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(How The Teacher Must Present The Topic And Make Follow-up with the Learner in

MET # 1: Knowing the Self

Learning Objective:

The learner will be able to explain that knowing oneself can make him/her accept his/her
strengths and limitations and deal with others better and share his/her unique characteristics,
habits, and experiences.

Learning Outcome: The learner can demonstrate an understanding of oneself by conducting

self-exploration, simple disclosure and maintaining a Journal in order to appreciate and value
oneself and deal with other people better and become an effective individual.


Personal Development is a psycho-social skills development subject focused on personal

understanding, using the lens of intrapersonal and interpersonal learning. It is a tool in fulfilling
the learner’s potentials as s/he progresses from adolescence to adulthood.

The teacher makes an emphasis to the students that knowing and understanding oneself is
fundamental to the overall growth of a person. The teacher explains that the subject itself raises
the awareness as to who the students are, with the goal of improving the self which aims to
develop their skills, nurture talents, discover more of their potentials and lead to the realization of
their dreams.

The teacher further discusses the relevance of Personal Development to the students' lives in
order for them to become an effective individual and to achieve life goals. The teacher explains
that students must make use of all their personal resources – talents, skills, energy and time; that
their knowledge of themselves and how they manage themselves impacts directly on their
personal effectiveness.

The teacher highlights that knowing and understanding more about oneself is of paramount
importance. H/she instructs the students to know more about themselves through the self-
discovery activities presented below. The teacher states that students may choose to start with
any of the following self-discovery activities that they are more comfortable with. H/she adds that
students are expected to complete all the activity in one week and that if there are items that
they feel need further clarification, they may reach the teacher through their lms or messenger.

Day 1: Chunk 1: Johari’s Window

● The teacher explains the importance of the Johari Window activity to the process of self-
● The teacher posts the question to the class: How well do you know yourself?
● S/he then discusses how the Johari Window can shed light into one's personality and
proceeds with how it is accomplished.


Formative Question(s)

After the students have completed the Johari Window activity, the teacher instructs the students
to reflect on their self-discovery by making them answer the following questions:

1. Which of your strengths and weaknesses appear the most in almost if not all of the four
areas?How do you feel about them? Do they reflect some characteristics of your stage
being an adolescent?
2. Which of the areas give you the most challenge in dealing with or managing yourself and
why? What particular steps can you do to respond to these challenges?
3. What can you do to enhance your strengths and correct your weaknesses?

The teacher then leads the students to the Essential Learning from this activity.

Day 2: Chunk 2: Self Concept Inventory

● The teacher discusses the importance of having Self-Concept by discussing its

components, stressing the significance of self-awareness.
● The teacher then presents the Self-Concept Inventory and explains how this activity can
lead the students toward the realization of reaching the ideal self from the actual self.
● Then, the teacher gives instructions how the scoring and interpretation is done.
● S/he then discusses how the Self-Concept Inventory can shed light into one's personality
and proceeds with how it is accomplished.

After the students have completed the Self-Concept Inventory activity, the teacher instructs the
students to reflect on their self-discovery by making them answer the following questions:

Formative Question(s)

1. Based on the result, how do you perceive yourself?

2. In what areas do you consider yourself strong, weak and very weak?
3. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your
strength? What are these and how do you find it?
4. How realistic is your self- image and why?
5. To what extent does it reflect your real self?

The teacher then leads the students to the Essential Learning from this activity.

1. Day 3: Chunk 3: The Power of Journal Writing: Unfolding Your Personal Journey
2. The teacher challenges the students with this question: How does Journal Writing help
you discover more about yourself?
3. The teacher solicits some answers from the class then explains the importance of
Journal Writing in expressing one's personal growth, self discovery and self awareness.
4. The teacher further discusses that writing about one's journey through the different
activities of their Personal Development subject will be of great help in achieving growth,
help them create better relationships and lead them to make wise decisions in life.
5. Then, the teacher explains how the journal writing is done by giving the students the
following guide questions:
a. How do you find this day? What are the positive things that happened? What are
those things that made you irritated or upset?
b. As you reflect the ups and downs of your day, what may be the greatest lesson
you can learn from them? What actions have you done well and what actions you
can do better?
c. What do you really want in life? What do you want to achieve for yourself, your
family, your community and your country?
d. As you close the day, what are the small and big things you are thankful of? Who
are the people that made your day extra special?

6. After the students have grasped how the Journal Writing Activity, and it has been
accomplished, the teacher instructs the students to reflect on their self-discovery by
making them answer the following question:
Formative Question (s)

1. Based on the activities, what have you discovered about yourself?

2. What is the importance of knowing and understanding yourself?
3. How does self-awareness and self understanding help boost your self-confidence and
pave the way to self acceptance and better relationships with others?

The teacher then leads the students to the Essential Learning from this activity.

To wrap it up, the teacher must recapitulate all the 3 activities by emphasizing the importance of
Knowing The Self for growth and development and in building good relationships with significant
people around them and in making good decisions in life.

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