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Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs

of the Loop of Henle

Thomas L. Pannabecker*1

The thin limbs of the loop of Henle, which comprise the intermediate segment, connect the prox-
imal tubule to the distal tubule and lie entirely within the renal medulla. The descending thin
limb consists of at least two or three morphologically and functionally distinct subsegments and
participates in transepithelial transport of NaCl, urea, and water. Only one functionally distinct
segment is recognized for the ascending thin limb, which carries out transepithelial transport of
NaCl and urea in the reabsorptive and/or secretory directions. Membrane transporters involved
with passive transcellular Cl, urea, and water fluxes have been characterized for thin limbs; how-
ever, these pathways do not account for all transepithelial fluid and solute fluxes that have been
measured in vivo. The paracellular pathway has been proposed to play an important role in
transepithelial Na and urea fluxes in defined thin-limb subsegments. As the transport pathways
become clearer, the overall function of the thin limbs is becoming better understood. Primary
and secondary signaling pathways and protein-protein interactions are increasingly recognized
as important modulators of thin-limb cell function and cell metabolism. These functions must be
investigated under diverse extracellular conditions, particularly for those cells of the deep inner
medulla that function in an environment of wide variation in hyperosmolality. Transgenic mouse
models of several key water and solute transport proteins have provided significant insights into
thin-limb function. An understanding of the overall architecture of the medulla, including juxta-
positions of thin limbs with collecting ducts, thick ascending limbs, and vasa recta, is essential
for understanding the role of the kidney in maintaining Na and water homeostasis, and for un-
derstanding the urine concentrating mechanism.  C 2012 American Physiological Society. Compr

Physiol 2:2063-2086, 2012.

Introduction several functionally distinct subsegments of the DTLs. No-

tably, these include aquaporin 1 (AQP1)-positive and AQP1-
The descending thin limbs (DTLs) and ascending thin limbs negative DTL segments. On the basis of morphology and
(ATLs) of the loop of Henle connect the proximal nephron physiology, little or no evidence has been found for functional
segments with the distal segments, and in so doing, pass subsegments of the ATL. DTLs and ATLs are anatomically
through an interstitial fluid that is low in oxygen and that and physiologically integrated in a complex, yet poorly un-
has an osmolality substantially higher than that of blood derstood fashion, with the multiple subsegments of medullary
plasma. The cells of thin limbs have few mitochondria and collecting ducts (CDs) and vasa recta. It is generally believed
carry out a relatively low level of metabolic activity, relative that these structural and functional interrelationships play crit-
to other nephron segments. Transepithelial fluid flows and ical roles in accomplishing coordinated fluid and solute flows
solute fluxes do occur in thin limbs in substantive ways, and and solute distribution through the different medullary zones.
these fluxes are considered to be driven primarily by passive The three-dimensional architecture of thin-limb segments
mechanisms. These properties set the stage for understanding and their positional relationships to other structures as they de-
the primary functional roles of thin limbs of the loop of Henle scend or ascend the corticopapillary axis in the outer medulla
in the renal medulla. and inner medulla have become much more clearly defined in
The thin limbs are believed to play an important role in recent years. The interaction of thin limbs of the loop of Henle
generating the high interstitial osmolality that can be attained with neighboring structures is important for understanding
in the renal inner medulla (IM), and therefore, the magnitudes overall medullary function; therefore, medullary architecture
of thin-limb cell and transepithelial fluid and solute fluxes are
of considerable interest in understanding the integrative role
of the kidney in the processes of Na and water homeostasis * Correspondence to
and the urine concentrating mechanism. 1 Department of Physiology, University of Arizona Health Sciences
A number of proteins that are relevant to fluid and so- Center, Tucson, Arizona
lute transport across the thin-limb cells and epithelia have Published online, July 2012 (
been identified. Expression patterns of these proteins, and DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c110019
axial variations in fluid and solute permeabilities, reveal Copyright 
C American Physiological Society

Volume 2, July 2012 2063

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology

is given broad coverage in the following review of thin-limb

structure and function.
This article reviews the structure and function of the adult
mammalian thin limbs of the loops of Henle, and focuses Cortical labyrinthe
primarily on rat, mouse, hamster, and chinchilla. The thin
limb of the loop of Henle is also present in the kidney of birds,
the only other animal class possessing this segment. Birds are
the only other vertebrates capable of producing concentrated
urine; however, in birds, the thin limb exhibits structural and
functional features that are markedly different from those of
mammals (15, 121). Medullary ray

Outer medulla
Morphology, Cytology, and 2
Ultrastructural Characteristics of the DTLupper

Thin Limb of the Loop of Henle 2
The loop of Henle consists of the proximal straight tubule,
DTL, ATL (present in the long-loop nephron only), and the
medullary and cortical portions of the thick ascending limb.
4 4 4
The proximal straight tubule, also known as the pars recta,

Inner medulla
consists of the terminal portion of the S2 segment and entire DTLlower
S3 segment of the proximal tubule. The DTL and ATL seg-
ments comprise what is known as the intermediate tubule (82). 3
The terminal portion of the proximal straight tubule lies in the DTLlower
outer stripe of the outer medulla. At the boundary between
the outer and inner stripes of the outer medulla, the proximal
straight tubule abruptly becomes the thin descending limb of 3
the loop of Henle. Nephrons are categorized into two types, DTLlower

determined by the depths at which the loops of Henle form

their bends. These two types are the short-loop nephrons,
which, in most mammalian species, form their bends in the
outer medulla, and the long-loop nephrons, which form their
bends in the inner medulla (Figs. 1 and 2). Variations occur, Figure 1 Segmentation of thin limbs of the loop of Henle. The short-
with nephrons from human, beaver, and some rabbits form- loop nephron (right, belonging to a superficial glomerulus) has a
ing cortical bends, whereas all loops from some carnivores descending thick limb (pars recta of proximal tubule; hatched), a de-
scending thin limb (DTL) (turning back near the outer medullary-inner
form bends in the inner medulla (8). The ratio of short-loop medullary boundary), and a thick ascending limb (cross hatched),
nephrons to long-loop nephrons is about 82:18 in mice, 70:30 which passes into the distal convoluted tubule a short distance be-
in rats, and 85:15 in humans (8, 184). yond the macula densa (shown in black). The long-loop nephron (sec-
ond from right, belonging to a juxtamedullary glomerulus) contains a
DTL subdivided into two parts, type 2 and type 3 epithelium; and an
ascending thin limb (ATL), type 4 epithelium; the bend is located in
Short-loop nephron the inner medulla. Two additional long-loop nephrons (incompletely
drawn) demonstrate heterogeneity among long-loop nephrons, which
Short-loop nephrons have a thin descending segment but no turn back at different levels within the inner medulla. Numbers 1-4 re-
thin ascending segment; their ascending segment consists only fer to type of epithelium encountered in corresponding thin limb part:
type 1, DTL of short loops; type 2, upper part of DTL of long loops; type
of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. The bends 3, lower part of DTL of long loops; type 4 (beginning short distance
of the short loops of most species lie at approximately the before bend), ATL. Aquaporin 1 (AQP1)-negative segments/yellow;
same axial level of the inner stripe, at the junction of the AQP1-positive segments/red; ClC-K1-positive segments/green. Figure
based on data adapted, with permission, from references 27, 63, 125,
outer medulla and inner medulla. In humans and several other and 185.
species, short loops form their bends at any level of the outer
medulla and in the cortex (63). In the mouse, short loops form
their bends at all levels between the middle level of the in- Three types of bends occur in C57/BL/6J mouse short
ner stripe and the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary loops (Fig. 2), each type being defined by the extent to which
(184). The transition from the DTL-type epithelium to the the bend comprises DTL epithelium (184). In type 1 bends
thick ascending-type epithelium occurs some distance before (21% of total short-loop nephrons) the DTL-type epithe-
the bend or at the bend in short loops of rat and hamster (5,63). lium continues beyond the bend into the ascending limb (the

2064 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

Long-loop nephron
Long-loop nephrons have a thin descending segment and a
thin ascending segment, the latter becoming the thick ascend-
ing limb at the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary.
The long-loop DTL of several mammalian species is known
to consist of two morphologically distinct segments. These
Cortex two segments are designated as DTLupper , for those descend-
ing segments lying in the inner stripe and outer inner medulla,
and DTLlower , for those segments lying in the innermost re-
gion of the inner medulla. The bends of long loops form at
all levels of the inner medulla in a cascading fashion (Fig. 1);
as a result, the number of loops at progressively deeper trans-
SLN1 SLN2 verse levels declines in number. The pattern of this decline
has been shown to approximate an exponential rate of decline
ISOM (71, 93, 132). In the Munich-Wistar rat approximately 40%
of all long loops form their bends within the first millimeter
Transitional zone below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary (132).
In nearly all species that have been investigated to
date, the DTL terminates with a prebend segment that has
IM ultrastructural characteristics of the ATL. Prebend segments
with these characteristics have a mean length of about
LLN 700 μm in mouse (184) and range from about 50 to 140 μm
in the Sprague-Dawley rat (153) and from 0 to 140 μm in
Proximal tubule (PT)
rabbit (62) (functional aspects of the prebend segment are
Thin limb (TL)
discussed later in Section “Fluid and solute transport in the
Thick ascending limb (TAL) descending thin limb of the loop of Henle”). In chinchilla, a
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT) unique papillary segment beginning 2000 μm or less prior
Connecting tubule (CNT) to the bend and terminating some distance after the bend is
Initial connecting tubule (ICT) morphologically distinct from the ATL (see later) (27). A
Collecting duct (CD)
segment exhibiting some similarity to the chinchilla papillary
segment is present in the desert sand rat, Psammomys (10),
Figure 2 Segmentation of C57/BL/6J mouse short-loop and long- a species which can produce a urine having a maximal
loop nephrons. Tortuous descending thin limb (DTL) of long-loop osmolality similar to that of the mouse and chinchilla (about
nephron (LLN; large arrow); winding course of thick ascending limb
(red arrowhead) of short-loop nephron (SLN) and CD (black arrow- 6000 mOsm/kg H2 O) (12). In most species, the bends of
head); a piece of TAL inserted in the DTL of LLN (LLNt; small arrow), long-loop nephrons resemble U-shaped hairpins. However, in
which forms its bend just beneath the “transitional zone” within the the terminal 500 μm region of the Munich-Wistar rat papilla,
inner medulla; and three different types of SLN bends (SLN1, SLN2,
and SLN3). Outer stripe of outer medulla (OSOM), inner stripe of outer some loop bends exhibit 5- to 10-fold greater transverse
medulla (ISOM), and inner medulla (IM). Figure adapted, with permis- length than the average transverse length of hairpin bends
sion, from reference 184. (Fig. 3) (130). In the mouse kidney, long-loop DTLs arising
from glomeruli that originate deeper than mid-cortical levels
have a convoluted portion in the inner stripe that adds about
axial length of DTL epithelium on the ascending side of the 30% to their total DTL length (Fig. 2) (184).
bend is less than 60 μm); in type 2 bends (33% of total) In the mouse kidney, a transitional zone spans a narrow
the DTL epithelium transforms into the thick ascending limb region between the inner stripe and the initial 100 μm below
(TAL) within the bend itself; and in type 3 bends (47% of the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary (Fig. 2) (184).
total) the DTL epithelium ends on the descending side of In this transitional zone, which is known only in the mouse,
the loop at a point 50 to 450 μm before the bend, prior to almost no loop bends are found, either from short or long
forming a thick ascending limb type of epithelium that con- nephrons. Very few bends from short-loop nephrons reach
tinues into and through the ascending segment. Bend types the innermost region of the inner stripe, and these short-loop
1-3 correspond to the positions of their glomeruli, which lie nephrons are characterized by a winding terminal loop and
at progressively deeper superficial and middle cortical lev- a type 3 bend. A few long-loop nephrons form their bends
els, respectively (184). Near the bends of most short-loop immediately beneath the transitional zone. These long-loop
nephrons in mouse, DTL and ATL are separated by approx- nephrons are structurally similar to the other long-loop
imately 20 μm (184). Broad and flat bends with limbs that nephrons, except for an approximately 100-μm-long segment
are separated by a distance of 40 to 50 μm are occasionally characterized by thick ascending limb-type epithelium, which
identified among all three bend types. is inserted into the DTL at the level of the transitional zone.

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Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology



Figure 3 Immunolocalization of wide-bend thin limbs of loops of

Henle (arrows), ascending thin limb (ATLs), and CDs in Munich-
Wistar rat papilla. ATLs and wide-bend loops/ClC-K1/green (struc-
ture/immunogen/color), and CDs/aquaporin 2 (AQP2)/blue in a trans-
verse section that lies 70 μm above the tip of the papilla. Scale bar,
100 μm. Figure adapted, with permission, from reference 130.

Ultrastructure of the thin limb of the

loop of Henle
The ultrastructural characteristics of cells of thin limbs of
the loop of Henle have been reviewed in detail (5, 57, 63,
81, 152, 153, 184). Some of the distinguishing ultrastructural
characteristics of cells present in different subsegments are (C)
summarized in Table 1.
DTLs of short loops in all mammalian species that Figure 4 Type 1 epithelium of rat short-loop descending thin limb
have been investigated, including rat, mouse, hamster, (DTL). (A) Overview of cross-sectional profile, x ∼ 4000. (B) Simple
type 1 epithelium, x ∼ 12,000. (C) Complex tight junction in freeze-
chinchilla, rabbit, Psammomys, and Perognathus (63) consist fracture replica, x ∼ 71000. Intramembrane particle clusters (* ) seen on
of a simple (type 1) epithelium lying on a thin basement P-face of basolateral membrane correspond to desmosomes. Figure
membrane (Fig. 4). The epithelium is composed of relatively modified, with permission, from reference 63.
flat cells of simple structure that contain few cytoplasmic
organelles. These cells exhibit no interdigitation with each
other and are joined by a tight junctional belt of intermediate

Table 1 Summary of Structural Characteristics Typical of Thin-Limb Segments and Types 1-4 Thin-Limb Epithelia for Rat, Mouse, Hamster, and
Chinchilla (5, 27, 57, 63, 81, 152, 153, 184)

Feature Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Papillary type

Tubule outer diameter (μm) 19-27 15-45 16-19 19-21 ∼17-24

Cell height (μm) 0.1-0.3 0.3-2.1 0.3-2.1 0.3-0.5 ∼1-2
Microvilli projection + +++ + – ++
Interdigitation Diminished High Diminished High Highly
Number of tight junctions (per cross section) + +++ + +++ +++
Apicobasal depth of tight junction Deep Shallow Deep Very shallow Shallow
Intercellular space Narrow Narrow Narrow Widen toward basement membrane Narrow
Narrow basilar slits Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Basal infoldings Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Basement membrane – – – Multilaminated Multilaminated

The papillary-type epithelium has been found only in chinchilla; chinchilla tubule outer diameter and cell height are estimated from reference 27.
Relative intercellular junction solute permeability, based on degree of cellular interdigitation, number of tight junctions, and apicobasal depth of
tight junctions, is either tight (types 1 and 3) or leaky (types 2, 4, and papillary type). Table modified from reference 27.

2066 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

apical-to-basal depth. This tight junction consists of several

junctional strands (3.75 on average in rat short loops (152))
and many desmosomes. A luminal cilium may be present in
the cells of the short-loop DTL (Fig. 4) (63).
Long-loop DTLs of most species that have been studied
have two subsegments that can be distinguished on the ba-
sis of cell structure (63): the type 2 segment (DTLupper ) that
abruptly follows the proximal tubule, and the type 3 segment
(DTLlower ) that lies distal to the type 2 segment (Table 1). The
type 3 segment continues almost to the bend of the loop of
Henle for all species studied, except for chinchilla. The type
2 epithelium is characterized by a high degree of interdigita-
tion along the cells’ lateral aspects between their apical and
basal poles, and by numerous shallow tight junctional profiles
consisting of one, or at most two, junctional strands [1.00 on
average in rat long loops (152)] (Fig. 5). These characteris-
tics of type 2 segments are similar for rat, mouse, hamster,
chinchilla, Psammomys, and Perognathus. However, the type
2 segment epithelial cells of rabbit, guinea pig, and prob-
ably human lack the high degree of cellular interdigitation
and are joined by deeper tight junctions consisting of several
junctional strands (81). Type 2 DTLs also exhibit prominent
microvilli on the luminal surface and a thin basement mem-
brane (63, 152).
Most long DTLs in the outer half of the inner stripe consist
of type 2 epithelia; however, a clearly heterogeneous and (B)
species-specific distribution of types 2 and 3 DTLs exists
at deeper levels of the medulla. In Psammomys and mouse,
most long DTLs at the beginning of the inner medulla consist
of type 2 epithelium (63), whereas in the rat most DTLs at
this level are lined with type 3 epithelium (153). Taking a
quantitative approach, Schwartz and Venkatachalam divided
the inner medulla into six equal levels and reported the number
of DTLs lined with types 2 and 3 epithelia at each level
beginning at the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary
(153). The percentages of type 2 epithelium at each of the six
progressively deeper levels were approximately 30, 16, 6, 3,
0, and 0. Similarly, in the outer 25% of the inner medulla of
the chinchilla kidney, somewhat less than 50% of DTLs are (C)
lined with type 2 epithelia, and in the terminal 2 mm of the
chinchilla papilla virtually all DTLs consist of the papillary
Figure 5 Type 2 epithelium of rat long-loop descending thin limb
type epithelium (see later) (27). The transition from type 2 (DTL) (DTLupper ). (A) Overview of tubular profile; note many tight junc-
to type 3 DTL occurs relatively abruptly for both rat and tions (arrows), x ∼ 4000. (B) Longitudinal section through epithelium;
chinchilla (25, 153). numerous tight junctions (arrows) indicate extensive cellular interdigita-
tion. Note basolateral “labyrinth,” x ∼ 18,000. (C) Flat section through
The type 3 epithelium, which comprises the lower seg- epithelium showing star-like shape of epithelial cells responsible for
ments of long DTLs consists of flat simple cells that appose cellular interdigitation. Note microfilament bundles (* ) in basal epithe-
each other with no interdigitations (Fig. 6). These cells lie on lium, x ∼ 13,500. Figure modified, with permission, from reference
a thin basement membrane (63). The tight junctions found in
type 3 epithelia are deeper than those in type 2 and consist of
about 3 anastomosing junctional strands (152). The luminal
membrane has few microvilli and a thick electron-dense gly- descending segment, and in the entire ATL. Type 4 epithelia
cocalyx covering its surface (153). The basolateral membrane are characterized by flat, heavily interdigitated cells, but in-
forms basal infoldings. terdigitation is less than that occurring in type 2 DTLs (63)
Type 4 epithelia are present in segments that lie distal to (Fig. 7). Interdigitation occurs around the entire cell, produc-
those segments containing type 3 epithelia, and are found in ing a lengthy junctional belt. Tight junctions are shallow and
the prebend segment that lies at the terminal portion of the generally consist of a single junctional strand (152).

Volume 2, July 2012 2067

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology






Figure 6 Type 3 epithelium of rat long-loop descending thin limb (C)

(DTL) (DTLlower ). (A) Overview of cross-sectional profile. Only two tight
junctions (arrows) are encountered, x ∼ 3750. (B) Simple type 3 ep-
ithelium, x ∼ 16,500. (C) Freeze-fracture electron microscopy shows Figure 7 Type 4 epithelium of rat long-loop ascending thin limb
complex tight junction, x ∼ 52,000. Figure modified, with permission, (ATL). (A) Overview of cross-sectional profile, x ∼ 3000. Note many
from reference 63. tight junctions (arrows). (B) Longitudinal section through epithelium
showing high degree of cellular interdigitation (junctions marked by
arrows), x ∼ 11,500. (C) Freeze-fracture electron micrograph showing
The chinchilla has a single type of thin-limb segment in luminal aspect of two interdigitating cells, x ∼ 12,000. Note two differ-
the terminal 20% of the papilla (Table 1) (27). This “papillary ent types of intramembrane textures. Figure modified, with permission,
from reference 63.
type” epithelium has a length as long as 2 mm on the descend-
ing side of the loop and extends some distance into the ATL
before changing to the type 4 epithelium. All thin limbs in this the segment immediately preceding the prebend segment. A
region of the chinchilla papilla, both DTLs and ATLs, exhibit successful method for ensuring correct segment identification
structural characteristics distinct from those found in types in vitro has been to retrieve tubules after experimental manip-
1-4. The papillary type segment has relatively tall cells and a ulation and determine cell types of those tubules with electron
complex cellular organization with extensive interdigitation, microscopy (27,49); however, even with electron microscopy
numerous shallow tight junctions, and microvilli. confirmation, considerable scatter in data values can persist
The distinct cytology of cells in types 2 and 4 epithelia, as (54), underscoring an enduring difficulty in clearly identify-
viewed in vitro with differential interference contrast optics ing the subsegments of thin limbs of the loop of Henle in
or by light-level microscopy, can be useful for distinguishing vitro.
the DTLupper from the ATL (Fig. 8) (16, 25-27, 50, 133). Cells About 50% of Munich-Wistar rat inner medullary thin
of type 3 epithelia, which closely resemble those of type 4 limbs, lying at positions distinctly above the bend, have been
epithelia, when viewed with differential interference contrast shown to have segments exhibiting structural characteris-
optics, can be distinguished as the continuation of type 2, or as tics of type 2 DTL (AQP1-positive) that are contiguous to

2068 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle



Figure 8 Photomicrographs of Munich-Wistar rat thin limbs of the loop of Henle from the
inner medullary outer zone (OZ; see Fig. 13), viewed with differential interference contrast
optics. (A) Type 2 epithelium [descending thin limb (DTLupper )] and (B) type 4 epithelium [as-
cending thin limb (ATL)]. Note cells with nuclei protruding into lumen in type 2 epithelium and
cells with large, round, flat nuclei in type 4 epithelium. Scale bar, 100 μm. Figure adapted,
with permission, from 127.

segments exhibiting structural characteristics of type 4 ATL fluid and solutes that occur between tubules and vessels. These
(ClC-K1-positive) (16, 127). Multiple ATL-type segments of flows are critical for understanding solute exchange, cycling,
variable length are interspersed along a single straight por- and sequestration patterns related to the urine concentrating
tion of these “mixed-type” thin limbs of the loop of Henle, mechanism, as well as for understanding medullary and re-
likely on the descending side of the bend. Inner medullary nal function more generally. Medullary histotopography and
thin limbs with repeating, sequential expression of DTL-type zonation, arising from the geometrical relationships found in
and ATL-type regions are also present in Sprague-Dawley the rat, and in the mouse, where noted, are summarized in this
rats, mice, and rabbits. Reverse-transcribed polymerase chain section.
reaction (RT-PCR) of microdissected segments showed that The entire medulla consists of multiple, spatially distinct
the water channel AQP1 and the urea transporter UT-A2 are zones and regions distributed across the axial (corticopap-
expressed in pure DTL, but not in pure ATL, and in DTL- illary) and transverse (perpendicular to the corticopapillary
type, but not in ATL-type regions of mixed-type thin limbs. axis) dimensions, respectively. Regional and zonal designa-
Immunocytochemistry revealed expression of AQP1 in cells tions are based on architecture of loops of Henle, CDs, and
of DTL-type, but not ATL-type regions of mixed-type thin blood vessels. The outer medulla is generally considered to
limbs. In contrast, the chloride channel ClC-K1 is expressed consist of two zones in the axial dimension and two zones in
in ATL-type, but not DTL-type regions of mixed-type thin the transverse dimension. The axial zones include the outer
limbs. A functional role for mixed-typed thin limbs would be stripe and the inner stripe; the transverse regions include the
critically dependent on the number, length, position within the vascular bundle and the interbundle regions (8, 63). The inner
papilla, and overall architectural arrangement of the segments medulla can be considered to consist of four axial zones and
of each type; however, no role for mixed-type thin limbs has two transverse regions. The axial zones include outer zones
been identified (127). 1 and 2, and inner zones 1 and 2; the two transverse regions
include the intracluster and intercluster regions. Structural
characteristics of the thin limbs of Henle that reside in the
inner stripe and inner medullary zones are summarized in
Histotopography of the Thin Limb Table 2 (131).
of the Loop of Henle and In the outer stripe of the outer medulla, the histotopogra-
phy is dominated by the straight proximal tubule segments,
Medullary Zonation which make the most abundant contribution in terms of tissue
Considerable attention has been placed on understanding the mass. In the inner stripe the thick ascending limbs dominate
patterned organization of medullary tubules and vessels, and the histotopography. In the outer medulla, the vascular bundle
their geometrical relationships to each other. The proximity region can be viewed as the central organizing feature in the
of one structure to another, and the expression of segment- transverse dimension (97) (Fig. 9). The vascular bundles con-
specific cell-membrane transport pathways largely determine sist of descending and ascending vasa recta, and, in the inner
both axial flows as well as the highly organized lateral flows of stripe of mouse and rat, short-loop DTLs. The interbundle

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Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology

Table 2 Characteristics of Rat Thin Limbs that Reside in 5 Medullary Axial Zones

OM Inner inner medulla inner medulla inner medulla inner medulla

Zone Characteristic stripe OZ-1 OZ-2 IZ-1 IZ-2

Short-loop DTLs with first outer medullary segment 10%
AQP1-positive, last 90% AQP1-negative √ √
Long-loop DTLs completely lacking inner medullary AQP1 √ √ √ √ √
Long-loop DTLs with first inner medullary segment 40%
AQP1-positive, last 60% AQP1-negative √ √
Only AQP1-negative portions of long-loop DTLs* remaining √ √ √ √
ATLs with ClC-K1-positive, narrow bend √
ATLs with ClC-K1-positive, wide bend

* DTLs with first inner medullary segment 40% AQP1-positive, last 60% AQP1-negative.
For the outer medulla (OM), the outer stripe extends for 1 mm below the cortico-medullary boundary; the inner stripe extends from about 1 mm
below the cortico-medullary boundary to about 2 mm below the cortico-medullary boundary. For the inner medulla (IM), outer zone 1 (OZ-1)
extends for 1 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary; outer zone 2 (OZ-2) extends from 1 mm below the outer medullary-inner
medullary boundary to 3.0 to 3.5 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary; inner zone 1 (IZ-1) extends from 3 to 3.5 mm below
the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary to 4.5 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary; inner zone 2 (IZ-2) extends from
4.5 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary to 5 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary. Modified from
reference 132.

region consists of thin and thick limbs of the loop of Henle, close proximity between the DTLs of short-loop nephrons and
CDs, and interconnecting capillaries. the descending and ascending vasa recta that is brought about
Throughout the inner stripe of the outer medulla of nonro- by this repositioning within the inner stripe is considered to
dent mammalian species, the thin descending segments of the serve as a significant functional adaptation that contributes
short loops lie within the interbundle region, distant from the to the relatively high urine concentrating ability of rodents
vascular bundle, and maintain a relatively constant distance (8, 72, 97, 176). The combination of low transepithelial water
from the vascular bundle in their descent (81). The descending permeability and significant transepithelial urea permeability
segments of the longest long-loop nephrons of these species in the terminal portions of DTLs of short-loop nephrons have
lie nearer to the vascular bundle than descending segments been shown to support urea cycling in mathematical models
of shorter long-loop nephrons. As indicated previously, ro- of the urine concentrating mechanism (89).
dent medullary architecture shows contrasting variations to In the inner medulla, the CDs coalesce as they descend the
this pattern; upon entering the inner stripe, thin descending corticopapillary axis, forming organized CD clusters that can
segments of short-loop nephrons of the rat approach the vas- be viewed as the central organizing feature; these CD clus-
cular bundle and then descend alongside the perimeter of the ters define two transverse regions (128) (Fig. 10). The “in-
bundle (81,84). In mouse, thin descending segments of short- tracluster” region includes the area encompassed by a group
loop nephrons approach and then enter the vascular bundle, of coalescing CDs, the “intercluster” region consists of the
whereupon they continue their descent within the bundle. The region that lies at the periphery and outside the CD cluster
(Fig. 10). Distinguishing features of the intracluster region are
the four or more symmetrically arranged capillaries that abut
and run alongside every CD in the corticopapillary dimen-
sion. In the transverse dimension, particularly noticeable in
the rat, inner medullary AQP1-positive DTLs are distributed
non-uniformly, whereas ATLs (and prebend segments) are
distributed in a much more uniform pattern (Fig. 11). Three-
dimensional reconstructions of rat inner medulla have shown
that AQP1-positive DTLs lie in the intercluster region, out-
side and at the periphery of CD clusters, throughout most of
their descent along the corticopapillary axis (Fig. 12). There-
fore, AQP1-positive DTLs are anatomically separated from
CDs, lying in a spatially distinct compartment. In contrast,
ATLs of the inner medulla lie in both the intercluster and
Figure 9 Immunolocalization of tubules and vessels in the inner intracluster regions (Fig. 12); some, but not all ATLs lie in
stripe of the Munich-Wistar rat outer medulla. CDs/aquaporin 2
(AQP2)/yellow; long-loop descending thin limb (DTL)/aquaporin 1 the compartment that is spatially distinct from that occupied
(AQP1)/white; short-loop DTL/UT-A2/blue; thick ascending limb/ClC- by CDs. Some of these arrangements have been shown for
K2/orange; descending vasa recta/UT-B/green. Ascending vasa recta, mouse inner medulla (184), including a similar separation of
capillaries, and AQP1-negative long-loop DTLs are not shown. Overlay
of two adjacent transverse sections, 1 μm apart. Scale bar, 250 μm. AQP1-positive DTLs from CDs (Pannabecker, unpublished
Unpublished figure, Thomas Pannabecker. observations).

2070 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle



Figure 11 Immunolocalization of thin limbs of the loop of Henle

in the Munich-Wistar rat inner medulla. Transverse sections showing
(A) nonuniform distribution of aquaporin 1 (AQP1)-positive descending
Figure 10 Immunolocalization of CDs and associated thin limbs of thin limb (DTL)/AQP1/red and (B) near uniform distribution of prebend
the loop of Henle in the Munich-Wistar rat inner medulla. The “intra- segments and ascending thin limb (ATL)/ClC-K1/green. Sections lie
cluster” region is bounded by the red borders, the “intercluster” region within 1300 μm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary
lies between the red and white borders. Transverse section is from (outer zone 2, see Fig. 13). AQP1-negative DTLs are not shown. Scale
about 400 μm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary bars, 100 μm. Figure modified, with permission, from reference 129.
(outer zone 1; see Fig. 13). Five primary CD clusters are outlined by
white borders; borders were determined by the Euclidean distant map
technique (132). These five primary clusters make up a single sec- reach to no more than about 1 mm into the Munich-Wistar
ondary CD cluster that consists of 31 CDs near the outer medullary-
inner medullary boundary. Descending thin limb (DTL)/aquaporin rat inner medulla, lie at the periphery of CD clusters in the
1 (AQP1)/red, CD/aquaporin 2 (AQP2)/blue, ascending thin limb transverse dimension (Fig. 14) (128). All ATLs of short long-
(ATL)/ClC-K1/green. Scale bar, 100 μm. Figure modified, with per- loop nephrons, and for the most part, only ATLs of short
mission, from reference 132.
long-loop nephrons, lie within the OZ 1 intracluster region
(128). Thus, short long-loop nephrons are a defining feature
In the inner medulla of the Munich-Wistar rat, four axial of OZ1 in the rat kidney. Long long-loop nephrons of the
zones have been distinguished (131, 132) (Fig. 13): (1) an rat kidney reach more than 1 mm into the inner medulla, and
outermost zone (OZ1) of about 1 mm thickness, just below label for AQP1 only in the upper 40% of their DTLs; the lower
the outer medulla, where loops expressing negligible or no 60% do not express detectable AQP1 (Fig. 15). These loops
AQP-1 have their bends (128); (2) a larger outer zone (OZ2), usually enter CD clusters before the bend, and then ascend
just below the outermost zone, 2 – 2.5 mm in thickness, which within the cluster for variable distances, before exiting into
contains well-organized CD clusters where tubules and ves- the intercluster region (Fig. 16) (124). Little or no detectable
sels are tightly packed and where loops bend within the central AQP1 is expressed in any DTL segment in the final 2.0 to
portions of the clusters; (3) an “outer” inner zone (IZ1) where 2.5 mm of the rat and chinchilla inner medulla (27, 130).
the organization of the CD clusters is diminishing and nearly These expression patterns of AQP1 suggest that DTL luminal
all vasa recta are fenestrated; and (4) an innermost zone (IZ2) fluid may not equilibrate with interstitial fluid by way of water
where CD clusters can no longer be distinguished, where the reabsorption in the lower, type 3 segments.
CDs appear to dominate all other structures, where nearly The rate of change in numbers of AQP1-positive
all vasa recta are fenestrated, and where a large fraction of DTLs, AQP1-negative DTLs, and ATLs at each axial
loops exhibit substantial transverse-running segments (Fig. 3) level in the rat inner medulla exhibits a complex pattern
(130). The two inner zones make up the approximately 1.5 to (132). The total number of thin limbs at progressively
2 mm of the Munich-Wistar rat papilla. The unique papillary deeper axial levels declines at a rate that closely approxi-
loop of Henle segment of chinchilla (27) and a comparable mates an exponential rate of change (Fig. 17) (43, 91-93).
segment hypothesized to exist in Psammomys obesis (10, 27) The AQP1-positive DTLs decline in number at a nearly
lie in the inner zone. linear rate, with few or none present below approxi-
Short long-loop nephrons that have DTLs which express mately 1700 μm from the outer medullary-inner medullary
undetectable AQP1 in their inner medullary segments, and boundary (Fig. 17). Throughout this initial 1700 μm below

Volume 2, July 2012 2071

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology

(A) (B)

Collecting duct Collecting duct

Descending thin limb Ascending thin limb

Descending vasa recta

Figure 12 Three-dimensional reconstruction of a primary CD cluster and associated tubules and ves-
sels in the Munich-Wistar rat inner medulla. (A) Descending thin limbs (DTLs) and descending vasa recta
that are associated with a primary CD cluster lie at the periphery of or outside of the cluster along the
entire axial length of the cluster. Aquaporin 1 (AQP1)-positive DTLs/AQP1/red; AQP1-negative DTLs/α-B
crystalline/gray; descending vasa recta/UT-B/green; CDs/aquaporin 2 (AQP2)/blue. (B) Ascending thin
limbs (ATLs) and prebend segments associated with a primary CD cluster lie at the periphery of, outside of,
or amongst the CDs along the entire axial length of the cluster. ATLs and prebend segments/ClCK/green;
CDs/AQP2/blue. The upper edge of the image is positioned near the outer medullary-inner medullary
boundary. Scale bars, 250 μm; inset scale bars, 500 μm. Figure modified, with permission, from refer-
ences 128 and 129.

the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary, the number CDs in combination with some of the ascending vasa recta
of AQP1-negative DTLs is relatively constant. This results and ATLs, when viewed in transverse sections, are arranged
from a combination of two factors: (1) the DTLs of short so as to form interstitial compartments or microdomains.
long-loop nephrons that form their bends within 1 mm be- These compartments have been called interstitial nodal spaces
low the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary and ex- (INSs) (Fig. 18). The INSs are bordered on one side by a CD,
press no detectable AQP1 (∼40% of all DTLs) reduce the on the opposite side by one or more prebend segments or
number of AQP1-negative DTLs through attrition as they ATLs, and on the other two sides by ascending vasa recta or
form their bends; and (2) the DTLs of AQP1-positive long capillaries (128, 129). INSs are arrayed at structured intervals
long-loop nephrons gradually become AQP1-negative as they throughout the inner medulla, primarily within CD clusters,
descend to deeper papillary levels, and these loops add to and could play an important role in generating the cortico-
the existing AQP1-negative DTL population through a one- papillary osmotic gradient, possibly by serving as compart-
for-one replacement of AQP1-positive DTLs. This tends to mentalized solute mixing chambers (92). The entire length of
offset the number of AQP1-negative segments lost by at- each prebend and postbend equivalent length ATL segment
trition. After the point where AQP1-positive DTLs disap- lies in contact with one or more INSs (124). This placement of
pear entirely (∼1700 μm below the outer medullary-inner NaCl-permeable loop bends to INSs may function specifically
medullary boundary in the rat), the number of AQP1-negative to raise the osmolality of CD tubular fluid by facilitating the
DTLs declines at an exponential rate similar to that of other targeted delivery of NaCl from thin limbs to the CD clusters
limbs. The changes in numerical density of AQP1-positive (131). The number of contacts made by the total population
and AQP1-negative DTLs along the corticopapillary axis cor- of prebend and postbend segments exhibits a marked, but
respond to axial changes in ratios of types 2 and 3 DTLs variable, periodic increase and decrease at regular intervals
mentioned earlier (153). The transition from AQP1-positive of medullary depth; this number of contacts correlates with
to AQP1-negative DTL, for each tubule, occurs over a dis- variable, periodic changes in prebend and postbend number
tance of about 100 to 200 microns (125), corresponding to a that occur at regular intervals of medullary depth (124). The
relatively abrupt transition from type 2 to type 3 epithelium impact of periodic changes in prebend and postbend number
(25, 153). on renal function is not known.

2072 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

In all thin-limb segments, transepithelial flux of major

solutes is generally considered to occur primarily by diffusion.
OZ1 There is very little evidence that active transport contributes
to substantial, transcellular solute flux in any of the thin limbs
of the loop of Henle (25, 26, 47, 50, 158).
Defined axial zonation of the inner medulla of chinchilla
OZ2 (27) and rat (Fig. 13) (111, 125, 128) provides a method-
ology for isolating AQP1-positive and AQP1-negative DTL
segments (types 2 and 3 epithelia, respectively) (29). AQP1-
positive DTLs of the rat can be teased from the outer 2.5 to
IZ1 3 mm of the inner medulla (outer zone), selecting only DTL
IZ segments from loops that extend well beyond the first 1 mm
of the inner medulla because the short long loops that turn
IZ2 within this first mm express no detectable AQP1. Although
the longer DTL segments express AQP1, they probably in-
Figure 13 Four subsections, or zones, of the rat inner medulla; clude a portion lacking AQP1. AQP1-null DTL segments can
based on data from the Munich-Wistar rat (132): (1) an outer-most be teased from the inner 2 to 2.5 mm of the inner medulla (in-
zone (OZ1) of about 1 mm thickness, just below the outer medulla, in
which loops expressing negligible or no inner medullary aquaporin 1
ner zone) in which there is no detectable expression of AQP1.
(AQP-1) have their bends; (2) a larger outer zone (OZ2), just below The terminal 250 μm above the loop bend on the descending
the outermost zone, 2 to 2.5 mm in thickness, which contains well- side of the loop is removed to eliminate the prebend region.
organized CD clusters in which tubules and vessels are tightly packed
and in which loops bend within the central portions of the clusters; (3)
Functional studies of fluid and solute transport in thin
an outer inner zone (IZ1) in which the organization of the CD clusters is limbs of the loop of Henle are most complete for the rat,
diminishing and nearly all vasa recta are fenestrated; and (4) an inner- hamster, chinchilla, and rabbit (25, 26, 51, 52, 57, 83).
most zone (IZ2) in which CD clusters can no longer be distinguished,
the CDs appear to dominate all other structures, nearly all vasa recta
are fenestrated, and a large fraction of loops have transversely running
segments. The two inner zones make up approximately 1.5 to 2 mm of Fluid and solute transport in the descending
the papilla. CD clusters/blue coalesce into single CDs. AQP1-positive thin limb of the loop of Henle
DTLs/red, AQP1-negative descending thin limbs (DTLs)/yellow, and
ascending thin limbs (ATLs) and prebend segments/green. Scale bar, Short DTLs (type 1) of hamster were reported to have sub-
1 mm along the axial dimension; lateral dimensions are not to scale. stantial water permeability in the single published study of
Figure adapted, with permission, from reference 90.
short loop water permeability (49). However, in their study
of hamster short DTLs, Imai and colleagues acknowledged
Fluid and Solute Transport in the the possibility of failing to distinguish between types 1 and
Thin Limb of the Loop of Henle 2 segments (49), so the high water permeability values of
short loop DTLs may be significantly lower than those re-
Water, NaCl, and urea flows and distributions within the ported from that study. The absence of detectable AQP1 in
medulla are important determinants of sodium and water short loop DTLs of mouse, rat, and human, determined with
balance and of long-term regulation of arterial pressure. immunohistochemistry (185), as well as the high osmotic wa-
Moreover, the flows and distributions of water, NaCl, and ter permeability in long-loop DTLs of AQP1 knockout mice
urea play critical roles in the urine concentrating mechanism (discussed later) suggest the possible existence of alternate
(28, 123). Loops of Henle are involved with the redistribution pathways for transepithelial water flux.
of medullary fluid and solutes among the interstitial, tubu- The water permeability of type 1 segments is lower than
lar, and vascular compartments. The processes of fluid and the very high permeabilities measured in segments of the
solute secretion and reabsorption by thin limbs of the loop long-loop DTLupper (type 2; Table 3) from hamster (49,52,53),
of Henle have been investigated using micropuncture tech- rabbit (74), chinchilla (25), rat (29, 47), and mouse (23). The
niques, in vivo (88, 107, 134); however, defining net fluid and osmotic water permeability along the axis of long-loop DTLs
solute transepithelial flux in vivo is complicated by poor ac- declines significantly with increased depth below the outer
cessibility to the loops in their native configurations. Another medullary-inner medullary boundary in the rat and chinchilla,
approach to defining net flux, in vivo, is to determine transep- the only species for which measurements are available for both
ithelial permeabilities for water, Na, Cl, and urea in the loops upper and lower DTL segments (Table 3).
of Henle by way of in vitro microperfusion, and then make The long-loop DTLs are functionally heterogeneous;
assumptions about in vivo transepithelial solute gradients that tubule segments composed of cells with structural charac-
drive these fluxes (52, 53, 96). With this approach, estimates teristics typical of types 2 and 3 epithelia (Fig. 1) exhibit
of fluid and solute movements within and between compart- high and low osmotic water permeability, respectively in
ments can be determined. Mathematical modeling has played chinchilla (27), and likely do so in rat where high and low
a large role in attempting to gain comprehensive understand- osmotic permeability (29) correlate with presence and ab-
ing of these fluid and solute movements in the kidney (145). sence of AQP1 protein expression, respectively (125, 128).

Volume 2, July 2012 2073

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology



(C) (D) (E) (F)

Figure 14 Organization of a primary CD cluster and thin limbs of the loop of Henle in the Munich-
Wistar rat inner medulla. (A, B) A single transverse section from near the outer medullary-inner
medullary boundary (outer zone 1; see Fig. 13) showing profiles of CDs and associated thin limbs.
Aquaporin 1 (AQP1)-positive descending thin limbs (DTLs)/AQP1/filled red; AQP1-negative DTLs/α-B
crystallin/unfilled red; ATLs and prebend segments/ClCK/green and white; CDs associated with the
primary cluster/aquaporin 2 (AQP2)/dark blue; CDs not associated with the primary cluster are shown
in light blue. (A) Thin limbs of short long-loop nephrons associated with the CD cluster. These thin
limbs form their bends within 1 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary. AQP1-
negative DTLs lie at the edge of the CD cluster and their connecting prebend segments and ATLs lie
in the intracluster region. (B) Thin limbs of long long-loop nephrons associated with the CD cluster.
These thin limbs form their bends between approximately 2 to 3 mm below the outer medullary-inner
medullary boundary. AQP1-positive DTLs and their connecting ascending thin limbs (ATLs) lie in the
intercluster region, distant from CDs. (C-F) Three-dimensional reconstruction of primary cluster CDs
and associated thin limbs that are shown in A and B. AQP1-positive/red; AQP1-negative/yellow;
ATLs and prebend segments/green; CDs/blue. The outer medullary-inner medullary boundary lies
near the top edge of the figure. (C) DTLs of nephrons that form their bends within 1 mm below
the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary. (D) DTLs of nephrons that form their bends between
approximately 2 to 3 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary. (E) ATLs of nephrons
that form their bends within 1 mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary, and (F) ATLs
of nephrons that form their bends between approximately 2 to 3 mm below the outer medullary-inner
medullary boundary. Scale bars, 100 μm. Figure modified, with permission, from reference 128.

Chinchilla DTLs have an additional papillary segment inter- shown that little or no osmotic equilibration by water flux
vening between types 3 and 4 (27). The isolated, perfused occurs in the lower DTL. Equilibration may occur by solute
papillary type thin limbs of chinchilla exhibit very low but flux, to varying degrees, in both the upper and lower DTL of
nonzero water permeability (68 ± 9 μm/s). Variations in the rat, hamster, chinchilla, and Psammomys (91). The collective
imposed osmotic driving force in isolated tubule experiments, histotopography of inner medullary AQP1-positive DTLs, on
at least within the range of several hundred mOsmol, do not one hand, and AQP1-negative DTLs on the other, and their
significantly alter the very low fluid permeability from DTLs different water permeabilities, are likely related to distinct
of the deep papilla of chinchilla (25). contributions of these segments to production of the axial
It has been shown for the moderately antidiuretic rat and osmotic gradient of the inner medulla (92).
hamster, that luminal fluid at the bend of the loops that lie Specific transepithelial transport pathways for Na, K, and
near the tip of the papilla is in approximate osmotic equilib- Cl are poorly understood for the DTL; the Na flux is be-
rium with capillary fluid (42,60,108,109,135), and therefore, lieved to be largely paracellular (54). In short DTLs of rat
is likely in equilibrium with interstitial fluid. Transepithelial and hamster, Na:Cl and K:Cl permeability ratios are nearly
water permeability data for rat, hamster, and chinchilla thin equal, whereas in long DTLupper , the Na and K permeabili-
limbs (discussed earlier; Table 3) have shown that signifi- ties exceed that for Cl (i.e., Na:Cl and K:Cl ratios exceed 1)
cant osmotic equilibration by water flux certainly occurs in (48). In chinchilla long DTLupper , the Na permeability exceeds
the upper DTL, whereas studies with rat and chinchilla have that for Cl (Na:Cl ratio = 2.3), as in the hamster; however,

2074 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Figure 15 Three-dimensional reconstruction of Munich-Wistar rat thin limbs of the loop of Henle
that form bends at four different levels below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary. (A)
Thin limbs that form bends within the first mm below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary.
Descending thin limbs (DTLs) lack detectable aquaporin 1 (AQP1). ClC-K1 is expressed continuously
along the prebend segment and the ascending thin limb (ATL). (B-D) Thin limbs that form bends below
the first millimeter of the inner medulla. AQP1 is expressed along the initial 40% of each DTL (type 2
epithelium), and is absent from the terminal 60% (type 3 epithelium). ClC-K1 is expressed continuously
along the prebend segment and the ATL. Boxed area is enlarged in E. (E) Enlargement of near-bend
regions of four thin limbs from box in D. ClC-K1 expression begins, on average, approximately 170 μm
before the bend (arrows). AQP1-positive DTLs/AQP1/red; AQP1-negative DTLs/α-B crystallin/gray;
ATLs and prebend segments/ClCK/green. Scale bars, (A-D) 500 μm; (E) 100 μm. Figure modified,
with permission, from reference 91.

the Na:Cl permeability ratio declines at progressively deeper terminal 500 μm of the Munich-Wistar rat papilla (Fig. 3)
levels, reaching 0.55 in the long DTLlower (26). The Na per- (130) provide for a high NaCl-reabsorbing surface area, es-
meabilities of the long DTLupper are roughly comparable in pecially over the final 250 μm of the papilla tip, in contrast to
hamster and chinchilla (Table 3); however, in chinchilla, the that which would occur if all loops had narrow bends. Of per-
Na permeability of the long DTLlower becomes substantially haps even greater significance, the occurrence of wide-bend
higher than that of the long DTLupper . loops leads to a striking increase in the apparently critical
The terminal portion of the descending side of the thin loop NaCl-reabsorbing surface area relative to the CD urea-
limb of the loop of Henle (the prebend region) consists of and water-reabsorbing surface area over only 50 μm in axial
type 4 epithelium, expresses the Cl channel ClC-K1, and lacks distance (from 25 μm to 75 μm above the papilla tip) (130).
expression of AQP1, indicating a functional resemblance to Thus, the wide-bend architecture may well underlie the very
the ATL (27,111,125,153). The prebend segment is generally high osmolality of the deep papilla in the Munich-Wistar
assumed to be permeable to NaCl and impermeable to water rat.
(27, 91, 96, 111, 125); however, some uncertainty remains as In the Munich-Wistar rat (Dantzler, Evans, and
no functional studies of this segment have been reported in Pannabecker, unpublished) and chinchilla (Table 3) (25, 27)
the literature. long-loop DTL, urea permeability increases with increasing
It has been hypothesized that significant net NaCl efflux depth below the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary,
from the prebend segment occurs primarily along its short ax- qualitatively opposite to the axial decline in water permeabil-
ial distance and along an equivalent length of the ATL. Above ity. These transepithelial urea fluxes in inner medullary DTL
this region, along the ascending limb, the driving force for segments appear to be nonsaturable and are not inhibited by
NaCl diminishes as the ATL approaches the outer medulla phloretin, and therefore are unlikely to be mediated by any of
(91, 94). Mathematical models indicate that such delivery of the known phloretin-sensitive renal urea transporters (UT-A1,
NaCl along a narrow axial zone would be most effective for UT-A2, and UT-A3) (145). Two hypothetical pathways for
producing highly concentrated urine (95). The transverse- these urea movements include an unknown urea transporter
running segments (wide-bend loops of Henle) that lie in the and/or the paracellular pathway.

Volume 2, July 2012 2075

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology


Inner medulla Outer medulla

AQP1-pos DTL
AQP1-neg DTL
Total DTLs
80 ATL

Number of segments
Loop decay rate




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Distance below inner medullary base (microns)

Figure 17 Number of Munich-Wistar rat thin-limb subsegments

along the inner medullary corticopapillary axis. The plot shows the
numbers of aquaporin 1 (AQP1)-positive and AQP1-negative descend-
ing thin limbs (DTLs) and contiguous ascending thin limbs (ATLs) as-
sociated with a single secondary CD cluster at successive transverse
levels. Prebend segments were not included in the DTL count, and
as a result, the number of ATLs exceeds the number of DTLs. The
Figure 16 Schematic diagram of Munich-Wistar rat thin limb of loop thin-limb population declines with increasing depth below the outer
of Henle architecture along the corticopapillary axis (124, 131). In the medullary-inner medullary boundary, at the exponential rate defined
outer medulla, vascular bundles can be considered to be the central in previous studies (loop decay rate) (43, 91, 93). Inset: DTL and ATL
organizing elements around which DTLS of long-loop nephrons, TALs, segments for two inner medullary nephrons. AQP1-positive DTL/red;
CDs, and capillaries are systematically arranged; in the inner medulla, AQP1-negative DTL/yellow; prebend and ATL/green. Figure modified,
the CD clusters can be considered to be the central organizing ele- with permission, from reference 132.
ments. DTLs of nephrons that form their bends within 1 mm below
the outer medullary-inner medullary boundary express no detectable
AQP1 in their inner medullary segments and lie near the interface of (67). These capillaries possibly carry significant amounts of
the intercluster and intracluster regions; their ATLs lie within the intra- urea into the interbundle region (92). Urea secretion from
cluster region (cf. Fig. 14). Descending thin limbs (DTLs) of loops that these capillaries into the interbundle long DTLs by way of
form their bends deeper than 1 mm below the outer medullary-inner
medullary boundary pass from the intercluster region into the intraclus- UT-A2 could therefore represent another significant urea re-
ter region above the prebend segment, and their ascending thin limbs cycling pathway that would return urea directly to the inner
(ATLs) exit into the intercluster region above the equivalent postbend medulla.
length. ATLs may be positioned either adjacent to or distant from their
contiguous DTLs. The depicted symmetry between bundle and cluster
regions of the outer medulla and inner medulla, respectively, has not
been demonstrated.

Micropuncture studies have shown a large net secretion

of urea into rat and hamster short-loop and long-loop DTLs
(88, 107, 134). The UT-A2 urea transporter is one possi-
ble pathway for urea secretion into the DTL, at least for
those DTL segments lying near the outer medullary-inner
medullary boundary. Most ascending vasa recta that leave the
inner medulla exit by way of vascular bundles that span the
outer medullary-inner medullary boundary, and continue to
the cortex (8, 113, 123, 142). Short DTLs lie within these vas-
cular bundles in the rat and the mouse. Urea diffusing from
the highly fenestrated and highly urea-permeable ascending
vasa recta likely diffuses into the short DTLs, possibly by way
of UT-A2. This process could serve as a countercurrent ex-
change process that would return urea to the inner medulla via
more distal tubule segments; in this manner, countercurrent
exchange could add significant amounts of urea to the inner Figure 18 Interstitial nodal spaces in Munich-Wistar rat inner
medullary interstitium. A population of fenestrated capillar- medulla, as seen with electron microscopy. Electron micrograph shows
ies that ascend from the inner medullary intracluster region a transverse section from outer zone 2 (OZ2; see Fig. 13), showing
ascending thin limbs (ATLs) and ascending vasa recta (AVR) arranged
passes directly into interbundle regions of the outer medulla around a single CD. Interstitial nodal spaces are marked with X. Scale
and thereby bypasses the outer medullary vascular bundles bar, 10 μm. Figure adapted, with permission, from reference 129.

2076 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

Table 3 Permeability Properties of Subsegments from the Long-Loop Thin Limb of the Loop of Henle

Rabbit Hamster Rat Chinchilla Mouse

Segment Origin Pf Urea Na Cl Pf Urea Na Cl Pf Urea Na Cl Pf Urea Na Cl Pf Urea Na Cl

Outer Medulla
Inner Stripe 2530 1.5 1.6 2430 2.0 20.8 2187 2584 3.3 25.7
(74) (75) (74) (53) (52) (52) (47) (25) (26) (26)
Inner Medulla
Upper level 3809 13.5 3.5 4.2 1670 1520 16.8 28.7 2600
(52) (52) (52) (51) (29) (25) (26) (26) (23)
Lower level 397,0 13.0 33.9 50 47.6 74.8
(25, 29) (116) (115) (25) (26) (26)
Inner Medulla
Upper level 12.5 7.0 25.5 117 28.5 18.5 87.6 196 24.3 22.8 79.6 184
(56) (51) (47) (47) (47) (56)
Lower level 3 171 238
(25) (26) (26)

References are in parentheses below their values.

Units: Pf (water permeability, μm s−1 ); urea, Na, Cl permeability (10−5 cm s−1 ).
Pf values for chinchilla DTL from the outer medulla-inner stripe, inner medulla upper, and inner medulla lower are comparable to values reported
for chinchilla types 2, 3, and novel papillary DTL segments, respectively (27).
Modified from references 22 and 56.

The rodent renal papilla undergoes rhythmic contractions second counteranion may exist, or alternatively, a Na/cation
that have been postulated to significantly impact the urine con- exchanger may exist, so as to maintain electroneutrality of
centrating mechanism by influencing axial and transepithelial transported solutes.
fluid flows in nephrons, CDs, and vasa recta (141, 149). The The chinchilla ATL has a very high transepithelial urea
mechanical energy of these contractions might lower intersti- permeability (26), substantially higher than urea permeabili-
tial pressure sufficiently so as to drive water efflux from the ties reported for ATLs from hamster and rat (47) (Table 3). As
DTL (and other water permeable structures), thereby increas- in the DTL, the transepithelial urea fluxes shown to occur in
ing the luminal osmolality. These contractions may involve chinchilla ATL are not inhibited by phloretin, and therefore,
hyaluronan acting as a mechanico-osmotic transducer (73). are unlikely to be mediated by any of the known phloretin-
sensitive renal urea transporters (145). Also, as in the DTL,
two hypothetical pathways for these urea movements include
an unknown urea transporter and/or the paracellular pathway.
Fluid and solute transport in the ascending thin The high urea permeability of chinchilla ATL, combined with
limb of the loop of Henle its high NaCl permeability, would enable rapid osmotic equili-
ATLs from all mammalian species investigated have repeat- bration of luminal loop of Henle fluid to occur as fluid ascends
edly been shown to have little or no transepithelial osmotic toward the outer medulla. This rapid equilibration may serve
water permeability (25, 29, 47, 50, 102, 182). to retain solute in the inner medulla and sustain the medullary
Studies of Na and Cl permeabilities in rat and hamster axial solute gradient.
ATLupper using both isotopic and electrophysiological
methods showed that Cl permeability is nearly twice the
permeability of Na (47). The chinchilla ATL is likewise more
permeable to Cl than to Na (26). The paracellular pathway is Water, Chloride, and Urea Transport
likely the dominant pathway for Na reabsorption in the ATL Proteins Expressed in the Thin Limb
(26, 79).
of the Loop of Henle
ClC-K1 is the primary pathway for transepithelial Cl flux
in the ATL. ClC-K1 protein expression in rat inner medulla Several key membrane proteins involved with transepithelial
increases with water restriction (168, 174), consistent with fluid and solute flux in thin limbs of the loop of Henle
the role of ClC-K1 in antidiuresis. Reduction in extracellular have been cloned and expressed in heterologous systems.
Ca2+ inhibits Cl transport with no effect on Na transport in These studies have provided some important insights into
isolated, perfused tubules of hamster (78). Since Na trans- long standing, but poorly understood issues of thin-limb cell
port appears to continue unabated (78), it is plausible that a and epithelial function related to the urine concentrating

Volume 2, July 2012 2077

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology

mechanism. These proteins include the water channel AQP1 Chloride channels
(138), the Cl channel ClC-K1 (168), and the urea transporter The rodent Cl channel ClC-K1 and the human orthologue,
UT-A2 (183). ClC-Ka, are expressed in the ATL (66). In all thin limbs of the
Munich-Wistar rat inner medulla, expression of the chloride
Water channels channel ClC-K1 begins abruptly in the AQP1-negative portion
of the DTL about 170 μm on average above the hairpin bend,
A specific pathway for transepithelial osmotic water flux in and continues, apparently uniformly along the entire length of
DTLs was identified with the cloning of the first water chan- the ATL within the inner medulla (125). Prebend expression
nel, AQP1 (reviewed in reference 118). This constitutively of ClC-K1 continues for about 170 μm on average in all
active water channel is weakly expressed along initial seg- long loops of Henle, regardless of the depth at which the
ments of the short-loop DTLs, immediately subsequent to the bend is formed. ClC-K1 has been shown to be expressed in
proximal tubule (185), and is abundantly expressed in long- both the apical and basolateral membranes (168) of the ATL
loop DTLs (119, 185). AQP1 is expressed in both apical and in the rat kidney, where it provides the dominant pathway
basolateral plasma membranes in cells of DTLs (119), con- for transepithelial Cl flux associated with NaCl reabsorption.
sistent with a role for AQP1 in the movement of water across A closely related protein, ClC-K2 (ClC-Kb in human), is
both surfaces of the cells. expressed in the thick ascending limb and distal segments
Zhai and colleagues reported a complete absence of AQP1 (66).
along the entire length of the lower 90% of mouse short-loop ClC-K1 (ClC-Ka) is expressed along with its accessory
DTLs (185). Comparable patterns of AQP1 expression were protein barttin, the gene product of BSND (14), which is
seen in rat and human kidneys, which exhibited an abrupt a relatively small protein that forms heteromers with ClC-
transition from AQP1-positive proximal tubules to AQP1- K1 (ClC-Ka) in the ATL. Barttin is required for normal and
negative DTLs of short-loop nephrons (185) (see Section complete function of ClC-K1 (ClC-Ka) in heterologous ex-
“Fluid and solute transport in the descending thin limb of pression systems, influencing surface expression as well as
the loop of Henle”). permeation and gating of Cl channels (33, 151, 177). When
The absolute abundance of AQP1 in individual mi- ClC-Ka and barttin are coexpressed in heterologous systems,
crodissected renal tubule segments of Sprague-Dawley rats anion current is enhanced with increased extracellular Ca2+
was measured with a fluorescence-based enzyme-linked im- and inhibited by low extracellular pH (33), effects that are
munosorbant assay (ELISA) (105). This assay showed that consistent with ClC-K1 function in heterologous expression
proximal tubule segments S1 and S2, and short-loop DTLs (169) and with transepithelial Cl transport in isolated perfused
(type 1 epithelium) express nearly equivalent amounts of rat ATL (77, 78). Excision of membrane patches from whole
AQP1, relative to tubule length; proximal S3 segments ex- cell heterologous expression systems leads to ClC-K/barttin
press nearly 2-fold higher protein levels. In contrast, DTLs channel closure, suggesting that a cellular component, pos-
with type 2 epithelium express almost 7-fold higher protein sibly an intact cytoskeleton, is required for normal barttin
levels and DTLs with type 3 epithelium express about 3.3-fold gating (38).
higher levels than short-loop DTLs (105). As immunohisto- Water deprivation increases inner medullary CLC-K1 and
chemistry showed no detectable AQP1 in the lower 90% of barttin mRNA expression approximately 50% and increases
the short DTL (185), the levels of AQP1 protein measured total kidney ClC-K1 and barttin protein expression in C57BL6
with ELISA may represent protein which is expressed along mice (11, 168, 174). Six-day treatment with furosemide de-
the initial 10% of this segment. creases ClC-K1 and barttin mRNA expression approximately
DTLs with type 2 epithelium express a high density of in- 50%, and decreases protein expression in the inner medulla
tramembranous particles (IMPs) in the apical and basolateral of the Sprague-Dawley rat. The effects on ClC-K1 and barttin
membranes of thin-limb segments from Wistar rat kidney (46) were limited to the ATLs (180). Wolf et al. have proposed that
and Sprague-Dawley rat kidney (152). Freeze-fracture elec- interstitial tonicity may mediate transcriptional regulation of
tron microscopy studies of rat and mouse kidney have shown ClC-K1 and barttin in the inner medulla (180). In humans, sin-
that the IMPs in inner medullary long-loop DTLs are pre- gle nucleotide polymorphisms of the renal ClC-Ka gene are
dominantly AQP1 water channels (23, 175). The density of significantly associated with blood pressure change following
IMPs in DTLs extending through the outer medulla and into Na loading, supporting ClC-Ka as a susceptibility gene for
the initial third of the inner medulla is quantitatively greater salt sensitivity (9). Thus, functional mutations within ClC-K1
than the density of IMPs in DTLs from the lower two-thirds (ClC-Ka) or the BSND gene may increase NaCl reabsorption,
of the inner medulla (153). The density of IMPs in DTLs leading to a form of volume-dependent and salt-sensitive hy-
from the lower two-thirds of inner medullary DTLs is quanti- pertension.
tatively similar to the density of inner medullary ATL IMPs. Although specific channel blockers for ClC-K channels
These studies are consistent with a significant reduction in have not been fully characterized, ClC-Ka channels expressed
abundance of water channels in the lower two-thirds of inner in Xenopus oocytes are inhibited by phenyl-benzofuran
medullary DTLs. In the ATL, IMPs likely reflect expression carboxylic acid derivatives with an affinity less than
of proteins unrelated to AQP1 (175). 10 μmol/L (100).

2078 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

Urea transporters iology of solute movement through paracellular pathways of

In the kidney, the urea transporter UT-A2 is expressed only in these segments is poorly understood.
the DTL. Expression of mRNA for UT-A2 was observed in Members of the claudin family of proteins are princi-
the lower portion of type 1 epithelia of the Sprague-Dawley ple components of tight junction structure; thus, claudins are
rat short-loop DTL and in the long-loop DTL (154). The abun- viewed as critical in formation of tight junction strands that
dance of the UT-A2 transcript is increased in Sprague-Dawley are associated with charge- and size-selective paracellular so-
rats in response to water restriction (155), and is increased in lute permeability. Accumulating evidence suggests that the
Brattleboro rats (a strain with impaired vasopressin synthesis framework of strands is determined by the total amount of ex-
and release) by 1-deamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP) pressed claudins as well as by the ratios of different claudins
infusion (139). (40, 166). Therefore, expression of one or more claudins at
Strong immunohistochemical labeling for UT-A2 protein the tight junction can give rise to either a pore or a barrier
was observed in the apical and basolateral plasma membranes, function and serve as a significant determinant of paracellular
as well as the cytoplasm of the lower portion of type 1 epithelia solute flux (3, 172).
of the rat short-loop DTL (68,101,120,176) and in the mouse The many components that make up the tight junctional
short-loop and long-loop DTL (37, 176). Weak labeling for complex can be considered as members of three groups; these
UT-A2 was also observed in the outer and inner medullary include: (1) the integral tight junction proteins that bridge
segments of rat long-loop DTLs close to the outer medullary- the apical intercellular space such as the claudins and oc-
inner medullary boundary (68, 101). cludins, (2) the tight junction plaque proteins that serve as
In Brattleboro rats, UT-A2 antibody labels the lower links between the integral tight junction proteins and the actin
portion of descending limbs from short-loop nephrons and cytoskeleton, and that are associated with cytosolic molecules
this labeling is increased in response to treatment with the implicated in cell signaling, and (3) a miscellaneous group of
vasopressin analog dDAVP (176). Increased labeling with cytosolic and nuclear proteins, including regulatory proteins,
dDAVP administration is also seen in Brattleboro rat descend- tumor suppressors, and transcriptional and posttranscriptional
ing limbs of long-loop nephrons near the outer medullary- factors (40, 150). In addition to the claudins and occludins
inner medullary boundary (176). Tissue levels of total (discussed later), a number of these proteins are expressed
UT-A2 protein, both in the outer medulla and inner medulla, in thin limbs of the loop of Henle. These include the mul-
were increased with dDAVP infusion, as determined with im- tifunctional junction protein Ksp-cadherin, which is present
munoblotting. Further studies are needed to determine if the along the basolateral membrane of the thin limb of the loop
increased levels of UT-A2 expression with dDAVP reflect an of Henle (162), as well as fodrin, ankyrin 3, and E-cadherin,
increased length of expression along the entire tubule axis. all of which have been shown by immunohistochemistry to
Water restriction for 3 days increased UT-A2 immunoreactiv- be expressed at low, but detectable levels in the mouse DTL
ity intensities in the plasma membrane and cytoplasm of rat and ATL of the loop of Henle, near the outer medullary-inner
loop of Henle types 1, 2, and 3 epithelia (101). UT-A2 ex- medullary boundary (136).
pression decreased in hydrated rats given 3% sucrose in water
for 3 days (101) and in rats treated with furosemide for up to
7 days (98). These studies indicate that changes in hydration
status over a 3- to 7-day period can affect urea transporter pro- Claudin 2 expression, shown by immunolabeling, occurs in
tein expression without changing its subcellular distribution. some but not all AQP1-positive DTLs of the mouse (69).
In mice fed a low-potassium diet for 2 weeks, UT-A2 expres- Claudin 7 and 8 exhibit little or no expression in the outer
sion in the DTL of the inner stripe and outer inner medulla is medullary DTL, but are expressed in the inner medullary
increased (61). AQP1-positive DTLs at the tight junction and basolateral
membranes, respectively (40, 99).
Claudin 3 and 4 are expressed in the mouse ATL (69), and
claudin 16 and 19 are strongly expressed in the mouse ATL,
but only in a minority of cells (4).
Cytoskeletal Proteins and In the mouse inner medulla, claudin 10 is weakly ex-
Intercellular Junction Proteins in the pressed in the DTL and strongly expressed in the ATL (173).
Thin Limb of the Loop of Henle Nearly all the claudins expressed in thin limbs have been
shown to colocalize with the tight junction protein ZO1.
Freeze-fracture studies have shown that the tight junction
structure varies along the axis of the short and long DTLs and
ATLs (5, 57, 63, 81, 152, 153, 184), consistent with variable Gap junctions
paracellular solute permeability for ions and small, uncharged Connexin 30.3 is present in mouse and rabbit ATL, where it
solutes along the tubule axis. Paracellular pathways provide is expressed in a punctuate pattern typical of gap junctions
transepithelial routes for substantial Na and urea fluxes in (mouse) or in a continuous pattern in the apical membrane
DTLs and ATLs (26, 79, 80, 96, 103, 144); although, the phys- (rabbit) of AQP1-negative thin limbs (44).

Volume 2, July 2012 2079

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology

ZO1 and occludin the short-loop DTL or the ATL (7). Exogenous endothelin
ZO1 and occludin are present in DTLs and ATLs (4,41,69,86). produced an increase in intracellular free [Ca2+ ] in DTLs of
ZO1 expression in mouse resembles the complex architecture several rat strains, and this effect was inhibited by an ETA
typically seen for junctional strands that are known to lie receptor antagonist, but not by an ETB antagonist (7). The
along the highly interdigitated lateral membranes of the type ETA -induced calcium signaling was impaired in two strains
4 epithelium (4). of genetically hypertensive rats.
Other studies have shown ET-1 mRNA expression in rat
DTL (117), ET-1 protein expression in human DTL (122),
and ET-3 receptor mRNA expression in rat thin limbs (161).
Regulation of the Thin Limb of the In contrast, other studies have failed to detect ET-1 mRNA
Loop of Henle (19) or protein (179) in rat DTLs, and have failed to detect
mRNA in human DTLs (140).
There is generally good agreement as to the axial hetero-
geneity of permeabilities for NaCl, urea, and water in CDs Guanylin and uroguanylin
as well as to permeability changes elicited by vasopressin in
Guanylin and uroguanylin are two peptides that affect water
the antidiuretic state (146, 147). Thus, vasopressin is a key
and electrolyte transport in the intestine and kidney. Messen-
regulator of the urine concentrating mechanism (145). How-
ger RNA for both peptides has been detected by RT-PCR in
ever, there are few reports of fluid and solute flux regulation
microdissected rat thin limbs of the loop of Henle (20), sug-
by vasopressin (or by any hormone) in thin limbs of the loop
gesting that intrarenally produced peptide may be involved
of Henle. There is no evidence of regulated AQP1 expression
with regulation of renal tubule transport. The mRNA for as-
or water flux in DTLs, although AQP1 expression in IMCD3
sociated signal transduction molecules guanylyl cyclase-C
cells can be induced by hypertonicity, a response augmented
(GC-C) receptor and the cyclic guanosine monophosphate
by vasopressin (58, 171). The V2 receptor agonist dDAVP
(cyclic GMP)-dependent protein kinase II were also detected
upregulates UTA2 expression in DTLs of the inner stripe and
in microdissected thin limbs (20).
inner medulla; however, this apparently is an indirect effect
as no vasopressin receptors have been shown to be expressed
in DTLs (34, 139, 176). Increased expression of UTA2 poten-
tially leads to increased urea transport.
Renin angiotensin
Vasopressin stimulates Cl transport in the isolated, per- In ACE.2 transgenic mice, animals that exhibit only 33% of
fused hamster ATL, by increasing passive Cl flux through wild-type plasma angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and
Cl channels (159), an effect favorable to urine concentration no tissue ACE, inner medullary AQP1 and ClC-K1 protein
following the passive model (76, 156). Studies have shown are reduced to 29% and 6%, respectively, of wild-type values
that dehydration increases inner medullary ClC-K1 expres- (70). The maximal urine concentrating capacity of ACE.2
sion (168, 174) and that decreased inner medullary tonicity mice is reduced to a level comparable to that of the CLC-K1-
with furosemide decreases ClC-K1 expression (180), further null mouse. These results suggest a potential involvement of
suggesting that NaCl transport in the ATL may be a regulated tissue ACE in regulating ClC-K1 expression in ATLs.
process. Chronic treatment with the ACE-inhibitor ramipril and
Evidence for plasma membrane receptor-mediated signal the angiotensin AT1-receptor antagonist irbesartan has been
transduction pathways in ATLs of the rat inner medulla in- shown to induce expression of the bradykinin B1 receptor
cludes vasopressin-activated adenylate cyclase activity (114). mRNA in inner medullary thin limbs of normotensive mice.
The calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase type 3 (45) and The B1 receptor agonist des-Arg9 [BK] increased release of
ryanodine receptor type 3 (24) are expressed in rat thin limbs prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2 ) from this segment in the treated ani-
(DTL and/or ATL), as shown by immunohistochemistry, sug- mals, indicating the induction of B1 receptor protein had taken
gesting possible roles for calcium signaling pathways. place (106). Possibly, thin-limb B1 receptors contribute to the
cardioprotective effects of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin
receptor antagonists (165).
As endothelin plays an essential role in control of blood pres-
sure and sodium homeostasis, there is some interest in un- Nitric oxide
derstanding a potential role for this family of peptides in reg- Nitric oxide synthase enzymatic activity and mRNA, deter-
ulation of thin-limb function. Although functional roles for mined by PCR, have been localized to microdissected rat
endothelin in thin limbs have not been characterized, there is thin limbs, albeit at low levels relative to other medullary
evidence that the endothelin receptor does exist in thin limbs. structures (160, 181). Soluble guanylate cyclase mRNA is
The endothelin ETA and ETB receptors were detected in the expressed in inner medullary thin limbs (160). Evidence for
rat long-loop DTL by RT-PCR, but were not detectable in a soluble cyclic GMP signal transduction pathway in the thin

2080 Volume 2, July 2012

Comprehensive Physiology Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle

limbs supports the idea that nitric oxide could have paracrine inner medulla (DTL and/or ATL) by immunocytochemical
effects on tubule function. localization (13, 126). The Cl/HCO3 anion exchanger, AE2,
is readily detected in basolateral membranes of the rat outer
medullary long-loop DTLs that lie outside the vascular bun-
dles; however, short-loop DTLs that lie within vascular bun-
Cell Homeostasis in the Thin Limb dles show little or no AE2 staining (2). Carbonic anhydrase
of the Loop of Henle isozyme C has been shown by immunohistochemistry to be
in the initial portion of the long DTL (type 2) of rat kidney,
immediately after the S3 segment of the proximal tubule (18).
Antibodies raised against either holoenzyme, α, or γ sub- Expression was most intense in the outer medulla, very weak
units of Na-K-ATPase detect little or no protein expres- in the outer zone of the inner medulla, and rarely seen in the
sion in cells of all segments of thin limbs and functional inner zone of the inner medulla. No expression was seen in
studies have shown only very low Na-K-ATPase activity the ATL.
(64,104,137,143,157,178). Where present, Na-K-ATPase im- Functional studies of intracellular pH regulation in per-
munoreactivity has been reported to be more abundant at baso- fused or nonperfused long-loop thin limbs have been con-
lateral membranes compared to apical membranes (137,157). ducted in rat, hamster, and rabbit (30, 39, 85, 126, 158). In
Cells of thin limbs of the loop of Henle from the innermost DTLs and ATLs, the rate of recovery of intracellular pH fol-
third of the inner medulla show stronger expression of γ sub- lowing additional acidification with an NH4 Cl pulse was re-
unit and splice variant γa than in the first and second third duced by Na+ removal from the medium and by the addition
(137). In thin limbs of the loop of Henle, Na-K-ATPase may of 60 μmol/L HOE642 (an inhibitor of the Na+ /H+ exchanger,
be involved with intracellular Na+ , K+ , and volume mainte- NHE1), 55 μmol/L S1611 (inhibitor of Na+ /H+ exchanger,
nance (104). NHE3), 1 μmol/L bafilomycin A1 (an inhibitor of vacuo-
lar H+ -ATPase), or 20 μmol/L Schering 28080 (an inhibitor
of H+ -K+ -ATPase) to the bathing medium (126). Resting
Intracellular pH regulation intracellular pH was also reduced by 60 μmol/L HOE642,
Plasma of the rat papillary vasa recta is acidic (65), likely 55 μmol/L S1611, and 20 μmol/L Schering 28080. Regula-
reflecting the pH of interstitial fluid. Studies with isolated, tion of intracellular pH in response to perturbations apparently
perfused and nonperfused thin limbs from the moderately an- involves not only the expected basolateral Na+ /H+ exchanger,
tidiuretic rat have shown that resting intracellular pH is acidic, NHE1, but also the luminal Na+ /H+ exchanger, NHE3, and
and is more acidic in DTL than in ATL, regardless of the pH the primary active H+ transporters, vacuolar H+ -ATPase and
of the external bathing medium (30,126). The differences be- H+ -K+ -ATPase.
tween DTLs and ATLs in resting intracellular pH likely reflect
an intrinsic difference between cell types. In vivo measure-
ments indicate that the pH of the blood in the ascending vasa Organic osmolytes and osmoprotective proteins
recta rises significantly (to ∼6.9) when rats are made diuretic Organic osmolytes play a role in balancing the intracellu-
(39). If thin limbs maintain their intracellular pH despite a lar osmolality of medullary tubular epithelial cells with the
change in the pH of the surrounding medium, as suggested by extracellular environment, and in doing so can preserve cell
in vitro studies, then regulatory mechanisms associated with integrity in the face of high osmotic stress. Osmotically ac-
transepithelial flux of H+ and HCO3 in thin limbs of the loop tive organic solutes that localize almost exclusively to the
of Henle may be pertinent to countercurrent flows in the pap- inner medulla of rat and rabbit kidneys include large amounts
illary interstitium, and to the urine concentrating mechanism of glycerophosphorylcholine, betaine, sorbitol, and inositol
(30). Interestingly, resting intracellular pH was reported as be- (6). A number of enzymes and membrane transporters are
ing slightly but significantly higher in both DTLs and ATLs involved with regulating the level of these organic solutes in
in high osmolality (670 mOsmol/kg H2 O) than in low osmo- the cytoplasm of thin-limb cells. The sodium/myo-inositol
lality (290 mOsmol/kg H2 O) medium, but not when sucrose cotransporter mRNA is expressed in rat thin limbs, and ex-
replaced urea, suggesting that urea plays a role in determining pression is increased with dehydration (21). Aldose reductase
resting intracellular pH (126). catalyzes the production of sorbitol from glucose. Aldose re-
The vacuolar H+ -ATPase was shown by immunohisto- ductase activity is found in the inner medullary DTLs and
chemistry to be expressed in the initial portion of the long- ATLs, with progressively higher activities at deeper levels
loop DTL (type 2 epithelium) of rat kidney, immediately distal (148). Activities of the deepest papillary segments were nor-
to the S3 segment of the proximal tubule (17, 126). Vacuolar malized to cell volume, showing that equivalent amounts were
H+ -ATPase protein was expressed in basolateral and apical seen in DTLs, ATLs, and CDs in this region. Aldose reductase
membranes. The gastric H+ -K+ -ATPase α-subunit, and the activity from outer medullary short and long loop DTLs was
Na/H+ exchangers NHE1 and NHE3 (the latter present at the undetectable (148).
basolateral and apical membranes, respectively) have been The transcriptional regulator TonEBP (tonicity-
detected in the Munich-Wistar rat long-loop thin limbs of the responsive enhancer binding protein) is an essential regulator

Volume 2, July 2012 2081

Structure and Function of the Thin Limbs of the Loop of Henle Comprehensive Physiology

of the urine concentrating mechanism (87), and plays a major fied AQP, nonzero paracellular water flux, and nonzero flux
role in determining intracellular levels of organic osmolytes through apical and basolateral cell-membrane lipids (23).
by promoting transcription of membrane transporters and Urine osmolality in response to 36-h water deprivation in-
rate-limiting biosynthetic enzymes. Outer medullary TonEBP creased to values exceeding 3000 mOsm in wild-type and
protein expression is highest in nuclei and cytoplasm of heterozygous mice, but was unchanged in AQP1-null mice
DTLs, as shown by immunohistochemistry (21). All thin (23). Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of kidney medulla
limbs of the loops of Henle are labeled intensely for TonEBP showed that intramembrane particle densities were high in
expression throughout the inner medulla (21). The relative wild-type DTL (5880 μm−2 ), reduced slightly in heterozy-
levels of TonEBP protein expression in inner medullary gous mice (5780 μm−2 ), and reduced markedly in AQP1-null
thin-limb cells are low in nuclei and high in cytoplasm, in mice (877 μm−2 ). This study demonstrates that AQP1 is the
water-loaded rats (21). This pattern is markedly reversed in principal water channel in the DTL and supports the view that
thin limbs of the dehydrated rat. osmotic equilibration by water transport in the DTL plays a
GLUT1 protein has been localized by immunohistochem- key role in the renal countercurrent concentrating mechanism.
istry to the basolateral membrane of cells in thin limbs of the Comprehension of the functional role of AQP1 in the thin
inner stripe of the outer medulla (163, 164). GLUT1 expres- limbs of the knockout mouse is complicated by the marked
sion possibly correlates with the glycolytic activity of thin increase in fluid delivery that arises from reduced water re-
limbs, as in other nephron segments (164,167). Its expression absorption in the proximal tubule, which, in the wild-type,
suggests that GLUT1 may be involved with providing glucose expresses abundant AQP1.
as a source of metabolic energy in thin limbs (164).
In vivo microperfusion and microinfusion studies with
Munich-Wistar rat inner medulla have suggested that acidic,
basic, and neutral amino acids are recycled between the vasa ClC-K1 knockout mouse
recta and thin limbs (31, 32). In vitro studies with isolated Knockout of the ATL-specific protein ClC-K1 (59) leads to
perfused tubules have shown that high unidirectional secretory lowered urine osmolality in the mouse (110). Intraperitoneal
and reabsorptive amino acid fluxes in thin limbs are neither injection of the vasopressin V2 agonist dDAVP into the ClC-
inhibitable nor saturable (16, 133). These properties suggest K1 null mouse produced a minimal increase in urine osmo-
that transepithelial movement of amino acids in thin limbs of lality, indicating nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. The ATL Cl
the loop of Henle may occur via the paracellular pathway. efflux coefficient was reduced from about 188 × 10−5 cm s−1
Messenger RNA for the heat-shock protein and molecular in the wild type to about 17 × 10−5 cm s−1 in the ClC-K1
chaperone αB-crystallin is abundantly expressed in the renal null, whereas the Na efflux coefficient was unchanged; the
medulla and the corresponding protein has been localized to Cl:Na permeability ratio declined from about 4 to about 0.6
cells of DTLs and ATLs in the rat outer medulla and inner (103). Akizuki et al. demonstrated that the inner medullary
medulla (55,112,125). The αB-crystallin protein is expressed urea accumulation (and a concentrating effect) is impaired in
along the entire length of the rat inner medullary DTL and the ClC-K1 null mouse (1). This directly implies that inner
ATL (125). medullary NaCl and urea hypertonicity and the axial solute
gradient, essential to the concentrating mechanism, arise from
interacting transport systems, such as countercurrent systems.

Transgenic Mouse Models of the Thin

Limb of the Loop of Henle
UT-A2 knockout mouse
Genetic models have been influential in understanding physi- As noted previously, UT-A2 is expressed in segments of the
ological processes associated with the thin limb of the loop of short- and long-loop DTLs that lie near the outer medullary-
Henle and medullary function (1, 23, 36, 103, 110, 170). Thin inner medullary boundary. Deletion of the urea transporter
limb of the loop of Henle models include mouse knockouts UT-A2 from medullary DTLs had no effect on urine output
of AQP1, ClCK-1, and UT-A2. for mice raised on a normal protein diet consisting of 20% pro-
tein, under normal or dehydrating conditions (170). Medullary
urea accumulation also was unimpaired in the UT-A2-null an-
AQP1-knockout mouse imals. In contrast, UT-A2-null mice raised on a low-protein
Transepithelial osmotic water permeability (Pf ) was measured diet, exhibited a modest, but significantly impaired urine con-
in isolated perfused segments of DTLs from wild-type, AQP1 centrating ability and reduced medullary urea content under
heterozygous, and AQP1 null mice (23). Pf was significantly dehydrating conditions. These studies indicate that DTL UT-
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