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Dollar Percent Dollar Percent

Cash On Hand $2387 100% $2,335.7 97.85%
Receivables $1,179.10 100% $1,334.70 113.20%
Inventory $109.9 100% $116.8 106.28%
Pre-paid Expenses $692.5 100% $615.8 88.92%
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets $4368.50 100% $4,403 100.79%
Property, Plant And Equipment $22,060.60 100% $22,834.50 103.51%
Long-Term Investments $1,335.30 100% $1,427 106.87%
Goodwill And Intangible Assets $2,586.10 100% $2,653.20 102.59%
Other Long-Term Assets $1624.70 100% $1,672.20 102.92%
Total Long - Term Assets 27,606.70 100% $28,586.90 103.55%
Total Assets $31,975.20 100% $32,989.90 103.17%
Total Current Liabilities $2,924.70 100% $3,509.20 119.98%
Long Term Debt $11,497 100% $12,133.80 105.54%
Other Non-Current Liabilities $1,586.90 100% $1,612.60 101.62%
Total Long Term Liabilities $14,416.30 100% $15,090.50 104.68%
Total Liabilities $17,341 100% $18,599.70 107.26%
Common Stock Net $16.60 100% $16.60 100.00%
Retained Earnings(Accumulated Deficit) $33,811.70 100% $36,707.50 108.56%
Comprehensive Income $752 100% $449.70 59.73%
Others Share Holders Equity
Share Holder Equity $14,634.20 100% $14,390.20 98.33%
Total Liabilities And Share Holders Equity $31,975.20 100% $32,989.90 103.17%
2012 2013
Dollar Percent Dollar Percent
$2,2336.10 97.87% $2,798.70 117.25%
$1,375.30 116.64% $1,319.80 111.93%
$121.7 110.74% $123.7 112.56%
$1089 157.26% $807.9 116.66%

$4,922.10 112.67% $5,050.10 115.60%

$24,677.20 111.86% $25,747.30 116.71%
$1,380.50 103.39% $1,209.10 90.55%
$2,804 108.43% $2,872.70 111.08%
$1,602.70 98.65% $1,747.10
$30,464.40 110.35% $31,576.20
$35,386.50 110.67% $36,626.30
$3,403.10 116.36% $3,170
$13,632.50 118.57% $14,129.80
$1,526.20 96.17% $1,669.10
$16,689.80 115.77% $17,446.60
$20,092.90 115.87% $20,616.60
$16.60 100.00% $16.60
$39,278 116.17% $41,751.20
$796.40 105.78% $427.60

$15,293.60 104.51% $16,009.70

$35.686.50 110.67% $36,626.30

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