She Walks in Beauty', One of Lord Byron's Most Famouse Poem, Is She Walks in Beauty

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‘She walks in beauty’, one of Lord Byron’s most famouse poem, is a good

example of a Romantic poem. Romanticism was a movement that originated in

Europe towards the end of the 18th century. She walks in beauty represents the
ideals of Romanticism base on some characteristics of it: emotion, the nature as the
purest, most perfect example of beauty and melancholy.
Firstly, we can see the use of emotion in his poem, when the author desribes the
beauty of the woman, he obviously has a special feeling for this woman, by some
words such as “eloquent”, “gaudy” and “serenely”, he expresses his emotion
strongly. he seems to fall in love with both her looks and her innocence, as he
shows through the verses : She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
But tell of days in goodness spent
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
Beside it, the author compares this beautiful woman to nature. This is a
characteristic of Romanticsim, they idealized nature and believed that the natural
world was the most appropriate setting for humans. In this poem, we can see the
author does not compare the woman to anything other than the natural world, by
some words such as ‘like the night’ “Starry skies”, “cloudless climes”. This
exemplifies the poem of having one of romanticism’s major characteristics.
Throughout “She Walks in Beauty”, Lord Byron doesn’t have any the verses to
show his feeling, but we can see his emotion as soon as he describes the beautiful
woman, both her looks and her innocence, when he compares her beauty to the
natural world. These are the reasons why she walks in beauty represents the ideals
of Romanticism.

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