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PHILIPPINE WOOD & TIMBER DESIGN (Problems with solutions)

1. The 100 mm x 300 mm actual size timbers fastened together to form an I-Beam. The beam is
simply supported with a span of 6 m long and carries a distributed load including its own weight
of 24 kN/m. Find the spacing of 16 mm Ø bolts if the bolt has shear capacity of 24.25 kN.

( ) ( ) ( )
= - ; = – = 2,675 10 mm2; = ; = 300(100)(200) =
6 10
( )( ) ( , )( , )
= ; = = 72 ; = ; = ( , )( )
= 150.16 , =

a. With the above figure 1a, what is the Shearing Stress in glued portion?

( ) ( ) ( )
= − ; = − = 2,675 10
= ; = 300(100)(200) = 6 10 8
= ; = = 72 ;
2 2
(72,000)(6 10 )
= ; = 100 ; = = .
(2,675 10 )(100)

b. From the figure above, what will be the produced maximum shearing stress?
ℎ ( − )ℎ (300)500 (300 − 100)300
= − ; = − = 2,675 10 ; = ;
12 12 12 12
= 300(100)(200) + (150)(100)(75) = 7.125 10 ; = 100
( )( )
= ; = = 72 ; = ;
(72,000)(7.125 10 )
= 100 ; = = .
(2,675 10 )(100)

c. What will be the shearing in the bolts, if spaced at 150 mm apart in the row?
( , )
= ; = 300(100)(200) = 6,000,000 ; 150 = ( , )( )
; = 24,224.30

= ; 24,224.30 = (16) ; = .

2. The reinforced steel plates 10 mm in thickness that placed at the top and bottom of the 200
mm x 350 mm timber beam with Es = 199,500 and Ew = 9500 . Allowable stresses of wood
and steel are 24.5 MPa and 248 MPa.
a. Compute the moment capacity of beam without steel reinforcement.
6 6
= ; 24.5 = ; = 100.042 .

b. What is the moment capacity of the beam if the steel placed as reinforcement? And what is the
safe moment to be carried by the beam?
= = = 21; = 21(150) = 3,150 ; . . = + ( )( ) 2+
3,150(10) 200(350 )
. . = + 3,150(10)(180 ) 2 + = 2,756,308.33
12 12
For Wood: refer to stress figure,
ℎ 350 (175)
. . = + ; = + 10 = 185 ; = ; 24.5 = ; = 385,883.17 .
2 2 2,756,308.33
For Steel:
( )
. . = + ; = + 10 = 185 ; = ; = ; = 175,949.67 .
, , .
Safe Moment = 175,949.67

c. What is change in the moment capacity of the beam?

= − = 175,949.67 − 100,041.67 = 75,908 .
= 75.91 .

3. The strut 125 mm x 100 mm makes an angle of 40° with the horizontal has a compressive force
of 40 kN. The angle of dap projected to the horizontal plane makes 15°.
a. Compute the depth of the dap if the wood has an allowable compressive stress parallel to the
grain is 14.5 MPa and allowable compressive stress perpendicular to the grain is 5.91 MPa.

sin 40° = ; = 194.47 ; = 194.47 sin 15° = 50.33 ; = 194.47 cos 15°
= 187.84
Depth of the dap = BC sin 15°; ℎ = 187.84 sin 15° = .

b. With the above figure, what is the compressive stress on section AB:
, .
= cos 25° = 40,000 cos 25° = 36,252.31 ; = = ( . )( )
= 7.2

c. What is the allowable compressive of section AB based on the figure above (Figure 3)?
= ∅+ ∅ = 14.5 75° + 5.91 75° = 13.92

d. What is the compressive stress on section BC? (See Figure 3).

= 40,000 25° = 16,904.73; = ; = = 0.90
e. What is the allowable compressive stress on section BC:
= ∅+ ∅ = 14.5 15° + 5.91 15° = 6.49

4. A wooden cantilever beam consisting of one 100 mm x 175 mm beam at top of another having
dimension of 100 mm x 225 mm in cross-section. The total depth of cantilever is 400 mm and a
span of 2.0 m.

a. Determine the load carried by the lower beam.

ℎ 100(175)
= ; = ; = ; = ; = = = 44,661,458.33
3 3 12 12
ℎ 100(225) 94,921,875
= = = 94,921,875 ; = = 2.125
12 12 44,661,458.33
+ = 9; + 2.125 = 9; = 2.88 ;
= 9− ; = 6.12 → ℎ

b. From the figure 4 above, what is the maximum bending stress of the lower beam?
= ; = = 6.12(2) = 12.24 . = 12.24 10 . ;
6(12.24 10 )
= = 14.51 →

c. With the figure 4 above, what is the maximum bending stress of the upper beam?
= = 2.88(2) = 5.76 . = 5.76 10 . ;
( . )
=( )( )
= 11.28 →

5. The simply supported beams which are laid horizontally, joined together at right angles at point
E to support the 25 kN vertical load. The top beam 100 mm x 200 mm is placed over the top
of the other 100 mm x 250 mm wooden beam. The top is placed at 4.5m from the left support
of the lower beam while the top beam placed midway of its span.

a. Compute the load carried by the upper beam (AB):

( ) ( . ) ( )
= = 66,666,666.67 ; = = =
( , , . )

∑ = 0; 6 = 1.5 ; = ;

Area – Moment Method:

ℎ = − ;
ℎ = (6) − = 8.4375 ; ℎ = 8.4375
. .
ℎ = ℎ = (4.5) = 3.7969 ; ℎ = 3.7969

By Ratio and Proportion:

ℎ 3 3 8.4375
= ; = ℎ ; = = 6.3281 ;
3 4 4
= − ℎ = 6.3281 − 3.7969 = 2.5312

( ) ( )( )
= = = 130,208,333.33

(1000) 19.44
= 2.5312 = 2.5312 =
. .
= ; = ; = 0.5625 ;

+ = 25 ; 0.5625 + = 25; = 16
+ 16 = 25 ; =9

b. Maximum moment carried by the beam CD:

(1.5) 16(1.5) (4.5) 16(4.5)

= = =4 ; = = = 12 ; = 4.5(4)
6 6 6 6
= 18 .

c. Section Modulus of Beam AB

= = . ( . )= . . ; = ; = = = , .

6. The 6.0 m span simply supported beam is composed of two identical sized wooden beam bolted
together. The beam is to support 20kN axial load. Allowable bending stress for wood (Dao) is 16.2
MPa and the allowable shear stress is 1.92 MPa.
a. Compute the dimension “b” of each timber so that it will not exceed the allowable bending
b. Compute the dimension “b” of each timber so that it will not exceed the allowable shearing
c. Determine the spacing of bolts if each bolt can sustain a shear of 3.0 kN.

a. Dimension “b” that will not exceed bending stress of 16.2 MPa:
( ) ( )( )
= ; = ; = = 30 ; = ; 16.2 = ( )
( )( )
= ; = 140.57 , 140

b. Dimension “b” that will not exceed the shear stress of 1.92 MPa:
3 20,000 3(10,000)
= ; = = = 10,000 ; 1.92 = ; = 62.5;
2 2 2 2( )(2 )
c. Spacing of bolts:

= ; = = 140(140) = 1,372,000 ;
ℎ 140(280)
= = = 256,106,666.7 ;
12 12

20 3,000(256,106,666.7)
= ; = = 10 ; = = 56
2 2 10,000(1,372,000)

7. A column 250mm x 250 mm and 3.6 m long is made of Agoho having an Allowable compressive
stress parallel to the grain of 14.5 MPa, and Allowable bending stress of 26.3 MPa with Modulus
of Elasticity of 8800 MPa. The column carries an axial load of 360 kN at the center and an
eccentric load of 150 kN at an eccentricity of 90 mm and also the column has a moment of 4800 acting at the top.
a. Compute the maximum limit of the slenderness ratio which would indicate whether it is a long or
intermediate column.

a. Maximum limit of slenderness ratio:
= 0.671 = 0.671 .
= 16.53
b. Compute the allowable compressive stress.
= = 14.4 > 11 ℎ →
⁄ .
= 1− = 14.5 1 − = .

c. Determine the interaction value for both axial and bending acting simultaneously in the column:
+ ≤ 1.0 = − = 150(90) − 4800 = 8,700 . ; = 150 + 360 = 510
510,000 6 6(8700)(1000)
= = = 8.16 ; = = = 3.34
250(250) 250(250)
. .
+ ≤ 1.0 ; + = .
+ .
= 0.82 < 1.0 ( !) = .

8. A top chord has a dimension of 100mm x 300mm and the diagonal is made up of 100 mm x 200
mm. A vertical rod having a diameter of 25 mm Ø carries a tensile load of 40 kN. The top chord
makes an angle of 28° with the horizontal.
For wooden beam:
Allowable compressive stress parallel to the grain = 13.2 Mpa
Allowable compressive stress perpendicular to the grain = 4.26 MPa
For steel section:
Allowable bending stress = 138 MPa
Assume diameter of hole = diam. of bolt + 3 mm
= 1.5∅ + 3

a. Determine the allowable compressive stress of wood at section AB. Use Jacoby’s Formula.
= + = 13.2 28° + 4.26 28° = .

b. Determine the size of steel washer required.

= = .
= 6,420.55 ; ℎ = 25 + 3 = 28
( )
= + = 6,420.55 + = 7,036.30 . ;
= 7,036.30; = 83.88

c. Determine the thickness of steel washer required.

= 1.5∅ + 3 = 1.5(25) + 3 = 40.5 = 20,000(22.5) − 20,000(10.125) =
247,500 .
( , ) ( , )
= 90 − 28 = 62 ; = = ( )
; 138 = ( )
; = 13.17 →
( )

9. What is the formula for computing the deflection of two combined beam (deflection of lower beam
equal to the upper beam) for a cantilever beam with concentrated load at the free end.

a. = b. = c. = d. =

10. What the Jacoby’s Formula for computing allowable compressive stress of the dap in trusss?
Answer: = +

11. What is the formula for finding the deflection of cantilever beam with concentrated load at the
free end?
Answer: = 3

12. What is the formula for Allowable compressive stress parallel to the grain if the column is
⁄ ⁄
. = 1− . = 1−
⁄ ⁄
. = 1− . = 1−

13. An elevated water tank with a gross weight of 250 kN is acted upon by a horizontal wind
pressure of 320 kN acting 9.6 m from the top of the footing. The tank is supported by five – 250
mm diameter wooden posts battered 1 horizontal to 5 vertical, whose lower ends (resting on
concrete footings) lie equally spaced in a circle 4.9 m in diameter. Neglecting wind pressure on the
posts and bracings. Unsupported height of column is 4 m and the allowable compressive stress
parallel to the grain is 15.8 MPa with a modulus of elasticity of 9780 MPa.
a. Compute the capacity of each column section.
b. What is the actual load acting on each column section?
a. Capacity of each column
( )
= ; = ; = 221.56; = = 18.05 > 11 ; = 0.671 = 16.69 <
. .
. . ( )
(long column) = = =9 ; =( ) ; = (250) (9) =
( . )

b. Actual load acting on each column section:
Vertical load due to moment:
= 320 (9.6) = 3,072 . = 4.9 = 2.45
2= 2 ;
, ( . )
= 1(2.45) + 2(0.796) + 2(1.98) = 15.11 ; = = .
= 498.11
Vertical load due to weight of tank:
= = 50 ; = 498.11 + 50 = 562.11
= ; = 559.07 < 562,500 ( !)

14. A 3.0 m vertical member is a composite column of two different kinds of timber. One is made of
Nato having an Allowable compressive stress parallel to the grain of 9.17 MPa and Modulus of
Elasticity of 5560 MPa, while the other is made of Agoho having an allowable compressive stress
parallel to the grain of 14.5 MPa and Modulus of Elasticity of 8220 MPa. The 2 column are placed
side by side and carries an axial load of 320 kN.

a. Size of Nato and Agoho to carry equal loads:
= ℎ =
= = = 160 ;
b. :
= ; = = 11,034.48 ; = 105.05 ; 150 150

= = 20 ; = 0.671 = 0.671 .
= 15.98 < 20 →
. . ( )
= = = = 6.62
( )
c. : (4 pts)
= = = 7.11 > 6.62 →

15. A 3.0 m vertical member is a composite column of two different kinds of timber. One is made of
Nato having an Allowable compressive stress parallel to the grain of 9.17 MPa and Modulus of
Elasticity of 5560 MPa, while the other is made of Agoho having an allowable compressive stress
parallel to the grain of 14.5 MPa and Modulus of Elasticity of 8220 MPa. The 2 column are placed
side by side and carries an axial load of 320 kN.

d. Trial Area for Nato

= = = = =

= (7.11) = 4.81
= ; = .
= 33,264.03 ; = 182.38 ;
150 250 ; = 150(250) = 37,500

e. Determine if the column is either intermediate or long column.

= = 20 = 0.671 = 0.671 = 16.52 < 20 →

f. Find the allowable compressive stress.

0.30 0.30(5560)
′= = = 4.17

g. Find the actual stress for Nato timber.

= = = 3.88 < 9.17 ! 150 275

16. A 200mm x 4000mm wooden beam carries a concentrated load of 52 kN at its midspan. It has
a simple span of 9 m long. Allowable shear stress is 1.92 MPa.
a. Which of the following gives the depth of notches at the support it notching is allowed using
NSCP specifications.
b. Which of the following gives the allowable depth of notches at the bottom and top faces of the
beam at quarter points.
c. Which of the following gives the flexural stress at the quarter points after deducting for
a. Depth of notches at the support:
( ) ( . )
= = = 26 ; 26,000 = ;
= 201.56 =
ℎ ℎ = 400 − 200 =

b. Depth of notching at top and bottom at quarter points:

− : = = ; = ;
( ⁄ )
= = ; ( )
= ; = 282.84 ; 283
2 + 283 = 400; = . →

c. Flexural stress at quarter points:

= 26,000 = 26,000(2) = 52,000 .
( , )( )
= = ( )
= .

17. The simply supported three beams is connected by this bolts with 8 m long has dimension of
200 mm x 200 mm each. Assuming that this beam is carrying a distributed load of 6 kN/m and has a
three concentrated loads of 10 kN spaced at 2.0 m from its supports.
a. What is the spacing of the 22 mm Ø bolts if the resistance to shear is 16.72 kN.
b. What is the maximum shearing stress developed at the three bolted beams?
c. ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ?

a. What is the spacing of the 22 mm Ø bolts if the resistance to shear is 16.72 kN
( ) ( )( )
= + = + = 39 = = 200(300)(200) = 12 10
( ) , ( . )
= = = 3.6 10 ; = = , ( )
= .

b. What is the maximum shearing stress developed at the three bolted beams?
( )
= = 39 = 12 10 = = = 3.6 10
39,000(12 10 )
= = .
3.6 10 (200)

c. ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ :
= = = = .
4 ( ) 4 (22)

= ; = ; = ; = ; = ( );

= ℎ

= ( );

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