Carbon 2185 ( Utilizing 2020's Lifepath System Minus Any Stat or $$ Bonuses)

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Setting: Tokyo, Japan (2044)

System: Carbon 2185 (~Utilizing 2020’s lifepath system minus any stat or $$ bonuses)

Background: Approximately twelve years after the fourth corporate war, Tokyo has mostly recovered
and Arasaka maintains it’s grip on the city as well as Japan overall. Though internally they are still in
conflict, they present a unified front to Japan at large as well as the world. They seek to restore their
former status both at home and abroad, firmly cementing themselves as a more powerful
megacorporation than even before.

Meanwhile, the seedy underbelly of the megatropolis of Tokyo attempts to beat down on the citizens
through underground gang warfare and mercenary contractors for hire. Little is being done in the way to
stop these conflicts as Tokyo Police has been all but dissolved after losing their Arasaka sponsorship.
Instead being replaced by Arasaka private security forces.

Building off of previous campaign ideas.

Story ideas:

1) Stories of a mystery assassin, the best in the world, who simply up and vanished after single-
handedly annihilating a branch of the Arasaka family (Ito & Kei), almost to completion. Stories of
Little Red & Takeshi, though nobody knows their true identities. All that remains is their daughter
(i) ~ Takeshi dies in this attack and there is a datachip showing the events unfold.
That is why Little Red has essentially vanished.

ii) Possibly have the PCs required to track her down for some reason?

2) A secret Arasaka program has been created to create a group of super-soldiers. These “agents”
are fully augmented with state-of-the-art Arasaka tech and are sent on “Black Book” missions.
They are supposedly ruthlessly efficient and few know about their very existence. Fewer still
survive their encounters with them. Meanwhile, Hanako begins to work on project “SoulKiller.”
3) Possibly work in a gang-war angle into the story.
4) Despite Saburo still being in charge of Arasaka, the three splinter factions lead by his various
children / grandchildren are all vying for control once he dies. The players will need to choose who
they align with.
5) A mission where the group is sent to assess and possibly assist in reacquiring the Tokyo Bay
Crossway (aka The Bridge) from a rogue AI unit for Arasaka / inspiring confidence in the company
again by Japan at large.
6) Wasting Plague in Europe and the US killing people. Vaccine developed in Japan by Arasaka and
distributed globally?
7) Possibly tease the start of the Unification Wars in the United States after being fractured in the 4 th
Corporate War?
8) If Players are from rival groups, possibly have one kill their best friend and then have the Fixer
make them “even” by kidnapping someone close to the offending party and have the PC kill them
as a matter of restoring respect and honor?
Faction Ideas:

Japanese Corporations

A) Arasaka Corporation
B) FACS (Far Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere) – Antagonist to Arasaka
C) Tsunami Defense Systems
D) Towa Arms
E) Kiroshi Opticals
F) Kendachi (General Manufactoring)
G) Yamato Industries

Japanese Minor Corporations

AA) Fujiwara – main bank in all of Asia

BB) SegAtari – Gaming & Robotics manufacturer. Released BD gaming system which was the first of it’s
kind. Tokyo Police use it to train cadets.

CC) YumYum Foods (AEON subsidiary - groceries)

DD) Seiko Luxury Goods

Chinese Corporations

H) China International Trust & Investment Corporation (CITIC)

I) Dai Lung Arms Manufacturer

Korean Corporations

J) Sungan Industries
K) Tanson Group (US weapons replicas for 10% extra cost in Asian distribution)

Yakuza Families

L) Yamaguchi-gumi
M) Sumiyoshi-kai
N) Inagawa-kai
O) Hisayuki Machii (Korean Yakuza)

Japanese Combat Gangs

P) Steel Dragons (sold out to Arasaka)

Q) Crimson Blossom
R) Akihabara Kappas
S) Shibuya Yokais
T) Rising Suns
U) Iron Lotus
Chinese Combat Gangs

V) The Golden Phoenix (Chinese Triads – all female)

W) The Black Syndicate (Chinese Triad)

Korean Combat Gangs

X) I HoTong
Y) Bongcheon-Dong Ghosts

Mongolian Combat Gangs

Z) Sons of the Khan (Mongolian Gang)

Other Japanese Groups

AA) Tokyo Police Department

BB) Red Riding Hoods (Little Red Poser Gang)
CC) Go-Go-Gos (G3)
DD)Trauma Team International

Character Creation:

A) All Japanese nationality characters who either work for Arasaka or have a reason to align with a
specific group within Arasaka
B) No Synth or Wormer Origins
C) Random Starting Age = Roll 2d12+16 (18 low – 28 middle – 40 high)
D) Starting wages is equal to one contract term based on background generation. Those who
choose not to pick a background employment contract may roll 2d4 x 3000 instead.
E) Free cosmetic cybernetic upgrades (no mechanical benefits unless purchased as normal)
F) Melee (below Monoedged Katana) & 21st Century Pistols only: All class weapon training
adjusted accordingly. Feats may be taken as normal to acquire additional weapon proficiencies
or time practicing for downtime activity.
G) Light Armor only at character creation (Kevlar Jacket & Below.) Daimyo & Enforcer proficiencies
remain the same.
H) Must roll at least 1 vice on the table.

1) Adjustments

i. Naming to fit Cyberpunk’s theme:

- Badlanders = Nomads
- GutterPunk = Rockerboys
- Korporate Kid = Corporate
- Regular Joe = Media & Cops
- Daimyo = Solo
- Hacker = Netrunner
ii. Language adjusted from “English” to “Japanese”
iii. Specific origin Adjustments
- Badlander
a) Hollow Sight : instead of being a natural adjustment, all Badlanders get free “Basic HUD eyes”
that have Darkvision.

NPC Ideas:

a) Arasaka
i. Hanako Arasaka
Goals – Work on SoulKiller project with Alt Cunningham. Restore Arasaka to
Motivations – Acquire Little Red as test subject for SoulKiller
ii. Yorinobu Arasaka
Goals – Bring down Saburo, become CEO of Arasaka.
Motivations – Kill Little Red before she kills you
iii. Michiko Arasaka
Goals – Try to stay out of the limelight and restore international trust in
Motivations – Become successful in her own company. Help Little Red live a
quiet life after what her parents did to her and her brother’s death.
iv. Sandayu Oda (Bodyguard to Hanako)
Goals – Protect Hanako at all costs.
Motivations – Help Hanako in her goals and protect Arasaka’s image. Complete
all assigned tasks perfectly.
v. Kenichi Zaburo (Bodyguard to Michiko)
Goals – Protect Michiko like you have been since she was 4. Encourage and help
her achieve her goals.
Motivations – You are like an uncle to Michiko. You want to see her succeed
where her parents went horribly wrong.
vi. Adam Smasher (Bodyguard to Yorinobu)
Goals – Become the best / most famous solo in the world. Destroy Morgan
Blackhand and anyone who crosses you.
Motivations – Repay Arasaka with unerring loyalty to Yorinobu.
vii. Kobayashi “King” Hachiro (Director of PC character in Arasaka)
Goals – Maintain your strong position within Arasaka. Seek to climb higher on
the ladder by any means necessary, even if it burns bridges.
Motivations – More money, more power.
b) Freelancer
i. Little Red
Goals – Resolve your guilt. Become free.
Motivations – Live in isolation at your childhood home. Honor Takeshi’s
memory. Try to make up for your past.
ii. Nobu Aoyama (Fixer Contact)
Goals – Secure the success of Arasaka Corporation. Become appointed a
department head.
Motivations – Put an end to the sibling dispute.
iii. Agent Black
Goals – Assassinate Little Red (at the end of the campaign)
Motivations – Financial, you are a true professional. You were paid to do the job
as retribution for Lady Ito Arasaka.
iv. Urban Ninja
Goals – Unknown
Motivation - Unknown

c) Chinese Groups
i. Huiliang Lau (Chairman of CITIC)
Goals – Expand CITIC outside of China. Become a globally dominating megacorp.
Motivations – To expand China’s influence in the power vacuum left by Arasaka
and the 4th Corporate War.
ii. Jenny Xiulan (Golden Phoenix Leader)
Goals – Become the most feared Triad leader in Japan.
Motivations – Showing the all-female Triad branch is not a joke and more
effective than remaining hidden.
iii. Ren Qing (Golden Phoenix Red Pole)
Goals – Support Jenny’s ambitions. Expand Golden Phoenix territory.
Motivations – Avenge brother’s death at the hands of the Yakuza.
iv. Shao Song (Black Syndicate Leader)
Goals – Use subterfuge to gain more control over Japan’s underworld and
influence higher authority figures through it.
Motivations – Restoring the Triad’s waning power in Japan in non-violent ways
since Triad numbers in the area are down.
v. Wei “Big Mountain” Chen (Black Syndicate Red Pole)
Goals – Become a Triad boss.
Motivations – Enjoy doing the dirty work today so that you may start your own
Triad faction someday.
d) Japanese Yakuza
i. Adachi Setsuko (Oyabun of Sumiyoshi-Kai)
Goals – Maintain control with Arasaka leadership after Ito was killed /
Motivations – Become the dominant Yakuza faction.
ii. Iseul Moon (Wakagashira of Sumiyoshi-Kai)
Goals – Ensure a profitable future for Yamaguchi-Gumi as the dominant clan.
Keep the other clans in line.
Motivations – Gang warfare killed many of his friends and family, he would
rather avoid it again.
iii. Kyung Hwa (Kyodai of Sumiyoshi-Kai)
Goals – Protect the Sumiyoshi-Kai clan and it’s members.
Motivations – Provide a stable and safe life for his family.
iv. Shoda Hirano (Shotei of Sumiyoshi-Kai)
Goals – Rise in the ranks of the Sumiyoshi-Kai clan.
Motivations – To gain respect and recognition in the clan.
v. Toyoda Yoshimoto (Oyabun of Yamaguchi-Gumi)
Goals – Become the new #1 Yakuza clan in Japan.
Motivations – Once childhood friends, Adachi slighted you in some way and is
now treated as being above you.
vi. Ken Ohara (Wakagashira of Yamaguchi-Gumi)
Goals – Bring glory to the Sumiyoshi-kai clan
Motivations – The Sumiyoshi-Kai clan has reigned for too long, it may be time
for a new gang war. Their leader is old.
vii. Uemura Yuichi (Kyodai of Yamaguchi-Gumi)
Goals – Gain enough wealth & respect to leave the criminal life behind.
Motivations – Your wife recently passed away from sickness, leaving you to take
care of your young child alone. You want out to provide her a safer life.
viii. Hana Chu (Shotei of Yamaguchi-Gumi)
Goals – Become the most famous celebrity criminal in Japan.
Motivations – You want to be attractive & deadly as a female Yakuza member.
ix. Takei Hatori (Oyabun of Inagawa-kai)
Goals – Maintain the old ways of the Yakuza and protect innocent people in
Japan from corruption or seedier lowlife gangs.
Motivations – Son was killed in a gang war and daughter was killed by lowlife
thugs in a robbery gone wrong.
x. Yoshioka Ryo (Wakagashira of Inagawa-kai)
Goals – Find his long lost love who disappeared a few years ago.
Motivations – He wants revenge on the group who kidnapped his love.
xi. Koji Onishi (Kyodai of Inagawa-kai)
Goals – Ensure Inagawa-kai is still a fiercely respected Yakuza clan despite
having smaller numbers.
Motivations – Train all Inagawa-kai clans in the art of war and become fiercer
than the other gangs in combat so war can be avoided.
xii. Jun Kawaguchi (Shotei of Inagawa-kai)
Goals – Pay back the Inagawa-kai clan for taking you in any way you can.
Motivations – Always the outcast, you are just looking for a family to belong to
since you are an orphan.
e) Japanese Gangs
i. Okiyo – (Current leader of Steel Dragons)
Goals – Protect the members of the Steel Dragons by accepting Arasaka’s aid.
Motivations – You, your family, and all the members of the Steel Dragons are
being blackmailed into accepting Arasaka’s help. You have no choice but to do
whatever they ask.
ii. Yoshitune – (Second-in-Command of Steel Dragons)
Goals – Restore the Steel Dragons to the anti-Arasaka gang they used to be,
using Arasaka’s weapons & funding against them.
Motivations – You are still loyal to Takeshi and don’t like how the Steel Dragons
are subservient to Arasaka or how Okiyo was willing to accept Yorinobu’s
iii. Nishikawa Kenshin – (Current leader of Crimson Blossoms)
Goals – Become the “people’s hero”
Motivations – The corporate new world is designed to keep everyone but the
rich down. Why should only the rich be allowed to afford a nice lifestyle?
iv. Umemoto Yoichi – (Second-in-Command of Crimson Blossoms)
Goals – Follow Orders.
Motivations – Nishikawa has always been idealistic but he is like a brother to
you so you’d do whatever he asks to see his dreams succeed.
v. Akira Taro – (Current leader of Akihabara Kappas)
Goals – Gain enough money to start a legitimate business (restaurant)
Motivations – Gang life will only get you so far, you’ve seen to many people die
if they don’t get out.
vi. Yukio Fukuda – (Second-in-command of Akihabara Kappas)
Goals – Uncover a secret plot involving the Yakuza
Motivations – The Yakuza is the source of why nobody can leave a gang life
behind. Starting a war between them may distract from your leader’s ultimate
vii. Ryoko Morimoto - (Current leader of Shibuya Yokais)
Goals – Find your “true beauty” and make them into a masterpiece work of art.
Motivations – Life is an illusion, it is all about how good you look.
viii. Keiji Ohashi – (Second-in-command of Shibuya Yokais)
Goals – Keep things in the gang exciting.
Motivations – Staying still and sticking to the mundane makes things boring.
Flash over substance!
ix. Juro Hada - (Current leader of Rising Sons)
Goals – Ensure justice prevails and that Japan’s power is restored.
Motivations – when gangs run amok and have no honor, all people of Japan
x. Daisuke Nishimura – (Second-in-command of Rising Sons)
Goals – Protect the Peace.
Motivations – You are more of a vigilante, doing whatever you can to stop petty
crimes and maintaining the delicate peace between Japan’s gangs.
xi. Kenji Hashiro – (Current Leader of Iron Lotus)
Goals – Continue Yorinobu’s original vision to destroy all zaibatsus. Recruit more
scions of various powerful corps. Expose the media and wake up the world.
Motivations – Your sensei was killed by corporations who used the media to
cover it up. Expose them and destroy them.
xii. Haru Sungan – (Second-in-command of Iron Lotus)
Goals – Break free from these shackles that society has placed on everyone.
Motivations – Being a corporate scion is not as enjoyable as people think, you
never have the respect or luxury common people think you do. You should not
have to live in a world that’s so cutthroat.
f) Korean Groups
i. Dong-Min Sungan – Regional Director of Sungan Industries
Goals – Provide a respectable and wealthy life for your family. Do your best to
succeed in this corporate-driven world.
Motivations – The world has changed and to ensure your family’s own security,
you must change with it. Whether or not you agree with this new world you’ve
found yourself in.
ii. Jaesung Yeong – Regional Director of the Tanson Group
Goals – Maintain your monopoly on American & European arms in the Asian
Motivations – Taking advantage of the fourth corporate war’s aftermath has
made you a lot of money.
iii. Hajoon Cheung (Oyabun of Hisayuki Machii)
Goals – Start a revolution in order to give Koreans the respect and treatment
they deserve in Japan. Overthrow the government if necessary.
Motivations – Koreans are often viewed and treated as subhuman in Japan,
given menial work and forced to join gangs just to survive. Many Korean
immigrants are killed without anyone batting an eye including your best friend.
iv. Taeyang Im (Wakagashira of Hisayuki Machii)
Goals – Take all that you can from rival gangs or corps.
Motivations – You had to live in poverty in both Korea & Japan for most of your
life. So much so that when your mother got sick, you couldn’t afford what the
rich could to save her so she died.
v. Jin Cho (Kyodai of Hisayuki Machii)
Goals – Avoid failure & stand out from the crowd.
Motivations – You are one of the most fearsome gangsters in all Japan. After
losing your business job due to discrimination against Koreans, you did all you
could to reinvent yourself as someone not to be messed with.
vi. Jaesung Kim (Shotei of Hisayuki Machii)
Goals – Find your purpose.
Motivations – You joined the Korean Yakuza because of your brother but you
never really felt like you belonged. As you grew older, you wondered if this is all
life has for you.
vii. Sun-Hee Kwon (Current leader of I HoTong)
Goals – Restart the world.
Motivations – This post-capitalism has gone too far, it is time to bring the world
to it’s knees and start over. Similar to how the original founder of this gang tried
to do long ago.
viii. Baekhi Yoon (Second-in-command of I HoTong)
Goals – Live a thrilling life.
Motivations – Korean standards for how to lead a successful life are so
regimented and boring. Becoming a netrunner to take down corporations and
help restart the world is much more exciting.
ix. Narae So (Leader of the Bongcheon-Dong Ghosts)
Goals – Have what you can’t have. Do the impossible. Be feared.
Motivations – Discrimination has been particularly bad for you as a Korean
woman in Japan. Prove that you are just as “bad”, if not worse, than your male
x. Soomin Go (Second-in-command of Bongcheon-Dong Ghosts)
Goals – Destroy your rivals and protect your friend, the leader.
Motivations – One of the former members of the Akihabara Kappas humiliated
your friend and nearly killed your entire gang. Now your main motivation is to
see them destroyed.
g) Mongolian Groups
i. Sühk The Mighty - (Current leader of Sons of the Khan)
Goals – Overthrow the Japanese Government & any Corps that support them in
order to assert Mongolian dominance.
Motivations –
ii. Jaliqai The Winged Knight – (Second-in-Command of the Sons of the Khan)
Goals – Seek the love & approval of Sühk.
Motivations – Since childhood, you’ve had a crush on Sühk. You would do
anything he asked of you to achieve his dreams.
h) Other Groups
i. Shuji Masahako – Tokyo PD Detective
Goals – Restore faith & authority in Tokyo police over Arasaka. Root out
corruption in corps & government.
Motivations – The corporate world & crime world have begun to blend, making
only the rich able to afford protection and justice.
ii. Hattori Arisu – Tokyo PD Detective
Goals – Arasaka is the future of civil defense & protection. Privatizing Tokyo
police is for all Japan’s benefit. Help to prove this is the case.
Motivations – Tokyo police barely receives any public funding anymore, leading
to an increase in violent crimes all over Japan. Want to avoid becoming a war-
torn country like the United States.


1) Greyson Lowell
2) Robert Christensen
3) Claire “Annie Oakley”

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