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Phoenix Point Console Commands

1. Download the Mod Enabler here

2. Download the Console Enabler Mod here
3. Follow instructions for installation/activation. If the mods folder doesn’t create itself like it
says it should, just manually create a “Mods” folder in your base Phoenix Point directory
4. Praise the mod gods for RealityMachina

~ opens console in game

- If you use dump data mod ( ), it will output

all sorts of files. Among them is ConsoleCommands.csv

For a list of all known item, soldier, and teach commands, look at the Phoenix Point
Console Command Spawn List
Phoenix Point Stuff


give_item PX_AcidCannon_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_AcidCannon_WeaponDef

give_item PX_Assault_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item PX_Assault_Legs_ItemDef

give_item PX_Assault_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item PX_AssaultRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_AssaultRifle_WeaponDef

give_item PX_GooRepeller_Attachment_ItemDef

give_item PX_GrenadeLauncher_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_GrenadeLauncher_WeaponDef

give_item PX_HandGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item PX_Heavy_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item PX_Heavy_Legs_ItemDef

give_item PX_Heavy_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item PX_HeavyCannon_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_HeavyCannon_WeaponDef

give_item PX_LaserArray_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_LaserArrayPack_WeaponDef

give_item PX_LaserPDW_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_LaserPDW_WeaponDef

give_item PX_LaserTechTurretGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_LaserTechTurretItem_ItemDef

give_item PX_Neurazer_WeaponDef
give_item PX_PDW_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_Pistol_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_Pistol_WeaponDef

give_item PX_PsychicShield_Attachment_ItemDef

give_item PX_ShotgunRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_ShotgunRifle_WeaponDef

give_item PX_ShredderGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item PX_ShredingMissileLauncher_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_ShredingMissileLauncherPack_WeaponDef

give_item PX_Sniper_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item PX_Sniper_Legs_ItemDef

give_item PX_Sniper_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item PX_SniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_SniperRifle_WeaponDef

give_item PX_StunRod_WeaponDef

give_item PX_VirophageGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item PX_VirophageSniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item PX_VirophageSniperRifle_WeaponDef

Synedrion Stuff


give_item SY_Aspida_Arms_WeaponDef

give_item SY_Crossbow_WeaponDef

give_item SY_EMPGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item SY_LaserAssaultRifle_WeaponDef
give_item SY_LaserBlade_WeaponDef

give_item SY_LaserPistol_WeaponDef

give_item SY_LaserSniperRifle_WeaponDef

give_item SY_NeuralPistol_WeaponDef

give_item SY_NeuralSniperRifle_WeaponDef

give_item SY_PoisonGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item SY_SonicGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item SY_SpiderDroneLauncher_WeaponDef

give_item SY_Venombolt_WeaponDef

give_item SY_Venombolt_WeaponDef

# Armor

​give_item SY_Assault_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item SY_Infiltrator_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item SY_Assault_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item SY_Infiltrator_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item SY_Sniper_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item SY_Sniper_Torso_BodyPartDef


give_item SY_Assault_Legs_ItemDef

give_item SY_Infiltrator_Legs_ItemDef

give_item SY_MistRepeller_Attachment_ItemDef

give_item SY_MotionDetector_Attachment_ItemDef

give_item SY_MultiVisualSensor_Attachment_ItemDef
give_item SY_PoisonResistanceVest_Attachment_ItemDef

give_item SY_Sniper_Legs_ItemDef

give_item SY_Venombolt_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_Crossbow_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_LaserAssaultRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_LaserPistol_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_LaserSniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_NeuralPistol_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_NeuralSniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_SpiderDroneLauncher_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item SY_Venombolt_AmmoClip_ItemDef

New Jericho Stuff

give_item NJ_Assault_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_Assault_Legs_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Assault_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_FireResistanceVest_Attachment_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Flamethrower_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_FlameThrower_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_AssaultRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_AssaultRifle_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_HandGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_HandGun_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_MachineGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_MachineGun_WeaponDef
give_item NJ_Gauss_PDW_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_PDW_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_SniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Gauss_SniperRifle_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_GuidedMissileLauncher_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_GuidedMissileLauncherPack_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Heavy_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_Heavy_Legs_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Heavy_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_HeavyRocketLauncher_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_HeavyRocketLauncher_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_IncindieryGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_PRCR_AssaultRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_PRCR_AssaultRifle_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_PRCR_PDW_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_PRCR_PDW_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_PRCR_SniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_PRCR_SniperRifle_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_PRCRTechTurretGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_PRCRTechTurretItem_ItemDef

give_item NJ_RocketLauncher_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_RocketLauncherPack_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Sniper_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_Sniper_Legs_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Sniper_Torso_BodyPartDef
give_item NJ_Technician_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_Technician_Legs_ItemDef

give_item NJ_Technician_MechArms_WeaponDef

give_item NJ_Technician_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item NJ_TechTurretGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NJ_TechTurretItem_ItemDef

Anu Stuff

​give_item AN_AcidHandGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item AN_HandCannon_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item AN_Redemptor_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item AN_Shotgun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item AN_ShreddingShotgun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item AN_Subjector_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item AN_AcidGrenade_WeaponDef

give_item AN_AcidHandGun_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Blade_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Hammer_WeaponDef

give_item AN_HandCannon_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Mace_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Redemptor_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Shotgun_WeaponDef
give_item AN_ShreddingShotgun_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Subjector_WeaponDef

give_item AN_Assault_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item AN_Assault_Legs_ItemDef

give_item AN_Assault_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item AN_Berserker_Helmet_BodyPartDef

give_item AN_Berserker_Legs_ItemDef

give_item AN_Berserker_Torso_BodyPartDef

give_item AN_Priest_Legs_ItemDef

give_item AN_Priest_Torso_BodyPartDef

Neutral Faction Weapons

give_item NE_AssaultRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NE_MachineGun_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NE_Pistol_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NE_SniperRifle_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item NE_AssaultRifle_WeaponDef

give_item NE_MachineGun_WeaponDef

give_item NE_SniperRifle_WeaponDef

give_item NE_Pistol_WeaponDef

Ancient DLC Items:






Other Items

give_item VirophageMedkit_EquipmentDef

give_item MechArms_AmmoClip_ItemDef

give_item Stimpack_EquipmentDef

give_item Medkit_EquipmentDef

Living Weapons DLC items:

You can give the DLC items to soldiers in a mission:​

-mouseover the soldier that should get the item placed in it's inventory:

give px_acidassaultrifle_weapondef

give px_poisonmachinegun_weapondef




You won't see the item in the inventory but you see the added weight

After completing the mission you have the items available for use

Deal Damage:

Damage [X] = Deal X-Damage

Damage [Bodypart] [X] = Deal X Damage to a Body part

Bodyparts: Head Torso Lefthand Righthand, Legs, Arms, Leftarm, Rightarm

Spawn in Special Soldiers

give_soldier ANU_Berserker

give_soldier ANU_Priest

give_soldier SY_Infiltrator

give_soldier NJ_Technician

give_soldier PX_Assault

give_soldier PX_Heavy

give_soldier PX_Sniper


give_soldier NJ_Armadillo

give_soldier SY_Aspida

give_soldier AN_Mutog

give_soldier PX_Scarab


spawn_aircraft NJ_Thunderbird

spawn_aircraft SYN_Helios

spawn_aircraft AN vars

“spawn_aircraft” gives Manticore

Teleport soldiers:


Teleport Vehicles:

Disable fog of war

fow 0

fow 1 will enable it again

Geoscape Interactions

You can Create your own missions at geo-sites(dot on the map). You have to mouseover a
geo-site then open the console for this to work. It seems to depend on which one you want to
do. You can spawn a scavenging mission on "used" sites but you can only spawn alien attack
on havens if you hover the mouse over a haven.

super_soldiers -> Turn your soldiers into max level variant with all abilities

create_mission [missiontype] [faction]*

[faction] is optional - so far are the following for [missiontype]

- base

- scavenging
- ambush

- haven

If you want to defend Havens more often type:

create_mission haven alien

Factions so far are:

- Alien

- NewJericho

- Anu

- Synedrion

Add Phoenix Point EXP

give_sp 5000 (gives 5000 PP SP, choose whatever number you want)


Show_me_the_money (gives 10000 of every resource)

Hide_me_the_money (Removes all resources)

Change Diplomacy:

diplomacy_set synedrion phoenix 100

diplomacy_set Anu_faction phoenix 100 or diplomacy_set Anu phoenix 100

diplomacy_set NewJericho phoenix 100

(You still have to do missions to progress through the steps and you can not get over the
"barrier" until you do)
restore 40 AP (up to the max AP):

set_ap 40

restore 30 WP (up to the max WP):

set_wp 30

heal n HP (replace n by the desired amount):

heal n

make any unit invulnerable:


give n XP to all of your operatives (geoscape only):

give_xp n

adds a specific recruit to your team (geoscape only):

give_recurit x - check the available units by typing "help spawn" in the console. Replace x by the
unit ID.>> mind the typo: "recurit", not "recruit"

Ambush Protection:

ambush_protection_set X <- Prevents you from getting ambushed for the next X Explorations

ambush_protection_get <- Shows how long you are protected

cursor of death:


win the mission:

Spawning Units:

You can basically use the console for giving yourself recruits. To spawn them in, use the
"spawn" command before the unit id:

“give_soldier” to get soldier in geoscape, “spawn” for tactical

If you just use "spawn NJ_Heavy" you'll spawn a New Jericho Heavy in basic NJ equipment for
your team. If you just want some friends to cover your six, you need to add a team id. The
known ones available right now are:

aln = Aliens/Pandovirus

env = Disciples of Anu

pp = Phoenix Point (will effectively add a new unit to your active team)

nj = New Jericho

syn = Synedrion

wild = Independents (AFAIK, will attack everything)

The complete command to spawn in allied Synedrion Snipers would be, for example:

spawn SY_Sniper syn

Be advised: if you're on a mission where you're fighting Anu, New Jericho or Synedrion, and
you spawn in units into that team (env / nj / syn) you'll just be spawning more hostiles.

Disciples of Anu units:

spawn ANU_Assault

spawn ANU_Berserker

spawn ANU_Heavy (fully mutated, appears as an Assault class)

spawn ANU_Priest (frenzy head mutation)

anu_heavy (berserker with all lvl 1 mutations)

anu_watcher (berserker with all 3 lvl 2 mutations)

anu_shooter (berserker with every lvl 3 mutation)

New Jericho units:

spawn NJ_Assault

spawn NJ_Heavy

spawn NJ_Sniper

spawn NJ_Technician

nj_jugg (heavy with every lvl 1 augmentations)

nj_exosuit (technician with all lvl 2 augmentations)

nj_shinobi (infiltrator with every lvl 3 augmentations)

nj_godly (heavy with 3k hp, +300 strength)

Synedrion units:

spawn SY_Assault

spawn SY_Infiltrator

spawn SY_Sniper

Teach Skills:

The Command is “teach X” (X being the name of the skill you want to add. some skills are
named like they are displayed others are different here is what I discovered)

This command works in tactical when the mouse is pointing to a solider.

Focus = sniperist

Help = Healer


Stealth = Thief

self = Self Defense Specialist

close = Close Combat Specialist

qucikaim (unsure if spelling error is intentional, try quickaim if it doesn’t work)



Proficiencies: These are the ones I tried I am assuming the rest works





Other skills:

AR = Stomp

Hidden Talent skill: I am assuming that these skills were removed from the game or I didn't
reach the stage to unlock them. They give a boost to the respective weapons

Shotgun: +10% Accuracy

Grenade: +10% range

Mount: +10% Accuracy

PDW: +10% Accuracy

teach gun gives you the gunslinger skill which doesn't consume action points when you use a
proficient weapon.

If anyone can find the 4 missing Random Skills Quarterback, Far Sighted, Trooper and
Bombardier please post them

Skills update 05APR21:

Brainiac = Far Sight

rally (each ally within 10 tiles regains 1 ap - you need to direct it at a person within 10 tiles
otherwise the closest person to directed target will use 2 ap to give to target.)

gunslinger (use proficient weapon without spending action points, cost 2 wp)

martialartist (melee weapons only use 1 ap)

gymrat (+2 strength)

steal (+25% stealth)

double (perception x2)


crafty (“Bombardier” mounted weapons +20% range, +10% damage)

expertlight (“Trooper” +20% damage when using rifles and handguns )



bigbooms (boom blast)


enhancedvision (night vision)

motion (motion detector)


res (resourceful)

pitch (quarterback)

eagleeye (perception range x2)

devoted (+2 WP)

expertrun (+2 Speed)

goo (trooper) [Shorthand for GoodShot. Who'da thunk.]

exp (expert healer, +50% hp healed)


tech (technician)

Inf (infiltrator)

priest (priest)

ber (berserker)


assaultrifle (+10% accuracy)

hand (+10% accuracy) [handguns]

silence (+10% accuracy) [silenced weapons]

heavyweapon (+10% accuracy)

expertheavy (+20% heavy weapon damage)

expertmount (+20% mounted weapon range)

expertshoot (+20% accuracy when shooting)

expertmelee (+25% melee damage)

expertthrow (+50% throw range)

expertpack (+25% max weight)

-IMMUNITY PERKS (These perks (supposedly) make the character immune to damage/effects
of the mentioned type.)

psy (psychic)


poi (poison)
vir (virus)

stun (daze)




bra (brawler)

war (war cry)

? (boom blast)

ins (inspire)

rag (rage burst)



return (return fire)

rea (ready for action)

ral (rally the troops)

rap (rapid clearance)



quickaim (quick aim)

mas (master marksman)


mark (marked for death)

fast (fast use)

man (manual control)


rem (remote deployment)

ele (electric reinforcement)


arm (armour break)

? (close quarters evade)

blo (bloodlust)

ign (ignore pain)

adr (adrenaline rush)



ind (induce panic)



min (mind crush)


surprise (surprise attack)

dec (deploy decoy)

? (spider drone pack)

van (vanish)

sne (sneak attack)


mist (breathe mist perk)

human (jump - jump 1 story up/down)

spi (spit poison)

ext (dash copy)

strike (presumably the "fire" button for melee only characters)

overwatch (breaks existing overwatch on characters if added to character)

-ITEM/WEAPON ABILITIES (Abilities you normally only get through item use. Functionality is

med (medkit)

stim (stimpack)

lau (grenade launch)

jet (jump jets)

throw (throw grenade)

field (field repair kit)


machine (machine entity - unaffected by bio effects, 0 wp) [This is the perk
vehicles like the Scarab have.]

rapid construction, production and inspection. 3 in 1.


endless action (not verified)

Misc Commands:

give_soldier tobiaswest

Build_instant - Not tested, but “should enable instant build/manufacture/research”, unknown

what other parameters may be needed
set_charges x - allows you to set the charges of the targets current item (i.e set_charges 6 will
set the ammo to 6)

Set_infinite_ap - should set your currently hovered over target to infinite ap... seems to crash
when used on soldiers, but my armadillo was fine with it.

build_instant true

god_mode true

teach regen (restore 10 hit points to all body parts and general hit points)

Command to give research

“research complete (faction name) (research)” - i.e:

research complete px siren

Works only in tactical: master_specialization [tech/inf/priest/ber/assault/sniper/heavy] (learn

every ability in that class)

For geoscape: give_item instead of give

give fs_biogaslauncher_ammoclip_itemdef

give fs_biogaslauncher_weapondef (like vidar/assault grenade launcher with +10

damage +5 range +1 blast radius - Only a heavy weapons mount for heavies)

give nj_tobiaswestgun_weapondef (nj gauss handgun with +20 damage +6 range +20
pierce +5 shred.)

give fs_lightsniperrifle_weapondef

give fs_assaultgrenadelauncher_weapondef

give fs_slamstrikeshotgun_weapondef

Other Research commands

heal (Medical Bay facility healing at bases increased by 50% and +20 healing bonus in

energy (energy production is increased by 50%) training (Training facility efficiency

improved by 50%)

moon (aircraft speed increase by 25%)

projectvulture (+3 strength to all soldiers even if maxed)

sentientai (Research point output is increased by 25%)

uplink (Scanning range of Phoenix Bases is increased by 25%)

physiology (Pandoran related research speed increased by 25%)

centralizedai (All base Facilities output is increased by 50%)

commandfortress (Soldier recruitment cost is decreased by 50%)

missionary (Recruitment costs are reduced by 25%)

siren (siren autopsy)

livesiren (siren vivisection, increase damage against sirens by 10%)

Geoscape only:

give_item all (gives 1 of every item you can manufacture, excluding vehicles?)

geo_capture_alien [name] i.e geo_capture_alien siren (adds alien to containment facility)

alien_spawn_base (spawns pandoran base next to cursor)


-More Misc:

add_facility_buff -Give a facility buff to faction

add_research_pts -add research points

add_spec specname - Give specialization

alien_expand_base -Expand base to max range

alien_promote_base -Promote alien base to a different type

alien_reveal_chance_stats -Display stats for all alien bases and their reveal chances

alien_reveal_phoenix -Reveals all phoenix bases to the aliens

alien_spawn_base -Spawn new alien base

all_bases -Unlocks all PX bases

ambush_protection_get -Get ambush protection value

ambush_protection_set Amount -Set ambush protection value

apply_status StatusName -applies a status to the actor under the cursor with value and target

attack_phoenix -Schedule an attack on phoenix base

bionic_dmg Amount -Damage the bionic part of a soldier

blast -Spawn a blast at the cursor location

break_all_bodyparts -breaks every bone in the actor's body

build_instant true/false -Set building/manufacturing/research to instant

cls -Clears the console screen

commands -Shows available commands

create_mission -Create and assign mission to a geo site

damage Amount -damages the actor under cursor or body part in any of his slots

damagepart -damages the body part under cursor

diplomacy_get -Get diplomacy table of a faction or a site's leader

diplomacy_get_haven -Get diplomacy table of a haven's leader

diplomacy_set FactionName Amount FactionName -Set diplomacy between two factions

diplomacy_set_haven -Set diplomacy between faction and a haven

diplomacy_set_state -Set diplomacy state for phoenix with other faction

dlc -Shows in game enabled dlc


endgame -End the tactical game, setting winning/losing factions. Positive factions will win,
negative will lose."
fow true/false -enable/disable fog of war.

game_difficulty -Set game difficulty

generate_naked_recruits -Instantly generates PX recruits

geo_add_hunger Amount -Add hunger to all units

geo_add_mist -Add mist to current site

geo_add_repeller -Add mist repeller to current site

geo_add_skill_reset -Add skill reset

geo_capture_alien siren/scylla/triton -Capture an alien and put it in contaiment

geo_destory_all_havens -Destroys all havens

geo_event_list -List all triggered events

geo_faction_attack factionName -Schedule site attack from faction

geo_overgrown -Activate overgrown scavenging sites

geo_set_hp -Set hp amount for all units

geo_set_stamina -Set stamina amount to all units

give item_id - give an item to the actor under the cursor

give_bionics -Give all bionical items

give_item itemDefName -Give items with given item def's name, or get every item with all
parameter i.e give_item all

give_mutations -Give all mutation items

give_recurit templateName -Give soldier as it was recruited from haven

give_soldier soldiername -Add solider to current selected actor that can have soldiers

give_sp skillPointsAmount -Give faction skill points

give_xp ExpAmount -Give experience to all units

heal HealAmount -heal the actor under the cursor

help -Shows command or variable description

hide_me_the_money -removes all resources

launch_probe -Launch an ancient site probe at cursor location

lose -End the tactical game losing the battle for the player faction

master_specialization SpecializationName -teach all abilities from specialization

mist_expand Amount -Add mist expansion time (hours)

population_set PopulationAmount -Set haven's population

px_base_infestation baseInfestationAmount -Set infestation for a single phoenix base

px_base_protection Amount -Set base's protection counter from assaults

recruit_naked_px -Recruit one naked px recruit

remove - removes actor under cursor (kills him and hides the body).

repair_bases -repairs all PX bases' facilities

research_complete_all Completes all reseaches for faction

research complete ResearchName FactionName -completes research

research_remove ResearchName -remove research

research_unlock_all FactionName -Unlocks all researches for the current faction

reveal_sites_all -Reveal all sites, even unreviable

set_ap amount - sets action points of the actor under the cursor

set_charges amount - sets charges for the selected equipment of the actor

set_faction factionName - sets the faction of the actor under cursor"


set_stat statName amount - sets stat points of the actor under the cursor

set_wp amount -sets will points of the actor under the cursor

show_me_the_money -gives 10000 of every resource

site_destroy -Set site to destroyed

spawn spawn_id -spawn an actor under the cursor

spawn_aircraft SpawnId -Creates new aircraft in Geoscape

spawn_recruit SpawnId -Spawn recruit to haven. Optional parameter is class type PX_Assault,
NJ_Armadillo, etc

subfaction_list -List all active subfactions

subfaction_set_mission_threat factionName threatLevel -Set subfaction's mission threat level

super_soldiers -Turn your soldiers into max level variant with all abilities

teach AbilityName -teach an ability to the actor under the cursor

toggle_alien_base -Toggle displaying range of active alien bases



tp - teleports the selected actor to the cursor position

tpv -Teleport the selected vehicle to the site under cursor

unapply_status statusName -unapplies a status to the actor under the cursor

unlock_all_stuff -Unlock all locked things for a faction

unlock_all_stuff_suppress -Unlock all locked things for a faction without throwing events

vars -Shows available variables

vehicle_destroy -Destroy vehicles from site or under cursor

visit_all_px_bases -Visit all phoenix bases

win -End the tactical game winning the battle for the player faction

All information conglomerated from the reddit thread here, and via varios reddit users over time.
Thanks to RealityMachina and the guys in that thread that posted the commands - ratakaio and
Tiryan122. Special thanks to ratakaio for continuous updates.

If anything is wrong or missing, please post here on Reddit or message me at u/Jester814 so I

can get it updated ASAP! Update 20JUL20: The reddit thread has been archived, so you have
to message me. If you do, PLEASE use simple formatting for your message and don’t use this
reddit chat crap. Just send me a message. Thanks!

Lastly, I know this list is sloppy and slapdash, with some repeated information. I get a lot of
updates from people with not great formatting and that don’t necessarily speak english and I just
paste them in here to the best of my ability. If you want to clean it up you can make a new copy
of this document and link it to me on reddit, and I’ll just copy/paste the entire thing in here.
Update log:

-22DEC19: Added “Geoscape Interactions” and “Other Items” sections

-23DEC19: Added Living Weapons DLC section

-17JAN20: Added spawning-in of units. Thanks RogueSeeker24

-19APR20: Added Misc section at bottom

-13MAY20: Added skills section

-30JUN20: Added 6 commands under misc with no explanation of how they work or what they

-20JUL20: Renamed “skills” section to “teach skills”. Added a lot of commands for teach.

-05AUG20: Added dumpdata mod information at beginning

-27AUG20: Added Ancient DLC Weapon Classnames

-30MAR21: Added teach regen command

-05APR21: Added more commands under MISC (Thanks Plastic-Round-313 from reddit)

-09PAR21: Added a lot of commands under More Misc

-10APR21: Added Phoenix Point Console Command Spawn List

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