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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, No.

5, May 1985 1035


A. Monticelli Felix F. Wu

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

and the Electronics Research Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley CA 94720

Abstract - Two algorithms are presented; one for (i) testing the taminate the state estimation of the observable islands. In this paper an
observability of a network and (ii) identifying the observable islands algorithm is also presented for measurement placement which
when the network is unobservable, and the other for selecting a (i) selects a minimal set of additional measurements to make the net-
minimal set of additional measurements to make the network observ- work observable
able. The two algorithms are based on triangular factorization of the (ii)
guarantees the additional measurements would not contaminate
gain matrix and are characterized by (i) being extremely simple, (ii) the state estimation results.
using, subroutines already in a state estimation program, and (iii) incur-
ring very little extra computation. The design and testing of the algo- It should be noted that a more general problem for measurement
rithms are presented in this paper. placement in the planning stage is the problem of selecting an optimal
set of measurements based certain criterion, such
on the quality of as

I. INTRODUCTION the state estimation, or the reliability of having observable network


under different contingencies, etc. [10-15].

The static state estimation for on-line applications in power sys-
tem control centers processes a set of often redundant measurements to The observability analysis is performed during the triangular fac-
obtain the best estimate of the state of the system. A power network is torization of the gain matrix G. For identification of observable
observable if the set of measurements makes the state estimation possi- islands, usually one solution of linearized state estimation is required

ble. The observability depends on the number of measurements and where the triangular factorization of the gain matrix already done was

their geographic distribution. Even if the system is designed to be in the observability test. The measurement placement algorithm also
observable, temporary unobservability may occur due to network topol- makes use of the triangular factorization of the gain matrix and the
ogy changes or failures in the telecommunication systems. solution of a linearized state estimation problem. Thus the observabil-
ity analysis imposes very little extra cost in computation. Indeed it is a
Mathematically network observability is related to the rank of the fraction of the computation required for the state estimation algorithm
Jacobian matrix of the estimation equations. However the rank of a itself. The method is also stable and robust. The proposed algorithms
matrix is very sensitive to the numerical values of its elements, use essentially the same subroutines already available in the existing
whereas the observability should not. Therefore most of the proposed state estimation program. The approach of this
new reduces the paper

methods on network observability are combinatoric in nature and use observability problem to a subproblem of general state estima-
no float-point calculation. Clements and Wollenberg [11 proposed a

tion problem, which means simplification in coding, reduction of inter-

heuristic procedure to process measurements for observability. facing problems, in addition to computational savings.
Allemong, Irisarri and Sasson [2] pointed out that the method in [1] is
conservative in the sense that they may label an observable system as The two algorithms are based the results derived
on in [16]. At
unobservable and proposed a modified version. Horton and Masiello least Conclusion section of that should be consulted for the

[3] extended the method in [11 to decoupled state estimators. understanding of the algorithms. After the presentation of each algo-
Handschin and Bongers [41, based on a necessary condition for observa- rithm in what follows, an illustrative example is worked out in detail.
bility, proposed a method which tests the connectivity of the Jabobian The algorithms have been tested extensively on all systems that have
matrix. Clements, Krumpholz and Davis [5-81 developed a theoretic been studied for observability in the published literature. Some test
topological basis of a "correct" algorithm for network observability. The results are included in the paper.
algorithm utilizes concepts from graph theory. Quintana, Simoes-
Costa, and Mandel [91 recognized the fact that the problem formulated
in [4-8] may be solved by a matroid intersection algorithm. The com- II. THE OBSERVABILITY ALGORITHM
binatoric methods seem very complex and computationally expensive. This algorithm tests the observability of network and identifies

They are a set of completely separate algorithms from the state estima- observable islands (the sub-network and the measurement subset)
tion problem. when the network is not observable. It is based the results derived

in the theory of network observability that have developed [16.

In this paper, first an algorithm is presented which: we

Strictly speaking one should apply the observability algorithm first

to the P 0 model and then to the QV model. The intersections of the
(i) tests the observability of the network and resulting observable islands from the models two the observable are
identifies the observable islands of the network when it is not islands of the system. But since in practice the real and reactive power
observable. measurements usually come in pairs, the second application of observa-
When the network is not observable, one would like to know bility algorithm is seldom necessary.

where additional measurements should be placed so that the network It should be pointed out thAt in state estimation if branch that a

will become observable. In system operation when temporary unobser- neither has a flow measurement it on injection measurement at
nor an

vability occurs, sometimes it is possible to add some pseudo- one of its terminal nodes, that branch does not come into the matrix H
measurements to make the system observable. In such cases, it is and thus it does not play any role neither in observability analysis nor
desirable that the lower quality pseudo-measurements should not con- in state estimation. Such a branch be discarded from further con-

On leave from Departamento de Engenharia Eletrical, UNICAMP, Campinas, S. P., sideration.

Step 1. Initialize the measurement set of interrest (current content
of the measurement set for observability analysis) as consist-
ing of all available measurements.

84 SM 580-7 A paper recommended and approved Step 2. Update the power network of interests (current content of
by the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the network for observability analysis ) by removing all
the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation branches that neither have flow measurement nor at least

at the IEEE/PES 1984 Sumner Meeting, Seattle, one injection measurement at its terminal nodes.
Washington, July 15 - 20, 1984. Manuscript submit- Step 3. Form gain matrix Go.
ted 7ebruary 2, 1984; made available for printing 0-
June 6, 1984.
Step 4. Perform triangular factorization of
pseudo-measurements whenever a zero
pivot is
If only one zero-pivot occurs (necessarily at the end), stop.
0018-9510/85/0005-1035$01.00©1985 IEEE
Step 5. Solve the DC estimator equation GOO = H7oWpzp for 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
considering all the measured values equal to zero, except for 1 1-3/5 -2/5 1
the 0-pseudo-measurements that assume the values
=k -0,1,2, and so on. . 1 -1 I 2
Step 6. Evaluate branch flows Pkm = xk,:, (4, - 0"),G and £ being
G(4) 1 -3 1 1 3
_= =~~1 1 O1
the k-th and m-th components of q for all branches k-m

Step 7.
within the power network obtained in Step 2. If there are
no power flows Pkm .0, stop. Else
Update the power network of interest by removing all
==O 0 54k=5
_1 0 6+-n=6
branches k-m with Pkm .0, these are unobservable
In this case we have two zero-pivots, which means that the
Step 8. Update the measurement set of interest by removing power system is divided into two or more observable islands (an
injection measurements from buses adjacent to at least one isolated node is considered a one-node island). The zero
of the branches removed in Step 7. These are irrelevant pivots occur at nodes 5 and 6. We can introduce 0-pseudo-
measurements. measurements at nodes 5 and 6. Let wo = 1 be the weight-
Step 9. Return to Step 2. ing factor assigned to these measurement. The introduction
Comment: The algorithm as presented is an iterative scheme as of these two measurements makes G0(5,5) = 3 and
evidenced by the presence of Step 9. The iteration is required because G0(6,6) = 2. The (5,5)-th and (6,6)-th elements of the
the subnetworks identified can only be classified theoretically as candi- upper triangular matrix Uo become equal to 1.
dates for observable islands (see discussion in [161). Except for patho- Step 5. At this,step we have to solve the DC state estimator equa-
logical cases, however, these subnetworks are usually indeed observable tion GOO = H TWpzp. All the regular measurements are
islands. Thus in the identification of observable islands, usually only considered equal to zero; the 0-pseudo-measurements are
two solutions of the linearized state estimator is required (in Step 5). 05 = 0 and 06 = 1. Thus the independent vector:
H T Wpzp = [0,0,0,0,0,1.] T
The six-nodes network of Fig. 1 is used to illustrate how the Step 6. The branch flows in the power network of interest are:
P1,2 = 0.;P1,3= 0.;P3,4 =-1.;P4,5 = 0.; and
observability algorithm works. All branch impedances are equal to jI,
and.all weighting factors are equal to 1. For the sake of simplicity, in P4,6 =-1.
the examples discussed in this section the triangular factorization of GO Step 7. The unobservable 3-4 and 4-6 are removed from the power
is performed without using any optimal pivot ordering criterion. network.
Step 8. The irrelevant injection measurement P4 is removed from
,#I the measurement set of interest.
Step 9. Return to Step 2. Notice that at this stage of the observabil-
ity analysis, the power network of interest and the measure-
#2 ment set of interest are as given in Fig. 2.
Step 2'. No branches are removed at this step.
Step 3'. The new gain matrix Go is:

1 2 3 4 5 6
5 -3 -2 1
-3 3 1 2
G6 =
-2 1 1 3
1 -1 4
~-1 1 5
Fig. 1. Six-nodes network example.
Step 1. The measurement set of interest is {PI,P4,PP12,P4,5}
Step 2. Branch 2-3 is removed from the power network. ,#1
Step 3. The gain matrix Go is:

1 2 3 4 5 6
5 13 -2 1
-3 2 __
1 =- 2
-2 I 3 -4 3 #4
-4 11 -4 -3 4
-1 -4 2 3 5
_= ~~~~~1-_3 1 _ 6

Step 4. By Gaussian elimination we get:

Fig. 2. Six-nodes network example.

Step 4'. By Gaussian elimination we get:

1 2 3 *4 5 6
Test B-2: 'After 2 measurements are removed, there are two
1 -3/5 -2/5 _ 1 observable islands. The smaller island is formed by nodes 86 through
1 -1 2 90.
I 1 3÷03=0
I = __ 1 -1 4

E-I__ 1 _ 6+e6=2
O-pseudo-measurements have been introduced in nodes 3,
5, and 6, with weightings w = 1.
Step 5'. At this step we solve the DC state estimator equation for 0
HJTWpzp = [0.,0.,O.,O.,l.,2JT
O = [O.,O.,o.,1.,1.,2.]T
Step 6'. The branch flows in the power network of interest are:
P1,2 P1 3 P4,5 0. We have three islands, each one
= = =

with a different angle as shown in Fig. 3.


IC, 8421 85:1

3t n ,3 4 I e_
Fig. 4. The 14-bus network
02-° oIII
r% e6- 2
013 This algorithm selects a set of additional pseudo-measurements to
make' the network barely observable. Thus they would not contaminate
the state estimation of the observable' islands. The selection is per-
formed sequentially by adding one pseudo-measurement at a time. The
Fig. 3. Observable islands candidates for additional pseudo-measurements to make the whole net-
work observable are the injection measurements for which the nodes it
is connected to belong to different observable islands. The additional
pseudo-measurement if not redundant will make some unobservable
IV. TEST RESULTS branches observable, thus coalescing observable islands into larger
The new observability algorithm has been tested on all systems
ones. Computationally this selection process can be accomplished by a
that have been studied for observability in the published literature. scheme which adds a pseudo-measurement from the candidate list and
Each network has been studied for a variety of measurement systems,
then recalculates the observable islands at each iteration until the whole
network becomes one observable island. In order to guarantee that the
including both observable and nonobservable cases. The new algorithm new injection measurement is not redundant, it should be selected at a
worked satisfactorily in all cases. Some of the tests performed on a
14-bus network and a 121-bus network are summarized in the follow- node at which the calculated (estimated) power injection from the
ing. result of the state estimation of the observable islands is nonzero.
Thus an algorithm may be designed for measurement placement which
In the observability algorithm that is presently implemented, we blends into itself the basic steps of the observability algorithm. The
set all line reactances and all weighting factors equal to one in the algorithm presented below is an embodiment of such an idea. The
linearized state estimation model. Thus only topological data of the computational requirement of the algorithm depends on an efficient
network and of the measurement system are used. All computations scheme for updating the triangular factors of the gain matrix after a
are performed in single precision on a 32-bit word machine. Values of new measurement is added. This is given in the Appendix.
the pivot elements and the flows with magnitude less than 10-4 are
considered zero. Step 1. Form gain matrix G0.
Step 2. Perform triangular factorization of Go introducing 0-
A. The 14-bus Network pseudo-measurements whenever a zero pivot is encountered.
The 14-bus network shown in Fig. 4, was studied by Krumpholz, If only one zero pivot occurs, stop.
Clements, and Davis in Ref. [5]. Step 3. Solve the DC state estimator equation for Q considering all
Test A-i: The measurement system is as in Fig. 4. The network the measured values equal to zero, except for the 0-pseudo-
is observable. measurements that assume tha values ok = 0,1,2, and so
Test A-2: Injection measurement 5 is removed. The network
splits into an observable island [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9) and an unobservable Step 4. Determine the set of the nodes that do not have injection
island {6;10;11;12;13;141. measurements and whose adjacent branches have at least
one non-zero flow. These nodes are candidates to have
B. The 121-Bus Network injection pseudo-measurements. If there is no candidate
nodes, stop. Else
This is the 121-buses network studied by Quintana, Simoes-Costa,
and Mandel in Ref. [9]. Step 5. Introduce a injection pseudo-measurements at one of the
candidate nodes and update the LDLT factors of G9 using
Test B-i: The measurement system has 148 flow measurements the algorithm (A20) in the Appendix.
and 8 injection measurements. Due to space limitation, the data is not
reproduced here, but is available in an internal report. The network is Step 6. Solve the DC state estimator equation for Oas in step 3.
observable. Compute the residuals ok' - for- all 0-pseudo-
measurements with non-zero residual. Update the LDLT
factors of Go using algorithm (A20) in the Appendix.
Step 7. Return to Step 3.
A i-
N =N Q
In this section we present an example to illustrate how the
pseudo-measurement placement algorithm works. Consider the unob-
servable network of Fig. 1.
Step 1. The gain matrix Go is: A
e2 = I
1 2 3 4 5 6 l
5 -3 -2 1 e6: e z I

-3 2 1 2
-2 1 2 -3 1 1 3
-- -3 -j:0 -4 -3 4 Fig. 5. State of the network after step 3.
1 -4 2 1 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
L- ...I _1 -3 1 1 6
1 1
Step 2. By Gaussian elimination we get:
-3/5 1 2
1-2/5 -i 1- 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 -3 1 4
1 Il 1 1 11 -1/2 ~1 5
-3/5 1 = = = 2 _____ 1 -1/2 -1/2 1 6
-2/5 -Y1 1I 3
~ ~ ~ -
1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 -1 1
5 1
l1 0 0 1 6-+- 1/5 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 - -T~~~~~~~~~ 4
5 1
- 1/5

~~~3/2 5
3 1 1 ~~~~~4/3 6
1 4
1 Step 6. Solving GO0O HpOWpz p for q considering
5 Pj" =P4 = P6- P1,2 = P4"5 = 0° 0Sm =O, and
6 6= 1, we get ( ' 1/2,½,1/2,lh,1/4,1/41. The 0-
residuals are 0'm - - ½ and -6 = - 1/4.
Pseudo-measurement 04m is removed. The new LDL T fac-
0-pseudo-measurements have been introduced in nodes 5
tors, are the same as in step 5, except for the D(6,6) 1/3.
and 6. Step 3'. Solving GOO = H/oWpzp for q considering
Step 3. At this step we have to solve the equation P1¶.= P4 = P6 = Pj,2 = P4 5 =0 and 0 m = 0, we
Goo H p1;WpZ p.
= All measurements are made equal to get 0T = (0,0,0,0,0,0].
zero, except for the 0-pseudo-measurements that are
Step 4'. The system is observable.
= and 0 = 1. Thus the independent vector is
H TWpzp [0,0,0,0,0,1] T The new pseudo-measurement placement algorithm has been tried
The solution Ois obtained through the factors LDLT: on two systems: the 14-bus system studied in ref. [8] and the 121-bus
system of ref. [9].
@= 1-1,-1,-1,0,0,1]

A. The 14-Bus Network 181

The solution is illustrated by Fig. 5. Figure 8 of ref. [8] shows the IEEE 14-bus system with the "must
use" measurements (injections at nodes 1,2,3,7,9,12, and 14, and flows
Step 4. The set of nodes that are candidates to have injection in branches 1-2, 1-5, 2-3, 4-7, 4-9, 6-13, 7-8, and 7-9) and pseudo
pseudo-measurements is f3,6). measurements (injections ar nodes 3, 5, and 10). Pseudo-
Step 5. A power injection pseudo-measurement is introduced at measurements are used only if necessary to make the system observ-
node 6. The new factors LDLT are obtained using algo- able.
rithm (A20). Initially we consider only the must-use measurements. At step 3
of the algorithm we realize that the system is unobservable: 0-pseudo-
measurements are introduced at nodes 5, 10, and 14. At step 4 the fol-
lowing nodes are candidates to have an injection pseudo-measurement:
5, 6, 10, 11, and 13. Pseudo-measurements are available at nodes 3, 5,
and 10. At step 5 an injection pseudo-measurement is introduced at
node 5. At step 6 0 " is deleted. At step 4' (second cycle) we still
have three candidates to receive injection pseudo-measurements: nodes
6, 10, and 11. There is an available injection pseudo-measurement at
node 10. At step 5' an injection pseudo-measurement is introduced at
node 10. At step 6' Ofl is deleted. At step 4" (third cycle) all nodal [6] K. A. Clements, G. R. Krumpholz and P. W. Davis, "Power Sys-
injections are equal to zero. So, the algorithm stops. The introduction tem State Estimation Residual Analysis: An Algorithm Using Net-
of pseudo-measurements p5 and pj7 have made the system observ- work Topology," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
able. 100, no. 4, pp. 1779-1787, April 1981.
[7] K. A. Clements, G. R. Krumpholz and P. W. Davis, "Power Sys-
B. The 121-Bus Network 191 tem State Estimation with Measurement Deficiency: An Algo-
The measurement system used is such that the nodes 87 through rithm that Determines the Maximal Observable Subnetwork,"
90 are unobservable. At step 2 pseudo-measurements 0o2,86',oj8, and IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 101, no. 9, pp.
90 are introduced. Injection pseudo-measurements are added as fol- 3044-3052, September 1982.
lows: add P#8m and delete Ofl; add P86 and delete O 6; and finally add [81 K. A. Clements, G. R. Krumpholz and P. W. Davis, "Power Sys-
P(4 and delete O m. Pseudo-measurement 04T is kept as angular refer- tem State Estimation with Measurement Deficiency: An
ence. Observability/Measurement Placement Algorithm," IEEE Trans.
Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102, pp. 2012-2020, July
Two algorithms are presented, one for (i) testing the observability [9] V. H. Quintana, A. Simoes-Costa, and A. Mandel, "Power System
of a network and (ii) identifying the observable islands when the net- Observability Using a Direct Graph-Theoretic Approach," IEEE
work is unobservable, and the other for selecting a minimal set of addi- Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 617-626,
tional pseudo-measurements to make the network observable. Both March 1982.
algorithms are characterized by: [10] H. Edelmann, "A Universal Assessment of the Superior Quality of
* being extremely simple. Distribution of Measuring Points for the State Estimation of
* using subroutines already in a state estimation program. High-Voltage Network," Proc. PSCC, Cambridge, U.K., 1975,
* requiring only the triangular factorization of the gain matrix of the Paper No. 2.3/7.
linearized state estimator when the system is observable, and the [11] F. Ariatti, L. Marzio and P. Ricci, "Designing State Estimation in
solution of usually two linearized state estimation when the sys- View of Reliability," Proc. 5th, PSCC, Cambridge, U.K., Paper
tem is unobservable. No. 2.3/8.
* being numerically stable and robust. [12] H. J. Koglin, "Optimal Measuring System for State Estimation,"
The computational requirement of the proposed algorithm is only a Proc. PSCC, Cambridge, U.K., 1975, Paper No. 2.3/12.
fraction of the cost of the state estimation itself. Since subroutines in [13] E. E. Fetzer and P. M. Anderson, "Observability in the State Esti-
the state estimation are used, the approach proposed in this paper mation of Power Systems," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Sys-
reduces the observability analysis to a subproblem of a more general tems, vol. PAS-94, pp. 1981-1988, Nov./Dec. 1975.
state estimation problem, which means simplification in coding, reduc- [14] K. Phua and T. S. Dillon, "Optimal Choice of Measurements for
tion of interfacing problems, in addition to computational savings. State Estimation," PICA Proc., Toronto, Ontario, May 1977, pp.
The algorithm proposed in this paper can be easily implemented 43 1-441.
in any existing state estimation program and take advantage of the [15] S. Aam, L. Holten and 0. Gjerde, "Design of the Measurement
available subroutines therein. Since the linearized estimation state is System for State Estimation in the Norwegian High-Voltage
actually the first iteration of the decoupled state estimation algorithm, Transmission Network," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems,
further simplifications are possible when the observability algorithm is vl. PAS-102, pp. 3769-3777, December 1983.
implemented on a decoupled state estimation program. If so imple- [16] A. Monticelli and F. F. Wu, "Network Observability: Theory,"
mented, we expect that the observability test would incur almost no submitted for presentation at IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Seat-
extra cost when the network is observable. This is extremely desirable
since most of the time the network is observable. We are currently tle, WA 1984.
testing the feasibility of such simplifications. [17] A. Monticelli and F. F. Wu, "A Method that Combines Internal
The approach proposed in this paper represents our continuing State Estimation and External Network Modeling," IEEE PES
effort in the development of a comprehensive methodology to reduce Winter Meeting, 1984, Dallas, 84WM 034-5, to appear in IEEE
all state estimation related problems into a more general state estima- Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems.
tion problem. Recently the external network modeling has been suc- [18] A. Monticelli and A. Garcia, "Reliable Bad Data Processing for
cessfully incorporated into the general state estimation problem [171. Real-Time State Estimation," IEEE Trans. PAS, vol. 102, no. 5, pp.
The bad data identification problem has been addressed earlier [18]. 1126-1139, May 1983.
[19] E. C. Housos and G. D. Irisarri, "A Sparse Variable Metric Optim-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ization Method Applied to the Solution of Power System Prob-
lems," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 101, no. 1,
Research sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute, pp. 195-202, January 1982.
Power System Planning and Operations Program, under Contract RP
1999-6. [20] J. M. Bennett, "Triangular Factors of Modified Matrices," Numer-
ische Mathematik 7, pp. 217-221, 1965.

[1] K. A. Clements and B. F. Wollenberg, "An Algorithm for Obser- Let A be a (nxn) symmetric matrix, whose triangular factors
vability Determination in Power System State Estimation," Paper LDLT are known, and let A be a matrix given by
A75 447-3, IEEE PES Summer Power Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, 1975. A =A + av vT (A. 1)
[2] J. J. Allemong, G. D. Irisarri, and A. M. Sasson, "An Examina-
tion of Solvability for State Estimation Algorithms," Paper A80 where v is a nxl vector and a is a scalar (rank one modification). We
008-3, IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, 1980. )yant to determine the triangular factors LDLT of the modified matrix
[3] J. S. Horton and R. D. Masiello, "On-Line Decoupled Observabil- A as a function of the triangular factors LDLT of the original matrix.
ity Processing," PICA Proc., Toronto, Ontario, pp. 420-426, Here we present a new derivation of triangular factors updating algo-
1977. rithm, which is simpler than the ones given in [19,20] and can be easily
extended to rank p modifications.
[4] E. Handschin and C. Bongers, "Theoretical and Practical Con- Matrix A can be factorized as
siderations in the Design of State Estimators for Electric Power
Systems," in Computerized Operation of Power Systems, S. C. A = LDLT (A.2)
Savulescu, Editor, Elsevier, pp. 104-136, 1972.
[5] G. R. Krumpholz, K. A. Clements, and P. W. Davis, "Power Sys-
tem Observability: A Practical Algorithm Using Network Topol-
when L is a lower triangular matrix given by
ogy," IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 99, pp. L = L1 2L n- I (A.3)
1534-1542, July/Aug. 1980.
and D is a diagonal matrix given by which means that we can put the elements of the original matrix A(°)
D =Dj1D-D D-' (A.4) as functions of d1,Q1, and A(lb-where A(') is the reduced matrix that
results from pivoting around a11 .
The elementary matrix Lj can be written down as Using the same kind of partition as in (A.8) and introducing
expressions (A.9), (A.1) can be rewritten as follows
J , 1- 1 1-%- 1 I 1 I

an a1 2 ._I d, #I I

L. =
- t
i (A.5) a (0) A 022 d111 A( +d l

I .I I

where J is a (n-j) x 1 vector given by

[L. j,J,Lj+2,j, *--, Lnj
IT+ (A.6) LVI V2I Z
where Lsj is the ,j-thelement of L.
where L,j is the ij-th element of L.
The elementary matrix Dj is identical to a unit matrix except for (A.10)
the (j,j)-th element that is equal to df-1, where dj is the (j,j)-th ele- V2
ment of D. h
We know that by elementary matrix operations we can transform
A into a unit matrix:
av VT
LIA(°)LlTD0 (A.7)
Let L 1 be the elementary matrix
L2A(l)L22D2D =AM
1 _T
Ln_lA(n-2)LTl Dn-I= -An-13
A(n-)Dn =In L= (A.11)
Let us now consider the first transformation in (A.7) with more _11 ': n-I
I i I OT an ~ (0) a12(0) T

Premultiplying (A.10) by L1 and posmultiplying LT, we get

rn-il 22 a1 dI d, (11 _-1) T

a0) A(O)
0 ~(1)
wA(.'22 )

22 +
d.d , - _I1) (11
#l6 I
d-11 -11
T 1 o

o 1n-1 .II
22 v1 V v2- jl T|

PE (A.12)
Identifying the corresponding submatrices in (A.8) we get

=() = d11 (A.9)

From the (1,1)-th element, we have
?1 =d, +av2 (A.13)
A2(O) A2(2) + dluIIT
From the (i,l)-th elements, for i = 2,---,n, we have
the expense of an additional subroutine, if the alternative theoretical ap-
0 = d1(Q1 -X1) + av1(v -v_ () A.14) proach required an additional factorization.
Finally, could the algorithms presented by the authors be extended
11 = (dlll +a v1V2)/?l (A.15) to insure redundancy at all busses rather than only observability? Such
redundancy would insure that the loss of any single measurement would
From the the (ij)-th elements, for i = 2,*--,n andj = 2,*,n, we have not cause observable islanding. Many electric utilities are interested in
meter placement algorithms which not only guarantee observability but
= A22) +
d,(1 -7 ) Tl -7) (A.16) also guarantee redundancy so as to insure that a bad measurement can
be identified.
+ a (v2 V1d1)(V2 VIII) -

Manuscript received July 30, 1984.

Introducing (A.14) into (A. 16) and simplifying:
A. Monticelli and F. F. Wu: We thank Mr. Snyder for his valuable com-
(2) = A2(1) + a(l)v(l)v(l)T (A.17) ments. We would like first to point out the difference between (a)
topological observability [5, 7] and (b) numerical observability [5]. In the
literature, observability usually refers to topological observability. This
where definition is followed in this paper. Numerical observability refers to the
a(1) =
Id1/d, (A.18) ability to solve the nonlinear state estimation equations from a given set
of initial conditions, i.e., the matrix equation at each iteration of the
v =
V2 -
vlj 1 (A.19) state estimation solution is numerically nonsingular. The simple exam-
ple of Fig. 6 illustrates the difference. The three-bus system with the given
measurements is topologically observable. However the gain matrix (flat
Thus, and711 can be obtained through (A.13) and (A.15) as func- voltage start) is singular is (i) E < 10-4 and (ii) a 32-bit work machine
tions of d1, , and v. Also, expression (A.17) shows that the reduced is used [21]. This system is numerically unobservable when "normal equa-
system (A.17) has the same structure of the original system (A.1), tions approach" is used. The problem may be alleviated if other methods
which means that the same procedure can be used to determine d2 and for SE solution are used instead [21]. It is seen from this example that
12, and so on. numerical observability depends on the solution method used, the word
The following algorithm can be used to update L and D: length of the machine, as well as the initial point. Numerical observability
implies topological observability, but the converge need not hold.
For j =1,2,---,n The approach to observability analysis that we proposed in this paper
is capable of unifying the analysis for topological observability and
/3 =dj numerical observability. Setting all line impedances and weighting fac-
tors to one in the dc state estimator, as done in the paper, provides the
dj,-dj + (-lI) a 2
analysis for topological observability. When real data are used in the
terminate if j = n nonlinear state estimator, the analysis on Jacobian matrix at each itera-
tion gives numerical observability. In such a case, the specification of
y = a (-l) vjldj (A.20) tolerance (as zero) is system dependent. There is no ready answer to Mr.
Snyder's question.
For i = j+l,",n The "'topological-oriented approach" [1-9] uses graph-theoretic
v-vi -vjL(i,j) criterion for (topological) observability analysis that has no direct link
to numerical observability. The software for (topological) observability
L(i,j)<-L(i,j) + yv1 is a completely separate one from the state estimation solution software
itself. This separation is precisely the root of the problem encountered
a(j) = a(i-1)8/ dj by Mr. Snyder. An error in the (topological) observability software that
wrongly classifies an unobservable system observable would not be deleted
Discussion in the state estimation solution phase and might create false confidence
Walter L. Snyder, Jr. (Leeds & Northrup Company, North Wales, PA): in the erroneous results. Therefore when the topoloigcal method is us-
The authors are to be congratulated for a well-organized, rigorous, and ed. some sort of numerical checking is needed (additional software) in
complete theoretical presentation of network observability. A Topological performing triangular factorization of the gain matrix. Our approach
approach has been used at Leeds & Northrup based on Refs. [1] and basically extends that methodology for numerical checking to the com-
[3] of the paper. This approach appears fully compatible with the more plete topological observability analysis.
theoretical approach as presented by Monticelli and Wu. It should be noted that there is practically no overhead in computa-
The topological approach was applied to a customer system of about tion when applying our approach for numerical observability. For
650 busses and 1,800 lines, including a very dense external equivalent. topological observability, one should not charge the full factorization
Initially, the observability algorithm contained an error with respect to as computational overhead because the same optimal ordering is used
the placement of pseudo-injections for coupling a load flow (injections for state estimation solution. Moreover, the computational efficiency
only) area to an area observed by line measurements. As a consequence, of the topological method- varies from case to case; as pointed out in
there were actually two observable islands although this was not detected [2], in cases where injection measurements cannot be transformed into
at the time. The resultant solution converged to a point where the worst equivalent flows (see example in Ref. [2]), the topological method becomes
angle correction was about one degree per iteration and then slowly cumbersome.
diverged until it blew up. Terminating the solution at the best iteration To insure that the loss of any single measurement would not cause
showed unusually large voltage angle swings and hence, erroneous unobservability, there should be no measurement in the system which
lineflows over lines at the boundary between the two observable islands. is critical [6]. Critical measurements may be detected by checking whether
Eventual correction of the observability algorithm eliminated this the residual is zero.
problem. We do not agree with the labeling of our approach as theoretical. The
My question with respect to the above experience regards the fact that algorighm presented in this paper is simple, readily implementable into
no zero diagonals were experienced during the gain matrix factorization. an existing state estimation software, and computationally efficient. The
Most likely, one or more diagonals were extremely small due to round- theoretical foundation of the method presented in the companion paper
off error; and this caused the eventual divergence. Do the authors feel [16] merely justifies that the simple algorithm works.
that a tolerance value could be specified such that any diagonal below
this value indicates observable islanding and not a possible ill-
conditioning? In particular, could this tolerance be applied to the fac- REFERENCE
torization of the actual gain matrix without setting weighting factors and
parameters to 1.0 which would require a separate factorization? [21] A. Monticelli, C. A. F. Murari, and F. F. Wu, "A hybrid state
The above question is asked because the observability module required estimator: Solving normal equations by orthogonal transforma-
only about 10 percent of the time required by the factorization module tions," submitted for publication.
for the above-mentioned customer system. Hence, it would be more
desirable to retain a topologically oriented observability approach, at Manuscript received December 26, 1984.

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