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Marketing Information
to Gain Customer Insights
Chapter Outline
• Marketing Information and Customer Insights
• Assessing Marketing Information Needs
• Developing Marketing Information
• Marketing Research
• Analyzing and Using Marketing Information
• Other Marketing Information Considerations
Marketing Information and
Customer Insights
• To create value for customers and to build meaningful
relationships with them, marketers must first gain fresh,
deep insights into what customers need and want.
• Customer insights: Fresh understandings of customers
and the marketplace derived from marketing information
that become the basis for creating customer value and
Marketing Information System
Effective Marketing Information System

Companies must design effective

marketing information systems that give
• the right information
• in the right form
• at the right time
• and help them to use this information
to create customer value and stronger
customer relationship.
Definition of Marketing Information

A MIS consists of people and procedures

for assessing information needs,
developing the needed information, and
helping decision makers to use the
information to generate and validate
actionable customer and market insights.
Assessing Marketing Information

A good MIS balances the information users

would like to have against what they really
need and what is feasible to offer.
The company begins by interviewing
managers to find out what information
they would like.
Assessing Marketing Information Needs

Customers Company
Developing Marketing Information

• Internal Databases
• Competitive Marketing Intelligence
• Marketing Research
Internal databases

• Electronic collections of consumer and market

information obtained from data sources
within the company network.
Competitive Marketing Intelligence

The systematic collection and analysis of

publicly available information about
consumers, competitors, and developments in
the marketing environment.
Marketing Research

The systematic design, collection, analysis,

and reporting of data relevant to a specific
marketing situation facing an organization.
The Marketing Research Process
Defining the Problem and Research Objectives

Exploratory • Define the problem

Research • Suggest research

• Describes things

Causal • Cause and effect

Research relationships
Developing the Research Plan Marketer’s

• What information do we need?

• How will we get it?
Types of Data

• Information that already

Secondary exists somewhere, having
been collected for another
data purpose

• Information collected for the

Primary specific purpose at hand
Primary data – Research
• Observational research – Gathering primary data by
observing relevant people, actions, and situations.
– Ethnographic research : A form of observational
research that involves sending trained observers
to watch and interact with consumers in their
“natural habitat”.
• Survey Research – Gathering primary data by asking
people questions about their knowledge, attitudes,
preferences, and buying behavior.
Primary data – Research
Approaches Conti……

• Experimental research – Gathering primary

data by selecting matched groups of subjects,
giving them different treatments, controlling
related factors, and checking for differences in
group responses.
Primary Data Contact Methods
Primary Data

Online focus
Internet surveys
Web-based Tracking online
experiments behavior
• A segment of the population selected for marketing
research to represent the population as a whole is
known as Sample.
• Designing the sample requires three decisions:
– Who is to be studied.
– How many people should be included (Sample size).
– How should the people in the sample should be chosen.
• Probability samples
• Non probability samples.
Probability and Non Probability
• Probability Samples: Each member of the
population has a known chance of being
included in the sample.
• Non Probability Samples:
Primary Research
Sampling Plan
Research Instruments

• Most common • Nielsen people
• Flexible meters
• Physical responses
• Neuromarketing
Implementing the Research Plan

Collecting Analyzing

Interpreting and Reporting Findings

The research should present IMPORTANT

findings that are related to decision
Analyzing and Using Marketing Information

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) involves

Managing customer “touch points” in order to
maximize customer loyalty.
Analyzing and Using Marketing

• Distribution of Marketing Information

– Company Intranet
– Extranets

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