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Power of Self to Power of We

Article written by: Khawaja Waqas

When prosecutors are the people to justify and the innocent coated guilty then there is no hope unless the heart cries
out it wrong. Keep your heart alive. Live strong and be hopeful but most importantly never betray your own conscious.
Truth prevails and the evil saturates in dust.

What is important is the country we live in and the nation we need to be. Don't be cynical, be critical if you can but in a
constructive manner. Don't be negative about your country as there are enough people out there to do so. Dramatic
situations call upon intensive actions if not desperate. We live in a country where there is a nation on papers, but hard
to find on the common streets. We have overcome the color issues, some what the race as well but we are so conclusive
about who owns the rights to live his life with every breath full of freedom. It’s hard to figure out really from where to
start and begin to scratch to find a reason why we are like this.

Not, talking about politics or the even the corruptive justice system or whatever there is. It’s a question about the self
realization and actually understanding what has to be done. Cowards as we are and so strong we believe we are to
justify it is one of the biggest mistake we have made and still living through it, interestingly knowing this fact somewhere
deep inside our heart. Hearing the news about blasts, gunfire’s, drones, shootouts etc doesn't really matter to us if they
are not happening in 'our' area. But doesn't it make us wonder how many times we have given out a roar if it has
happened in our areas. Simple as it sounds simple it is, nothing really to understand when we are hiding the truth in our
heart from our mind. We know the truth yet we like to stand by our protective state of mind which says not to do
anything as nothing is going to change or happen. Well something is changing but it’s not from your side.

Feeling proud to be in some political party and raising its flag for a change is the far most disgraceful and inhuman
approach to positivism. Why not raise the flag of our own nation and raise issues under it. Just because a political party
never wants to leave out credit to do something good as if they do any to any other party. It is all about gaining more
people to their own party, to get more votes and to ultimately do corruption so they can make money out of the whole
‘campaign’. We all know how corrupt the leaders are and we still support them. Fool me once shame on you, fool me
twice shame on me.

Socialization is something we need the most, other than those of the social networks we have now on the internet. It’s
all so exciting to see the so called 'revolution' being happening on your computer screens isn’t it! "We DONT need NO
Education" is somewhat our situation, as we are so deeply involved in what we hear and see that we don't even analyze
or think about what is happening. Puppets as we are of the media and above that insane about not doing anything about
it even if we know. Slaves of our own souls and demanding its nutrition from the same side which deals with the entire
mind control ‘the media’; we truly and honestly have lost the respect even of our own opinions.

Summing it, I would be concluding it that we have the power to change the nation’s attitude and our country’s future
but we have lost the power to change our selves. We are controlled by the political parties, justice system, the media
and most importantly our selfishness. Stand by what you think is wrong and speak for your nation, defend it on every
ground. Revolutions are not made through sitting on your couches listening music on your iPod, commenting on
websites, liking stuff or any other such activities. It starts from your heart to your mind, just when you realize your
nation and country needs you is the moment of ‘revolution’. Think Pakistani !

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