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Tham gia khóa học PEN C, I, M cùng cô Hương Fiona (Cô Nguyễn Thanh Hương) để đạt kết quả thi cao


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1. _______ man suffering from _____ shock should not be given anything to drink.
A. A/the B. The/ a C. Ø/ a D. A/ Ø
Question 2. _____only in the Andes, the plant is used by local people to treat skin diseases.
A. Finding B. Found C. Having found D. Founded
Question 3. Anne hoped ________ to join the private club. She could make important business
contact here.
A. to be invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting
Question 4. Don’t be late for the class often, _______ people will think you are a disobedient
A. otherwise B. if not C. or so D. unless
Question 5. If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many
animal species _____ extinct.
A. would become B. would have become C. became D. will become
Question 6. Half the way of the trip, we stopped _____ and let the others _____ up with us.
A. to rest/catch B. resting/catch C. resting/to catch D. to rest/to
Question 7. ______ get older, the games they play become increasingly complex.
A. For children to B. Children, when C. Although children D. As children
Question 8. My mother _____ strawberries for years but she has never had such a good crop
A. had grown B. is growing C. grew D. has been
Question 9. In developed world, there are hardly _______ jobs left which don’t use computers to
carry out many daily tasks. – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Tham gia khóa học PEN C, I, M cùng cô Hương Fiona (Cô Nguyễn Thanh Hương) để đạt kết quả thi cao

A. some B. any C. none D. much

Question 10. It was not until the end of the nineteenth century ______.
A. did plant breeding become a scientific discipline
B. that plant breeding became a scientific discipline
C. that a scientific discipline was plant breeding
D. did a scientific discipline become plant breeding
Question 11. “Did you have ______ nice holiday?” – “Yes, it was ______ best holiday I have
ever had.”
A. a – the B. the – the C. the – a D. a – a
Question 12. This survey is to find out the young people’s attitudes _______ love.
A. into B. with C. for D. toward
Question 13. The escaping prisoner camped in _______ woods but he didn’t light _______ fire
because _______ smoke rising from the wood might attract _______ attention.
A. the/a/–/– B. a/the/the/– C. the/a/–/the D. a/a/–/–
Question 14. “Why is your street such a mess?” – “Oh, the council _______ up the road, but
they should finish this weekend?”
A. is digging B. had been digging C. dug D. have been
Question 15. He _______ have watered the plants. If he had, they wouldn’t have withered.
A. mayn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
Question 16. _______ for a second interview will be informed by mail.
A. Who chosen B. All chosen C. If you are chosen D. Those are
Question 17. I believe that judges should be independent _______ the government.
A. of B. to C. with D. on
Question 18. _______ proficiency in German would be of much help, it is not a requirement for
the advertised position. – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Tham gia khóa học PEN C, I, M cùng cô Hương Fiona (Cô Nguyễn Thanh Hương) để đạt kết quả thi cao

A. Although B. Regarding C. Otherwise D. Despite

Question 19. The curriculum at the public school is as good _______ of any private school.
A. as or better than that B. as or better than those C. as or better that D. or better than
Question 20. Anne was not _______ to think that the best was too difficult.
A. among the people B. who C. the one who D. the only one
Question 21. More and more investors are pouring _______ money into food and beverage start-
A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
Question 22. Do you think there _______ less conflict in the world if all people spoke the same
A. were B. will be C. would be D. are
Question 23. Linda rarely goes to school by bike, but today she _______ a bike.
A. rides B. is riding C. is going to ride D. will ride
Question 24. John has worked very late at night these day, _______ he is physically exhausted.
A. yet B. although C. because D. so
Question 26. I agree _______ one point with Chris: it will be hard for us to walk 80km.
A. in B. of C. on D. for
Question 27. _______, the ancient place is still popular with modern tourists.
A. Building thousands of years ago B. It was built thousands of years ago
C. To have built thousands of years ago D. Built thousands of years ago
Question 28. “Never say that again, _______?”
A. don’t you B. will you C. do you D. won’t you
Question 29. It's no use ____ make him _____ his mind.
A. trying to/ change B. to try/ change
C. trying to/ to change D. trying to/ changing
Question 30. There have been many achievements since the country carried out economic
A. don’t there B. haven’t there C. haven’t they D. don’t they – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Tham gia khóa học PEN C, I, M cùng cô Hương Fiona (Cô Nguyễn Thanh Hương) để đạt kết quả thi cao


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: I only tell my secrets to my _______ friend as she never reveals them to anyone.
A. creative B. enthusiastic C. trustworthy D. unrealizable
Question 2: My uncle was _______ ill last month; however, fortunately, he is now making a
slow but steady recovery.
A. seriously B. critically C. deeply D. fatally
Question 3: The fussy child ate only a few _______ of noodles.
A. slices B. bars C. pieces D. strands
Question 4: When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty ______ paintings were
destroyed, including two by Van Gogh.
A. worthy B. priceless C. worthless D. valueless
Question 5: Drinking too much alcohol is said to _____harm to our health.
A. make B. do C. lead D. take
Question 6: Daniel _______ a better understanding of Algebra than we do.
A. makes B. has C. takes D. gives
Question 7: I haven’t read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I’m
________with recent developments.
A. out of reach B. out of the condition C. out of touch D. out of the question
Question 8: Your mother _____ read a bit of a letter you received because she opened it without
looking at the name on the envelope.
A. silently B. intentionally C. deliberately D. accidentally
Question 9: The equator is an ______ line that divides the Earth into two.
A. imaginable B. imaginary C. imagination D. imaginative
Question 10: Although David was _______ after a day’s work in the office, he tried to help his
wife the household chores. – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Tham gia khóa học PEN C, I, M cùng cô Hương Fiona (Cô Nguyễn Thanh Hương) để đạt kết quả thi cao

A. exhausting B. exhausted C. exhaust D. exhaustive

Question 11: The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and
capable _______ his financial situation.
A. with reference to B. regardless of C. in terms of D. owing to
Question 12: We truly respected our father and always _______ by his rule.
A. submitted B. obeyed C. complied D. abode
Question 13: Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable can be _______ to health.
A. crucial B. supportive C. receptive D. destructive
Question 14: We were quite impressed by the ______ students who came up with the answer to our
question almost instantly.
A. absent-minded B. big-headed C. quick-witted D. bad-tempered
Question 15: She is extremely _____ about her career. She would like to be a CEO.
A. absent-minded B. fair-minded C. high-minded D.single-minded
Question 16: The pointless war between the two countries left thousands of people dead and
seriously _______.
A. injured B. wounded C. spoilt D. damaged
Question 17: Politicians _______ blame the media if they don't win the election. They're so
A. variety B. various C. invariably D. variable
Question 18: For holistic development schools should ______ families as partners in their
children's education.
A. draft В. recruit C. engage D. enlist
Question 19: Although we had told them not to keep us waiting, they made no _____ to speed
up deliveries.
A. comment B. action C. attempt D. progress
Question 20: I can’t possibly lend you any more money; it is quite out of the _____.
A. place B. question C. order D. practice – Học chủ động - Sống tích cực
Tham gia khóa học PEN C, I, M cùng cô Hương Fiona (Cô Nguyễn Thanh Hương) để đạt kết quả thi cao

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