economy", resp. political economics (on topics that focus on the
national level).
2. Case study 3-4 pages - character of the text must correspond
to a short study dealing with the selected problem.
3. The study typically includes a brief characteristics of the
(IPE) context, the definition of the main actors, their interests
and objectives, the definition and the mechanism of the problem,
current status and future outlook.
4. The text is typically based on relevant empirical data and
source statistics.
5. Recent data is preferred where appropriate.
6. Deadline: January 17, 2021
International trade
1. World trade flows - growth of trade, growth of international
trade to GDP of countries, geographical distribution of trade,
dynamics of development and trends.
2. Structure of world trade - differences between regions,
dynamics of change, intra- trade industry and intra-firm trade.
3. The collapse of world trade during the Great Depression -
protectionist measures, impact on trade volume, consequences.
4. Liberalization of international trade under GATT / WTO -
tariffs, other barriers to trade - the current state of protection
measures (in developing and developed countries).
5. Liberalization of foreign trade during transformations (Post-
Communistic; neoliberal) - change in structure, change in
volume, regional distribution.
6. International trade and trade policy USA / Japan / China
(choose one) – structure, volume and openness, contemporary
7. The EU in international trade - structure, territorial
distribution, volume, openness...
8. Common commercial policy of EU - institutions, policy
making process, policies, trends.
10. International commercial disputes - typical examples -
interests, actors, dispute development, decisions,
Economic Development
1. Marshall Plan and other forms of assistance to post-war
Europe – historical context, objectives, volume of support and
its character, results.
2. Form and nature of economic reforms in China after 1978.
3. Japanese development strategy from the 1950s to the present -
industrial policies and their impacts.
4. Import substitution industrialization - example of Brazil /
Mexico / India. 6. Export-led growth - an example of South
Korea, Taiwan, China.
8. Development of debt crisis - based on data.
9. Poverty problem and economic inequality - based on data.
10. Economic situation of sub-Saharan Africa- based on data.
11. Development strategy GB / USA in the 19th century -
foreign - economic policies and their development.
International money
1. Gold standard – origins
2. Gold standard – real vs. theoretical functioning
3. Bretton Woods system – origin
4. Bretton Woods system – demise
5. The current international monetary system – a brief
6. Monetary sovereignty – what makes a country monetary
7. Loss of monetary sovereignty and power of the world
financial markets
8. International monetary fund – origin, purpose and
9. World Bank – origin, purpose and development
10. Balance of payments adjustment – a success of austerity
policy (pick a country)
11. Balance of payments adjustment – a failure of austerity
policy (pick a country)
12. Balance of payments adjustment – a success of heterodox
policy (pick a country)
13. Balance of payments adjustment – a failure of heterodox
policy (pick a country)

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