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6(1):21-29, 2009 Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C.

Elements of a Heavy Oil Technology

Development Program
Osvair V. Trevisan
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Unicamp
Fernando A. França
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Unicamp
Clarissa A. Okabe
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Unicamp
Antônio C. Lisboa
Department of Chemical Engineering, Unicamp

Abstract Prospective studies point out that in technical managers from oil companies and members of the
the short to medium-term, Brazil will incorporate 4 bil- academic community have convened to propose prospective
lion barrels to its proved reserves of heavy oil due to ad- solutions and to set the priority for 40 previously selected
vancements in production techniques. As a result, Brazil- projects. The present paper unveils the main conclusions
ian reserves of heavy oil will reach 7 billion barrels, taking drawn, starting from the challenges posed by all branches
more than a 40% share in the proven volumes. These of the area, to the actions envisioned to tackle them.
figures do not account for the reserves of 2 billion barrels of
extra-heavy oils that exist in the offshore field of Membro
Siri, Campos Basin. Advancements in heavy oil produc- Introduction
tion techniques will certainly match those numbers as they
may unveil new scenarios and even bring closer the pro- Brazilian oil reserves exceed 11 billion barrels
duction onset of extra-heavy oils from off-shore fields. (ANP, 2006). Oils with API gravity between 14
Around the world heavy oil has been discovered when and 19º API make up 26% of the proven volumes.
looking for conventional oil; and its reservoirs have gener- However, if proper production techniques are
ally been produced by applying the same techniques as those developed in the short to medium-term, reserves
in the production of light oil. The predictable consequence already discovered may come to incorporate an-
is that the remaining resources associated with conventional other 4 billion barrels, causing the heavy oil share
oils have a smaller participation in available natural energy to soar to above 40%. Moreover, if the lower
resources, increasing the importance of those resources asso- boundary is moved to 13º API, the numbers reach
ciated with heavy oils. On the production side, worldwide 50%, due the existing extra-heavy oil of Membro-
the percentage of heavy oils is now slightly over 10%; in Siri field in Campos Basin.
Brazil the proportion is still negligible. Around the world, heavy oil has been discov-
However, in order to assure the present favorable ered when looking for conventional oil; heavy oil
demand-production relationship, the medium term per- reservoirs have generally been produced by apply-
spective requires that the Brazilian share of such oils be ing the same techniques as those in the produc-
above 20% of total produced volume. To accomplish this, tion of light oil. The predictable consequence is
the country must develop an integrated program of technol- that the remaining resources associated with the
ogy development. The program must focus on the search for conventional oils have a smaller participation in
technological solutions supported by scientific knowledge to the available natural energy resources, increas-
overcome the challenges associated with the explotation of ing the importance of those resources associated
heavy oil reservoirs located in Brazil’s coastal waters. Seek- with heavy oils. Taking from the production side,
ing to supplement the efforts of specific corporate programs, in the world the percentage of heavy oils is now

Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C. TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009

slightly over 10%; in Brazil this proportion is are clearly perceived: light oils are technically easier
negligible. However, in order to assure the pres- to produce at a lower cost, and refining them yields
ent favorable demand-production relationship, greater proportions of value-added products like
in the medium-term the desired share of such LPG, gasoline, kerosene and diesel. It is also true
oils should be around 20% of the Brazil’s total that heavy oil reserves have been found when, in re-
produced volume (PROPES, 2004). ality, light oil beds were sought for (Dawe, 2002).
In an attempt to turn this number into reality, The definition of heavy oil has not been
more than 150 people, technical managers from standardized in the industry, in the scientific
oil companies, from both operators and service community, nor in government agencies. In
companies, from the academic community in- fact, companies and agencies have their own
cluding universities and research institutes and definition criteria which account for the business
federal funding agencies, have been interviewed opportunities they have and the technological
and convened to identify bottlenecks, to propose difficulties they face in such opportunities. As is
prospective solutions and to set the priority for usual in industry, if the challenges in processing,
40 previously selected projects. This followed from exploration to refining, are a standpoint for
an extensive study consisting of interviews and analysis, the hydrocarbon might be classified as
document analysis, which became “Brazilian heavy oil based on three main properties: specific
Technology Development Program for Heavy gravity, viscosity and sulfur content. The World
Oil Production in Off-Shore Fields”. Petroleum Conference classifies heavy oil as those
The line of action of such a program is to showing a relative specific gravity above 0.920 -
supplement the efforts of strategic corporate equivalent to 22.3 degrees API. The American
programs, such as PROPES, presently being Petroleum Institute adopts the definition of heavy
carried out by Petrobras. It focuses on the ag- oil as being that with relative specific gravity equal
gregation of scientific knowledge in a sound to or smaller than 20 degrees API. The North
and systematic way. The academic community, American taxation system has similar criterion,
the primary development agent of the program, although relating the specific gravity to the
may consciously assume the greater risks associ- reference temperature of 60ºF. In Brazil, ANP
ated with innovative technologies. The focus, the (Brazilian National Petroleum Agency) adopts
timing and the limits of the practical application the relative specific gravity as the criterion, setting
of proven techniques will be provided by the a range between 10 and 22º API; those oils with
interested companies. They will be partners in relative specific gravity lower than 10º API are
the program, acting on and sharing the manage- classified as extra-heavy.
ment of specific projects of particular interest. Viscosity is also a very substantial criterion for
This paper reveals these projects, starting from oil characterization. Regarding the processes of
the challenges posed by all branches of the area, fluid transportation, viscosity is a more important
and the short to medium-term actions envisioned property than the specific gravity. If production
to tackle them. This paper presents the rationale takes place in low temperature environments, such
and ideas that constitute the backgrounds for the as in off-shore fields, this is particularly true. For
development of an integrated program on the these reasons, some specialists classify as heavy
theme of heavy oil. those oils having viscosity between 100 cP and
The initiative of devising such a Technology 10,000 cP, in the standard conditions of pressure
Development Program comes from the Brazilian and surface temperature. Others, focusing on re-
Sectorial Fund for Research on Oil and Gas – CT- serves and recovery factor, prefer to tie the viscosity
Petro - and is implemented by Finep. to pressure and temperature at the reservoir. In this
case, a range from 10 cP to 100 cP, keeping within
round numbers, is often referred to.
Understanding Heavy Oil The sulfur content a hydrocarbon holds is
another criterion for heavy oil classification: the
Looking through the history of oil industry usual threshold is set to 2% in mass. However,
one finds that so-called light or conventional oils it is important to mention that certain heavy oil
dominated the production scenario. The reasons may not always simultaneously attain these three

TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009 Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C.

properties, specific gravity, viscosity and sulfur con- bitumen go beyond 6 trillion barrels (Butler, 1991).
tent, to be characterized as heavy. Besides, neither This volume is about three times as large as the
viscosity nor sulfur content has a straightforward known resources of conventional oil, of which ap-
relationship with specific gravity, nor the former proximately half of the reserves have already been
properties among them. The properties of oils produced. It must be stressed that this huge volume
from different fields reveal that, for a given spe- also includes extra-heavy oils (API <10) and bitu-
cific gravity, viscosities may usually vary up to two men (viscosity > 10.000 cp), which are even more
orders of magnitude. Thus, a strict and common difficult to produce and refine than heavy oils.
worldwide definition of heavy oils does not exist. A recent study carried out by the U.S. Geologi-
Nevertheless, for the purposes of a program aimed cal Survey (Meyer and Attanasi, 2003) points out
at overcoming technological challenges, heavy oils the existence of an estimated 434-billion-barrel
are understood as: reserve of heavy and extra-heavy oils. The reserve
• those having specific gravity high enough to concept takes into account the technical feasibility
cause refining problems in the existing plants; of hydrocarbon production, or recovery factor. The
• also, those with viscosities high enough to geographical distribution of such reserves and the
bring about productivity problems as they flow recovery factors assumed as average per area are
through the reservoir and along the well, pipelines shown in Table 1.
and equipment, towards the pre-processing plant In South America there are 57% (265 x 109 bar-
over the platform. rels) of these reserves; China is not accounted for
Problems, as herein stated, refer to any phe- because of lack of information.
nomena that go beyond the limits of the knowledge It is worth noting the low values assigned to the
applied to the current oil production and process-
ing practices, requiring investments in science and Table 1 – Geographical Distribution of Heavy Oil
technology. Reserves (Meyer and Attanasi, 2003)
That being said, the preference is to adopt, only
as rough guidelines for the purposes of devising Region Recovery Factor Reserves (106 barrels)

a technology development program to advance

North America 0.19 35.3
knowledge on heavy oil production, the range of
South America 0.13 265.7
relative specific gravity from 10º to 22º API and
the range of viscosity from 100 to 10000 cP, both Africa 0.18 7.2

referred to surface pressure and temperature con- Europe 0.15 4.9

ditions, to classify an oil as a heavy oil. Middle East 0.12 78.2
Asia 0.14 29.6
Russia 0.13 13.4
Heavy Oil around the World Total 434.3

When heavy oil reservoirs are produced, tech-

niques typical in light oil production are normally recovery factor in these data. This implies extremely
used. Adding to this the fact that light oils have high “in situ” oil volumes, pointing out the neces-
dominated the production scenario, such a strategy sity of advancements in recovery techniques. Also,
has lead to an increasing participation of heavy oils it highlights the outstanding participation of South
among the natural energy resources available to America, exceeding 50%, due to the huge known
mankind. In turn, heavy oil production is gaining volumes of heavy oil in Venezuela.
an ever increasing importance in recent years. Al- In spite of the vast world reserves, the produc-
though it is very difficult to obtain a definitive and tion of heavy oil accounted for only 3 billion bar-
reliable volume regarding heavy oil resources, due rels, out of a total 25 billion barrels produced in
to the lack of a common classifying standard and the year 2000, a mere 12%. It is known that about
due to divergences between reserve reports and two thirds of the current production of heavy oils
databases published by countries and international is formed by oils lighter than 15º API, while half of
agencies, there is a consensus among specialists that the reserves is formed by oils with specific gravity
earth's resources of heavy oils, extra-heavy oils, and below that value.

Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C. TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009

Heavy Oil in Brazil Characteristics of Heavy Oil

Specific Gravity
By the end of 2005, Brazilian proved reserves of
Heavy oils are, basically, composed of hydro-
petroleum were about 12 billion barrels, 9 billion
carbons with a high molecular weight, which give
barrels of conventional oils. The reserves of heavy
them a high relative specific gravity. Intricate mol-
oils were 2.9 billion barrels, a 26% share. Already
ecules, typically with more than 15 carbon atoms
discovered resources summing 4 billion barrels
in the chain, will have an impact on refining. The
might be immediately added as soon as they would
refining processes become more complex and re-
become technically feasible. In other words, the
quire more energy for obtaining high-consumption
medium-term perspective is that heavy oils attain
products such as LPG, gasoline, kerosene and die-
a 40% share of Brazil's proved reserves.
sel. The higher the specific gravity, the lower the
Additionally, there is a proved "in place" volume
value of the distillation yield is, because the reten-
of 2 billion barrels of heavy oil in the carbonate
tion of such low-value products as fuel oil, coke
layers of Campos Basin's Membro Siri. In these
and asphalt is higher. Specific gravity also means
carbonates, the absence of the phenomenon of
higher contents of such undesired products as
simultaneous sand production may be seen as an
asphaltenes, sulfur and metallic components like
advantage from the point of view of well comple-
nickel and vanadium.
tion. However, there are production challenges
Gas-Oil Ratio
due to the lower permeability of the carbonate
Heavy oil reservoirs are low-density energy
formations (Capeleiro et al, 2003). Hence, it is not
beds. There are a number of facts to consider lead-
unreasonable to consider heavy and extra-heavy oils
ing to this conclusion: lighter molecules, which
to be close to 50% of known reserves.
make up light fractions, as properly termed, and gas
In terms of production, the current share of
are in small proportions; the volumetric compress-
heavy oils is negligible. They include only a few
ibility of the light fractions is comparatively larger;
low-production on-shore fields and a pioneering
the compressibility of gas is typically one to two or-
offshore site in Jubarte field, also part of Campos
ders of magnitude higher than that of the oil under
Basin. Figure 1 synthesizes these numbers.
the reservoir conditions, pressure and temperature.
Prospective studies pointed out that in me-
The result is, therefore, that the self-contained en-
dium-term the desired share of such oils should
ergy of the reservoir is mainly due to the amount of
be around 20% of the total produced volume in
gas it holds, either in the form of free gas or as gas
order to maintain the favorable current domestic
dissolved in oil. In other words, the small content
demand/production figures (Minami et al, 2003).
of light fractions in heavy oils implies a reservoir
There are ongoing projects towards this goal and
with low energy density, which causes low recovery
the “Technology Development Program for Heavy
factors and low productivity rates.
Oil Production in Offshore Fields” will support
them. But, effectively, before presenting a program
Although there is no straightforward relation-
aimed to the explotation of off-shore heavy oil
ship between specific gravity and viscosity, heavy
fields, it is important to emphasize the character-
oils are usually highly viscous. As viscosity plays a
istics posing the new technical challenges.
critical role in fluid transportation, many special-
ists prefer to establish it as the main property when
classifying crude oils. As viscosity increases, the
amount of energy needed to drive the lift process
also increases. More powerful pumps, “gas-lift”
processes requiring higher pressure and flow rates
are needed to carry the oil along the flow lines. It
should be stressed that the relationship between
viscosity of liquid hydrocarbons and temperature
is of an exponential nature. This sets additional
challenges when production takes place in harsh
Figure 1 – Actual and Prospective Share of Heavy Oil environments, as is the case in Campos Basin's
in Brazil fields, where the temperature at the bottom of the

TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009 Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C.

sea reaches 4 °C (Haney, 2003). In regard to the completion operations, may become a production
reservoir, lower oil mobility is due to higher vis- advantage due to higher permeability (Wehunt,
cosity, which also causes low recovery factors and 2003). In many heavy oil reservoirs, especially those
low productivity rates. Furthermore, producing with a thick sediment layer or high inclination angle
viscous oils frequently causes substantial changes in and high vertical permeability, oil compositional
the liquid production profile (water and oil) along segregation will occur. This causes heavier compo-
the field lifetime, as in the volume of water to be nents to stay in the lower portions of the bedrock,
processed, re-injected or disposed of. according to their specific gravity. Therefore, the dif-
Emulsion Formation ference in the oil’s specific gravity may reach several
The formation of stable emulsions of water and degrees API along the depth of the reservoir. This is
oil is a phenomenon frequently found in the pro- intensified at the bottom of the reservoir, near the
duction of heavy oils. Emulsion is formed during oil-water interface, where bitumen and tar mats have
simultaneous flow of oil and water, although it is been frequently found.Most of the typical challenges
also supposed to occur while still in the reservoir. historically posed by Brazil’s offshore oil production
The flow of the mixture of liquids through devices are connected to water depth, to the steep depth
and equipment that impose a high shear rate, such gradient in regard to the shore distance: increasing
as in pumps and valves, in pipe singularities and pressure, decreasing temperature, necessity of re-
even along lines, will induce emulsion formation. mote assistance, increasing power in platforms and
Gas and solid particulates are additional factors that ships, necessity of large producing structures. Flow
increase the shear rate, intensifying emulsification assurance, for example, is taken to technical limits,
(Harden and Dawne, 1997). Emulsification is a dy- as longer distances and higher pressures result in
namic process, subject to instantaneous local flow increasing power; longer production and exportation
conditions and thus to operational conditions that lines imply lower temperatures, thus increasing fluid
may change along the period the well is producing. viscosity. Also, lower temperatures mean increasing
Shear rate is a strong factor in emulsion formation, the possibility of paraffin and wax deposition and
but rheology and fluid properties also play impor- hydrate formation. Multiphase flows cause design
tant roles. In short, emulsion formation is indeed and operational difficulties for long pipelines, and, in
a retro-feeding process. some cases, phase separation is imperative for artifi-
Heavy oil’s tendency to form foam must also be cial lift, for pumping, compression and fluid transfer
taken into account during the release of dissolved and exportation. Improved measuring techniques
gas, in a type of gas and liquid limiting compress- and instrumentation are required for a more precise
ible emulsion. All such characteristics will not only control of production and its automation.
influence the flow in the reservoir, wellbore and There is still a long list of novel aspects, but
flowlines, but will also have an impact on other vital it is enough to state that the overlapping of the
processes, such as separation and metering. various intrinsic characteristics of heavy oil with
Acidity typical phenomena in off-shore production results
Heavy oils found in offshore fields have a high in scientific and technological challenges yet to be
content of organic acidity in common. The acid- overcome. A possible and immediate approach to
ity rate, measured by TAN (Total Organic Acid be adopted is the extension to heavy oil production,
Content), is particularly important to refining when feasible, of the already established scientific
processes. Nowadays, few refineries in the world and technological knowledge gained with produc-
are prepared to receive such oils, with high acid- tions of light oil. Clearly, this line of action will
ity level. In fact, the price spread at the oil market not fulfill in full extension the posed challenges,
is mainly due to this characteristic. Also, the high leaving lacks of coverage, representativiness and
concentration of organic acids is mentioned to con- reliability in the extended models, although some
tribute to the precipitation of organo-metallic salts, level of predictability may be achieved. A second
causing buildups in processing equipment. and desirable approach is the establishment of
Reservoir medium to long term research through a scientific
Heavy oils, especially those formed by bio- and technological development program capable
degradation, are found in shallow reservoirs, formed of supporting appropriate, efficient practices that
by unconsolidated sands. This characteristic, which benefit the cost-effectiveness of the heavy oil pro-
brings about difficulties during well drilling and duction process in the “offshore” environment.

Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C. TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009

This is compatible with the growing importance Thermodynamic Behavior

this resource is achieving in the scenario of energy
To study the characteristics of the thermody-
reserves on Earth.
namic behavior of heavy oils, focusing on the de-
velopment of correlations for PVT properties and
Challenges by Explotation Areas on the development of models for off-equilibrium
The challenges posed by heavy oil explotation Flow Properties in the Formation
have been classified according the traditional ar-
eas of technical activities. They refer to reservoir, To study the characteristics and rheological
wellbore, flow assurance, flow measurement, arti- properties of live oil and its potential emulsions
ficial lift, separation, and characterization. Within with gas, focusing on flow conditions inside the
these areas more than 40 projects have been reservoir rock
identified and ordered, attending criteria such as Primary Production Mechanisms
urgency, impact, risk and resource availability. To
accomplish this, more than 150 people, technical To develop models for reservoir phenomena
managers from oil companies, from both opera- associated with the depletion of heavy oils, with
tors and service companies, from the academic primary focus on gas entrapment, gravitational
community, including universities and research flow, and changes to permeability after altering the
institutes, have been interviewed and convened structure of the porous medium.
to identify bottlenecks, to propose prospective Water injection
solutions and to set priorities, having as start-point
the challenges in all branches of the explotation The focuses are two-fold: technical challenges
area. The focus, the timing and the limits of the of water injection in heavy oil offshore fields and
practical application of proven techniques will be waste water reconditioning for re-injection and
provided by the interested companies. The duty disposal.
of the academic community will be to overcome Improved Recovery
the challenges, seeking to aggregate scientific
knowledge in a coordinated action, focusing on To develop theoretical and experimental mod-
the most imperative demands from the industry, els on improved recovery methods applied to off-
in accordance with federal planning for the oil shore heavy oil reservoirs. It is initially proposed
sector and limits of the economic resources made that the focus be directed to air injection and its
available by government agencies. Thus, they novel techniques, and to steam injection with bot-
may consciously assume all large risks related to tomhole generation.
the work with innovative technologies but, in
turn, will be deeply involved in the production Wellbore
and transfer of highly sought after state-of-the-
art technology. Industry and the academic com- In this portfolio, priorities are:
munity will be partners in the program, sharing Wellbore Stability
management of the program and acting in every
project of particular interest. The full version To develop geomechanical models to anticipate
of the report details these projects and the short the behavior of heavy oil bearing formations in the
to medium-term actions envisioned to tackle limits of the pressure gradients involved in con-
them. struction of wells with long horizontal extensions
- exceeding 1000m and in thin sediment layers
Reservoir Drilling and Completion Fluids

The portfolio of actions related to reservoir Development of fluids appropriate to the con-
includes: struction of wells with long horizontal stretches,
with tight gravity and viscosity restrictions

TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009 Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C.

Drilling Hydraulics Emulsion formation: influence of shear rate

To study models for describing the hydraulic To quantify the influence of the shear rate on
behavior of the column-fluid-wellbore-gravel the formation of water-oil emulsions in heavy
system during the drilling of long horizontal ex- oils
tensions Drag reduction in single and multiphase flows
Sand Migration
Development of drag reduction additives for
To develop descriptive models for sand dis- heavy oil single and multiphase flows
placement aimed at production control
Damage removal Metering

To develop techniques and products to remove In this portfolio the projects deal with con-
damage to the formation caused by fluids during ventional meters and new instrumentation tech-
drilling and completion operations in horizontal niques.
wells Uncertainties of conventional meters
Well evaluation
To quantify the uncertainty of conventional oil
Development of pressure, temperature and flow rate meters when used in the measurement
flow rate sensors for bottomhole monitoring dur- of heavy oil
ing well operations Scale effect on conventional meters

Flow Assurance To define and quantify parameters to represent

size-scale variation in the propagation of measure-
The focus is on flow characteristics in well- ment uncertainties of flow rate meters applied to
bores, equipment and flowlines. heavy oil
Phase arrangements in multi-phase flows Application of ultrasound meters

To generate flow maps for multiphase heavy To develop ultrasound techniques for the mea-
oil-flow phase arrangements surement of fluid and flow rate characteristics in
Mechanistic models and correlations in multiphase flows heavy oil lines
Multi-phase measurement techniques
To obtain specific correlations for heavy oil
flows. Develop phenomenological models to fore- To access the uncertainty of multi-phase flow
cast hold-up and head loss for heavy oils meters operating with heavy oil
Properties of water assisted flow Sampling techniques in multi-phase flow lines

To develop specific correlations for water as- To develop sampling procedures in heavy oil
sisted heavy oil flows: head loss, “hold-up”, and production lines
criteria for emulsion formation
Hydrate formation in lines with production transients Artificial Lift

To formulate objective criteria for identifying Artificial lift projects for offshore production
hydrate formation in lines under transients include:
Heat transfer in submerged lines BCSs performance curves

To scrutinize the heat transfer processes in To study BCSs’ performance correction curves
flow lines and pipelines, under steady-state and for dimensional scale and viscosity changes
shutdown conditions Models for the performance of BCSs

To develop a generalizing model to anticipate

the performance of BCS operation with very vis-

Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C. TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009

Micro-distillation method for TBP determination

cous fluids
Novel artificial lift equipment To develop a method by using distillers with ca-
pacity from 100 ml to 1 liter applied to heavy oils
To develop models to anticipate the use of Adjustments of TBP methods for heavy oils
new artificial lift equipment (multi-phase pump,
HSPs) To adjust the existing methods for TBP curve
Mixtures by jet-pumps determination, with focus on heavy oils
Extension of TBP curve and characterization of heavy
To characterize mixtures generated by jet- fractions
pumps injectors (water or gas as the driving fluid)
The objectives are multifold, including the def-
Separation inition of a new method to render the TBP curve
extended up to at least 700 °C and the establishment
The focus will be on the use of moderate and in- of processing strategies for different heavy oils
tense centrifugal fields to promote phase separation. De-asphalting for characterization of ultra-heavy
Operational range of centrifuges residues

To establish the operational limits for centri- To develop an experimental method to extract
fuges used with multi-phase mixture of heavy oil components from ultra-heavy oil residues, accom-
and water plish the characterization of the obtained residue
Centrifuges of simple geometries and evaluate the use of such residue to produce
To analyze multi-phase centrifuges of simple Precipitation of heavy oil fractions
geometry for application to solid-liquid-gas-par-
ticulate separation To model the precipitation of heavy oil compo-
Dispersion under centrifugal fields nents and develop mechanisms to deal with it
Compatibility of mixtures
To evaluate numerical models for simulating
disperse systems under the action of centrifugal To survey the stability and compatibility in-
field dexes of Brazilian oil streams
Particulates role in centrifugal splitters

To study the effect of solid particulates in the Final Remarks - Program Management
lifetime and performance of centrifuges
Management of a program for technology de-
Characterization velopment as comprehensive and complex as the
one proposed herein involves a lot of planning,
Portfolio is focused on physical and chemical leading initiatives, efforts for plenty of communica-
properties of heavy oil and its mixtures. tion between agents of diverse cultures and interests
Heavy oil emulsions among academia, service companies and operators.
The manager must be of such a profile to align and
To establish an accurate, reliable and fast meth- maintain the alignment of the various components
od to characterize heavy oil emulsions of the program to the objectives posted, and, at the
Hydrodynamics of dispersed systems same time, implement coordinated actions in order
to take advantage of the synergy between the dif-
To model the behavior of two-phase oil-water ferent developments, this been one of the reasons
mixtures when flowing in pipelines and complex for proposing the identified projects as a program.
geometries Given the diversity of the stakeholders involved
and the multitude of disciplines and subjects of the
projects, it is recommended that the program to be
managed at its top level by a board of few members,

TERRÆ 6(1):21-29, 2009 Trevisan, O.V., França, F.A., Okabe, C.A., Lisboa, A.C.

tionality of this Board is left to the discretion of

picked among the leading actors directly involved the partners in the project, as long as the main
with the actions of the program. rules set for the program the project belongs to
This board should be responsible for planning are respected.
the main actions of the program, proposing the
criteria for the selection of the best projects along
the development lines of the program, stating the Acknowledgement
targets to be reached within the time frame for
such developments, quickly evaluating and revising The authors would like to acknowledge the
performance of project developers. financial support of FINEP-CTPETRO to con-
In order to carry forward all the actions needed duct the survey of the present paper, the support
in the program regarding its implementation, set- of Petrobras and INT, and the collaboration of the
ting up communications, building means for con- many technical managers from service companies
tinuous follow up and evaluation, the existence of and operators and researchers from universities
a full-time executive is advisable. This role should around Brazil.
be for a professional in administration, preferably
with experience in technology management.
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may involve the interest of various partners from
companies or from universities and research in- PROPES, Programa de Óleos Pesados Offshore,
stitutions. In these cases a multi-client contract folder, Petrobras, Cenpes, 2004.
should be considered and the management struc- Wehunt, C. D. et al, Technical Challenges for Offshore
ture should include a Technical Board formed by Heavy Oil Field Developments, OTC 2003, Hous-
representatives of the involved partners. Func- ton, May 2003.


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