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A/n _______________ is a calling in the preparation for or practice of which academic learning
is required and which has for its prime purpose the rendering of public service.
a. Lawyer
b. Profession
c. Public servant
d. Accountant
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic element of partnership;
a. Consensual
b. Nominal
c. Onerous
d. Commutative
3. The following cannot give their consent to a contract of partnership except;
a. Insane persons
b. Unemancipated minors
c. Incompetents who are under guardianship
d. Persons with disabilities
4. Which of these is/are an essential requisite/s of an obligation?
I. A passive subject III. Object or prestation
II. A juridical or legal tie IV. An active subject
a. I only
b. I,II
5. Obligations arise from:
a. Quasi-contracts
b. Quasi-delicts
c. None of the above
d. All of the above
6. It is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the
other, to give something or to render some service.
a. Contract
b. Feasibility Study
c. Proposal
d. Board Meeting
7. All of these are forms of contribution except;
a. Checks
b. Money
c. Industry
d. Property
8. I. A generic thing is identified only by its specie.
II. The debtor can give anything of the same class as long as it is of the same kind.
a. I is true, II is false
b. I is false, II is true
c. Both are true
d. Both are false
9. It is necessary as “a condition for the issuance of licenses to engage in business or trade.
a. Records
b. Registration
c. Monitoring
d. Application
10. ART. 1774. Any _______________ or an interest therein may be acquired in the partnership
name. Title so acquired can be conveyed only in the partnership name.
a. Immovable object
b. Immovable property
c. Immovable thing
d. Immovable document
11. A classification of partnership which refers to all the present property or to all profits.
a. Particular partnership
b. General partnership
c. Limited partnership
d. Universal partnership
12. A kind of partner which is classified as the one who contributes property to the common fund.
a. Capitalist partner
b. General partner
c. Industrial partner
d. Managing partner
13. ART. 1782. Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any donation or advantage
cannot enter into a ___________________.
a. Secret partnership
b. Limited partnership
c. Universal partnership
d. Particular partnership
14. What are the kinds of obligations?
I. Real
II. Personal
III. Inter-personal
IV. Intra-personal
a. I,III
c. I,II
15. ART. 1164. The __________ has the right to the fruits of the thing from the time the obligation
to deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no real right over it until the same has been
delivered to him.
a. Debtor
b. Creditor
c. Payee
d. Owner
16. The following are the kinds of negligence according to source of obligation except;
a. Culpa contractual
b. Culpa aquiliana
c. Culpa mea
d. Culpa criminal
17. Which of these are the factors to be considered as negligence?
I. Nature of the obligation
II. Circumstances of the person
III. Circumstances of time
IV. Circumstances of the place
a. I,II
d. II,IV
18. It is “the attention and care required of a person in a given situation and is the opposite of
a. Conscientiousness
b. Laxity
c. Remissness
d. Diligence
19. It is a partnership formed by the marriage of husband and wife.
a. Conjugal partnership of gains
b. Conjugal partnership of gains and losses
c. Conjugal partnership of assets
d. Conjugal partnership as married couple
20. The mere sharing of gross returns do indicate a partnership.
a. True
b. False
c. At some point true
d. Undefined

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