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An undergraduate thesis
Presented to
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Student
Arellano University

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Senior High School

Aaron Agapito A. Aguilar

John Nigel Q. Ariaso
Ranier S. Avellano
Ranjay A. Avila
Stephen Bautista
Miguel L. Buela
Elizandro Dominic I. Dailo
Marvin H. Flor
Eddie B. Gonzales
Jeremiah A. Ildefonso
Jay C. Joseph
March, 2021
Chapter I
The Problem and It’s background

Have you ever wondered what lies inside the internet? According to Kemp, 2020

more than 4.5 billion people now use the internet, while social media used have passed

the 3.8 billion mark and it is nearly 60% of the world's population already online,

meaning the internet is widely use all around the world. The versatility of social media is

vast that endless potential of idea, concept, invention, information, and innovation could

be created. We can see the different uses of social media from long distant

communication purposes to livelihood. Social media became a gateway for online

business even before the pandemic, people use social media to advertise or even

online delivery, it is convenient way to order essentials. Social media is one of the main

reasons why we continue learning through online and not wasting time with the help of

social media platforms like Facebook and Messenger. For entertainment, you can

browse to your liking on different social media platforms to satisfy your curiosity.

Issues with the use of Social Media: Cohen et al. 2012 they asked people an

established measure of stress that is known as the Perceived Stress Scale, Both

gender is experiencing stress using social media. A study was conducted. According to

Hamm et al., 2015, cyberbullying was an issue that participants talked about

considerably and felt was a real risk to young people’s mental health and well being in

relation, In relation to cyberbullying. Trolling has been differentiated from cyberbullying

with claims made that trolling is a spectrum of behaviour that ranges from largely

offensive languages to make fun of someone. According to (Duggan and Smith, 2013)
addiction is one of issues in social media, 90% of adolescents will use social media

during the day and at night, with 37% losing sleep because of it. The study conducted

by Bilgin et at., 2020 adolescence is a period where the peers are favored more than

the family, when teens experience something bad, they cope up much better with peers

rather than with the adults, and it is also stated that,” being among with peers during

times of stress may offer adolescents an open, supportive and rewarding space which

may help dampen the emotional turbulence that adolescent can bring. This shows that

adolescents are most likely to open up on their peers online or offline more than their

parents. Bobo doll experiment, Albert Bandura conducted the experiment. He placed a

few children in a room with an adult, some toys and a Bobo doll to support his theory

“Social Learning Theory”. In the experiment, Bandura made the children watch an adult

beating up the doll then later left the children in room and did the same things, the

children even came up with new ways to beat up the doll. While the children who didn't

watch the film of an adult beating up a doll showed less aggression towards the doll. It

opens up to human cruelty and shapes viewers images of reality. In social media has a

powerful role to influence the way a person thinks, when they see a video of a person in

the web there is a possibility that they intimate this kind of behavior. Ranting on Social

Media is not an exemption.

This study aims to understand the perception of grade 12 students on using

social media as a platform in airing grievances. With the goal in mind this research’s

objective is to know if rating on social media is a good option in venting and expressing

feelings and emotion. This research also wants to know the reasons why adolescent

rants on social media instead of talking to their parents or guardians. The ranting on
social media could provide the satisfaction that adolescent needs or there are other

reasons. With this factor in mind this research aims to answer and to know if ranting on

social media is a factor on the stress of an adolescent.

This study will contribute to the school, knowing the reason behind the rants of

students on social media, will give idea to the school, on how should they approach

their students about their problem, and might help the students with their problem,

especially when its academically. The research also can be beneficial to those who are

studying and analyzing the causes and trends of rants on different social media. The

reader can also learn ways on how to deal with an adolescent that rants on social

media. The knowledge and information could help to give advice to adolescents on what

they could change for the better. The study can give new ideas and concepts that can

inspire new studies that could help us to improve the quality of living.

The importance of this research is to know why adolescents rant on social media

instead of talking it out to their parents and guardians. Knowing the reasons why could

give us the hints on what the researchers should do to better connect with the

adolescent and understand the reason for their rants on social media. Understanding

the reason could give us new ideas and approaches in dealing with rants on social

media. This research could lead to new perspectives and ideas that can help improve

our daily living.

Theoretical Framework
Uses and Gratification Theory (2000), this theory was first introduced by Elihu

Katz an American sociologist. This theory states that people use social media to satisfy

their needs and desires. There are 5 categories of needs and 2 of it are , social

integrative needs, the need to socialize with family, friends and relations in society, and

tension free need, the need to relieve stress with the use of social media.

According to this theory, people use social media to communicate with their

families, and people use it to entertain themselves and keep their mind busy and

escape from reality and stress, this theory leads the researcher that student uses social

media in different uses.

The theory mentioned above truly leads the researchers that students uses

social media as a platform for airing grievance to lessen their stress and socialize with

their friends and families.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the perception of grade 11 students on using social

media as a platform of airing grievance.

1. How may the profile of the students be described.

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

2. Why does the students use social media to express themselves?

3. What are the benefits of the students gain from ranting online?

4. What are the right ways to express the students’ problem?

Scopes and Delimitations
This study aims to determine the perception of grade 11 students about using

social media as a platform for airing grievance in a private university, in second

semester school year 2020-2021.

Significance of the Study

This part of the research contains the beneficiaries of the research and how they

will benefit from the study

To the Students, they can learn what are the best way to rant or air grievance and how

to express their emotions properly.

To the Parents, they can understand why do their children choose to rant on social

media instead of confronting them with their problems. And they can learn the proper

way to confront their children and to help their children’s problem.

To the Teachers, they can understand their students’ ranting in social media and can

pay attention to it. They can teach the proper way for the students on what are the best

ways to rant in social media.

To the Future Researchers they can use this study as reference.

Definition of terms

This part of the research contains definitions of some terms used in the study:

Ranting- it refers to the way expressing stress in social media.

Grievance- it refers to the complaints about problem/s.

Social media- it refers to social network, such as, Facebook and Twitter.

Satisfaction- it refers to the students’ procurement of their desire.

Adolescents- it refers to the students ages between 10 to 20 years old.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Profile of the informants

First and foremost is the population of social media users in general, US,

and Philippines, according to Johnson (2021) as of January 2021 there were 4.66 billion

active internet users worldwide 59.5% of the global population. Of this total, 92.6% 4.32

billion accessed the internet via mobile devices. On the current state of social media in

the Philippines, it was reported that the Philippines has been called the social media

capital of the world, because most of the social media users have an extraordinarily

high usage time of about four hours per day.

According to Sanchez (2020), as of 2017, in statistics shown by the

researcher around 64 million out of 105 million users in the Philippines had internet

access. While 81% of the adolescents were already online, only 12% of those aged 55

years and older were able to access the internet in the Philippines.

Dean (2021) concluded, that 90% of adults between the adolescents used

social networks in the United States of America uses social media on the month of

February 2021. The percentage of Americans using social media by age is primarily

Gen Z and Millennials. 90% of those are adolescents, 82% of those are adults 69% of

those are older adults, 40% of those are elderly.

Research by (Hruska and Maresova 2020) argues that as age increases,

social media use decreases. Understanding where and at what frequency users are on

social media can have some of it’s advantages. Social media is part of people’s routines

and is an essential way to communicate, shop, find things to do, and check the news.

Young adults are heavy users of social media like using all of the platforms in social

media. In a statistics shown by the researcher, in total, 88% of 18 to 29 year old report

using social media compared to 78% to 37% of older age groups, and young adults

spend more time on social media than older adults, averaging 3 hours per day.

For the support of the age on why young people use social media more than

adults. According to Taylor (2018) conducted a new global study, ”Social for Everyone”,

in which they spoke to over 40,000 people aged 6 to 54 across 35 markets and they

found that different age groups do indeed have distinct social media behaviors. Ages

11-24 they are looking for an identity and what better way to do that than , social media,

they are focus on how other perceived them so it is likely that they use social media for

ranting because they always try to share and connect in the social media. Ages 25-54

they are more cautious in social media and what they are posting in the platforms of

social media and they don’t overshare, if do share they share positive things in the

social media and they don’t let people perceive them because they already know who

they are.
According to Adolesc (2017). Sometimes depressed adolescents use social

media to be happy but if they feel worse seeing others with other peoples great lives

and others can’t keep up. Instead of being happy they ended up feeling worse about


According to Dean (2021) In America, social media is more prevalent among

women, in particular, Snapchat and Pinterest, 76% of females and 72% of males.

According to Tankovska (2021) In gender a new information was given in

January 2021 and it is stating that their are many male users than female users in social

media by an exceptional amount but it doesn’t mean that men are the leading

percentage on using social media for airing grievances.

Volkovich et al. (2014) suggest that women outnumbered men for most

social networking sites and men are more driven by contributory factors such as

perceived usefulness, women are more motivated by process and social factors.

A research by (Park and Lee 2014) women were more likely to consume

more time on visiting a website where there are sending and receiving emails, and on

instant messaging which can lead them to airing grievance. Men were more likely to

harass, so thousands of women choose to air their grievance because they feel like

nothing can be done about it personally.

According to Junco et al. (2010) found that women spend more time on

social networking sites than men. To better support this statement by park and lee we

have the claim of Junco (2013) agreed that female use social media more than men

because they use social media for communication, checking on friends, posting photos,

and sharing of information compared to males.

According to Cohen et al. (2012) they asked people an established measure

of stress that is known as the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) The PSS is a random

survey to determine when if they are having stress in social media done by researchers

and came up with the result of on average, women report experiencing significantly

higher levels of stress than men. The average women scores 10.5 on the PSS while the

average man scores 9.8 in social media. Studies suggest what we’ve always known,

people are experiencing higher levels of stress today. All three studies indicate that

women more than men experience the highest level of stress states that It’s a pretty

accepted fact that women experience more oppression than anyone else online they

are often victims of cyberbullying and online harassment, it could lead to rants.
The expression of students on social media

According to Katz (2000) we can relate our theory which is the Uses and

Gratification Theory where we use social media to satisfy their needs and desires. Katz,

Gurevitch and Haas developed 35 needs and categorized them into 5 categories 2 of

these 5 categories are, social integrative needs, the need to socialize with family,

friends and relations in society, and tension free need, the need to relieve stress with

the use of social media.

According to Hayes et al. (2016) likes are frequently used to indicate

approval or enjoyment. Reward circuitry may be implicated in the provision of Likes

because the user is simultaneously viewing an image or piece of information that brings

them pleasure or enjoyment.

One notable study is from Pan (2019) where Pan argues that social media

has become somewhat an outlet for people to share, sometimes overshare their

emotions. It’s ironic how we are mindful about sharing personal information like our

contact number or home address but disregard the consequences of using social media

as platform for our frustrations to our followers. When the people communicate through

the screen, all people feel protected. Therefore, some people feel entitled to post

anything. Sometimes, tend to disassociate other people online with our offline identities

causing us to think it’s alright to do or write things that we won’t normally say in real life

because we are scared. When one use social media for ranting through social media,

our phone screen sort of acts like protection for us. This makes it easier for us to type
away whatever we feel and direct it to someone, without actually saying it face to face

or confronting them.

According to Cresci (2015) surveyed people under 24 years old and they

that social media helps us on releasing our problems rather than confronting about face

to face. 24 year old are more comfortable opening up on social media than in person.

Benefits of ranting on social media

Another theory is the Maslow (2018) of needs but in the concept of social

media which can be the psychology of sharing in social media where the 2 factors of

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be related. Love/belonging: Users generally want to

post to feel some kind of social acceptance from a group or a particular individual.

Esteem: People want to have rewards-oriented parts of their brains. It is Maslow’s

theory but this was revised with the concept of social media in 2018.

Sherman et al. (2016) had many claims. Face-to-face communication

involves a qualitative exchange of information through facial expressions, gestures, and

vocal prosody. Using social media allow for quantitative means of providing feedback.

While recent research indicates that receiving positive reviews on social media is linked

to increased happiness with activity in the brain’s reward network. Receiving many

Likes on one’s own Instagram photo leads to activation of motivation Even the number

of Likes on strangers' images has an effect on neural and behavioral responses: we

previously reported that when young people viewed Instagram photos with many Likes,
compared with few, they showed greater responses in brain regions associated with

reward and visual attention, and were themselves more likely to click Like.

Research by (Bhanji and Delgado, 2014) refer to this system as a ‘reward

circuit’, it is important to know that this circuitry is involved not only in the subjective

experience of pleasure but also in recognizing, evaluating, predicting and responding to


According to Farkas (2021). He studied 8 continents in the world who uses

social media most and the North America came up on top with a percentage of 44.23%

almost have than the rest of the world.

According to the Mental Health Aid (2020) If you are struggling whether it is

online or in person it’s okay to ask for help, in that statement anyone can ask for help if

they have problems.

As reported by Health Guide (2020), The essence of interaction on social

media doesn’t have the same intellectual satisfaction as face-to-face contact. However,

there are still many positive ways in which can help you to stay associated and assist

your mental health. You can communicate with your friends and family around the world

and socialize with other people who share consistent attentiveness or aspiration and

discover or offer reassurance during their tough times.

According to Ahmad (2021) you can share your issues with the community

to get help and giddiness. Whether it is helping in term of money or in term of advice,

you can get it from the community you are connected with.

More precisely, Hinduja (n.d) claimed that teens all over the world have

embraced social media to communicate with those who can inspire them., mentor them,

inspire them, and – most of all – show them that they are not alone, and teens need this

reminder on a timely manner. This makes it easy to feel less than others in looks,

health, intelligence, and anything else on which we base our self-worth which then leads

to emotional and psychological pain. This sometimes manifests

insecurity, envy, anxiety, depression, and other related psychosomatic disorders, and


A study by Bekalu (2020) that the social media has full of negative impacts

on you but the researcher stated that if a person have a strong social network is

associated with positive mental health and well being of a person.

In a related literature. According to Henderson (2020) he said that in our

lives now with corona virus and we have to maintain social distancing, the researcher

argued that social media is a great way to interact with others because you might be

having anxiety for example, social media is good way to get the emotional support that

one gets from a family member or a friend is incomparable because during this stressful

time of being locked down and under the attack of a virus that is spreading so quickly, a

virtual call from a loved one can help you get through the day positively.
Chapter III
Research Design and Methodology

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The researcher will use Observational Style of Research to acquire the

perception of grade 11 students about the use of social media as a platform for ranting

and airing grievance. An observational study is an empiric investigation that attempts to

estimate the effects caused by a treatment Rosenbaum (2014). This is a qualitative

research method and the researcher will conduct an interview on the informants to know

the perception of grade 11 students about the use of social media as a platform to

express their grievance

Informants and sampling of the study.

The target informants are grade 11 students from one private university around

Pasig City, which is near to the researchers area, and the researchers used grade 11

students as informants because it is more comfortable to approach them. The

researchers use Purposive Sampling Technique to look for students who are ranting on

social media.

Instrument of the study

According to Parveen and Showkat (2017), an interview is an important

qualitative research method in which the researcher collects data directly from the

participant, it can be conducted over the phone, mail, and telephone without physical
presence, interviews are significant in unfolding opinions, experiences, values, and

various other aspects of the population under the study, and interviews are always goal


The Researchers use the interview guide question to know the perceptions of

grade 11 students about the use of social media for airing grievance

The interview guide question is divided into 3 parts, first part contains the

personal information of the informants the second part contains the reason why

students use social media to air grievance, and the third part contains how did social

media or did social media help to resolve their problem by ranting on social media.

Interview Guide Question:

1. Informant’s information

1.1. Age:

1.2. Sex: Male Female

2. Reason why students use social media to express grievance

2.1. Do you use social media to rant about your problem? Why?

3. Ranting on social media benefits

3.1. Do you find ranting on social media necessary? Why?

3.2. What are benefits that you gain from ranting on social media?
Data Gathering Procedure

In this section the researcher will state the sequence on how the researcher will

obtain the perceptions of grade 11 students. At first the researchers created a title, then

later on, it was presented and consulted to the researcher professor, and was rephrase

with the help of the professor, together with the statement of the problem, it was

approved by the professor. The researcher uses the observational style of research.

The researcher obtained the interview guide questions from the statement of the

problem to know the perceptions of grade 11 students about the use of social media for


After the interview guide question was approved, the researcher will now look for

informants who are ranting or airing grievance on social media, and conduct a pre-

survey if they are ranting or not, if yes then the researchers will decide if they interview

on the selected grade 11 students about the reasons why they rant or air grievance on

social media.

After conducting the interview, the researcher now will analyze the answers of the

informants, and the researchers will draw conclusions base from the informants’


After the researchers conclude they will now present their recommendations for

the beneficiaries.
Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter shows the analysis and interprets the data gathered and point out

important information significant result about the reasons why grade 11 students rant or

express grievance on social media. For clarity and consistency in the discussion, the

data are in tabular form.

Transcript of the interview

An interview conducted by Jay Joseph and Jeremiah A. Ildefonso with our 1 st informant,

grade 11 student. On Saturday April 17, 2021 around 11:30 pm. Through Google Meet.

JJ: Researcher kami ng group 2 sa STEM. Bali ganto po ang mangyayari, hindi po ma

leleak ang any information na masasabi niyo, ang masasabi ko lang po is to be true to

your answers.

Informant #1: Okay po

JJ: Ilang taon na po kayo?

Informant #1: 17 po

JJ: Madalas po ba kayo mag surf sa internet?

Informant #1: Opo

JJ: Anong mga sites yung pinagsusurfan niyo?

Informant #1: Google, Youtube, Twitter, at Facebook. Yun lang po.

JJ: Sa Facebook po ba nag shesharepost po ba kayo?

Informant #1: Oo minsan yung mga memes o mga bagay na gusto ko

JJ: Hindi naman yung tungkol sa gobyerno, yung mga ganun?

Informant #1: Hindi naman po

JJ: Naglabas ka naba ng sama ng loob sa internet? bakit?

Informant #1: Oo minsan, para nga malabas ko yung mga sama ng loob ko na hindi ko

masabi ng personal

JAI: Ate pag may problema po ba or pwede sa friends or parents ka direkta

Informant #1: Sa friends ako pag hindi sa social media, kasi hindi naman kami close ng

parents ko

JAI: Okay po, understandable

Informant#1: Kasi minsan mataas po expectation nila sakin. Tapos minsan hindi ko na

memeet yung expectation nila

JJ: Ahh parang pinagcocompare kayo sa kaklase po parang ganun?

Informant #1: Opo

JJ: Mas comfortable po ba kayo sa social media or sa friends magsabi ng problema

Informant #1: Kasi nga po mga kaibigan ko po sila tsaka madali lang sila lapitan at

icocomfort ka pa

JAI: Satingin nyo po ano yung benefits nang pag express ng feeling niyo po sa social

Informant #1: Nakakasabi ka ng mga bagay na hindi mo pwedeng sabihin sa ibang


JJ: May times na po ba na may nag comment or react napo sa mga post niyo na

nagbibigay ng advices?

Informant #1: Meron po para sa support

JJ: So hindi naman nakakasolve ng problem na pinost niyo po?

Informant #1: Hindi po pero nakakagaan ng loob pag may nagrereact sa mga….(putol

sa img)

JJ: Nakaka lessen ban g tension pag nag rant ka?

Informant #1: Syempre po kasi nasabi ko na at nalabas ko na yung gusto ko sabihin

dahil mas madali lang sa social media.

JJ: So nakaka relief lang hindi nakakasolve

Informant #1: Hindi po

JJ: Any follow-up questions, Jeremiah?

JAI: Wala na

JJ: Ate thank you po sa participation, thank you po talaga

JAI: Salamat po talaga

Informant #1: Welcome po

English Translation

JJ: We’re researchers from group 2 from STEM. So this is what will happened, any

information that you will say will not leak. All I ask you is to be true to your answers.

Informant #1: Okay

JJ: How old are you?

Informant #1: 17

JJ: Do you often surf on the internet?

Informant #1: Yes

JJ: What sites do you often surf?

Informant #1: Google, You Tube, Twitter, and Facebook. That’s all.

JJ: On Facebook do you sharepost?

Informant #1: Yes, not often but mostly memes or things that I want.

JJ: No post about government, something like that?

Informant #1: None

JJ: Do you vent frustrations on the internet? Why?

Informant #1: Yes, sometimes, to release my frustrations that I can’t tell personally.

JAI: Do you have a problem, why not tell friends or parents directly?
Informant #1: I tell my friends if I didn’t on social media, because I’m not close with my


JAI: Okay, understandable

Informant #1: Because sometimes their expectations to me is high and sometimes I

can’t meet their expectations.

JJ: So it’s like being compared to your classmates, something like that?

Informant #1: Yes

JJ: Are you much comfortable on social media or in friends when telling problems.

Informant #1: Because they are my friends and they are easy to approach also they

will comfort you.

JAI: In your opinion what are the benefits of expressing your feelings on social media?

Informant #1: You can tell things that you can’t say to other people.

JJ: Are there times that someone will comment or react to your post and will give


Informant #1: Yes, for support

JJ: So does posting it makes your problem solve?

Informant #1: No, but it lightens the feeling if someone reacts….(putol ung image)

JJ: Does that tension lessens when you rant?

Informant #1: Yes, because I already told and release the things I wanted to say and it

is easier on social media.

JJ: So it can only relief not solve

Informant #1: No

JJ: Any follow-up questions, Jeremiah?

JAI: None

JJ: Thank you for participating, thank you very much

JAI: Thank you so much

Informant #1: Welcome

An interview conducted by Ranier S. Avellano, Elizandro Dominic I. Dailo and

Jeremiah Ildefonso with our 2nd informant, grade 11 student. On Saturday April 17, 2021

around 2:05 pm. Through Google Meet.

RSA: Good morning, we are the researcher from STEM-1, so just to confirm do you rant

on Social Media?

Informant #2: Yes, sometimes

RSA: Anong social media platform ang pinag rarantan mo?

Informant #2: Twitter lagi

RSA: Twitter, okay okay, how about Facebook?

Informant #2: Hindi po, hindi po ako naglalabas ng problema sa Facebook

RSA: 17, okay okay, bakit ka nagrarant sa sa Social media? Sa Twitter specifically

Informant #2: Para lang maano, ma-let go yung inis ganun

RSA: Ma-let go?

Informant #2: Kumbaga ma-express ko yung galit ko ng walang nahaharm na tao

RSA: Ahh, okay okay, sa tingin mo ba necessary yung pag rarant mo?

Informant #2: Minsan, yung iba, merong hindi naman kailangan i-rant or i-keep nalang

siya sarili ganun.

RSA: Yung ibang tinutukoy mo? Yung ibang problem na nirarant, bakit sa tingin mo

necessary siya? Anong dulot nito?

Informant #2: Para maka reach out ka sa people, halimbawa, nag rant ka may,

magtatanong sayo kung okay ka ba, kumbaga yun yung way mo of reaching out sa tao

para makatulong sila sayo.

RSA: Ahh parang shinoshow mo yung problem mo para, if ever may makakita na tao

na makakatulong sayo, i-aapproach ka nila ganun ba?

Informant #2: Oo, ganun.

RSA: Ahh sige sige

EID: Sa tingin mo anong benefits na gain mo from ranting through social media.

Informant #2: Nagkakaroon ako ng knowledge sa mga advise ng mga kakilala ko

kumbaga may natutunan ako sa mga sinasabi nila.

RSA: Pwede ka ba magbigay ng example sa mga natutunan mo?

Informant #2: Katulad nung ano, wag ko sasarilihin yung problema kumbaga wag ako

mag rarant, ayy, pano ba wait lang. halimbawa wag kong i-kekeep sa sarili ko, wag

akong mahihiyang mag sabi sakanila para matulungan ako.

EID: Do you think na lessen ba yung problems. I mean napapagaan ba yung damdamin

mo kapag nakakapag rant ka through social media?

Informant #2: Yes

RSA: It doesn’t completely solve your problem diba?

Informant #2: Hindi

RSA: Parang nakaka gaan lang talaga siya

Informant #2: Oo

JI: So bali parang social support lang?

EID: Nakakapag boost padin siya ng self-esteem

English Transalation

RSA: Good morning we are the researcher from STEM 1, so just to confirm, do you rant

on social media?

Informant #2: Yes, sometimes.

RSA: What social media platform do you use to rant?

Informant #2: I always use twitter.

RSA: So it's twitter... Ok ok, how about facebook? Do you also use it to rant or not?
Informant #2: No. I don't use facebook to express my problems.

RSA: How old are you?

Informant #2: 17.

RSA: 17 okay okay... Why do you rant on social media? On twitter to be specific.

Informant #2: So I can let go of my anger, something like that.

RSA: To let go?

Informant #2: It's like I can express my anger without harming someone.

RSA: Oh okay... Do you think your ranting is necessary?

Informant #2: Sometimes, I don't think I need to rant some of my problems. I would just

keep it to myself.

RSA: About some of your problems, why do you think it is necessary to rant?

Informant #2: Because others will ask me if I'm okay when they see me ranting and

even help me. It is my way of asking for help.

RSA: You show your problems on social media so that if they ever see you ranting, they

will help you. Is that right?

Informant #2: Yes, that's right.

RSA: Okay

EID: For you, what benefits do you gain from ranting through social media?
Informant #2: I will gain knowledge through the given advice of my friends. I will learn

from what they are saying.

RSA: Can you give some examples on what you have learn?

Informant #2: They told me I don't need to keep things to myself and even ranting.

They told me that I shouldn’t be shy approaching them to ask for help

EID: Do you think it lessened or did ranting through social media lessen the burden that

you are feeling?

Informant #2: Yes.

RSA: It doesn't completely solve your problem right?

Informant #2: Nope.

RSA: But it does lessen the burden you are feeling?

Informant #2: Yes.

JI: In a way it is just for social support only?

Informant #2: Yes that's right.

EID: It does boost self-esteem.

An interview conducted by Jeremiah A. Ildefonso and Aaron A. Aguilar with our

3rd informant, grade 11 student. On Saturday April 17, 2021 exactly 8:35 pm. Through

Google Meet.

JAI: Good evening galing po kami sa Stem 1 group 2. Mag iinterview lang po kami

about sa perception ng grade 11 students ranting on social media.

AAA: First of all po ilang taon na kayo?

Informant#3: 17 po

JAI: So confirm lang po namin. Nag rarant kapo talaga sa social media, Tama diba or

nag eexpress ng feelings?

Informant #3: Opo sometimes

JAI: Then madalas kabang nag brobrowse or nag susurf sa social media?

Informant #3: Hmmm... Opo

JAI: Ano po yung ginagamit niyong social media?

Informant #3: Mostly Facebook and Twitter

JAI: Kapag po nagshashared post kapo or rarant san kapo nag rarant sa FB or Twitter?

Informant #3: Twitter

JAI: Satingin niyo po bakit sa twitter?

Informant #3: Uhmm... Kasi po parang mas safe po dun at walang masyadong

mangeelam, since naka private ung account.

AAA: So nag eexpress kapo ba ng problem sa social media? Natanong napo, bakit po?

Informant #3: Siguro dahil parang malabas din yung nararamdaman para mabawasan

yung na fefeel yun po in a way po sa pag rarant sa social media.

AAA: Kung may mapapagsasabihan ka kung Sino Ito ay sorry sorry... Mas comfortable

kaba kung may nalalapitan ka na masasabihan lang problema?

Informant #3: Yes syempre, mostly yung mga kaibigan.

JAI: How about sa parents Hindi po kayo masyadong nag oopen up?

Informant #3: No po

AAA: Necessary ba ang pag rarant sa social media? In your own opinion.

Informant #3: Uhmm.. I don't find it necessary talaga to post or rant sa social media

kasi uhmm... Lalo na nga private person konti lang din yung mga nirarant ko and

pinopost na maliliit na bagay pero when it comes to deep problems I don't find it

necessary para i-post.

AAA: So ano po yung mga benefits na gagain niyo sa social media?

Informant #3: OK... Yung sa pag rarant ba sa social media?

JAI: Yes po

Informant #3: Sometimes yung mga concerns na nabibigyan ng attention in the way of

pag rarant sa social media but most of time wala.

JAI: Nakaka lessen po ba ng tension o kya ng saama ngg loob pag nagrarant ka sa

social media? Informant #3: Media pero kasi syempre nakakabawas yun tapos ayun

nga nakakabawas sya... Syempre hindi naman yon. Ay wait, wait lang kinakabahan kasi


Both: Okay lang

Informant #3: Ayun nga po nakakabawas nga siya ng nararamdaman like sama ng

loob po kasi po nalalabas o na eexpress nyo yung nararamdamsn nyo.

JAI: Hindi naman talaga Nakaka solve ng problem?

Informant #3: Opo

JAI: Okay... Then yun lang naman po ok na. Thank you po.

Informant #3: Thank you din po

AAA: Thank you po

English Translation

JAI: Good evening we are from Stem 1, group we are here to interview you about the

perception of grade 11 students ranting on social media.

AAA: First and above all else, How old are you?

Informant #3: 17 yrs old

JAI: So we would like to clarify that you are ranting on social media?, right? that you're

expressing your feelings.

Informant #3: Yes, sometimes

JAI: Then... Are you often browsing or surfing social media?

Informant #3: Hmm, Yes

JAI: What social media platform do you use?

Informant #3: Mostly Facebook and Twitter

JAI: When you have a distributed post, what social media platform do you use to rant?

Informant #3: Twitter

JAI: Why did you choose Twitter, in your own perception?

Informant #3: Uhm, because I believe that using Twitter is safe and that no will

interfere with it. Since my account is private

AAA: So why do you share your emotions on social media?

Informant #3: Perhaps because, by ranting on social media, one can release hatred

from within and feel at ease.

AAA: Who do you think this was if you can talk to someone?, Oh sorry.....sorry..... are

you still comfortable if you have someone to feel connected in about your feelings?

Informant #3: Yes of course, generally my friends

AAA: And what about your parents? Do you express your emotions to them?

Informant #3: No, I don't

AAA: Do you think it's necessary to rant on social media? according to your own


Informant #3: I don't think it's necessary for me to post or rant on social media.....

uhmm, this is due to the fact that I am a private person, and with that being said when it

comes to a bigger problem I really don't find it necessary

AAA: What are the benefits you gain when browsing social media?

Informant #3: Do you mean ranting on social media?

JAI: Yes
Informant #3: It gives me attention and concerns, in a way of ranting on social media,

but most of the time I gain no attention.

AAA: Does ranting help to relieve internal tension and hatred?

Informant #3: Ranting on social media tends to ease some of the discomfort, of course

for some instances, wait.... wait... sorry I feel nervous.

JAI and AAA: It's okay

Informant #3: As I previously said, addressing emotional hate will make you feel at


JAI: So you're saying the ranting was not enough to help you fix your problems?

Informant #3: Yes

JAI: Alright, that's all thank you for being with us

Informant #3: Thank you as well!

AAA: Thank you very much

An interview conducted by Ranjay A. Avila, John Nigel Q. Ariaso and

Ranier S. Avellano with our 4th informant, grade 11 student. On Tuesday April 20, 2021

exactly 2:14 pm. Through Google Meet.

RAA: Good afternoon po ate Mary

Informant #4: Good afternoon

RAA: Kabilang nga po pala kami sa group 2 in practical research ng stem 1, Meron

lang po kaming ilang katanungan regarding po dun sa ginagawa naming study, so Start

na po tayo. Madalas po ba kayong gumagamit ng internet?

Informant #4: Yes, parang whole day akong nakababad sa internet

RAA: And how about social media po, madalas po ba kayong gumamit ng social

media? Such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

Informant #4: Yes lagi

RAA: May mga times po ba na nag rarant kayo using social media or nag lalabas ng

sama ng loob

Informant #4: Minsan lang pero hindi ako nag rarant in a public account

RAA: Ano pong social media site mostly ginagamit ninyo sa pav rarant?

Informant #4: Twitter and Facebook

RAA: Ilang taon na po ba kayo ate?

Informant #4: 17 years old

JNQA: So miss grace, do you use social media to rant about your problems? And why?

So ginagamit nyo po ba Yung social media sa pag rarant ng mga problema? at bakit

naman po?

Informant #4: Ay paki-ulit paki-ulit

JNQA: Uhmm ginagamit niyo po ba Yung social media sa pag rarant ng problem niyo at

bakit naman po
Informant #4: Minsan kasi it can get complicated sometimes kaya sinasabi ko

problema ko dun

RAA: Do you find ranting on social media necessary po? And why? Satingin niyo po?

Kinakailangan pa po bang Ang pag rarant sa social media? Or kailangan pa pong i-post

sa social media Yung mga problema natin? Necessary po ba ito sainyo? Bakit po?

Informant #4: It's not kasi Meron kasing advantage and disadvantage Yung pay rarant

sa social media. Meron mag sasabi ng bad comments sayo and good comments ganun

pero para sakin hindi yun tama Kasi pwede mo naman Kasi i-open sa kaibigan mo,

relatives, family wag na i-public. Yung rants kasi meron din hindi matutuwa ganun.

JNQA: So next question is what are the benefits that you gain from ranting on social

media? So ano po Yung mga benepisyo na nakukuha niyo sa pag rarant sa social


Informant #4: Makakakuha ako ng advice sa mga taong na kaka Kita ng post ko yun.

JNQA: Nakatutulong po ba ito para ma-relieve yung stress na dinadala niyo?

Informant #4: Nakakatulong pa din naman pero Iba padin yung may kumakausap sayo


JNQA: So yung mga like and share sa mga pino-post niyo po. Halimbawa po nag post

kayo and may mga like and share tas may mga comment din po, nakakatulong po ba

yun sa inyo?

RAA: Nakakagaan po ba ng pakiramdam niyo? Parang ganun

Informant #4: Hindi rin parang ano pam pasikat tignan ganon
RSA: So excuse, so diba sabi niyo kanina it's not necessary in social media? Pero why

do you still do it?

Informant #4: I do it before pero hindi na ngayun kasi I find it toxic

RSA: What's your reason before for ranting

Informant #4: Kasi wala akong ma-open up ng problema ko dati. Hindi ganun ka open

minded sa family ko. Kaya yun sa social media

RSA: Thank you

RAA: Yun lang po ate salamat

JNQA: Thank you po sa pag participate ng questions sa interview

Informant #4: Sige thank you

English Translation

RAA: Good afternoon, Mary

Informant #4: Good afternoon

RAA: We are part of group 2 in practical research of Stem 1, we just have a few

questions regarding the study we are doing, so let's start. Do you use the internet often?

Informant #4: Yes, it's like I've been soaking in the internet all day

RAA: And how about social media, do you use social media often? Such as Facebook,

Twitter, or Instagram

Informant #4: Yes always

RAA: Are there times when you rant using social media or show resentment

Informant #4: Sometimes but I didn't rant in a public account

RAA: What social media site do you mostly use on ranting?

Informant #4: Twitter and Facebook

RAA: How old are you?

Informant #4:17 years old

JNQA: So miss Grace, do you use social media to rant about your problems? And why?

So do you use social media to solve problems? And why?

Informant #4: Will please repeat please

JNQA: Uhmm do you use social media to express your problem and why?

Informant #4: Sometimes it can get complicated sometimes so I say I have a problem


RAA: Do you find ranting on social media necessary? And why? Do you think so? Is it

still necessary to rant on social media? Or do we still need to post on social media our

problems? Is this necessary for you? Why?

Informant #4: It's not because there are as many advantages and disadvantages as

you rant on social media. Some will say bad comments to you and good comments like

that but for me that's not right Because you should open it to your friends, relatives,

family don't make it public, Because there are also those who won't be happy like that.
JNQA: So next question is what are the benefits that you gain from ranting on social

media? So what are the benefits you get from ranting on social media?

Informant #4: I can get advice from people who have seen my post.

JNQA: Does it help to relieve the stress you are carrying?

Informant #4: It still helps, but it's different in someone who talks to you personally

JNQA: So the likes and shares of what you post. For example, your post and there are

likes and shares and there are also comments, does that help you?

RAA: Does it make you feel better? Like that

Informant #4: It doesn't look like that either

RSA: So excuse, didn't you say earlier it's not necessary for social media? But why do

you still do it?

Informant #4: I do it before but not now cause I find it toxic

RSA: What's your reason before for ranting

Informant #4: Because I haven't been able to open up my problem before. I am not that

open-minded in my family. So that's on social media

RSA: Thank you

RAA: That's all, thank you

JNQA: Thank you for participating in the interview questions

Informant #4: Okay thank you

An interview conducted by Marvin H. Flor, Eddie B. Gonzales, and Ranier S.

Avellano with our 5th informant, grade 11 student. On Tuesday April 20, 2021 around

7:00 pm. Through Google Meet.

MHF: Good evening po Mr. Magnayao ako po si Marvin Flor at partner ko na si eddie

Gonzales galing sa Grade 11 STEM 1 group 2 P.R 1. mayroon lang po kaming kaunting

katanungan para sayo.

MHF: Madalas po ba kayong gumamit ng internet?

Informant #5: Oo.

MHF: Ah ok. Eh how about social media po?madalas din po kayo gumamit?

Informant #5: Ano kung facebook hindi madalas depende nalang Kung mag popost

yung teacher na assignment sa group ganun.

MHF: May mga times Poba na nagrarant kayo sa social media or naglalabas ng sama

ng loob?

Informant #5: Ano lang kunyare nagshashared post ng ano about sa problema sa


MHF: Anong social media naman ang ginagamit mo? Halimbawa; Facebook, twitter or

IG ganun.

Informant #5: Facebook tsaka IG (Intagram) minsan.

EGB: Ilan taon Napo ba kayo?

Informant #5: 17.

EGB: Do you use social media to rant about problem and why? ginagamit mo po ba

and social media upang mag rant tungkol sa problema mo at bakit?

Informant #5: Hinde naman siya direktang rant ano, ginagamit kolang siya para

maexpress yung feeling ko ganun at tsaka minsan wala den mapagsabihan kaya sa

social media nalang.

EGB: Do you find ranting in social media necessary? why? Nakikita mo bang

kinakailangan ang pag rarant sa social media at bakit.

Informant #5: Para sakin hindi naman siya necessary, parang ginagawa lang ng iba

para makatulong lang as ano para lang gumaan yung pakiramdam Nila kahit kaunti.

RSA: Diba sabi mo hindi siya necessary pero ginagawa mo siya diba. Halimbawa yung

sinabe mo nga nagshashare kang rant. Considered yun as ranting kasi shinare mo siya

eh? Diba tama ba? Do you get my point?

Informant #5: Oo nagets konaman.

RSA: Pero you considered your self ranting in social media? kahit hindi gaano kabigat

basta ranting siya?

Informant #5: Oo parang ranting naden kasi ginagawa ko.

RSA: Yung shared post mo. Yung mga likes and comments badun nakakaapekto siya

para makagaan ng loob?

Informant #5: Yung iba oo kasi nalalaman ko na hindi lang naman ako yung may

ganung problema. Hindi lang ako mag isang nagkakaganon.

RSA: Kumbaga nakakakuha ka ng supporta sa iba noh?

Informant #5: Oo, sometimes nagchachat sila tas nagkwekwento.

RSA: Oh, parang may nakukuha kang atensyon o advice meron bang ganon?

Informant #5: Oo ganun, tapos binibigyan ko din sila ng advice minsan pag kunwari

alam ko yung problema nila.

RSA: Ahh... Sige sige salamat.

MHF: Yun lang po tanong namin salamat po sa cooperation and keep safe.

Informant #5: Sige, Thank you.

MHF: Salamat sa time.

EGB: Thank you.

RSA: Thank you.

English Translation

MHF: Good evening Mr. Magnayao, I'm Marvin Flor and my partner Eddie Gonzales

from Grade 11 STEM 1 group 2 P.R 1. We only have a few questions for you.

MHF: Do you use the internet often?

Informant #5: Yes.

MHF: All right. how about social media? Do you use it often?

Informant #5: If Facebook I doesn't use it often, depend on if the teacher posts the

assignment in the group.

MHF: There are times that you rant on social media or express resentment?
Informant #5: Like for example I'd shared a post about problem in school.

MHF: What social media do you use? For example; Facebook, twitter or IG like that.

Informant #5: Facebook and IG (Instagram) sometimes.

EBG: What's your Age?

Informant #5: 17.

EBG: Do you use social media to rant about problem and why?

Informant #5: It's doesn't rant directly, I use it to express my feelings like that and

sometimes there's no one to talk too, so I share it just on social media.

EBG: Do you find ranting in social media necessary? why?

Informant #5: For me, It is not necessary. It seems that others are just doing it to help,

just to make themselves feel a little better.

RSA: Like you say it's not necessary but your doing it right. For example, you said you

were sharing a rant. It's considered as ranting because you shared it? Isn't that right?

Do you get my point?

Informant #5: Yes, I get your point.

RSA: But you considered your self ranting in social media? Even if it's not that heavy as

long as it's ranting?

Informant #5: Yes, it's like ranting.

RSA: In your shared post. The likes and comments there can affect you to be relieved?
Informant #5: The others do because I know that I'm not the only one with such a

problem. I'm not the only one getting better.

RSA: You get support from others?

Informant #5: Yes, sometimes they chat and talk.

RSA: Or, it's like you're getting some attention or advice

Informant #5: Exactly, then I also give them advice sometimes like when I know their


RSA: Ahh... All right Thank you.

MHF: That's all we ask, thank you for your cooperation and keep safe.

Informant #5: OK, Thank you.

MHF: Thanks for the time.

EGB: Thank you.

RSA: Thank you.

Matrix #1

Age/sex Informants
17, Female Informant #1

17, Female Informant #2

17, Female Informant #3

17, Female Informant #4

17, Male Informant #5

Base on matrix #1 five out five informants are at the age of 17. And 4 of it are

female and 1 is male.

According to Taylor (2018) conducted a new global study, Social for Everyone,

in which we spoke to over 40,000 people aged 6 to 54 across 35 markets and they

found that different age groups do indeed have distinct social media behaviors. Ages

11-24 they are looking for an identity and what better way to do that than, social media,

they are focus on how other perceived them so it is likely that they use social media for

ranting because they always try to share and connect in the social media.

According to Tankovska (2021) In gender a new information was given in

January 2021 and it is stating that there are many male users than female users in
social media by an exceptional amount but it doesn’t mean that men are the leading

percentage on using social media for airing grievances.

Matrix #2

Why does the grade 11 students use social media to express themselves

Informants Comments
Informant #1 “to release my frustrations that I can’t tell
Informant #2 “So I can let go of my anger, something
like that. It's like I can express my anger
without harming someone.”
Informant #3 "Perhaps because, by ranting on social
media, one can release hatred from
within and feel at ease. Ranting on social
media tends to ease some of the
discomfort, of course for some instances
Informant #4 "Sometimes it can get complicated so I
express my problem there. Because I
haven't been able to open up my problem
before. I am not that open-minded in my
Informant #5 “I use it to express my feelings like that
and sometimes there's no one to talk too,
so I share it just on social media”

In matrix #2 shows that most of the informants express themselves on social

media to lessen their stress, and to let go of their frustration, that can’t tell personally.
They also express grievance because they don’t know who to talk to regarding their


Base on uses and gratification theory (2000) shows that people use social media

to satisfy the need of tension free needs, the need to relieve stress.

Pan (2019) stated that social media has become somewhat an outlet for people

to share, sometimes overshare their emotions. This makes it easier for us to type away

whatever we feel and direct it to someone, without actually saying it face to face or

confronting them.

Matrix #3

What are the benefits of the grade 11 students gain from ranting online.

Informants Comments
Informant #1 “you can tell things that you can’t say to
other people and getting support and
advice from other people and it is easier
on social media.”
Informant #2 “I will gain knowledge through the given
advice of my friends. I will learn from what
they are saying. They told me that I
shouldn’t be shy approaching them to ask
for help.”
Informant #3 “It gives me attention and concerns, in a
way of ranting on Social Media,”
Informant #4 “I can get advice from people who have
seen my post.”
Informant #5 “Getting support, attention and advice
from others”
In matrix #3 it shows that most of the students gains advice, attention and support

from other people when they rant on social media. The students also sees people who

are concern to them when they are ranting on social media.

According to the Mental Health Aid (2020) anyone can ask for help if they have


According to Hinduja (n.d) teens around the world have embraced social media to

connect with others who can encourage them, mentor them, inspire them, and – most of

all – show them they are not alone.


Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendation

This chapter presents summary and conclusion derived in the conduct of the

study to know the reasons why grade 11 students use social media to air grievances

and it also provides recommendation by the researchers.

The study was conducted from one private university around Pasig City the

respondents are grade 11 students, the students were selected using purposive

sampling. It employed qualitative method. Pertain data thru interview.

Summary of findings

 Profile of the informants all five informants are 17 years old, 4 of them are female

and 1 is male.
 Informants’ reasons for ranting are to lessen their stress, to let go of their anger they

can’t tell personally, and they don’t have people to talk to.

 The benefits that the informants gain from ranting on social media are getting

advice, attention and support from other people who shows concern.


Based on the findings generated from the data gathered from the informant, the

researchers present their following conclusions:

 All of the informants are 17 years old and most of them are female

 The researchers conclude that the reason behind why student rant online is to

lessen stress they feel.

 The researchers conclude that the benefits of the informants’ gain from ranting

online is getting advice from other people


After the researchers have gathered enough data and conclusions have been

made, the researchers present their following recommendations:

 For the students instead of ranting on social media fix the problem immediately

with the person involved after the problem occurred, so it will not get out of hand.

 For the parents always show concern to your children, make some more time to

your children, and frequently ask them if they are fine, and help them to resolve

their problem/s.
 For the teachers act like their second parent, try to help with problem as much

the teachers can, and teachers can provide guidelines to their students to follow

on what is the correct way to rant on social media to avoid future problems.

 For the future researchers conduct a research about the perception of the

parents on the usage of social media as a platform for airing grievance.

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