Gordons 11 Patterns of Functioning

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Health perception / Health Management
The male patient presented looks neat and tidy. With Patient in Supine position with blood pressure
Mitral valve prolapse is a common
fair, warm, firm skin turgor and no lesions noted. of 120/70 mmHg, pulse rate of 68 bpm, respiratory
cause of a heart murmur caused by a "leaky"
His mother describes his health status as being rate of 18 bpm, and temperature.
heart valve. In most cases, mitral valve
“fair”. His mother is a little bit concern about his Patient complaints of pain in his lower
prolapse is not serious or life-threatening.
unhealthy eating habit. Her immunization including extremities due to his operation. After the
Many people who have the condition
Tetanus, pneumonia, influenza, MMR, polio, and successful operation he was given a medication
experience no symptoms at all. However, the
Hepa B. According to her mother. According to her Metoprolol, Aspirin, Nexium and Warfarin.
condition may get worse over time and cause
mother, he is well oriented, alert, and cooperative.
symptoms to develop. Anyone who feels any
The patient has normal vision, taste, smell, and
sharp chest pain should speak to a doctor
normal hearing ability. Fingernails and toenails are
about it.
clean and well-groomed. There are no signs of
abnormalities, injuries, lesions on his head, skull and
scalp, hair, sinuses, eyes, ears, nose, neck, chest, and
abdomen. He has complete set of teeth with braces.
The patient is a non-smoker and non-alcoholic.
With a family of asthma. According to her mother,
they have no history of serious illnesses except for
common cough and cold, his husband has a history
of asthma. One of her sisters has asthma and another
sister has no record of any serious illness except for
common cough and cold.
The patient is doing light exercise, jog and walk
during his free days with his friends just for pictures
only to post on social media. He’s doing heavy
works like lifting heavy objects, especially when
cleaning the with his siblings.
With regards to her diet, He likes to eat frozen
foods like hotdogs, frozen foods, instant noodles,
and also junk foods. But also eat fruits especially
watermelon one of his favorites and pineapples.
Patient’s economic status is average and the family
belongs to a middle-class range. He has full support
from all of his family member physically,
emotionally, and mentally.

According to her mother patient has fair, warm, Diet as tolerated was ordered by the Certain drinks can increase the effect
firm skin turgor with no lesions noted. The face is Physician. Educated the patient on the importance of warfarin, leading to bleeding problems.
symmetrical with intact facial nerves. Eyes appear of a high-carbohydrate and high-protein diet for Warfarin is an anticoagulant, or blood thinner.
to be moist with normal pupil, eyelids and sclera. adequate healing. It’s used to prevent blood clots from forming
There is no swelling present on the eyelids. Absence in your blood vessels. It also treats blood clots
of tenderness, lesions and no abnormal masses on if they do form by preventing them from
ears. Lips don’t look pale, and is smooth and moist. getting larger.
Teeth are complete set with braces. With 14 dentures Substances other than food can also affect how

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