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Survey & Heist Mission

Now that all the PCs have been introduced to Arasaka’s Fixer and has been invited to join the company,
he will give them all the coordinates to their first meeting location. Getting there, PCs can use their own
cars (if they have one with GPS), public transit, or try to navigate there themselves. The Fixer considers
this to be another screening test to see if they can follow simple but discrete instructions without being
directly told where to go.

Using Public Transit will put PCs closer to the location that he has given to them but will cost the PCs
350 Yen for a one-way ticket or 650 Yen for a round-trip ticket. From there, it is a simple DC 15
Navigation check to find the coordinates using whatever means they can (street signs or a local
network.) If the PC decides to try and figure out how to get there without using a computer system or if
they do not have a GPS / use public transit, then to find the location will require a DC 20 Navigation
check. Failing to do so will reduce the DC by 5 each time but will waste an hour of time.

If the PC decides to use a computer to try and find out where the location’s GPS coordinates leads them
to, they will need to pass a very simple DC 10 Computing check. They can then get there either by their
own means or via public transit for the same price as above.

When all the PCs finally arrive at the safehouse, it will look rather unassuming. It is the basement of a
large residential building in one of the more moderately safe / wealthy areas of the city. There is a non-
descript steel door that leads inside after a short staircase down. There is a keypad next to the door and
a small camera just above it. As the PC approaches, the camera will move and the door will audibly
unlock with each of them arriving in turn.

As the PCs enter the space, read the following:

The interior of this basement apartment dwelling is dimly lit and only has bland grey concrete for the
walls, ceiling, and the slight stairwell decent into the main floor. The apartment has been sparsely
decorated with very modern furnishings, a black couch that looks incredibly uncomfortable and rigid, a
glass coffee table, and a kitchen with modern stainless steel appliances are visible once you descend
fully. At the couch is your Fixer, an enigmatic man you only know as Nobu. He looks up at you with a
smile as you enter, looking at you through his sunglasses and puffing a cigarette that he holds in his
cybernetic arm. He motions you over to the couch to join him.

Once all the players arrive, Nobu will start the conversation:

GM Note; If any of the players have any issues with each other (such as if one of them killed their friend,
etc. Have that get resolved first. See “Nobu fixes personal issues” section. If not, simply continue on with
the mission brief.)

“I’m glad you all could make it. If we are to work together, I need to know that Arasaka is investing their
money wisely. You will be doing a job for me, think of it as one of your first tests. It will help determine if
you are able to run in the big leagues. But first, how do you like your new digs? This will be our point of
contact from this point out. If I have a job for you, I expect that you will meet me here. If you need a
place to lay low without burning your personal residence, this is also serves as a safehouse for upstarts
like you all.”
He takes another drag from his cigarette, a very thick almost sweet smelling smoke cloud emits from his
mouth. Taking a deep breath he smirks at the group.

“Let’s start with introductions. No need to go into details, though, I do expect you to work together and
sacrifice your lives for the mission, if need be, but no need to get too familiar. After all, you’re our “black”
assets, you are expected to hold the success of the mission above your own well-being or each other’s. I
also highly suggest you pick codenames, or I will pick them for you. They are incredibly useful while
you’re on a mission. After all, we don’t need the media catching wind of who you all actually are.”

He takes another long drag.

“I suppose I can start. As far as you’re concerned, my name is Nobu. I’m your golden ticket or golden
goose, whichever metaphor you prefer. I’ll make sure you get paid as long as you all do your jobs.”

He will then look at the players expectantly to introduce themselves.

GM Note; The players should introduce themselves and what they bring to the table for the group but
not much outside of that. If they do not come up with a codename, Nobu will assign one to them (feel
free to use the Shadowrun Codename Generator online and pick one that fits each character.)

“Now that’s out of the way, let’s get to the main event.”

You see Nobu pull out a strange disk-shaped object from his suit jacket pocket and slides it onto the
coffee table. Within seconds, the device’s LED lights flash blue as a holographic image of an office
building appears.

“This is the regional offices of Sungan Industries. They have been causing issues in our market for a
while now, selling bootleg Militech models in Japan to customers who desire them. As you can imagine,
this has made my bosses pretty upset.”

The holographic image will change to that of an older well-dressed Korean man. (show handout)

“Rumor has it that the CEO’s daughter has run away with a street gang. I’m certain that he will do
anything to get her back safe and sound. I need you to track her down and steal her from the gang.”

The image will then change to a picture of the CEO’s daughter. (show handout)

“When you do so, you will take her to these coordinates.”

The hologram will then adjust to a map view of Tokyo with a red blinking light on the outskirts, at
Osanbashi Pier Building in Yokohama.

“An Arasaka extraction team will meet you there. Call me when it’s done and I’ll make sure you get paid.
Do you have any questions?”

He takes another drag of his cigarette as he powers down the device and puts it back into his suit pocket.

GM Note; Nobu will be pretty withholding on information about the operation right now. Most
questions about support or any additional info will be withheld. He will say it is because it is a test of
their skills and he wants to see what exactly they are capable of. If they can’t take down a simple street
gang, then they will obviously not be an asset to the company. However, he will provide them some
starting details about the gang she is with (for reference, she is with the Iron Lotus) and a couple of
leads to follow. Roll 1d6 x 3 000.

“As for pay…such a simple operation won’t get you much but it should get your feet wet in this industry
you find yourself in.”

He stamps out his cigarette onto the corner of the coffee table and lets the butt fall.

“Aside from additional missions on the successful completion of this one, I have been authorized to give
each of you xxx (based on above roll.)”

Nobu will then stick around to answer any questions before standing up to leave.

“Don’t forget to call me when the mission is complete and good luck. Do not disappoint me or my client.”

With that he will leave and allow the players to plan this however they would like. There are a couple of
leads that he left them with which are detailed below. However, they are free to spend as much time as
they like chasing down other ideas that will need to be improv’d.

Nobu Resolves Personal Issues

To kick off the campaign, there may be some inter-player conflict that rises from the starting missions (a
gang killing someone’s friend or so on.) These matters need to be put to rest, especially if it jeopardizes
the larger mission or if the player’s bring it up themselves once they see their rival.

GM Note; This section can also be referenced later in the event that players discover each other’s
involvements later.

“It seems that some of you have a personal history with one another. This must be put aside for the
greater good of the mission and group. But I understand if this is a matter of honor that must be
resolved. So, I offer a simple solution.”

He will reach into his pocket and pull out a small tablet that he places on the table and taps the screen
twice to turn it on. On it is a video feed of (insert important person in character’s backstory from the
offending party.)

“Say the word, and they die.” (He will look towards the defending party.) “Their fate entirely lies within
your power.”

If the PC chooses to kill them, the scene will play out as follows:

“As the individual on the screen move towards one of the windows, a single bullet pierces through it.
Everything seems to move in slow motion as the glass shatters and goes straight through their head,
exploding the back of it in a perfect cascade of blood and gore. Their body hits the ground as the feed
cuts out.”

Nobu will then take back the tablet. If the offending party is angry enough to try and attack the other
person, Nobu will step in.
“This was only a matter of restoring honor. You had taken someone from them, the only way to work
that out is for them to have done the same. Now sit.”

If the offending party still wishes to attack or cause issues, Nobu will start to get more frustrated and
insistent that they lave their personal matters aside now that it has been made even. If they try to get
violent with him, Nobu will not hesitate to shoot them dead then and there.

If the offending player decides to leave, Nobu will insist that the group let them go. He will then make a
mysterious call telling someone to take out the offending player. He will inform the rest of the group to
let this serve as a lesson to them all. Arasaka is a business not to be messed with. Though they can make
them rich, if they play their cards right.

If the PC chooses to not kill them, he will say he admires their restraint. He will then ask them if they are
certain as he will expect no issues to come up in the future about this. If they say they are, then he will
move forward with the rest of the briefing. If not, then the above scene can still play out.

Either way, once this is resolved, the scene will move forward with the briefing. He will also say that he
has scouted out replacements already and that they will be added to the team before they head off on
the job.

Nobu’s Leads

Lead 1, A local club in downtown Tokyo

The last place Haru Sungan was seen was a popular nightclub located in downtown Tokyo’s
entertainment district a few weeks ago. The club itself is not difficult to find or look up, so any players
familiar with the area may make a DC 10 Computers or Streetwise check to know where it is located in
Shibuya. However, the club is only open after 10 PM so they will need to wait until night to check it out.

Once the players wait until nightfall, they can travel to the club through whatever means they have at
their disposal (following the same public transit prices listed above.)

The club itself is exceptionally popular among a younger crowd and even at this time of night, Shibuya is
packed with people.

The many holograms and lights of Shibuya Station are nearly blinding, even at this time of night. The
neon fills your eyes and it takes a moment for you to adjust. Shibuya’s iconic crossing is filled with people
going about their business and you can see the famous Hachiko statue in front of you. Above the crowd
is a very large neon green and blue sign that reads: “Starbucks-Samsung.” In the distance, the neon glow
of the 109 building looms overhead. Nobody seems to pay any attention to you as they continue about
their business, flooding in and out of the station themselves.

Navigating to the club isn’t a particularly difficult task but will require a DC 10 Navigation test to try and
avoid getting turned around in the crowds of people in the area. Once at the club, they will be cordially
greeted by one of the hostesses standing in front of the building. It’s a rather unassuming building
compared to the flash of the main crossing.

“Before long, you stand before a very low-key entrance at the base of the 109 building. Compared to the
rest of Shibuya, this club doesn’t seem to have the flash that you would expect. Instead, there is a simple
pink and blue neon sign that simply reads “Club 104” in traditional kanji. A beautiful young woman is
standing out front and she gives you a polite half-bow as she opens the door for you to enter. Inside, the
club is what you may expect. Strobing lights and modern music as a large crowd of people “dancing” on
the main floor. There also appears to be a bar entrance immediately to your right which has been
separated from the main club itself. In there, the crowd seems to be more tame than on the dance floor.
Over the music, you hear a burst of loud laughter from inside, something that isn’t common in typical
Japanese society. It is clear that most of these patrons are intoxicated to a greater or lesser extent.

GM Note; Should the players ask this hostess for more information about Haru, she will decline them
answers as she sees many individuals coming to and from the club. She does not recall any woman by
the description they give her. Instead, she recommends asking a man who only calls himself “the boss.”
She will then point them in the direction of his office, calling ahead to let him know that he has visitors.

The Boss’s Office // The boss is a member of the Yamaguchi-Gumi Yakuza clan. While a professional
through and through, he is not overly ecstatic to hear that the players are there to see him. Nobu had
called ahead to let him know they would be there, though, so he is not completely surprised.

You see an older but well-dressed man, he has curly black hair that has been pulled back and an chiseled
face. When he sees you all enter, he doesn’t look happy at all, though, it’s hard to tell if he just doesn’t
like you or if that is just how his face normally is. He appears to have several larger bodyguards around
him, also dressed in exceptionally fine-quality corporate suits. The office above the club has a glass wall
that looks down onto the dance floor and wooden paneling all around the rest of the space. There is a
large mahogany desk with a high-back leather chair. Behind it is a traditional Japanese Painting of a ship
being destroyed by a giant squid. The man himself is sitting on a large “L-shaped” leather couch that sits
on top of a red carpet. There appears to be a holographic display on a solid wood coffee table that is
currently powered off. Aside from that, the room is sparsely decorated but has several dim lights to
compliment the rest of the club.

“So…you are the ones that Nobu called about. I will entertain your questions for as long as is required of
me by Arasaka and not a moment longer. I have a business to run. So if you have your questions, ask.”

GM Note; Share a picture of Kyung Hwa with the group.

Kyung didn’t keep extensively close tabs on Haru’s visit, though he does know she was there. He will
allow the players access to any security footage, should they like to scan through it for themselves. He is
unaware of why she came or who she met with while in the club. All he knows is that she didn’t leave

Feel free to improv any other answers for questions the PCs may have. However, he will also be
withholding as he isn’t fond of outsiders meddling in his business, even if it is Arasaka. Finally, after
about ten questions, he will say that their time is up and ask them to leave. They are free to check the
security tapes before they go though. He will snap his fingers and one of his bodyguards will escort the
group to the security room.

Once inside, they will see a very traditional set-up. There is a wall made entirely of monitors and what
appears to be three security guards monitoring the activities of the club exceptionally closely. Upon the
guard’s request, the PCs will be given access to one of the terminals and the footage from the day Haru
Scrubbing through the footage will require a DC 15 Computers check to see that she met with a very
oddly dressed man. He appears to have medium-long length black and messy hair, a leather jacket, and
skinny black jeans. He holds himself in a bit of a slouch and the two of them seem to have a brief
conversation towards the entrance of the club before the pair of them leave the club together.

GM Note; If the PCs wish to discover anything further about the security system that the club has set-up,
they will need to make a DC 20 Hacking check or trigger a firewall which will immediately alert the
guards in the room who will forcefully remove them from the club.

Players will then have another lead to follow-up on and can make a DC 20 Streetwise check to see if
they know who this man is off the top of their head. If they fail this check, they will need to try find
alternate methods to discover his identity. They can ask the security guards but they will not have any
information about who this patron is.

GM Note; If the players are stumped for too long, suggest that they can visit the local police station to
see if they can get more information about the man. Otherwise, feel free to follow through with
whatever plan the PCs come up with that seems reasonable. DCs will be quite high, though, to find out
his identity through unconventional means.

Visiting the Police // The police station in Shibuya is polite but not exceptionally helpful at first.
However, any PC may attempt a DC 15 Persuasion check to try and convince the police officer at the
desk to help them. Alternatively, any police characters may make a DC 10 Presence check instead to get
the officer to aid them. Either of these methods will get the officer to look up the man in their database
and return to them with the information that he is a known criminal affiliated with the Iron Lotus by the
name of Kenji Hashiro. His last known residence had been vacated when he was last arrested, though,
there were some unconfirmed reports that he was last spotted in the Kawasaki Ward prefecture with his
gang, close to the infamous Tokyo Crossway. The officer will advise the players leave this matter to the
local police but will do nothing to stop them.

GM Note; Another other information (such as an exact location) will require a DC 20 Persuasion or DC
15 Bureaucracy check. If neither of these succeed, he will inform them that he has already told them
more than he should have. If they succeed, he will very reluctantly tell them that the Iron Lotus has been
spotted around the old Kawasaki Hospital and there are new rumors that they have taken over the
abandoned Kawasaki-Rinko Police Station.

GM Note; Attempting to intimidate or otherwise coerce the officer will lead to the PCs getting kicked out
and needing to find an alternate way to get their information or be threatened to be put under arrest.
Deception check attempts will always be opposed by the officer’s Sense Motive (1d20+5.)

Kawasaki Hospital // The hospital is fairly far from the Crossway itself where the rogue AI took over.
However, due to the risk to the patients in the area, the hospital was shut down and has fallen to
disrepair over the past few years. Thugs, criminals, gangs, Nomads, and other undesirables have been
rumored to make their home there as well.

If the PCs decide to go this route, they will need to find a means of transportation. Public transit no
longer goes to this part of town. However, once they arrive, read the following description:
The run-down remains of a once towering fifteen story hospital lies before you. The grey and exactly cut
stone exterior has since fallen to ruin with many cracks in the slabs of concrete, the windows have all
been shattered, and nature has already begun to take over the building itself. From the street, the
building looks like every other ruin in the area, except for much larger. The top floors must have caved in
at some point as the top half is visibly destroyed with rebar visible from where you’re standing. The old
hospital sign has been knocked aside and is rusted away.

Any player who would like to needs to make a DC 15 Perception check. Any failures would simply hear
the sounds of the wind blowing through the desolate building. Any successes will inform the player that
they can hear footsteps and sounds of life coming from inside of the building itself.

Players are then free to approach the building in any manner they wish. If they would like to scout the
location out before entering, they will need to make a DC 15 Stealth check along with a series of
increasingly difficult Perception checks (from the outside.) If they choose to try and sneak their way
through the building and scout, they will need to make a Stealth check opposed to the occupant’s
Perception (1d20+3.)

Any successes will inform the players that the occupants don’t appear to be the Iron Lotus gang. Instead,
they appear to be cyberpsycho homeless individuals who will attack on-site. This is the case throughout
the building with more risks for the decaying building (traps) and more vicious foes (such as mechs) in
the upper stories.

Any players who are caught will immediately enter combat. Here is what each encounter should
generally look like:

Gouger (number based on how many PCs are in the encounter) – pg. 241

Nerve Drainer (x1 per encounter) – pg. 240

Street Thug (two times the number of PCs) – pg. 233 Roll 1d6, on a 4+, this unit is selected instead of

Machine God Initiate (x2 per encounter) – pg. 232

Spicer (three times the number of PCs) – pg. 230 Roll 1d6, on a 3 or less, this unit is selected instead of

Once the PCs realize there is no valuable information to be salvaged from here, they are free to move
onto the next location.

Kawasaki-Rinko Police Station // This location actually houses the current members of the Iron Lotus, or
at least this cell of them. When the players arrive, they will see a very run-down police station, similar to
many others in Tokyo save for how decrepit it looks. However, the Iron Lotus’ appear to have a
generator working that is currently providing power to the station. It also looks like it has been
somewhat maintained recently as it looks relatively clean compared to the majority of the ruined
buildings in the area. While not outright hostile at first, the Iron Lotus will treat the group with suspicion
as they approach.

If the PCs immediately jump into demanding Haru, they will be rejected by the guards outside and told
to leave.
If they wish to speak with Kenji instead, one of the guards will go inside and get him. He will come out as
all the other Iron Lotus’ also come outside. Behind him is Haru herself, which the players should be able
to recognize.

From here, they have a number of options. They can try to convince Kenji to let Haru leave or convince
Haru to leave the group. Doing so will require a DC 20 Persuasion check.

Trying to deceive them would require an Opposed Deception // Sense Motive check. Failing this check
will have more severe consequences than a persuasion.

Lastly, If the PCs attempt an Intimidation check, this will result in a fight breaking out between the two
groups. In the event that does happen, here are the enemies they will encounter:

Street Rat (x2) – pg. 225

Gang Footsoldier (x5) – pg. 233

Canine Mech (x1) – pg. 229

Sentrybot (x2) – pg. 235

Haru Sungan

Kenji Hashiro

Tactics: Kenji will do anything to protect Haru from going back. So he and the rest of the gang will fight
to the death. Haru will not hold back either as she is in love with Kenji. They are not exceptionally well-
trained but they have picked up some tactics from Takeshi so they will try to utilize variants of those
moves as much as they can.

GM Note; There is a real chance that Haru will die in this combat. If she does, Arasaka will try to make
the most of it but Nobu will be disappointed in their results. They got the job done but now they have
made their jobs much more difficult.

If the PCs manage to take Haru alive or convince her to leave, they will be able to get her to the drop-off
point without further incident. However, if they have to forcibly take Haru down, she will curse them all
out and berate the group relentlessly.

Whatever option happens, they will be able to go to the docks afterwards and collect their pay. (skip to
that section below.)

Lead 2, Online research about “Iron Lotus” attacks.

Most of what the Iron Lotus gang does is for publicity, sending their message to any corporations in
Japan, though they have in recent years begun to breach the international terrorism market. They have
been a thorn in the side of Arasaka and other megacorps for several years now since their split from the
Steel Dragons. Though they lack the resources they once had due to how viciously Arasaka has been
cracking down on them, the PCs can still find some pertinent information about the group and their
recent activities in the screamsheets.
This method is not nearly as fruitful as the first method. However, they can see that the Iron Lotus have
perpetrated various terrorist attacks (such as compromising IT infrastructure of small offices for larger
corporations and leaking classified information, burning down some of their buildings, attacking various
corporate convoys (though they oddly do not always kill everyone in them, along with other crimes.)

A particularly observant character may make a DC 15 Bureaucracy or DC 10 Streetwise (Corporate)

check to see that the articles have clearly been tailored to make the corporations out to be more of a
victim than the story may warrant. It should plant the seed of doubt on how true the stories are.

The locations of their attacks also seem to be somewhat spread out throughout the city, a PC who
passes a DC 10 Investigate check can easily see that the only real link between the incidents are that
they targeted smaller offices of major megacorps in Tokyo.

If the players get a 15+ on this check, they are also able to find news article about how the Iron Lotus
have split off from the Steel Dragons, a former street gang that had sold out to Arasaka, joining their
security forces after the death of Ito & Kei Arasaka not long after the end of the 4 th Corporate War.
Though the details in these articles are murky at best. It seems none of the major news publications
really know why or how this split happened. One article will point to the sudden death of their former
leader, Takeshi seemed to create a divide among the former lieutenants of the group. Some chose to
stick with Takeshi’s original vision and remained a terrorist cell while the others chose to ally themselves
with Arasaka instead of continuing a futile fight.

GM Note; This is most of the relevant information that players can find on the Iron Lotus. Any other
information that the players request will need subsequent Investigation checks in order to gather (of
varying difficulties depending on what info is being sought.)

The most recent articles talk about sightings of Iron Lotus in the run-down area of the Kawasaki
prefecture, though the details are scarce since most decent people no longer visit that area of the city.

Any PC may make a DC 10 Streetwise or History check to understand the reason this area has been
mostly abandoned is due to it’s proximity to the infamous Tokyo Crossway. (provide a brief overview of
what they would know about the Crossway as well.)

Outside of this, there isn’t much information so the players are free to either head directly to the
Kawasaki prefecture if they would like to. Otherwise, they can also go to the nightclub to get more exact

If they go to the club, refer to the scenario described above.

If they decide to go directly to the Kawasaki prefecture, the group will instead need to make a serious of
checks, all coupled with a DC 15 Stealth check that must be passed by at least half of the group to avoid
an encounter.

GM Note; Any Critical Failures on this check will result in a trap being triggered by that party member.
These traps will usually be simple, minor traps due to decrepit nature of the area. Common ones would
include Acid Bath Traps & Spike Pit Traps. PCs should get a DC 13 Reflex save or take the listed damage
for the Acid Bath Trap or 1d8 Piercing damage for the Spike Pit Trap.
If the group does pass, have them make a series of DC 15-20 Navigation, Investigation, and/or
Streetwise checks. If more than half pass, they pass the group check. If more than half fail, they get lost
and spend time wandering around the prefecture. This continues until they pass the minimum required
to find the group or decide on another course of action.

GM Note; The group must pass at least 5 of these types of checks in order to move forward without
gathering additional information.

If the players fail their Stealth checks: roll 1d20 on the District 5 Crimes table to determine their
encounter. Alternatively, they may also get into a fight directly if they keep failing these checks. If that
happens, use a variety of these enemies:

Street Rat – pg. 225

Dealer – pg. 228

Spiced-Out Thug – pg. 242

Machine God Initiate – pg. 232

Machine God Preacher – pg. 240

Canine Mech – pg. 229

Gouger – pg. 241

Spicer – pg. 230

Since the CR of these creatures is lower than the PCs, always make sure the PCs feel outnumbered by
these encounters but try to pick a variety so the combat doesn’t feel completely stale.

Eventually, they should be able to locate the Iron Lotus in the area, at which point, play out the
encounter described above.

Turning in Haru at the Drop-Off

Once Haru is in the PC’s possession, whether dead or alive, the actual trip to the dock will be relatively
uneventful. Getting to the dock from the Kawasaki-Rinko Police Station will only take about ten minutes.
Most of the gunfire seemed to have draw off the various vagabonds in the area and the night through
the desolate and ruined streets is quiet again. In fact, there is even a bit of a strange beauty to it as, this
far from the main city lights of Tokyo, the PCs can even see the stars a bit. Nature taking this area back
has also left it somewhat serene when there aren’t thugs or degenerates around.

When the PCs arrive at the docks, read the following:

“As you make your way down the paved street of this pier, it is clear that Yokohama is in much better
condition than Kawasaki is. Despite this, you can’t help but notice that the buildings on either side of the
pier are completely dark, almost looking completely abandoned if it were not for the odd light or two.
Clearly Arasaka must have cleared the area out for this exchange. You arrive at an oddly shaped building
that you recognize as the meeting point Nobu had mentioned. In front of it is a small parking lot with
three blacked out SUVs, all with their high beams on and pointing towards the entrance of the lot.
“Do you have the girl?” A male voice asks as his silhouette steps forward, obscuring his identity.

If any of the PCs attempt to get too close, they will be stopped by the man as he asks them to simply
send the girl forward and he will take over from there. Once he’s gone, he will contact Nobu and let him
know that they can be paid.

If any of the players start to make demands or get belligerent, he will not hesitate to get violent with
them along with his group. Discourage this as much as possible. If the players get insistent, then they
will need to fight 3-4 Corporate Soldiers (pg. 244) and 1 SWAT Captain (pg. 249) which will likely end
the campaign prematurely.

GM Note; This is where the situation can diverge a bit.

If the PCs managed to keep Haru alive, they will be able to force her across.

At this point, she smart enough to not resist, though she will still berate everyone there until she’s
knocked out by the mysterious man and pushed into the back of the SUV. He will then get into the
vehicle and his crew will follow suit with their own, driving off. The players will then hear a “ping” on
their comm units, signaling the pay has gone through along with a congratulations from Nobu, saying
that he will be in touch with more missions in the near future.

If Haru is dead, they will have to come clean about it. At that point, the man will give a frustrated sigh
and call someone on his own comm unit. After a very brief conversation, he will ask the players to place
her body down halfway between them and himself. If they do so, he will demand they back-up before
he goes over and picks her up and essentially does the same as above.

This time, however, the players will only receive half of their agreed upon pay. Nobu will be
disappointed that they could not bring Haru back alive as it makes his client’s team’s jobs more difficult
to work with a corpse. However, he appreciates the work that they put in to try anyway. It’s enough at
least to give them another shot sometime in the future. He will be in touch.

GM Note; This is a good point to include some more personal missions if any of the PCs have any
personal business they have not wrapped up yet. Otherwise, after a couple of weeks, Nobu will reach
out to them again for their next mission.

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