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2 Escaneado con CamScanner G uses of the infinitive V verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc. P weak form of to, linking 1 READING & LISTENING a Look at the poster of a well-known movie. Do you know what it’s about? Have you seen it? He finally met the giel of his dreams. “Too bad her dad's a nightmare. With a partner, think of two pieces of advice for somebody who is going to meet his or her partner's parents for the first time. Now read an article adapted from the website wikiHow Isyour advice there? Read the article again and fill in the blanks with the verbs in the list: toanswer nottobe tede (x2) tohave toknow tomake tosay toshow nottotalk @23)) Listen to Nico meeting his girlfriend's parents for the firsttime. Does the meeting start well or badly? How does it end? Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What does he do wrong? 2. What does he do right? Do you think the advice in the article would be good for people in your country? Why (not)? Do you think the advice would be the same for a girl meeting her boyfriend's parents for the first time? What do need to do? It’s important not to be late. How to... Survive Meeting Your Girlfriend’s Parents for the First Time It's stressful, but these top tips can help you to get it right. Ti @ Youneed todo _ some “homework” before you go. Ask your girlfriend about her parents. Where does her mother work? Does her father like basketball? Do you have any common interests? If {you do this, twill be easy 2 conversation with them: @ Make sure you dress the right impression, Don’t weara sult, but don't just wear your old jeans and the Che Guevara T-shirt you boughtat the flea market © Be punctual. t's very important late for a first meeting © When they greet youat the door shake the father's hand firmly (no father likes a weak handshake!) Ask your girlfriend what kind of greeting her mom will prefer. @ Calther parents Mr. and Mrs. (Smith) until they ask you to call them "Dave" and Maria” @ Be ready questions about yourself! Her parents will want ‘everything about you and your ambitions, Make a good impression! @ IFyouare invited fora meal, eat everything they give youand say something positive about the ‘meal ike “This is absolutely delicious!” Offer the dishes after the meal ( then that you are helpful). © Be yourself, and don't be ayes" man. If they ask you for your opinion, be honest. However, wy. about controversial subjects — this isn't the moment te give your views on religion anc politics! If the conversation is dying and you cant think of what ask them what your partner was Like asa child. This is a smart tactic! All parents love talking about their children, and it shows you have a deep interest in their daughter. ‘Adapted from wikiton Escaneado con CamScanner 2 GRAMMAR uses of the infinitive @ Match sentences ad from the article with rules 1-4. 2 __ Ifyoudo this, twill be easy tohavea conversation with them, » (1) Offer to do the dishes after the meal (to show them that you are helpful), s dying and you can't think of what to say, ask them what your partner was like as a child. 4 1) You need to do some “homework’ before you go. Use the int tive. after some verbs, e., need, want, ete 2 after adjectives $ togive a reason for doing something fet a question word, e.g, who, what, how & Look at the other infinitives you used to the article. Which rules are they? mp = > p.138 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn more about uses of the infinitive and practice them. 3 VOCABULARY verbs + infinitive & Without looking back at the article, try to remember the missing verbs. You to do some homework before you go. 2 Her parents will to know everything about you and your ambitions, ; to do the dishes after the meal. 4 However, controversial subjects. not to talk about & >p.158 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms. Do part I (Verbs + infinitive). 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING weak form of to, linking @ @26)) Listen to two sentences. Is to stressed? How is it pronounced? Iwantto come. He decided to leave. Linking words with the same consonant sound When a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins with the same or a very similar sound, we often link the words together and only make the consonant sound once. This happens when a verb ends in 1/ or il before to, so want tos pronounced wanta/ and decided tois pronounced ji'sida b 27%) Listen and write six sentences. Then practice saying them, © Work in pairs. A ask B the first six questions. B give as m information as you can. Change roles for the last six questions. ‘| Have you ever offered to look after somebody's dog (orother pet)? ‘= Doyou think itis dificut to stay friends with an ‘ex-boyfriend/girfriend? ‘+ Have you ever tried to learn something new and failed? ‘+ Do you think itis important to learn to cook at school? ‘= How long do you usually spend deciding what to wearin the morning? ‘+ Doyouknow how to change a tire on a car? 4 Doyou thik t's possible to learn a foreign language studying on your own at ome? ++ Are you planning to go anywhere next weekend? + Would you like to work or study in another country? , Have you ever pretended tobe sick (when you weren't)? + Have you ever forgotten to tur off your cell phone during a class orconcert? + What do you toyourtowr? is the most interesting thing to do for a visitor d_ > Communication How to... p.103B p.107 Read and retell two more How to... articles. 5S WRITING With a partner, write a “How to... article, Choose one of the titles below and try to think of at least four tips Howto... make a good impression on your first day in your English class. ke a good impression at job interview Escaneado con CamScanner IN V verbs + gerund ee What's your idea P the letter ofhappiness? Sy Making soup, 4» Yee I=) ays OpYy eM GRAMMAR uses of the gerund Rage a Talk toapartner. Is there a book, a movie, or _ i Why does it make you fee! happy? Ree r ite ee Gena 7 a people on the magazine's staff say what 4 : happiness is for them. Who do you think said what? Match the people to the paragraphs | -making soup. | love using leftovers in the fridge. There's something elicious out of nothing. b 5} gesitting on the sofa on a winter Evening with a box of chocolates, = ~ watching a feel-good movie Z _ ; preferably one that makes me cry. [7] sulistening to Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. As soon as I hear it, | immediately feel like getting up and dancing. getting on the scale- and seeing that I've lost a pound even though | had a big meal the day before. Kate, Marco, ¢ Read the article again. Is there anybody you really agree(dont agree with? Comparewich i a pee CL gosoe cablat ton apo. Look the highlighted phrasesin the fest (B[-] finding areal bargain onsale: fm paregraptl ind an ebiee richie desi ~~ stil wearing a Prada jacket that | bene oust yilleey epiy rain ye 1 afteranother verb 2 after a preposition 3 used as anoun > p.138 Grammar Bank 78. Learn more about the uses of the gerund and practice them. £ Write your own continuation for Happiness is: g Workin groups of four. Read the other students’ texts, Do yor ideas of happiness? Escaneado con CamScanner 2 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING verbs + gerund = > p.158 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms. Do part 2 (Verbs + gerund), & Choose five things to talk about from the list below. ‘Something. ++ you don't mind doing around the house + you like doing with your family "+ you love doing in the summer ++ you don't feel like doing on weekends ++ you spend too much time doing ++ you dream of doing ++ youhate doing at work / school += you don't like doing alone ++ you are thinking of doing this weekend "= you think you are very good (or very bad) at doing |] Work in pairs. A tell B about the five things. Say why. B ask for more information. Then change roles. 3 PRONUNCIATION the letter i | Pur the one-syllable words below into the Sight column give high kind like milk mind miss night right sit skin Sa 8 & fish bike © G20)) Listen and check. Then look at the words in each column, What rules can you see for the pronunciation of + i consonant +e (but which word isan exception?) + ind and igh © 31)) Listen and check. Practice saying sniss spending time with my sister. ke drinking a glass of milk at night. 4 SPEAKING & LISTENING Ask and answer witha partner. 1 When you are happy do you sometimes feel like singing? 2 Doyouever sing...? + karaoke + inthe shower + inthecar + while you're listening to music, eg,,on an iPod 3 Istherea particular singer whose songs you like singing? Do you have a favorite song? In pairs, say if you think sentences 1-7 are T (true) or F (false). Singing is good for your health. Ifyou want to sing well, you need to learn to breathe correctly. People who sing are usually heavier than people who don't. Not everybody can learn to sing You need to know how to read music to be able to sing well 6 Ifyou make a surprised face, you can sing high notes better. Ir takes years to learn to sing better. @32)) Now listen to an interview with the director ofa singing school and a student who took a class there. Were you right? Listen again. Choose the right answer 1 When you are learning to sing, you need to__ correctly astand b dress c eat 2 Singing wellis 95% a repeating —b listening —_¢ breathing 3, Molly’sclass lasted aoneday —b oneweek —_¢ onemonth 4) Molly has always a been good atsinging b beeninachoir ¢ liked singing 5 Atfirst, the students learned to « liste a breathe and sing b listenand breathe nand sing 6 Atthe end of the day, they could sing a perfectly b muchbetter —_c alittle better Would you like to learn to sing (better)? Are there any tips from the listening that you could use? @33)) SONG Don't Stop Me Now 3 Escaneado con CamScanner P sentence stress 1 GRAMMAR have to, don't have to, must, must not, can’t ‘Match the signs to the rules 1] wouttiaveito pay before the end of the month, Youdontetavere pay to see this. ‘ourmtustot eat here (2) Mowimust curn off your cell phone before you come ‘Noweantt talk here. er Bren b Lookat che hightighted expressions and answer the questions. 1 Which two phrases mean...? Itisa rule. There's an obligation to do this. You have to 2 Which phrase means...? Itisn't obligatory or itisn't necessary. 3 Which ewo phrases mean...? Ivisn’t permitted against the rules. > p.138 Grammar Bank 7C. Learn more about have to, don't have to, must, must not, and can’t and practice them. With a partner, complete four sentences about the school where you are learning English. Wehaveto... Wedorit haveto, We must. Wemustnot... Wecent Compare your rules with another pair. Which rule do you think is the most important? G have to, don't have to, must, must not, can't V modifiers: a little (bit), really, etc. Learn a language in a month! You have tocome to all ‘theclasses, You don't have to take PRONUNCIATION sentence stress @36)) Listen and write the five sentences. Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. READING & LISTENING Do you think people from your country are good at earning languages? Why (not)? Are American people good at learning your language? Read about Max, an American journalist who took an intensive Spanish course. Then cover the article aiimecan a 1 What reputation do Americans have? 2 What experiment did Max's newspaper want to do? 3. Why did Max choose to learn Spanish? 4 Where did he take the course? How long was it? 5. What did he find easy and difficult about Spanish? 6 What were the four tests? What were the rules? @37)) Which test do you think was the easiest for Max? Which do you think was the most difficult? Listen to Max taking the tests in Puerto Rico and check your answers. Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information. 1 The waiter didn’t understand Max. ‘The bill was six dollars ‘The drugstore was on the first street on the right. The driver understood the name of the for. Max made a grammar mistake when he leftthe voicemail message Max's final score was eight. Max says you can learn Spanish in amonth, Escaneado con CamScanner | will survive (in Spanish) or will I? ot ti this, Asan ‘they asked me to try and learn a completely ge for one month. Then | had to go to the and take some “tests” to see if could "survive" in situations. | decided to study Spanish because like to visit Puerto Rico and other places in Latin p.115 Writing A formal email. Write an email asking for information. Contine Practice 57 | Escaneado con CamScanner ree ll @¢ RUNNING IN * CENTRAL PARK a @38)) Watch or listen to Rob and Jenny Are they enjoying their run? o Watch or listen again and answer the questions. 1 3 4 6 How does Rob say he feels? What does Jenny say about Central Park? Is Rob happy he came to New York? What is Rob tired of doing? What does Jenny invite him to do? How many more times are they going to run around the park? At the pharmacy VOCABULARY feeling sick a Match the phrases and pictures, What's the matter? ‘headache, Ihave a tem nave the fl Ihave a col b @39)) Listen and check. Cover the phrases and practice with 3 partner. What's the matt (Cthave a headache. ee @¢ GOING TO A PHARMACY 4 @40)) Cover the dialogue and watch or listen. Circle the corr 1 Rob chinks he has aco the lu 2. The pharmacist gives Rob ibuprofen | penicillin 3 Hehasto take the medicine every four hours | eight hours, 4 They cost $16 99 $6.99, Escaneado con CamScanner & Watch or listen again. Complete the You Hear phrases, 1) You Hear [ROUBIIDY Good morning. | fmnot feeling very Cant help you? _ well. think have flu. ‘What are your | Ihave a headache symptoms? and acough. © Doyouhave a 7 No,Idon't think so. —veyouallergicto tmalemcto ~~»: DINNER AT JENNY’S APARTMENT ‘any drugs? _penicilin. Perici’ ___ a 42) Watch or listen to Rob and Jenny. Mark the sentences No Thisis How many do! have T (true) or F (false) Seerofen.itil make you totake? feel every fourhours. Sorry? How often? 1 Rob broke up with his girlfriend a year before he met Jenny, 2 Jenny hasn't had much time for relationships. = 3 Jenny knew that Rob wasn’t feeling well in the morning, "every four hours. OK, thanks. How 4 Rob wants to go back to his hotel because he's tired. iFyou dont feel better muchis that? in hours, you should see a doctor. 1b Watch or listen again. Say why the F sentences are false. 5 Jenny is going to call ataxi That's $6.99, please. | Thank you ¢ @43}) Read the information box about have got. Listen and repeat the phrases. een have got and British English nT arcrer bene, eee Ea rch, noe pis econ ali se British English) about possession. tsh English Ive gota busy day tomorrow, drugs = medicine in American English Have you got any chicrer? Yes, have. ve got a gr anda boy See illegal substances in British and ‘No, | haven't. | haven't got any children. ‘American English > See appendix p.165. the flu= American English ' fu British English 4. Ask arid answer with a partner. Use Have you got...? Ys, Fhave. | , ~No, [haven't Give more information if you can 41)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the rhythm. A any pets abike ormotorcycle ayard B any brothers and sisters acar alaptop 2 Practice the dialogue with a partner. Have yougct any pts?) (Ys, Ihave ve go two dogs = aa inp Look at the Social English phrases. Can you remember any of [A (book closed) You don’t fel very well the miseiagorda? Decide what symptoms you have. Are you rs, role-play the dialogue allergic to anythi Social English phrases B (book open) You are the pharmacist. You Rob That was alovely____._Jenny tm__ youtefeeing better. begin with Can Ihelp you? Rob Thatisn't very__for you. Rob Thanks again fora_ evening. Rob I'm Mibefine. Jenny time, enge roles. Rob | think | get back to the hotel now. £ @45)) Warch or listen and complete the phrases g Watch of listen again and repeat the phrases. How do you say them in your language? B coy? describe symptoms when you feel sick get medicine at a pharmacy talk about possessions with have got Escaneado con CamScanner nine Proctice 9 58" 7 7A uses of the infinitive 1 afer some: 1 Ineed to buy some new clothes. @24)) + Use the infinitive: verbs, eg, want, need, would like, etc. See Verb forms p 158. after adjectives. ion words, e.g, what, where, when, et yy you do something. isschoolto learn English. NOT fortearm English ‘Try not to talk about politics. 3 after questi 2 It'llbe nice to meet your parents. 4 wsayw Ie'simportant not to be late. came to 3. Idon't know where to go or what to do. 4 A Why did yougo to the party? Base form B Tomeet new people. went to the party to meet new people. Remember that we use the base form after auxiliary verbs (do / oes / didn't) and after most modal verbs (can, could, will, would, etc), €., Do you live near here? Can you help me? | won't forget. What would you do? 7B uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) Us 1 1 Eating outside in the summer makes me feel good. @ 28) My idea of happiness is getting up late and not going o work love reading in bed. Ihate not getting tothe airport early. 1'm thinking of buying anew car. He left without saying goodbye. 3 ‘+ The gerundis the base form of the verb + ing. Iecan be affirmative (eg. ing) or negative (e-., not goin). se the gerund: as the subject or abject ofa sent after some verbs, eg, lite, love, hate, enjoy, ete. See Verb forms p.158. after prepositions. ‘+ Remember the spelling rules for the «ing form. See 1C p.126. 7C have to, don't have to, must, must not, can’t have to, don't have to [F_Thave to ger up at seven every day She has to speak English at work. []_ Wedon’thave to wear a uniform at this school He doesn’thave to work on Saturdays. Do [have to buy a grammar book? ‘What time does she have to get up in the morning? 2) Use have to + verb (base form) to talk about rules and obligations. Use don't have to + verb (base form) to say that there is no obligation, orthat something isnot necessary. Use do | does to make questions and negatives. Do Ihave to go? NOT Hevettogo? Don't contract have or has. have ta go. NOT Fvetoge: ‘must / must not / can't You must do your homework tonight. She must clean up her room before she goes ut 2 Youmuse not leave your bags here. You ean bring food into the library 35) ‘Use must + verb (base form) to talk about rules and obligations. ‘Use can't | must not + base form to say something is prohibited or to state a rule ‘The words can’t and must not have similar meanings, but can't is more common in speaking. You can also use cannot. ‘The verbs must / must not are the same for all persons. “The verb must is not often used in questions (have tois more common). PP mustend evete stand have tore vty sida bt have tla feochmoy epi nrsicy fate often vsedinocat ones sotees ond sors mus not and don't have to ‘Must not and don't have to have completely citrnt neanngs, Compare Youmust not go You cont go. ts prohibited Ne gar et eee go Ha Detinenot celeste /necoseay jostle We oftenuse have toand must with impersonal alee meanosen es Sears ee ests eco escort i photos in the museum. Escaneado con CamScanner GRAMMAR BANK b_ Complete the sentences with an affirmative or negative infinitive. By ituichi tiaeentencalbicin “do natdrive go have learn lookfor not make meet Beready [B) _ 'm planning to havea party next week. 1 Doweneed |_| : 1 A HiI'mJiSu. 2 Insome countries, i'simportant B I'm Rosaria. Nice you. 3 Iknow you're tired, but try (_] 2. What do you want tonight? 4 We were late, so Tomo offered {_] 3 Ineed_ _____to the store. | don’t have any bread or milk. 5 Ie’sdifficule [_) 4 Try _anoise. Your father’s asleep. A to drive us to the train station. 5 I'd really like ___how to drive. Wrenner pessnere a chron 6 Becareful___ — 100 fast on the way home~the roads not to forget people's names ina big class areicy. D todress correctly in public. E tochange our money at the airport?

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