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languagedownior Teleaniin oheeksinania SECOND EDITION Workbook WG aS WAZ Escaneado con CamScanner ove your daughter, Jack. Ilove her more than anything. But frankly sir, "ma little terrified of being your son-in-law. Greg in the movie Meet the Parents, 2000 1 GRAMMAR uses of the infinitive a Complete the sentences with the infinitive of a verb from, the list. notdo find notfinish rent see nottell wash 1 John’s very polite. He offered _ to wash the dishes after the meal. 2 Thanks for coming. We hope youagain soon, 3. She wasn't enjoying the lasagna, so she decided 4 My boyfriend is unemployed. He needs ajob. 5 ['ltell you what she said, but please promise anybody. 6 'msorry I shouted at you. ['lery ieagain, 7 They want to live together. They're planning an apartment, b_ Write sentences using the adjective and the correct form of the verb. 1 nice j meet Hello! How _ nice to meet _ you. 2 difficult call Do you find it 3 easy /buy ies presents for my bes friend 4 important /notsay les the wrong thing, 5 great/hear Thanks for calling, Itwas 6 fun/be It's with your family. ind [invite Her parents were very him, tomy mom? from you. © Complete the sentences with a verb in the infinitive. He gave them some candy _to say _ thankyou. 1 2 Chinese 3 Wecalled the restaurant atable, 4 Herold usajoke uuslaugh, 5 Iwenrtoan ATM some money. 6 Doyouuse your phone photos? snces with a question word from the listand the infinitive of the verb in parentheses how howmany howmuch what when where 1 She gaveme her address, but don't know — how 10 get there. (gt) 2. My brother is always busy, sol don't know him. (call) 3 My momasked me to get some eggs, but she didn't sy (buy) 4 Wel like to travel around the world, bur we don't know first. (go) 5 She wants to goto college, but she doesn't know (study) 6 Who's going to be here for lunch? Thave pasta, but need toknow (make) VOCABULARY verbs + infinitive ‘Complete the text with a verb from the list in the pasttense. forget try notwant promise pretend learn offer plan stert’ need not remember Charlie wasn't happy at his job, so he’ started to apply for anew job. Soon, one company called him and” to give him in an interview. Charlie? totell tobe sick. He told his boss that he had a stomachache, and he* togotothe doctor's His boss" to.callhim later to ask him how he was. Charlie was really hoping to get the job, she was, his boss, so he* alittle nervous. He’ to drive tothe interview, but there was alot of traffic. Inthe end he took the subway and was very late, and he toturnbis cell phone of: Unfortunately itrang while he wasin the interview, ‘but Charlle didn't answer it. However when his boss called later, he? to act sick. The next morning, his boss said, “Télike to see you in my office” Charlie to apologize, but his boss was very angry. and Charlie almost lost his job. But he" tohis boss again ‘animportant lesson: not to lie Escaneado con CamScanner lanquagedownload ir 3 PRONUNCIATION linking, weak form of to a Practice saying the sentences. 1 Wewantto know. ‘They hoped to win He promised to call, She forgor to go. 2 3 4 Idon't know what to do. 5 6 Ie’gimportang yo remember. earned soswim. He started tory. b SMR Listen and repeat the sentences. 4 READING a Read the article. Is the writer generally positive or negative about mothers-in-law? The truth about mothers-in-law Although i’s men who tel jokes about them, mothers-in-law are usually less popular with their daughters-in-law than with their sons-in-law. A recent study of 449 married couples found that ‘two thirds of wives interviewed said that their mothers-in-law caused them “unhappiness and. stress,” compared with 1 percent ofthe husbands. ‘There are a number of reasons for this. First of allthere is the question of experience. A mother-in-law has already raised a family of her own, so she feels that she has a lot of knowledge to pass on. In ths situation, is very dificult for her to keep quiet. However, when a daughter-in-lawis @ new mother, she usually wants to find her own way of doing things. She often interprets her mother-in-law’s advice as criticism, which can cause a conflict. Secondly, there is the case of the husband. Both women care for him, although each of them loves him in a different ‘way. On the one hand, he isthe mother-in-law’s son, and she obviously wants the best for him. On the other hand, he is. the wifes partner, and she wants him to support her. Both ‘women can get very upset if they see the man taking sides, and this can cause an argument, However, mothers-in-law actualy have a lot to offer, despite their reputation for causing trouble. They are generally excellent babysitters, and they don’t mind helping with the housework. As long as they have their awn independent lives and help out only when needed, mothers-in-law can play avery useful role in any family. The important thing is that they should not get too involved in their sons’ and. daughters’ relationships so that nobody feels bad. b Read the article again and choose the best answer: 1 What dd the study find out about mothers-in-law? 4 More men than women have problems with them. ’b- More men than women tell jokes about them. {© More women than men have problems with them. 2 Whatadvice do mothers-in-law try to give their daughters-in-law? a How to take care oftheir husband. b How to bring up children € How todo housework. 3. According to the article, which situation makes ddaughters-in-law angry? a When their husband ageces with his mother. b When theie husband talks to his mother € When their husband argues with his mother. 4 Which women make the best mothers-in-aw? a Those who are really close to their son. b Those who don't have a life oftheir own. Those who know when to offer help. Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, LISTENING EID Listen to a conversation between two people about a ban on mother-in-law jokes. Do they agree inthe end? “ED Listen again and complete the sentences ‘with D (Dave) or J (Jane). 1 Dai 2. __thinks that the jokes are offensive. 3__ thinks that it’s important to havea sense of humor. 4 makes ajoke. 5 __thinks thatthe jokes don’t show respect for parents 6 7 8 .sthe ban is ridiculous, ‘mentions. historical fact about mothers-in-law. quotesa historical joke says that the jokes are sexist. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. advice /od'vais tactic /twktik greet (grit honest /anast absolutely delicious /ebsalutli d'los be punctual /bi ‘pankifusl make conversation fn shake (somebody's) hand Jerk ‘hiend) (make) the right impression (Oo ‘rast umprefa, imetk kanvor Escaneado con CamScanner Happiness is when what you think, what you say, ‘and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Gandhi, Indian politcal leader 1 GRAMMAR uses of the gerund (verb + ~ing) a Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 Thate being (be) cold. find it really depressing. 2. You spend too long (phy) video games. 3 Westopped (study) French because we didn't like the classes. 4 He's celebrating because he's finished (write) his book. 5 Iestarted (now) during the night while we were asleep. 6 Tmbored. feel like (@0) forawalk 7 My parents have bought house by a beach because they love (wim, 8 Idon't mind (ge) upearly in the morning. 9 Kathy really enjoys (listen) toheriPod 10 ‘The bese thing about (cake) the bus (ot drive) in busy traffic. b_ Match the sentence beginnings and er 1 Doyouever dream of 2 Areyo 3 Please don’t leave without 4 5 ested in She isnt very goodat Weended the eveningby 6 tmreallylookingforwardeo CI doing some part-time work? seeing you tonight. © stopping work:and retiring? d thanking everybody for coming € saying goodbye to me, £ parking her father's car. © Complete the text with the -ing form of these verbs. drink dive exercise getup go imagine leave listen read send stay take turn write What makes you feel good? Here are some more texts from our readers. 1 \_Writing — and then? sending —afunny emailor text message to my friends. And of course,” their faces when they readit. 2 Ireally ike * atnight when there's no traffic, : to:my favorite music. feel completely free. 3X inbed on Sunday morning and” the newspaper Then verylate and” my dog for a long walk 4 Lenjoy” hard, and then hot shower. Theres nothing better. 58 off my computer atthe end ofthe day and 4 ‘work! I the best moment ofthe day. lve it! tothe gym and really" arrice cold drink flowed by along, Escaneado con CamScanner lanquagedownload ir 4. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses (-ing form or infinitive). Reading the digital way ‘Many of us who lve *_seailag (ead) are changing our habits. Today lot of us have decided . (use) E-readers, and so we've stopped . (buy) traditional books. readers ave a number of advantages. They are very easy‘____ (carry), so they are ideal for people soho tke travel Tyute abroad, ad you dont have anything” (read), you dont need (look for) a bookstore that has books in yourlanguage-you can download it as «dial book Tn edition to this, E-readers are very private, so you don't need" (show) people what you are reading. Finally, when you finish” (read) a book. you no longer have to find room foriton a bookshelf However, there are some disadvantages. Some people say their eyes hurtif they spend along time (look) at the screen. Also, you have to be careful 4 (aot ose) your E-reader or you'll lose all your books. In addition if friend would ike (borrow) a book you've read, you can't offer ® (lend) itto them. With an E-reader, ‘you can only continue (read) as long as the battery lass, so you have to remember” (ake) your charger with you and you can forget (Charge) the battery. 2 VOCABULARY verbs + gerund Match the sentences 1-6 with a-f. 1 He hates doing the housework. 2. He feels like going for arun. 3. He doesn’t mind cooking al the meals. 4 He's stopped playing basketball 5 6 He spends hours chatting online. He loves being with his friends. Qo (a Q a He doesn’t do itanymore, It's OK for him to do it. Hereally doesn't like it, He does ita lot He wants to do it now. F He really likes it. 3 PRONUNCIATION the letter i 4 Ge ehe word with diferent sound 2 traffic nice kind size 3 habit finish imagine surprise 4 right give invite time b Listen and check, Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING STEED Listen to five speakers talking about ‘when and where they sing. How many of the speakers don't enjoy singing? b GET Listen again and match the speakers with sentences A-E. Speaker Speaker? Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker [A He | She does a lor of singing at work. B He She doesn't mind singing badly infront of ‘other people. © He She enjoyssinging athome. D He She likes singing when he/she is traveling. E He She was in a choir at school USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. soup sup) Teftovers./leftoovarz feel-good movie > ilgud ‘muvi scales /skez breathe ‘bri choir *kwaior high notes har novts magical medsikl bargain "argon Escaneado con CamScanner ‘The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. | Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austrian philosopher 1 GRAMMAR have to, don't have to, must, 2 VOCABULARY modifiers: a littl, must not, can't really, etc. a Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the correct form (Order the words to make sentences. of haveto. 1 translation / useful / Online /aren't / Ey ans sites /very ca Online translation sites aren’ very useful Lf 2 to / fairly / movies / understand / I's American difficult — Wes 3. new | fast | speaks | Our / very /teacher ‘A Do teachersin your country have to laok stylish? Our B Not very stylish. They wear formal clothes, but 7 4 of litte | those / uniendly /a/ students / they look neat. Pe 2 A____Americantaxidrivers__ work ong, Some hours? Someone told me that 5 is| English [idea / books [a {really | B Yes. We twelve hours a day, but we Reading / good work every day. Reading 38 ook meals? 6 hard [extremely / Chinese /to I's /learn BNoYou____dothe cooking, but you help les the children to eat. aa your husband travelabroadfor iso? ~3 PRONUNCIATION sentence B No, he, travel abroad, but he ‘speak stress foreign languages. GIG Listen and repeat. Copy the b_ Whatdo these signs mean? Write sentences with must or can't. thyshm. You must not take photos here 1 Cem) ag (S15) 4 2 They have to ake the train to work. Te i wit 3 Youcan't walk onthe grass, 4 Wedon’t have to go school today. You must rake one pill every day. Youmust payin cash. turn left he 1 2 3 makea noise. 4 use your cell phone. 5 stop here, 6 play soccer here, © Complete the sentences with must not or don't have to. 1 The museums free. You__don'thave to pay. 2. You have to wear formal clothes. You wear jeans, 3 The speed limicis 55 mph. You 4 faster, Your hours will be 9-5 Monday to Friday. You work on weekends. 5 That river is dangerous. You swim init, 6 Ie'savery small house. You clean it every day Escaneado con CamScanner lanquagedownload ir 4 READING a Read the opinions about learning languages. Which do you think are the three best ideas? bd ee a each tol forts way irom RET We ttateta This week we ask students from all over the world for their ideas. cel ERT [My favorite way to learn a language is to goto a language school and take a class There are classes for many levels of Englsh, whether youre beginning ‘or you've been learning for along time. It's great when you have other students. inthe class and you can learn and practice together, and of course, having a teacher to help you is really important. I's good to do your homework, too! Ten) | think it’s realy hard to learn a language if you don't have anyone to talk to, ['ve joined a social networking site where I can chatin English to alot of ‘other people like me. 'm more interested in using English to communicate than anything else, so | don't mind if my grammar isnt perfect. one red | don't have time to go to an English class, but there's a great site onthe Internet that has classes in the form of podcasts. Every week, | download afew of these ‘onto my phone so that can listen to the class when fm going to and from work. |find the words and phrases that | have to listen to and repeat extremely useful Suzen, Turkey {'m a big fan of American pop music, so| spend a lot of time listening to different songs at home on my iPad. 've downloaded a new app that puts the lyrics on the screen and translates the song for you at the same time. I eally enjoy learning English lke this, and i's very good for my pronunciation, too. | can't afford to pay for one-on-one English classes, but I've found a great class online. | have to watch a short video, and then learn the grammar and vocabulary init. IF have any questions, I can contact my online tutor who's very friendly. really enjoying the class, and I've learned alot from it. esr Hove books andinmy opinion, you can learn alot of new words by reading in English. lookup cficalt words with my dictionary o doa quicksearch oni. Aso, can read a book whenever| wank. doit have to oto classes or pay a ‘lot of money for private tutors. Books are great. | can learn English and about other subjects, 00! b Complete the sentences with the people's names. 1 __Suzen thinks chat listening to songs helps her pronunciation. 2 says that reading can improve your vocabulary. 3 has contact with an ‘online teacher. 4 thinks that speaking is more important than grammar. 5 likes meeting and practicing with other students. 6 practices English mostly by listening. 5 LISTENING GETTY Listen to a radio program about the Cherokee language. On what gadgets can the Cherokee people use their language today? b GGT Listen again and answer the questions. 1. How many languages exist in the ‘work! today? About 6,000 2 By 2100, how many will disappear? 3 How many members of the Cherokee tribe could speak Cherokee when the plan started? 4 How many Cherokees were there? When did Apple release iOS 4.1 with Cherokee as an offical language? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. eramont ‘experiment “k's. fees fiz voice mail vais mel permitted pormit obligatory abligator complete beginner /komplit biginor entrance fee entrons ‘i intensive course /in'tenstv kors against the rules /sigenst da rulz SSD GSB u7 Escaneado con CamScanner

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